It didn't take long for Taiyin Zhenjun's voice to come, and he himself came in response to it, but just as he moved away from the clouds and came down, he was suddenly thrown by the person who came, and was hugged by his thigh.

"Master, you are here! Junior Sister Danqing was captured by Moxiu, and I was almost in danger!" Feng Shao entered the scene very quickly, with a panicked look, and hurriedly grabbed Tai Yin before he could speak. attention.

"Magic cultivator?" Tai Yin really attracted the attention of these two words. After all, this is Xu Jizhou, and here is Fuyao Mountain. No matter how you look at it, it is under Kunlun's nose, and he dares to have a magical cultivator! ?

Immediately afterwards, Tai Yin pulled Feng Shao up, frowned and reprimanded: "It's just a few daring demon cultivators, what about this appearance?"

Feng Shao was a little bit ashamed: "The apprentice is also afraid of losing his junior sister, and it is difficult to explain to the master."

When these words are spoken, it is enough to act out the appearance of "the well-behaved student has no intention of losing the marriage partner arranged by the parents and is so impatient", which is enough to deceive Tai Yin.He glanced at Feng Shao, and said: "Since it's not you playing tricks, how can I blame you as a teacher, and Si Guofeng is not willing to let you stay as a teacher."

Si Guofeng!

Feng Shao's heart was shocked, fortunately he reacted quickly, otherwise once he went inside, at least he would not have heard of any disciple who came out within ten years.Of course, Siguo Peak is not without benefits. Just blocking the actions of Kunlun disciples, there are many sword caves in this peak, and many disciples invite themselves to enter the peak to sharpen their sword intent.

But compared to Kunlun's Beidou Sword Formation, this kind is much more difficult and difficult, and the ability to comprehend the meaning of the sword depends on being hacked.Since the founding of the sect, the swords of so many powerful and elders have all kinds of meanings. They are cut down one by one, and while torturing the erring disciples, there are really some who can have an epiphany.After all, the comprehension of sword intent, one step after another, is very particular about fate.

Although Feng Shao has always worked hard, he doesn't think he has the spirit of dedication to the sword, so he can't avoid places like Si Guofeng.Ten years is enough for him to do too many things, even to improve his strength, there are many choices.He is a magician!

"Who is this person?" Tai Yin was about to ask the reason of the matter, and then remembered that there was an outsider.At a glance, he was a young cultivator in his early twenties, with sculpted eyebrows and eagle eyes, tall and proud, dressed in white, with a cold and hard demeanor, but with outstanding appearance.

Feng Shao quickly recommended, saying: "Master, it was this fellow Taoist who saved the apprentice in this magic circle a few days ago."

Tai Yin took a look at Feng Bai, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes, Feng Shao took Feng Bai to Tai Yin without hesitation, and said: "Master, don't think that he is only at the early stage of foundation establishment, but in terms of strength, he But it is outstanding, and it is born with supernatural powers." After speaking, he gave Feng Bai a wink.

After Feng Shao's talk, although he didn't have time to communicate with Feng Bai beforehand, Feng Bai cooperated freely. After all, the two of them have been together for ten years, not only have mutual trust without compromise, but he also knows that his uncle loves to play this game the most. .

With just one look, he knew what his uncle was up to.

At this time, Feng Bai did not sacrifice the Zhanlu Sword, he knew what to do when he heard Feng Shao's words "innate supernatural power", and immediately flipped his hands, his slender and white fingers instantly turned into strong and sharp animal claws.There was only a "clang" sound, and a swipe of the tiger's claws made people involuntarily have the illusion of being run over by a rumble.

Cobwebs appeared within ten feet of the rock wall at the bottom of the valley, from slow to fast, and the rubble piled up like a hill.

This level of attack is nothing to a cultivator at the golden core stage, and even more insignificant to Tai Yin at the void return stage. The animal claws, but the one that had no tricks at all, was just a random blow that didn't even turn into spiritual power, but just brought out a fierce spirit qi to cause such damage.It shows how huge the potential is if it is taken seriously.

Tai Yin's eyes were bright, and he looked straight at Feng Bai. He was only at the foundation stage, a person who can transform into form, a cultivator who can use spiritual power... He suddenly stepped up, and came to Feng Bai while shifting shape, and with one hand He grabbed Feng Bai's wrist, and the other hand stretched from his dantian up to the center of his eyebrows.

This is probing, Feng Bai instinctively resisted, but when he received Feng Shao's encouraging eyes, he held back, so that Tai Yin's knowledge could be swept into his body.He was calm on the surface, but in his heart he was covering up layer upon layer. He was not afraid of letting others see the body of the white tiger, but he also didn't want to let others see more.

Tai Yin has always shown his emotions. In front of outsiders, when he was the suzerain, he still concealed a thing or two, but now he showed his nature, his face was flushed, obviously excited, he raised his head and said happily: "The body of the holy beast , is the body of a holy beast!"

After Feng Shao and Feng Bai exchanged glances, they immediately congratulated Tai Yin: "Master is overjoyed, you have found a good talent!"

Tai Yin raised his eyebrows with a smile, and asked Feng Bai: "What's your name? The body of a holy beast, isn't it also a member of the Lu tribe?" After all, the ancestor Sanyi who ascended in 3000 years is a member of the Lu tribe.

Feng Bai was about to answer, but Feng Shao took the first step and blurted out: "Exactly, he is an orphan of the Lu clan, named Mingjing, with a clear mind and a pure nature." The reason for this is to prevent Feng Bai from saying "Feng Bai "This name aroused unnecessary conjectures from his master.

Feng Bai's eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced back at him. After all, he didn't say much, he just bowed and said: "If you don't give up, I would like to worship the real king as a teacher." He said so, but in his heart he was dispensable, But I think that once I can worship a master with my uncle, not only can I be on the same level as my uncle, but I can also step into Kunlun with dignity, and I will never be separated day and night.

He bent the corners of his lips, becoming very expectant.

"This..." Tai Yin's joy turned to joy, and he hesitated for a while. After all, he was already in the realm of great power. Although he was pleasantly surprised to get such a beautiful jade as the body of the holy beast, he would not be too complacent.

He looked at Feng Bai, thought for a while, but then waved his hands: "Your temper is too cold, it really doesn't suit me. In the early years, maybe I could try my best to pull it off, but now I don't have the intention of taking disciples anymore. I'm afraid it will delay you."

Feng Bai was rejected unexpectedly, and he was rejected because of his temper, so he couldn't help seeing a gloomy look in his eyes.Although Feng Shao was surprised, but he didn't understand, Tai Yin is a very temperamental person, he can distinguish between likes and dislikes, accepting apprentices is also a matter of fate, if he doesn't accept Feng Bai, he is responsible for Feng Bai and cherishes his talents.

Understanding is understanding, Feng Shao can't give up the opportunity, immediately thought of someone, and suggested: "Master, the body of a holy beast is rare in a thousand years, and it is far better than my disciples. It would be a pity if I didn't accept it in Kunlun." If the master feels that he is out of temper, why don't you become a disciple with Senior Brother Gu Huai?"

Tai Yin's eyebrows moved, Feng Shao knew there was something going on, and then persuaded: "Senior brother is in the state of Jindan Dzogchen, it doesn't take much time to conceive a baby, and there are no apprentices. Besides, senior brother's temper is also cold, why don't you get along with me?" Does he match?"

When Tai Yin thought of Gu Huai's ice-like temperament, he couldn't help frowning.

In his early years, he was prone to troubles because of his will, and he was depressed for a while, wanting to concentrate on cultivating the Tao, so he took in an honest disciple Lin Congzhi, and Bingshan disciple Gu Huai, probably because he had the intention of affecting him.Later, as his state of mind improved, he accepted Feng Shao's little firecracker again, and felt more and more that Dao Xin is the most important thing to insist on authenticity, so he no longer suppressed his nature reluctantly, and devoted all his heart to the young disciple.

Hearing what Feng Shao said, Tai Yin judged others by himself, and felt that Feng Bai and Gu Huai had similar temperaments, so he probably wouldn't follow his old path.If he is accepted as Gu Huai's disciple, in the future this kid will be able to ascend to the Dao, which will also make him look good, so he will smile and say, "Not bad, not bad, you still have some brains."

As soon as these words came out, without Feng Shao's wink, Feng Bai understood, straightened his knees and kowtowed: "Disciple and grandson pay homage to master."

Tai Yin was very satisfied, and when he was about to help Feng Bai up, his previous scrutiny eyes became much softer, and he patted him on the shoulder with one hand, full of the intimacy of being one of his own.

Looking at this scene, Feng Shao felt a sense of emotion in his heart. It seems that there are some plots in the original drama, even if he deliberately walks sideways, it cannot be changed.Cause and effect are inherited, and the plot that can be changed in the first place is changed to the effect only after changing the cause.For today's matter, he can't change the original reason of Tai Yin's personality, and he can't change the result of Feng Bai being accepted as a disciple by Gu Huai.

Therefore, in order to change his final outcome, he still needs to change the cause of the outcome.However, if this reason is Feng Bai, then it has changed, but if this reason is something else... Then, his ending is still unknown.

Feng Shao's gaze sank, somehow, he thought of Patriarch Xumi and that real immortal incarnation named Zixu.

But Feng Shao didn't get distracted for long, because Tai Yin quickly asked about Danqing's whereabouts, and his tone was somewhat concerned. It seemed that he was very satisfied with Danqing, as if he regarded her as a prospective apprentice-in-law.

Feng Shao was actually not sure why Danqing disappeared, but since he and Feng Bai had already noticed that the magic circle was completely used by the master, and Danqing disappeared just at this time, it is inevitable that people can't imagine couplet.He said that Danqing was taken away by Moxiu, so it might be based on facts.

So he polished it up a bit, and led Tai Yin to look at the remaining magic circle. Behind the bones and corpses all over the valley, Tai Yin didn't have any doubts, and his face was very ugly: "Nowadays, monsters and beasts are raging, but even the magic cultivator Dare to set foot in Kyushu, dare to set up such a sinister magic formation in Fuyao Mountain in my Kunlun, damage my Lingshan, despise my Kunlun, and even kidnap my Taiyin's apprentice daughter-in-law, you are looking for death!" When he spoke, his whole body was filled with aura Gushing out, forming a vortex of spiritual power, if you don't pay attention, you will be injured by the angry spirit.

Feng Bai's reaction was extremely sensitive, and he had already quietly protected Feng Shao by one side, regardless of whether Feng Shao could protect himself at all.

Then, Tai Yin comforted Feng Shao again, saying: "Shao Er, don't worry, since she is the apprentice daughter-in-law that my master favors, let alone a few demon cultivators, even if the demon master comes, I will snatch it back and be with you as a master." joint membership."

Feng Shao nodded in agreement, but halfway through the agreement, he felt a cold gaze from his side.He glanced over from the corner of his eye, and it was Feng Bai who looked over coldly, which made him feel chills for no reason. Search for the past with the trace of peace mantra spirit energy.Although the wisp of spiritual qi has been exhausted at this time, Tai Yin has a deep cultivation base and has been here personally, so he has his own way to find some clues...

So full of anger, Tae Yin, who wanted to help his lover to rob his wife, took his lover and his lover on the road.

The author has something to say: ※Small theater

※Feng Xiaobai: Apprentice daughter-in-law? (; '-')

※Feng Xiaoshao: ...uh...umm...o(>﹏口<)o※Feng Xiaobai: Wife-in-law? (; '-')

※Feng Xiaoshao: Animals are muddy!ah!lighter!Ah °. °·(((p(≧≦≦)q)))·°. °I was are the master's apprentice...5555...

※Feng Xiaobai: He is his son-in-law. =_,=

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