hours long.Those golden leaves swim towards Ye Yiqing through all the obstacles, and those who have good intentions try to catch one of them with magic, but all the tricks are useless.

To Yancheng, this moment seemed as long as being exiled for countless light years, but also as short as a moment.Yancheng didn't know, he didn't know that the palms of his hands holding Ye Yiqing's arms were already sweaty, and he didn't know what his expression was now.He just panicked like never before.His life has always been that gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, but now, his junior brother's life and death are unknown, but he dare not easily block these little leaves that are constantly attacking.Although those weird leaves were not murderous, they were weird and uncontrollable, as if there was some huge force that invaded Ye Yiqing and attempted to control him.

☆、Chapter Fifty Senluo Calcium Tablets

Yancheng felt that he was also being manipulated, not by anything else, but by his own majestic and unstoppable anger and murderous aura.After an hour, Ye Yiqing finally stopped shining so brightly.He completely lost consciousness and support, and fell limply on Yancheng's hard chest.Yancheng felt Ye Yiqing's pulse, it was soothing and powerful.Only then did he regain his sanity, and stared at everyone in the house, including the staff of Tuo Library.

He was originally a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it was hard to find an opponent, not to mention Jian Xiu's awe-inspiring murderous aura, which ordinary people couldn't bear.Those monks watching the excitement were forced by Yancheng's momentum, and had no choice but to retreat.

Yancheng really wanted to break open the heads of each of them to see if there was any vicious thoughts against his junior brother. He wanted to find that person immediately, use the most cruel method to make him vomit his purpose, and then torture him to death so that he would never be reborn.It's just that this kind of domineering wish is hard to come by, and the safety of the younger brother is more important now, if he can't even understand this point, then he has lived a hundred years in vain.

In this way, without arguing with others, he hugged Ye Yiqing's limp body horizontally, walked along the window and left with Yu Jian.

He quickly returned to yesterday's inn and paid a month's rent in one go.It's still the high-end and quiet little courtyard, and those maids who are smart and quiet.Yancheng gently laid Ye Yiqing flat on the bed, but he didn't know what to do.

When Ye Yiqing was awake, there were people coming and going around him, and there were many small animals, so it was very lively.Now that he had stopped cooking, Yancheng realized that the silence around him was unbearable.

Yancheng visited Ye Yiqing's body's spiritual power and meridians, and it turned out that he was intact and healthy, except that he never woke up, which was better than falling asleep or meditating.He didn't feel relieved because of this, but was more worried about whether there was some evil thing that wanted to occupy and use Ye Yiqing's body.

He was thinking about whether to go to a doctor to show Ye Yiqing, and he felt that it would be difficult for a doctor who couldn't see anything unusual.He also thought that maybe it would be better to take his junior brother back to Xuantianmen quickly, so regardless of whether he had paid a month's accommodation fee or not, he stepped forward and hugged Ye Yiqing's limp body, while calling out Feijian.

It's just that before he hugged the person up, he suddenly felt that he was facing a deep starry sky.

Those were Ye Yiqing's bright eyes in the dark night.Just in the posture of half hugging and half hugging, it seems that there is something formless growing quietly in Yancheng's heart.

"You...you're awake." Not without surprise or excitement.It's just that it is difficult for Yancheng to express such complicated emotions smoothly. From the perspective of Ye Yiqing who just woke up, why his senior brother's eyes are full of grievances.The cliff is that he was wrong!Wrong posture, fall down and fall back asleep!

Ye Yiqing also didn't know why she suddenly became stupid, so she really pushed away Yancheng's hug and support, fell back to the soft bed and lay down with her eyes closed.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Yancheng hurriedly stepped forward to measure Ye Yiqing's pulse.

"I'm fine." Realizing that he had actually done something stupid, Ye Yiqing turned over and sat up again.

"Do you still remember who plotted against you?" After Yancheng touched Ye Yiqing all over to confirm that there was no problem, he restored the original Yancheng and regained his composure. The next step is to pay for his injustice. The injustice has been revenged.

Ye Yiqing was eaten all over the tofu by the male god with innocent motives, and she was turning pink all over from embarrassment, no matter what happened.From the words, he heard that his senior brother was actually such a conspiracy theory, and quickly stopped his senior brother's idea of ​​killing him.

"I don't think anyone plotted against me. At that time, there was no one in the room except me." While comforting Yancheng, Ye Yiqing tried hard to recall the strangeness during the day.

He remembered that he just picked up those books one by one, read them one by one, and then...!

A strange feeling that can only be presumed to be intuition drove him, and he used Ming Qi on Yancheng without thinking about anything.Without any premeditation, he saw the veins of the healthy organs and strong bones in the senior brother's body, and the fast and majestic breath of the Nascent Soul in the dantian, which was much larger than what was mentioned in the textbook.

A beauty who looks at people so carefully and then looks stunning will also lose her sense of beauty.Ye Yiqing was taken aback by her behavior, and quickly backed away.It's just that he forgot that he was sitting now, and he didn't grasp it well, so he lay down again.

"Master...Senior Brother? Maybe I got what opportunity." Ye Yiqing herself couldn't understand, not to mention being in the secret canyon, but at least in a place like the predecessor's cave, how could she browse in the bookstore by herself? I don't know if I bumped into something evil, but the four forms of insight, which were originally stagnant, can be used fluently without any stagnation!There is no such annoying long loading as before, it is as easy to grasp as an elementary spell.When it was instant, didn't his senior brother with the Nascent Soul cultivation base also notice something, didn't he? !This... What kind of rhythm is this?The so-called time-traveling hero has his own halo?

Talking about the halo, that's really half-baked, don't just increase the proficiency of insight, but give the protagonist a level up!


Ye Yiqing spent the whole night to appease his seemingly calm senior brother who was on a roller coaster in his mind.Yancheng didn't want Ye Yiqing to go to that evil place again, but Ye Yiqing couldn't bear the points he got in exchange for those spirit stones, so Yancheng finally agreed to go again without dismantling the gang.

At night, Ye Yiqing was alone in the room, looking up at the air, the gray word "Sen Luo" on the interface was very incomprehensible.

Since waking up, the Four Forms of Insight have become four buttons lined up on the drop-down page of the protagonist's page, but a round button next to the character's name makes people not care.The buttons on the interface of the encyclopedia are all square, the bigger ones are rectangles, and the smaller ones are squares, but this gray protruding "Sen Luo" is round and round like a big calcium tablet, and it still occupies such a conspicuous position.It's just that the button is grey, unexplained and unusable.Could it be some passive skill?Ye Yiqing had to think of what happened to him during the day today, and heard his senior brother describe to him the weird golden leaves of the annual rings and his state that was scarier than the shell of the primordial spirit. If it is a passive skill, it is indeed a magic stick.

He insinuated and asked his brother, did he have a book on his hand or at his feet when he found him?The answer I got was that I didn't have any in my hands, but there were many at my feet.This is not the answer Ye Yiqing wanted, presumably because when it formed a vortex and was drawn into Feiye, it also affected the surrounding books.It's just that no matter how carefully Ye Yiqing recalled, he couldn't remember the name of the last book he saw. He probably lost consciousness the moment he read it. After all, he didn't read it.

This gray button seems to cast a faint shadow on Ye Yiqing's mood. It is of course a good thing to have a big move, but a big move that cannot be controlled by oneself is a disaster rather than a blessing. What kind of commotion has been caused, what about keeping a low profile?Um?

This sudden change that came and went without a trace messed up the original plan of the two of Yan Ye, and the matter of the colorless python's transformation was postponed. Anyway, it was because Ye Yiqing knew that his cultivation was not going well, so he wanted to increase the bargaining chip. Now he can Relying largely on herself, Ye Yiqing is not unhappy.

In the extension library, Ye Yiqing repeated the cycle of picking up, looking at, ding-dong, putting down, and taking another book.In order not to look so weird, he deliberately pretended to be very pious and knowledgeable, and he read the titles of each book very seriously.Even so, apart from Yancheng, who is routine and calm, there are always a few people quietly watching him from a place not too far away from him.

There was no one else in the room except him yesterday, which shows that the classification items here are actually relatively unpopular.But today, not to mention the overcrowding, at least every corner has such a pair of curious eyes.Some are leaning against the bookshelf as if nothing had happened, tossing and turning a book in their hands, brother, what are you studying if you can't open it?Some took the initiative to attack, playing "passing by" with Ye Yiqing back and forth.Some simply pretended to be asleep, squinting their eyes and occasionally blinking their eyelashes, their acting skills are really bad.Yesterday's commotion made him a little famous figure in the museum (unwillingly!), everyone obviously wanted to ask Ye Yiqing for advice, but because of Yancheng's door god, they could only adopt a roundabout marking policy.

Ye Yiqing felt a little suspenseful, he only listened to Yancheng's narration, and did not see with his own eyes how strange his state was when he "fell sick" yesterday. Is it a novelty worth spending two high-grade spirit stones to watch?Then this person will be ashamed, he must not say that he is a disciple of Xuantianmen, and he will not embarrass the sect.Let the past go with the wind, let the wind go with the wind...

Adhering to the principle of not wasting the accommodation fee, Ye Yiqing was not in a hurry. It took a month to collect the bibliographies in the Tuo library that were not under key guards. When I looked back, I had already spent the amount The huge ticket price has to be said to be very small.During the period, he spent money to develop several books on talisman making and planting, none of which were really cheap.It's just that Ye Yiqing, the flower spirit stone, is not so painful compared to the need to spend contribution points in the door. Is this the so-called not being in charge of the family and not knowing that Chai Migui is expensive?

During this period, those who only dared to peep, those who came forward to chat, those who relied on the old to sell the old, and those who bullied others were all stared at, chased, and beaten out by Yancheng. I don't know what Yancheng said to the other party. After that, it was too late to owe 800 yuan. His mother's face became as if she had shaken out 500 million yuan.

Alas, Ye Yiqing couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, what about the world of Taoists, it is no different from Li Shuoran's previous world, they also pay attention to money, power, and fists, but it is simple and clear, so that time travelers like them will not be too flustered.

Although I didn't do well in my previous life, I hope to be such a good man in this life.Let's start with advancing quickly, when will he reach the middle stage of foundation establishment?When he was building the foundation, he was flustered, and he was confused when he understood and completed it. Ye Yiqing secretly made up his mind that the next time he advances, he must lay a solid foundation and follow the steps in order to be a reliable man.In fact, those monks who are full of curiosity are not useless. Occasionally Ye Yiqing will use them to practice enlightenment. There is really no one who tells the truth, which once again refreshes Ye Yiqing's understanding of human nature.

☆、Chapter 51 Brother Luo

Ye Yiqing was bored in the kitchen of his cave. At the moment, his face was full of flour and his hands were filled with dough, and there were thick and thin scorched red and pale cakes scattered around.

He has never really learned how to be a chef, and he has more experience in eating than the locals in Mangtianjie. When it comes to cooking, it is usually a little difficult to go through many failures, learn from it, or simply change the road for another. One way, anyway, I can't find a second person to jump out and correct what he did wrong.It takes time to finally come up with something that your own mouth and tongue are willing to let go, and then you will give it to others.

What stumped him today was the roast duck cake.put hot water?cold water?warm water?Thinner, ah no, thicker?There are many things in Xuantianmen, but there are not many cooks, and Ye Yiqing doesn't have a pastry chef to consult.Before you know it, all kinds of failed semi-finished products occupy most of the kitchen.

Yesterday, Ye Yiqing got two Yanling ducks, and suddenly he couldn't restrain his nostalgia for the roast ducks.In fact, it's not that there is no roast duck in Mount Tianjie, but the method is slightly different from the one Ye Yiqing ate in his previous life, and the taste is also very different.The seasoning trend of Mount Tianjie has always been light, and many good ingredients are tasteless because of this.Ye Yiqing's modern way of eating pancakes is a food culture that does not yet exist in the Mangtian world.

How else can you say that Ye Yiqing is not skilled?In a blink of an eye, most of the day was spent taking care of the gluttons in my stomach!

"Forget it, let's do it like this!" Ye Yiqing felt that she really couldn't make it as thin, firm and non-sticky as a professional master. If it is slightly thicker, it should be thicker.

When Ye Yiqing was struggling with the hard-to-clean face on his hands, a demon cultivator came to ask Ye Yiqing to go to Zilin Peak to discuss the requirements.That demon cultivator is also a bird, most of Yanqing's attendants are birds, presumably they are followers from the Crimson Clan.

This Zilin Peak is the nine secondary peaks around the main peak, which is the administrative organization of Xuantianmen. Ordinary disciples should not disturb them if they have nothing to do, so Ye Yiqing had never been there before.

Now that he has just returned from Mo City, what needs him to go to Zilin Peak?

Ye Yiqing was led into Zilin Peak by Senior Brother Bird.As expected of an important place, compared to Lieyan Peak, there are many potholes here.However, Ye Yiqing was not taken to any cave, but to a small square in the middle of Zilin Peak.

It is said to be a square, but in fact it is surrounded by green trees and grass, and only a piece of land is separated by prohibitions.At this time, there were some people around the small square, but there were a few familiar faces.

"Junior Brother Ye!" Senior Brother Niao, who was very quiet, brought Ye Yiqing to him and left quietly. The handsome guy Qing Weilou took over and led Ye Yiqing into the crowd.

Apart from Qingweilou, another face that Ye Yiqing is more familiar with is Jiang Riwan's Qing Gaowan, motherly face like a dead family.At this time, Ye Yiqing vaguely sensed that the winners of the previous qualification selection and the contestants of the core competition were gathered here, so today's event must be related to the core competition.

In addition to Brother Qing's victory over Brother Sang to advance to the next level that day, the other winner Ye Yiqing could name was this Gao Lengyin, Xiu Jiang Rilater.For some reason, looking at his lifeless pretty face, Ye Yiqing couldn't help but think of the scene he saw in the valley of the chessboard. Jiang Riwan looked back at his senior brother three times a step at a time. I don't know if the hero himself can detect Yi Ren's sincerity.

His senior brother is really good, anyone with eyes knows this.So everywhere you go, there are people rushing to pay by mistake, but there are so few people like Yancheng who are almost perfect, 99.9% of them are going to be broken glass shards, how can they be so confident that they can do that? The right one (female)?Why not learn from him, self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person, and his senior brother is obviously the kind that should not be played with.It's better not to take out your heart at the very beginning of everything, and if you accidentally step on it in the wind and rain.


Calling all the contestants one month in advance, it turned out that the leader this time, that is, the captain, wanted to arrange the lineup first.The so-called captain is not Qingweilou, but he did not participate in the duel that day and got the quota directly. He is currently the only Jindan Daojun within the age of 50 in Xuantianmen.

Since it is the only one, it must be the elite among this group of elites. Ye Yiqing imagined that his face might be more stinky than Jiang Riwan's. As he thought about it, he amused himself and made Qing Weilou look sideways.It's just that I didn't realize until I was introduced that it wasn't the case at all!

As soon as he got close to this senior brother Luo Tuluo, the first thing that shocked many eyes was his ears.Brother Luo's "hahahaha" was full of energy, even if it wasn't intentional, it would make people's brains roll three times.Ye Yiqing was as obedient as a little chicken, and hurriedly greeted Senior Brother Luo. I saw that Senior Brother Luo was about 46 or 50 years old. Rugged, standing among this group of people, it really feels like a big brother.Seeing Ye Yiqing's small appearance, Senior Brother Luo subconsciously relaxed most of the strength of his hands that patted him on the shoulder. He was smiling, with a hint of kindness in his eyes, and he looked much more reliable than Ye Qingxiao.

If Chu Tiankuo looks like a martial arts young hero, then this Senior Brother Luo really looks like the leader of a martial arts alliance.He is bold, has many friends, and has a high force value. He still does not lack the posture of the elders of the predecessors.Looking at Yancheng from this point of view, it will not work.Not to mention that he looks too badass, not like a hero but more like the young master of the Demon Cult, just say that he is a lonely and lonely man who doesn't like to talk, no matter how capable he is, he can't be the master of a sect.In other words, he lived a hundred years younger than Ye Yiqing, but Ye Yiqing didn't feel burdened at all by his senior brother and senior brother. It is really because his senior brother's growth rate is too slow except for the value of force.The face is tender and the heart is tender.

Sometimes, when people hit it off, there is nowhere to reason.Qingweilou introduced him to Senior Brother Luo, and also planned to take good care of the chicks under Qianli, the old hen, so that Qianli could buy him a favor and treat him a little easier.Unexpectedly, the two hit it off right away, senior brother Luo directly hugged Ye Yiqing and introduced him to other juniors and uncles. They were tall, one short, one strong and one thin. They met each other not long ago, just like the father and son, they were so intimate People smack their tongues.

Instead, he left the "matchmaker" Qingweilou behind, and tried his best to control himself not to raise question marks in his head.

Ye Yiqing was really close to Senior Brother Luo.There are too many smokeless people in this Mangtian world, Ye Yiqing always lacks a sense of belonging deep in his heart, sometimes he has to feel that he is an npc.At times like this, he was very tired and wanted to go offline and go home.It's a pity that time travel is mostly irreversible, and Ye Yiqing didn't dare to kneel down for herself.What's more, even if it is worn back, what can the body with a blood hole pierced through the forehead do?

As soon as he saw senior brother Luo Tuluo, he felt a sense of intimacy rushing over his face.As if he was still in the modern age of the 21st century, this Luo Tu was one of his father's drinking buddies when he was a child, kindly waiting for him to call him uncle or Da Da, and then he would take him to play some backward or childish games , but it is true that I like him from the bottom of my heart and aimlessly.

He had an unreliable father in his life. He still had feelings for him, but he always felt that the word "father" didn't fit well.Now that I see Senior Brother Luo, I feel a bit of genuine admiration.

Ordinarily, how could Brother Luo be so good-tempered?

It turned out that even though Brother Luo Tu joined the ranks of core disciples when he was young, he was really not particularly outstanding among the core disciples.If you say where he is famous, it is because he has a good attitude and a good attitude.It's a bit like an enhanced version of Chu Tiankuo, not so heartless, but very open-minded.

These disciples didn't feel it when they were young and humble, they only recognized their spiritual roots and worked hard to surpass their senior brothers and achieve high positions.With the growth of age and cultivation, because most of the core disciples have strong personalities and excellent spiritual roots, it is the easy-going and open-minded brother Luo who breaks through first in the state of mind, stably forms the pill, and wins the first place in one fell swoop. Breaking through the glass heart of the core disciples of the same class.

Yan Qing can also trust Luo Tu, thinking that he can hold the scene without being too biased, especially not like most of the core disciples, who can't get used to the "lucky" Ye Yiqing, and simply give the core competition the full power Handed over to Luotu.

Mingming Yanqing said that Ye Yiqing didn't mention it, but Senior Brother Luo really had a relationship with Ye Yiqing, he protected him intentionally or unintentionally, and came here from time to time when Ye Yiqing suffered blindfolded, straightening his spine.


The competition system of the core competition is not static, just like this year, there are 5 rounds of duels plus a team competition.That is to say, 5 of the participating core disciples of each sect will face each other one-on-one, and all 5 opponent teams will be able to face each other in 5 rounds.The remaining 5 people will participate in the team competition, that is, 5 people will stand on the same platform and fight against the enemy together.This requires attention to the word "cooperation", let alone a newcomer like Ye Yiqing who is not yet familiar with each other, let alone those core disciples who were not familiar with each other.That's why they were called together today, mainly because they wanted to hone the small team that was about to be formed.

Regardless of age, Qingwei Building is really very popular.Luo Tu was appointed to be fully responsible, and his main object of discussion was obviously Qing Dangerous Building.

Luo Tu originally wanted to lead the four juniors to participate in the team competition, but Qing Weilou has always opposed this.He is a Jindan early stage, and he will absolutely abuse his opponent in a one-on-one fight.Although Xuantianmen is aiming to win all 6 games, it is the advanced gameplay of the game to win beautifully and overwhelmingly.Although Senior Brother Luo really likes to take care of children, Qingweilou can't give in at this time and let him play willful.

Ye Yiqing was naturally kicked into a team battle.As far as his inconspicuous rookie style of play is concerned, he must be inside the door, and he is allowed to lose face.To catch up with the team battle, it happens that he is good at the auxiliary system, the rhythm of the game and so on. With four people in charge, he probably can't be a monster, right?

The personnel were allocated a little bit, and Qingweilou was singled out there.He followed Luo Tu, helping the messy team develop formation like a special assistant.

In the beginning, Ye Yiqing was so crowded that he could only stand at the back with his hands crossed.Even though he has a good insight into the weaknesses of the training buddies, Ye Yiqing is also happy to continue to be his little transparent since they are not willing to look at each other after three days.

Later, it was Qingweilou who knew the principle of making the best use of everything, and said, "It's rare for us to have a beast master. If we don't use it to frighten other sects, what should we hide?"

The main purpose of this day is to recognize each other's faces, and when they go back at night, Ye Yiqing will continue the unfinished business very calmly, putting the marinated duck into the kiln to roast.

At first Ye Yiqing used Yancheng's big kiln for refining wares. Later, when Yancheng found out how oily his refining materials were, Yancheng, who thought he didn't have a cleanliness addiction, really became popular.In anger, he broke into Ye Yiqing's cave and built a small food kiln for him.

So far, Ye Yiqing has finally discovered that his senior brother's way of getting angry is really unique, how can people bear to not be angry with him too much!

You can't expect Ye Yiqing to explore the sweet noodle sauce by himself. He has collected several flavors of miso sauce and plans to try them one by one.

Small water onions are something that Xuantianmen can't buy, and Ye Yiqing hasn't tried planting them yet, and he made a lot of them on the way back from Mocheng, anyway, they won't wilt if they are kept in the backpack.And with the big green onions planted before, it can be regarded as two kinds of additions.

This time he didn't go to Yancheng cave, he sent Dao Jisi to invite Yancheng over.

As for Daojisi and Yancheng's language barrier, what should I do?Ye Yiqing said that he believes that Dao Jisi loves Yancheng deeply, and he will be able to successfully complete the tasks assigned to him by the organization!

Sitting on Yancheng's shoulder was the beautiful Dao Jisi, who was assigned a task by Ye Yiqing as soon as he entered the door—a piece of duck.

Lang Jin once complained, saying that he had misunderstood Jianxiu?A swordsman really doesn't practice slicing, especially for someone with a big sword like him who mainly chops and chops, so his side job is also difficult to be a master of arranging dishes, so he asked to continue to be his chef.

However, this little comrade in Yancheng is still very hard-working, and without a word, he picked up the actor who has a lot of roles-Little Dagger, the pieces of duck meat are evenly sized, and each piece does not fall off the crispy duck skin. The disk is also very artistic, Ye Yiqing has to wonder if his brother has studied in New Oriental, this business is too skilled!

The roast duck just came out of the pan, it was piping hot and steaming, Yancheng didn't feel hot at all, when the two ducks were unloaded with four full plates of duck meat, the duck rack was still steaming in vain!

Ye Yiqing only cared about calling his senior brother to sit down, then took the duck rack back to the chopping board, chopped it into pieces, and boiled the duck rack soup.

When he finished a paragraph and turned around, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.I saw that his senior brother was as obedient as a kindergarten kid. Although he was staring at the plate of duck slices, his hands were softly placed on his knees, and he didn't try it first.

so good?How can there be no rewards?Ye Yiqing hurriedly took a drawer of down-to-earth roasted duck pancakes from the fire, and brought them to the table.

Ye Yiqing was afraid that it would be hot, so he took a piece of cake with chopsticks, and demonstrated in slow motion in front of Yancheng: pick up a piece of duck meat, dip it in sweet sauce, add another slice, add a few shallots, roll it It looks as beautiful as a chunky spring roll.Then he stretched his hand straight to Yancheng's mouth.

It's not that Ye Yiqing deliberately flirted with it, but it really fell apart as soon as he let go of it?In fact, it is a kind of food that is not suitable for pretending to be elegant.

Fortunately, Yancheng didn't think much of it, his eyes were shining, he took a bite of the burrito, and ate it happily.

The handsome guy is still handsome even if his cheeks are bulging. Ye Yiqing was fascinated by it. He rolled the duck cake mechanically in his hand and kept "cramming the duck".

I don't know if Yancheng's mother has served Yancheng like this, at least Ye Yiqing has found a little feeling of being a father in this senior.Ye Yiqing was a cute girl when she was a child, so Ye Qingxiao occasionally played with feeding when she became interested.At that time, Ye Yiqing's face was full of cuteness, and his heart was full of slander for Ye Qingxiao, a wretched uncle.This time it was his turn, and he suddenly awakened to the horror of blood relationship.

☆、Chapter 52 best option

There are many ways to intentionally not want to get along well with others, and there are only a few ways to deliberately want to get along well with others.It was Ye Yiqing who caught up with this person, even if he met an expert.

During the training, the brothers and sisters should obey the instructions, follow the steps, and try to obey the occasional one or two stinging words.He was good-looking but not dazzling, and he deliberately kept smiling and pretending to be a good-natured person. In addition, he added a variety of extra meals and snacks of thirty or fifty to make the brothers talk. It is not a problem at all that some people lose hostility towards him.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of departure.Under the leadership of the three uncles who have been in charge of supervising and taking care of them, everyone waited at the foot of the main peak early in the morning for instructions and instructions from the sect master. This was also a routine.

How far is Yuanying Da Neng from the peak to the foot of the mountain? I don't know if Uncle Yan is the sect master who has been doing this job for a long time, pretending to be inertial, so he has to sit on the flamingo all the way straight down, the bird Er'er's long cry was sharp and domineering, regardless of whether anyone got up early and had low blood pressure, he just tightened the strings in the minds of everyone under his feet.

The big beauty, Crimson, sat on the other and followed Yan Qing in harmony, more graceful than the sect master, like a big boss.

When the two masters were about to fall to the ground, they were led by Luo Tu, and even the uncle next to them stepped forward to salute.It's just that this punch has not yet been realized, and another figure descends from the sky.This time there was no strong wind or noise, the person who came flew down by himself, quietly, and was not noticed until it was almost in front of the eyes, it was actually Yancheng.

Yancheng had never been a core disciple, but today he was wearing something he had never seen before - the black embroidered cloud-pattern gown of the confidential elder fell from the main peak. ...What kind of rhythm is this?

In the lineup of contestants, there are those who are as confused as Ye Yiqing, and there are also a few who are confident.The master of the Yan sect didn't hold back, and introduced Yancheng to everyone.

Just kidding, except for Ye Yiqing, all of them have been core disciples for a long time, who wouldn't know Yancheng?

Introducing this person is naturally not the point.The main purpose of their main peak party is actually to meet their team leader.Although there are three golden alchemy master uncles to look after, according to the usual practice, the sect master will still send a team leader directly to lead the entire competition and personnel.After all, the three uncles all asked Xuefeng, and the master of the Yan family also came up with his own spokesperson.

In previous years, even if they were going to crush various factions, the leaders of Xuantianmen would not be carefully selected. Basically, they would go to the confidential elders whoever was free. They were very casual. Sometimes, if the elders were not free, they would ask about the situation of the head of the Zuifeng sect. It's not like it didn't happen.You must know that Nascent Soul Da Neng is a very indifferent and willful creature, and you can't expect the prestige and honor of martial art to have much weight in their hearts.

Who knows what's wrong this time, Yancheng is still wearing such a suit, usually no one can be found on occasions that should be present, but this time it is reasonable to say that he has nothing to do, but he jumped out and became the team leader.

Let's put aside Yancheng's brain circuits and talk about the situation and situation.It is not unreasonable for Yancheng to be the representative.Our newly promoted Nascent Soul is pulled out for a walk, what a good reason, this is a natural deterrent that doesn't require much talk.With Yancheng showing his face, Xuantianmen's goal of participating in the core competition every ten years has more than half been achieved.But success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He. Going to Yancheng is a bit too slap in the face, which is worse.Although the gang of Buguijianzong were a bit arrogant, the two factions had no feud, so there was really no need to let the whole Buguijianzong be unable to step down in front of the four factions' second seats.

It's just that Yancheng doesn't care what Jianzong thinks, he doesn't even care what Yanqing thinks, if he wants to go, he can go.Even though he could go there as a spectator, he was worried about the distance.


This core competition is not just a dozen or so contestants going alone.Due to its unique political purpose, the core competition of the six major sects held once every ten years, all major sects in the Mangtian Realm will send people to watch the battle.Xuantianmen, as one of the participating schools, will naturally bring a mighty team of spectators.Since Yanqing didn't go, this aspect was also entrusted to Yancheng.Of course, there are also staff leading the audience.

Yan Qing was followed by Luo Tu and Yan Cheng, and the others automatically followed, following behind Fei Jiang.A group of people stepped on their swords and flew into a small walking snake.

At this time, the spectator team had already assembled in the Inner Gate Square.

It's fine if you don't watch it, Ye Yiqing is happy to see it.why?You see hundreds of tall, short, fat, thin, men, women, young and old monks with different styles and styles uniformly wearing the Xuantianmen's pale lotus color uniforms, especially when viewed from the top, it is foggy. Thinking that these are the incomparable Xuantianmen Disciple, they condescend to wear a uniform uniform, which is still such a style that is out of everyone, you will laugh from the bottom of your heart.I don't know if this counts as a good day once every ten years to cultivate the sense of belonging of one's own disciples to one's own uniform.

Ye Yiqing had long heard that the Sang Ye people would gather to cheer him on, but there were only about two hundred people in the spectator team, and I don't know how Yun Pian and the others managed to squeeze in all of them without leaving anyone behind.

As soon as Ye Yiqing landed with the small army, after a few glances, he found that everyone was there.Idiot and Lang Jin are really not suitable for this uniform. Lang Jin is like wearing lace for a Tibetan mastiff. Idiot is also very unsuitable for this misty style.

To say that the best fusion is Xie Yang, he almost merged with this limp lotus root color, Ye Yiqing glanced back and forth several times before finding him.

In Ye Yiqing's opinion, getting the right to participate in the core competition was not a good thing at first, but now it seems that it is worthwhile to spend a month without looking for a sense of collective honor in the uniform.

Ye Yiqing stood in an as inconspicuous position as possible in the small army behind Yan Qing, listening to the clichés of Yan Clan Master who intended to stimulate centripetal force.Afterwards, led by Yancheng, the assembled troops flew towards the West Heaven Realm.

That's the old place where every sect goes to harass every ten years, and it's the main arena of the core contest.

Ye Yiqing had the worst sword control skills among the contestants, and it was really hard work to fly in front of the spectators and look confident.

Qingweilou didn't pay attention at first, but Jiang Riwan frequently rolled his eyes and despised him, so he hurriedly pushed him forward a few steps and threw him on the flying sword in Yancheng.

This was a difficult position, and Ye Yiqing suddenly felt that thousands of holes had been pierced by his sight, which was more uncomfortable than Yu Jian's pursuit of the vanguard.

It's just that this is much easier for Yancheng, he even turned around and gave Qingweilou a tacit look, letting the latter

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