Dressed as the author of BOSS, you are destined to stir up the foundation

Chapter 120 Extra Story, Journey to the Demon World

Hearing Zhao Ye's quick change of mouth, Chen Yu slightly curved his mouth in response.

Zhaoye was very sensitive, and immediately continued to narrate: "After I parted ways with Xuwei, he went to join Mingyi and became Mingyi's subordinate. Now that Mingyi sent him to kill me, he never showed any mercy. ...as expected."

Chen Yu was slightly surprised: "I look at Xu Wei, but it doesn't seem like he is willing to take orders from others?"

Zhao Ye shook his head and said: "Although he is arrogant, he also cherishes his life the most. He has always known how to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and he can bend and stretch. As long as it is for survival, he is afraid that he can do anything, so naturally he doesn't care about obeying orders." people."

Chen Yu said, "I see."

Zhaoye sighed: "Just like Cai just now, if he went all out, he might not necessarily take my life, but after Xiao Yun melted his weapon, he didn't stay long and left in a hurry."

When Zhao Ye said this, he paused for a while, and said: "The nine-section long whip is made of phosphorescent jade on the Splitting Soul Mountain. It is extremely tough, and it is said to be indestructible. It was his most proud whip in the past. A weapon. Now under Xiao Yun's hands, it has been wiped out in just an instant, so he naturally has scruples in his heart, and he doesn't want to put himself in danger because of me."

Listening, Chen Yu couldn't help turning her head to look at Chu Yunxiao, with a hidden smile in her eyes, to the effect that she said, "Sure enough, I was scared away by you."

Chu Yunxiao's expression remained calm, but he looked back at Chen Yu with the same tenderness as before.

Chen Yu withdrew his gaze and continued to focus on Zhao Ye.I saw Zhao Ye showing a slight wry smile again, and said: "Although I am his enemy, I have no threat to him. Naturally, he will not be afraid that I will take revenge on him in the future. If there is no Yu Chen and Xiao Yun today You two, I'm afraid I've already lost my life in his hands."

Chen Yu didn't say a word about Zhao Ye's self-effacing, but said thoughtfully: "It seems that Xu Wei is cunning and cautious, but it is not easy to deal with."

Chen Yu sighed a little, and said again: "Speaking of which, since you and Xu Wei worked together in the past, and now he has so many helpers, what about your relatives, friends and subordinates?"

After Chen Yu asked, seeing Zhaoye's slight hesitation, he said, "I'm just asking casually, it's okay if you don't want to say it."

Zhao Ye immediately shook his head and said: "It's not a secret thing. Since Yu Chen doesn't mind being complicated, I'll just say it... The cause and effect of this involves my and his past identities." Taking a breath slowly, Fang said, "Many years ago, I was the envoy of Xingji, and he was the envoy of Xuanzang—"

"You are the envoy of Xingji?!" Chen Yu couldn't help but slightly lost his voice.

Zhao Ye was interrupted by him, he didn't seem to be very surprised, the astonishment on his face just disappeared for a moment, he nodded and said: "Exactly."

The reason why Chen Yu was so surprised was because envoys Xingji and envoy Xuanzang were both the titles of the twelve demon envoys under An Yeming's banner in the past.Under the dark night of the demon king, the demon kings Lieyan and Jiuyou are in charge of the six major demon envoys, and the Xingji envoy and the Xuanzang envoy are both envoys under Lie Yan's banner.

Chen Yu only knew the titles of the twelve demon envoys before, and he didn't pay attention to the real names of all the demon envoys, so he didn't know who they were when Zhao Ye reported his name, but once he mentioned the title of Xing Ji envoy, Chen Yu He immediately woke up.

Chen Yu quickly restrained his expression. In order to conceal his surprise, he deliberately pretended to be admiring, and said with a slight smile: "The twelve demon envoys in the past were the direct subordinates of Demon Venerable An Yeming, and their status was only between Zhaohua and Yehua. Your Majesty, commanding all the demons, is famous far and wide, and all the demons bow down, I am also very envious."

Hearing this, Zhaoye smiled wryly and said, "It turns out that Yu Chen also knew about these false names in the past... It's a pity that it's just a burden now, and it makes people feel uncomfortable."

Chen Yu was slightly surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Why don't you live in peace? You are Zhaohua Jun Lieyan's subordinate, Zhaohua...how could my lord stand by and let you be bullied by other demons?" When Chen Yu said about Lieyan, Thinking that Lie Yan ranks second in the Demon Realm after all, he should not be too high-profile, so he respectfully called "Master".

A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Zhaoye's face.

After Chen Yu asked, he immediately remembered that since Xu Wei, as Lie Yan's subordinate, had the audacity to choose to join the demon clan named Mingyi, and Lie Yan was as personable as his name, with a fiery temper, yet he still dared to join him. It's really unusual for a traitor like Rong Xuwei to live to this day.

Seeing Zhao Ye's surprised face at this time, Chen Yu understood that the demon world must have undergone great changes in the past 360 years.After Zhao Ye was surprised, he really asked, "Could it be that Yu Chen hasn't paid attention to the movements of the demon world for hundreds of years?"

Chen Yu thought for a while, thinking that anyway, he had already said what he said just now, and it would be useless to cover it up at this time, so he said along the way: "It really wasn't."

Zhao Ye was able to live until now, and he is not ignorant of current affairs. Seeing that Chen Yu didn't want to talk about it, he would never get to the bottom of it. He just sighed and said, "Since Yu Chen doesn't know, I will start from Let’s talk about the battle between immortals and demons more than 300 years ago.”

Chen Yu thought to himself that this time was just right, and hurriedly said, "Thank you Zhaoye."

Zhao Ye bowed and said: "Second, I have the grace to save my life. If you have any inquiries, I will help you."

Chen Yu didn't say any more, but listened carefully to Zhao Ye's slow description of the situation in the Demon World from the past to the present.

...The battle between immortals and demons was quite fierce back then, so that Demon Lord An Yeming also fell in this battle, and the situation in the demon world changed drastically.

An Yeming was originally authoritarian, moody, and purely used force to subdue the group of demons.In the past, in order to unify the Demon Realm, they completely wiped out the rebel forces such as the Akabane Envoy and Wujian's former subordinates, which shocked everyone in the Demon Realm.

But since the demons surrendered An Yeming because of their power, they were safe and sound when An Yeming was alive, and once An Yeming was gone, they began to look for opportunities to fight back.This is also the consistent traditional law of the devil world - the strong are respected.

Moreover, after the battle between immortals and demons, in addition to the death of Demon Lord An Yeming, Lord Zhaohua Lieyan and Lord Yehua Jiuyou were also seriously injured. There are countless people who died.

Lie Yan's heart and veins were all broken during the battle. Although he did not die immediately, he disappeared suddenly one day after a short period of time. Since then, he has never appeared again. All the demons agree that Lie Yan has passed away. .

Lord Yehua Jiuyou was also ordered by An Yeming to go to the top of Cangying Mountain to guard the Qiankun Overturning Formation. Unexpectedly, the Qiankun Overturning Formation was destroyed by a powerful enemy, and Jiuyou was also seriously injured, and he gradually recovered after more than ten years of cultivation.

But in the past ten years, many new forces have emerged in the demon world, and Jiuyou alone, after all, cannot support himself, and the old wounds on his body will break out from time to time, and he cannot restore the military power of the past heyday.Jiuyou's temperament is cold and irritable, and he gradually separates from his subordinates.One hundred years later, one day, he was besieged by the enemy with hundreds of demons. Although the enemy was completely annihilated and the wilderness was stained with blood, Jiuyou also died here in the end.

When Zhao Ye said this, he couldn't help sighing again, and said: "Actually, under the Lord Mozun, there was also a demon king named Zhu Li. It is said that Lord Zhu Li is the brother of the Lord Mozun. His esteemed name is An Yeli, but he also disappeared after the battle between immortals and demons."

Although Chen Yu didn't make a sound, he replied silently in his heart: Actually, that Master Zhu Li had already been "dead in battle", earlier than Lie Yan and Jiu You, and he definitely couldn't count on him.

It would be impossible for any demon clan to know so clearly what happened back then, but Zhao Ye was Lie Yan's direct subordinate in the past, so naturally he knew a lot about these past events.

Now that Chen Yu recalled the scenes he experienced in the Demon Realm in the past, he felt a little mixed in his heart.

Those grievances that deeply hate and cannot help themselves seem to have become blurred with the passage of time.

An Yeming is An Yeming, just one of the demons, and does not represent other demons.

What's more, talking with Zhaoye now, Zhaoye is gracious, courteous, and no different from ordinary human beings.

Chen Yu was wandering in his mind, and his eyes gradually lowered unconsciously, but suddenly he felt that his right hand was slowly held by Chu Yunxiao, and the warm current flowed continuously.

Knowing that Chu Yunxiao was conveying the meaning of comfort, he couldn't help but turn his face to the side, and smiled at Chu Yunxiao, and then he gave a slight unease.

... When there was no one just now, let alone holding hands, even cuddling is fine, but now in front of Zhao Ye, it is better to restrain yourself.

Chu Yunxiao knew that Chen Yu had a thin skin, so he didn't force it.

Zhaoye seemed to be ignorant of the small movements between them, seeing Chen Yufu looking at him again, he continued to narrate the current situation in the Demon Realm.

Since the demon king An Yeming died more than 360 years ago, there is still no new demon king in the demon world. The three former demon kings Zhaohua, Yehua, and Zhu Li have long since died. Among the living demons, the highest level is only Level [-] magician.

As for Xingji Envoy Zhao Ye and Xuan Yun Envoy Xu Wei, they are the only two surviving among the twelve demon envoys under An Ye Ming's banner.The rest of the demon envoys either died in the battle between immortals and demons, or died in power struggles afterwards.The group of demons who belonged to An Yeming's subordinates in the past have long since disappeared.

Xu Wei has completely abandoned the identity of the envoy of Xuanzang and joined Mingyi's banner. Now he has countless subordinates, who can be domineering and do whatever he wants.

As for Zhaoye himself, on the one hand, he is not willing to change course, and on the other hand, he can't understand Mingyi's arrogance, so he has been acting alone.

Although they are free and easy, they also have great disadvantages—for example, once they are attacked by a group, they will have no helpers and it is not easy to escape.

Now the forces in the demon world are divided into several major factions, one of them is the head of the demon clan named Ming Yi, who is quite powerful and proclaims himself Lord Ling Tian, ​​but there are also many demons who do not recognize his position as the demon king.

"Ling, Tian...above the heavens..." After Chen Yu heard it, he couldn't help but read it slowly, and said, "It's a big tone. No wonder you would say that he acts arrogantly."

"That's right." Zhao Ye frowned slightly, and said, "And Mingyi's behavior is also worthy of the name of Ling Tianjun. He is arrogant and arrogant. Anyone who does not follow will be killed."

In addition to Mingyi, there is another special person named Xiao Yu, who is originally a body of a talisman, but is rarely different from a flesh-and-blood demon.Moreover, this person's magic power is quite strong, which is comparable to that of demons at the level of demon envoys. Most of the rune spirits who lost their masters in the battle between immortals and demons chose to attach themselves to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't know what method he used, and those talisman spirits became like him one after another. They gradually became assertive and could rely on practice to increase their mana.Now he is quite awed by all the demons, and they all respectfully call him "Spirit Lord".

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