Pingrong Prefecture is almost on the other side of the mainland of Kyushu, and it took Taixuan and Feng Shao Teng the clouds and fog, and it took a month to arrive at Daluo Mountain in Pingrong Prefecture from Xu Jizhou.

Pingrong Prefecture is located in the east, where the climate is warm and humid, with four distinct seasons. Taixuan opened up a small cave here, with only one wooden house inside.In the middle of the room is a stone bed, the stone bed is entwined with aura, obviously it is a magic weapon.

On the Biluoshi bed, she was still wearing a goose-yellow robe, her voice and smile had not changed, as if it was yesterday, and even her slightly protruding abdomen was the same as it was four years ago.

Feng Shao felt a little uncomfortable watching, and couldn't help asking: "This child..."

Taixuan turned his face away, and at the same time he entered the spirit qi into the stone bed, he also sacrificed a dharma flag, and saw that four different colored qi bodies were thrown into the stone bed, and then evenly moistened from the stone bed to the whole body of Bi Luo. In the body.Visible to the naked eye, Bi Luo's face seemed to be slightly brighter, but as a result, a cloud of black air appeared in her abdomen.

"She can retain a trace of soul breath. Thanks to the fetus, most of the Yin-blood demonic energy resides in the fetus, which has resolved most of it for her. Otherwise, Biluo...but this child would not be able to live."

When Feng Shao heard this, he didn't say anything else. In this case, even if it is not easy for a cultivator to conceive an offspring, it is a blessing to be able to hug Bi Luo.He took out the Yin-blood magic bead and handed it to Taixuan. At this time, he was so close, the magic bead did not retaliate, and his whole body was bathed in a black brilliance of blood, which was strange and inexplicable.

Taixuan's method is to put this yin blood magic bead into the womb to further attract the wandering magic energy, and then integrate the various spiritual materials and earth treasures he prepared into several magic weapons to start the formation...

In short, use the magic beads to absorb the magic energy from the fetus, and then use the magic beads that have absorbed the magic energy to melt into the Biluo Dantian to nourish the essence, blood, soul, and four things.Because the magic bead originally contained the blood essence of Biluo and the fetus, and now it merged into the dantian. Although it forced Biluo to become a demon, and the Taoist cultivation base was destroyed, it could save her from danger.

Compared with survival, magic is not so important.At least in Taixuan's mind.

After Feng Shao learned about this method, he felt a little familiar, so he immediately asked Tai Xuan to wait for him to read the jade slips.

This method seems to be recorded in the Notes on Ji Lian Xin Mantra, but there is a slight discrepancy. After all, one of the methods is Taoist Sword Cultivator and the other is Demon Cultivator.This method itself is subtle, but because it is practiced by Taoism, many subtleties are not fully utilized.

For example, the magic bead absorbing the devil energy is one, and the four things that can nourish Biluo's essence and blood essence are two things, but it is possible to strip the essence and blood essence belonging to Biluo from the magic bead, and even remove the yin blood magic bead from Biluo's body. separate.In this way, the devil energy gathers in the fetus, take out the fetus, take out the Yin blood magic beads, Biluo itself will be clean, and will not be polluted by the devil energy, and regain the Taoist cultivation base.

After Feng Shao discussed with Taixuan, Taixuan's new hope was ignited. After all, if Biluo practiced magic, even if he didn't care, it would be very difficult to guide Biluo to practice on the way of magic.If Biluo no longer practiced, and floating for a lifetime, it would only last a hundred years, and Taixuan would be alone in the next thousand years.

For many days after that, Taixuan went deep into the land of Huawai to search for the required potions alone, while Feng Shao devoted himself to studying this method.

Although this method is not easy, the difficulty lies in how to control the Yin-Blood Demon Orb. After all, ordinary Yin-Blood Demon Orbs are dead objects and will only obey the orders of those who form the formation.And the person who formed the formation was Qingyang.Fortunately, this magic bead has been intensified by the pure yin body of Danqing and the essence, blood, soul, and soul of the unborn fetus, and it has become a living thing, which is also a new life. It doesn't matter.

And Feng Shao absorbed the magic energy of this Yin-blood magic bead for four years, and he has long been indistinguishable from it, almost integrated with it, and it is not difficult to control it.Only manipulating the magic beads, this big problem is solved, and the whole rescue method will go smoothly.

Four months later, under the blessing of Taixuan's spiritual power, Feng Shao used his magic power and various potions to start performing this method.

Everything went well ahead, the devil energy in Biluo's body was swept away into the womb, the blood essence belonging to Biluo was stripped out of the magic bead, embedded in Biluo's dantian, and then the bead was taken out... But something happened!

When the magic bead went upwards from the dantian, it passed by the place of the fetus, but it seemed to be firmly stuck in, or it was absorbed by the fetus, in short, it could not come out.Feng Shao had no choice but to immediately remove the fetus that was full of magic energy and sucking the magic beads.

The moment the fetus was separated from Bi Luo's womb, the entire wooden house, and even the entire cave were shrouded in a layer of blood-colored smoke that was as black as ink, making it impossible to see.Bizarre.

The four-month-old fetus hadn't grown up at all, it was only the size of a palm, protected by the devilish energy, and the Yinblood devil bead was in his tiny belly.Although he didn't have the pure feeling of a normal child, holding Feng Shao in his palm stirred a softness in his heart.Inexplicably, he felt that there was a connection between this little fetus and himself.

But this must be an illusion, this is clearly the child of Biluo and Taixuan, then... it should be the magic pearl that caused Feng Shao to have such an illusion.He decided in his heart that he doesn't know what kind of existence this fetus is now. According to his perception, although this fetus is entangled in devilish energy and dark, it is almost a devil's fetus, but it is also full of vitality.

After all, he is Biluo and Taixuan's hard-won child. Feng Shao thought about it, and tried to use the method of sacrificial heart spell injection to separate the essence, blood, and soul of the fetus in the magic bead, and then take out the magic bead, Perhaps the fetus could be saved.

When Feng Shao finally realized that the above two ideas could not be realized at all, it was already three months later.

Although the Yinblood Demon Bead was connected with his mind, it was strangely integrated with the fetus at this time.So he failed to separate the essence, blood and soul of the fetus, let alone take out the magic bead.But I don't know if I should be lucky, the fetus is still alive, and it seems that it is getting more tenacious as it lives.

Feng Shao walked out of the wooden house and was about to discuss this matter with Tai Xuan, but he saw Bi Luo first.Still wearing a yellow shirt, compared to the haggard and thin when he was unconscious, he now looks plump and energetic, as bright as before.

Feng Shao was happy, and was about to call "Aunt Master", but Bi Luo showed a look of surprise, took two steps back in embarrassment, and then said: " are Brother Xuan's nephew, right?"

After being stunned, Feng Shao didn't say anything for a long while, and scanned the past, it was true that he couldn't perceive the other party's cultivation, but...

Just wondering, Taixuan had returned from outside, with a food box in his hand, Biluo went up to pick it up familiarly, and then smiled and said: "Thank you, Brother Xuan." As she spoke, she put the food in the food box one by one Put it out, then looked over, smiling like a flower: "Shall we have some food together?"

Feng Shao took a look at Tai Xuan, and Tai Xuan sat down calmly, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat the mortal dishes without any aura.This couldn't help but surprised him even more, but at this moment he also recalled it, so he sat down as if nothing had happened.

Although Bi Luo didn't remember the person anymore, her temperament didn't seem to change, and her voice was still kind.She gently adds food to Tai Xuan and Feng Shao, and sometimes asks some questions, if the answer is not in-depth, she will not pester her, she is very peaceful.If Feng Shao hadn't faced the other party directly and forgotten himself, he probably wouldn't have seen anything wrong with Bi Luo and the past.

After eating, Feng Shao naturally wanted to figure out how to deal with the leftovers, but Tai Xuan held down his hand, seeing in Bi Luo's eyes, he smiled, stretched out his hand to clean it up, and said, "Brother Xuan saved me, take care of me every day Me, I'll take care of things like this, you just rest." They used their hands to tidy up one by one, and Taixuan also used his hands to step forward to help.

In this way, Feng Shao will be satisfied, and he has experienced it again after not washing the dishes for a long time.

Afterwards, Bi Luo read quietly in the courtyard, while Tai Xuan and Feng Shao went into the back room.

"In this catastrophe, although she survived by chance, her cultivation was automatically sealed in the devil's energy. When the fetus was taken out before, she instinctively stopped it, which has already damaged her mind and forgotten the past." Taixuan calmly said.

Feng Shao frowned, and said: "When will Aunt Shi remember?"

Taixuan was silent for a while, and said: "When she conceives again and unseals her cultivation base, maybe she will be able to recall the past."

Feng Shao was stunned, not to mention 800 years after conceiving a baby again, and no matter how talented he is, it must take 500 years.Although there is a 2000-year Yuanshou in the Void Returning Period, after 500 years, it will be... He wanted to say something, but Taixuan's eyes were firm, and he didn't waver at all. His heart was inexplicably touched, and he couldn't say anything .

So Feng Shao stopped talking about this matter, and only talked about the fetus.

"Bi Luo managed to get rid of the demonic energy with great difficulty. Now that she is a mortal body, she must never touch a trace of that bloody demonic energy again." Taixuan turned around and said after a long while: "If the child can live, please Shao'er Nurturing, if not, then there is no good fortune." After finishing speaking, he left the room.

After a few days, Tai Xuan asked Bi Luo to leave the cave.In fact, it is true that there is no benefit for a mortal body in a cave, let alone a place like Kunlun Wonderland, which is even more blessed.So Tai Xuan wanted to lead Bi Luo into the mundane world.

"Let's find a village to settle down and practice again." Taixuan had already changed Kunlun's Yuebai Taoist robe, and he was wearing an ordinary green robe with a bit of fairy style, and Biluo's yellow shirt beside him seemed to be The icy cold around him also melted away, giving him some mortal vigor.

Feng Shao knew that this sentence meant that it would be difficult to see each other for hundreds of years, and he felt uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to make a strange expression on his face to make Bi Luo worry too much, so he just smiled: "Shao is waiting for the teacher in Kunlun. Uncle." It was still a teacher and aunt.

Taixuan glanced at Biluo, then looked at Feng Shao, and said via voice transmission: "Your disposition has not changed, and you have always been pure and kind. Even if you are cultivating demons, I think senior brother Taiyin and the disciples of Zongzhong will also be considerate, but there is something wrong with you." Punishment should no longer be for concealment.

Feng Shao nodded solemnly: I would like to follow the teachings of my uncle.

Tai Xuan nodded, but this time he didn't ride the clouds and mist, but supported Bi Luo to climb up a steed, while he held the reins, and slowly drifted away in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Feng Shao watched silently for a while, suddenly envious, and suddenly wanted Feng Bai very much.

Under this kind of thought, the fetus connected with him also moved, feeling its uneasiness and sadness.

Feng Shao raised his hand to call, and the seven or eight-month-old fetus landed in his arms.Although his eyes were closed tightly and covered in blood, he wasn't cute, but Feng Shao felt pity in his heart. He gently coaxed: "It's only a few hundred years, not too long. If your father waits, you can too." .”

The author has something to say: ※Small theater

※Magic tire: Dad...o(*^@^*)o

※Feng Xiaobai: How dare you have a baby behind my back! ?Say, the child is not mine! Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ※Feng Xiaoshao: No. (⊙o⊙)

※Feng Xiaobai: Okay, you are fine.Lv Dish Lv

※Feng Xiaoshao: ...Mushroom, save dad! ~~o (>_<)o~~

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