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Chen Sen

Forgot how long he hadn't thought of the warmth and strength when he hugged him. Chen Sen lit a cigarette, took a puff, and looked at the blue sky outside the window quietly like that man.

The sky was gray, with a few sparse clouds floating, and the air was full of dust, as if something was suppressing.

What is so good about such a sky?Chen Sen couldn't figure out why that person could look at him all afternoon, was he longing for the free sky outside the window?Want to be a flying bird?Are you envious of the freedom of the clouds?Have you thought about it a long time ago, have you left him?

It has been three years since the man left him, and Chen Sen seemed to be unable to remember his appearance in the curling smoke, only his possessive hands and calm eyes.

What a proud man he was once, a beautiful wife and beautiful concubine, with a strong background, his favorite career is becoming more and more successful, everything is on the right track, he is the envy of so many people.

Why did it become like this, why did you fall in love with such a bastard.

What a jerk he is.

Chen Sen smiled wryly.

It's not that I didn't look for him after he disappeared, but that person wasn't him, that Song Chen wasn't him.Chen Sen can tell the difference between that person and the world with just one glance.

I have seen so many Song Chens, he has your eyebrows and your face, but he doesn't have your eyes.

Like a devout believer who can't bear the time when that person is not around.Every minute and every second is so difficult.

In the past three years, Chen Sen didn't know how he got here.

When he found out that he had collapsed and despaired when he left, he suffered a serious illness, terminated his contract and quit the entertainment industry, and then stayed in this small commodity house for three years.

It was so dark that the sun could not be seen, and there was no ray of light that could redeem him. Even if he had fallen into hell, that person couldn't reach out his hands to him.

I woke up from my dream countless times, shouting for help, but I still had to face the empty and cold room when I woke up.

I still remember that when he found out that the man was gone, he was sitting on the carpet in the bedroom, hugging his pillow and crying so heartbroken.

It really hurts, Brother Chen.

Later, the tears all dried up, like a dry spring, even though my heart was ashamed, I couldn't shed a single tear.

Chen Sen lowered his head and kissed the ring on his ring finger. It was clean, simple, without complicated lines, and the ring shone with a cold metallic light in the air.

It was hand-picked by them in the Dutch jewelry store when they got married. They were so sweet at that time. Although he was still uneasy, he had a happy appearance, even if it was fake, it would be broken.

Meng Xuelan (originally supposed to be Chen Sen's wife No. 2) who had sworn to him at the beginning had already been married as a married woman under her father's arrangement, and now her son and daughter are married and happy.And Qin Feifei, who said she would love him for the rest of her life, could not escape the fate of getting married.

Look, brother Chen, all love will still be obliterated in time, only me, only I still keep my love for you, waiting for you to come back one day.

But, why can't I find that person anywhere, is he deliberately hiding from him?That person, does that person have a little love for him.

"I hate you."

The cigarette in Chen Sen's hand burned out to the last bit, and the long string of silver ash could no longer bear its own weight, broke and fell.He flicked the cigarette butt out of the window, and stretched out his hands to wrap his slightly cold body tightly.

"Hehe, I lied to you."


Chen Sen had a long dream, in which there was him and that person, that's all.

He was intoxicated in the dream and did not want to wake up, willing to drown in the dream.

It's just a big dream, just for a moment of indulgence.

The scene in the dream is that two people solemnly swear an oath when they get married, and the person also said "I am willing" with a serious face, and then Chen Sen looked at his fingers, and tears flowed down.

He said the ring, our ring, why is it missing.

The man held him in his arms in a panic, softly comforted him, and raised his hand to indicate that the ring was on his hand.

Chen Sen looked at the ring that suddenly appeared on his hand, and held it tightly as if protecting a treasure. He said that it was the only thing you left that belonged to both of us.

The man kissed him, from the forehead, to the tip of the brow, from the corner of the eye to the lips, bit by bit, it was all the way he wanted the man to treat him.

So happy, so strong, but sadly, he is soberly aware that he is in a dream, a dream that he still wants to be awake even though he never wants to wake up.

Does the man love him?

Chen Sen had asked this question before, but now, he felt uneasy even thinking about it.

Have you ever seen the stars stand still?Have you ever seen a river flow backwards?Have you ever seen time turn back?Have you ever seen the sun and the moon shine together?Have you ever seen snow in June?Have you ever seen a short-lived epiphyllum?Have you ever seen Emperor Mercy?

If you haven't seen it before, what are you thinking about?

Chen Sen looked at the man who was extremely worried about him, felt his back hole was slightly moist, and suddenly wanted to laugh sadly.

My obscene body, just thinking about that person, makes me so hungry and thirsty, but without that person, I have endured the burning of desire for so long, foolishly wanting to defend myself like a jade for that person.

It's ridiculous.

He opened his eyes, listening to the sound of the morning news broadcast from the TV outside, his heart skipped a beat, and he opened the door abruptly. He looked at the silent back of the man, and his eyes that hadn't shed tears for three years suddenly became moist again.

He thought in a trance, it should be a dream, it must be a dream.

But the man clearly walked towards him, with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to hug him.

It was the same familiar embrace as three years ago, powerful, tightly clasping his waist, showing dominance.

At that moment, Chen Sen's grievances from the past three years came to his heart without warning. He lay in the man's arms and hugged him with all his strength.

He tried his best to restrain himself, but still couldn't help crying, as if he wanted to vent all the grievances, anxiety, fear, and longing in the past three years.

He cried and trembled all over, his voice was hoarse, and he hugged that person so hard, even though he was crying until he collapsed, he didn't dare to let go of his hands, he was afraid that that person would leave again, like that time.He could bear one farewell, but he couldn't bear the second one. That time had already consumed all his courage and energy in his life.

But it was such a cry, such a weakness, such an embarrassment, but he didn't get a word of comfort from that person, that person just spoke.

"Ah, come to find you and get out of here with me."

Never ask for his opinion, make decisions without authorization, every word is like an order to him.But this is that person, the person he has been thinking about for three years.

He raised his head, saw the man's peaceful eyes through the hazy tearful eyes, and nodded fiercely, once and for all, as if using all the strength in his body.

"Then, I'll give you half an hour to pack up."

"No, let's go now." He hugged the man tightly and smiled, "I have already brought the most important thing."

【Urban Giants Volume】

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