It's night, Chenyun City.

The sky in the Demon Realm is not blue in the daytime and black in the night like in the Human Realm. Instead, it is always a boundless lavender. The only thing that can distinguish day from night is a bright red sun that is as bright as blood. , it will hang in the sky at dawn, and it will quietly fall at dusk.

However, at night in the Demon Realm, although it lacks the brilliance of the scorching sun, it is not monotonous—innumerable blue light spots will appear in the sky at night, dazzling and dazzling, which looks similar to the starry sky in the Human Realm. It is very similar, so it can also be called a scene.

Although some demons once mentioned that after the demons died, they turned into countless light spots and disappeared, which was very similar to the blue light spots in the night sky. Maybe these light spots were the demons who had died for various reasons, but Most demons still scoff at such remarks, thinking that only the weak worry about what will happen after death.

No matter what the source is, Chen Yu really likes the night sky in the Demon Realm, so he and Chu Yunxiao go outside to enjoy the night from time to time.

At this time, the red sun descended, and the blue light on the sky was bright and brilliant. Chen Yu and Chu Yunxiao stood side by side on the city wall. They were alone with no one else around, watching the scenery while talking.

Although Chu Yunxiao didn't chatter in private, he always answered every question, and would never let Chen Yu talk to himself alone.

Chen Yu first asked a few questions about the secrets of cultivating the mind, and Chu Yunxiao answered them one by one, without any secrecy or impatience—after all, Chu Yunxiao has 360 years of experience more than him, and Chen Yu can get the experience directly, so it can be less. Take some detours, but also save a lot of trouble.

Speaking of which, the mental method that Chen Yu learned in the Langfeng School in the past is called "Ning Qingjue". Although it is rare in the human world, compared with those rare treasures in the heavenly world, it can only be regarded as an upper-middle-level cultivation mind. Law.

For this reason, Chu Yunxiao specially picked a top-level mental method from the secret store of the heavens for Chen Yu to practice.

Chu Yunxiao has never practiced this mental method, but after all, he is better than Chen Yu in terms of experience and comprehension. Coupled with 360 years of hard work, it is easier than Chen Yu to discover it first. Answer.

What Chu Yunxiao himself practiced was the "True Chaos Law" exclusive to the Protoss, which he comprehended instantly after he took over the Heaven Realm, when he found the Fengshen Temple where Xuan Lie was imprisoned before he disappeared.Chen Yu was very curious about this exclusive method, so he couldn't help asking a few questions, but Chu Yunxiao didn't hide anything.

Once the true method of chaos has been practiced, it is impossible to practice other mental methods, otherwise it will explode and die, so Chu Yunxiao can't practice Tianyi Shouyuanjue in advance, and then tell Chen Yu the experience.

Chen Yu listened, but said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, this 'Tian Yi Shou Yuan Jue' is indeed a good thing, and I will have more fun exploring it myself, so as not to be boring. Anyway, with you, if you really go crazy Not afraid either."

Chu Yunxiao nodded slightly, although his eyes were soft, but his expression was extremely solemn: "I will definitely protect you."

Tianyi Shouyuan Jue is a top-level mental method, not only has remarkable effect, but also is easy to use, and there are not so many twists and turns, but it is not a day's work to practice, it needs long-term perseverance and persistence.

Chen Yu knows that if he wants to become stronger, he has to work hard. There are not so many shortcuts in this world. Equivalent exchange is a matter of course.

This is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Even if there is no one who can threaten them now, Chen Yu will not give up strengthening his skills.There are times when force is necessary.

After discussing the mental method, Chen Yu turned his eyes and continued to ask.He was very eager to know about Chu Yunxiao's experience of more than 300 years, so he happened to talk about this direction, so he tried his best to get Chu Yunxiao to talk about the past.

It's not that Chu Yunxiao is ignorant of Chen Yu's plan, but he is unwilling to go against Chen Yu's intention.

Speaking of the Temple of Conferred Gods, before Wu Yin died, he used the Nine Dragons Ice Sealing Curse to freeze the Arctic Abyss where Xuan Lie was located. The purpose was to prevent Zhuan Xu from offending Xuan Lie's body. After all, Zhuanxu's plan came to nothing, and Zhuanxu brought Xuanlie, who had fallen into a long sleep, back to the heaven, and imprisoned him in the Temple of Conferred Gods, from which he could never leave.

But I don't know if it's because the heavens couldn't bear it, or because Xuanlie was still asleep but still had a trace of residual consciousness. Xuanlie didn't stay in the Fengshen Temple for long, so he disappeared suddenly without a trace in a day.

These past events were all told to Chu Yunxiao after he became the lord of the heavens, and the Holy One personally took him to the Fengshen Temple to reminisce about the past.

When Chu Yunxiao talked about the past of his parents, his expression was very calm, as if he no longer cared about it, but Chen Yu couldn't help feeling distressed, and said in a low voice: "Some things, if you think about them, will make you sad, you don't have to tell me .”

Chu Yunxiao was silent for a moment, but said: "As long as you ask, I don't want to hide anything."

Chen Yu's heart trembled for a moment.Even though the two of them have been together for quite some time, whenever Chen Yu heard that Chu Yunxiao expressed his heart so frankly, Chen Yu would still be at a loss for what to say for a while, paused for a moment, and suddenly burst into tears on his face. With a smile, the tone is judo: "No matter what, I will be by your side, and I won't disappear suddenly."

"I won't let you leave me either." Chu Yunxiao replied in a deep voice, and suddenly hugged Chen Yu sideways.Chen Yu didn't struggle either, letting their bodies cling to each other, silently enjoying the quiet warmth.

But at this moment, Chen Yu sensed that Zhaoye's aura had already entered Chenyun City, and was gradually approaching the city wall, so he broke free from Chu Yunxiao's arms, and said with a smile: "It seems that Zhaoye has already entered Chenyun City. I’m back. I hope he brings good news.” Then he couldn’t help but sighed slightly, “It’s been almost two months since you and I stayed in the Demon Realm, nothing happened in the Heaven Realm, right?”

Except that Jifeng would contact Chu Yunxiao in an emergency, Chu Yunxiao actually has the top spiritual treasure of the Taiqing Clear Mirror, so he will never be ignorant of the changes in the heavens.

Chu Yunxiao really replied: "Everything is safe, the wind and the sea are calm."

Chen Yu calmed down, and pretended to sigh: "The next time I see Ji Feng, I think he will give me a hard lecture. Not to mention abducting the gods from the heavens to the devil world, he stayed there for two full months." .”

Chu Yunxiao's expression was still calm, and his whole person seemed to be standing upright, as if there was nothing to be afraid of: "I am here."

Chen Yu was startled for a moment, but in a blink of an eye his brows were lightly raised, and he said with a half-smile, "That's natural, you must be the main target of his complaints."

Having said that, Chen Yu put away his playful expression, turned around and looked forward.

But after a few breaths, Zhao Ye's tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Chu and the two of them, walked towards them quickly, and bowed to salute: "Master Yu Chen, Lord Xiao Yun."

As for the honorific title of "Master", Zhaoye had already changed it to this title after Zishou was rescued.Chen Yu said twice that there is no need to be formal, but Zhao Ye insisted on not giving Chen Chu the honorific title, so Chen Yu just let him go.

Chu Yunxiao has always been indifferent to outsiders, and even if he saw Zhao Ye, it was as if he saw a gust of wind, his expression remained unchanged, and he just nodded slightly as a compliment.

Zhao Ye had followed them for more than a month, and had already figured out Chu Yunxiao's temperament, so he didn't mind.

Chen Yu smiled slightly, and greeted, "You're back. I don't know what the result of this trip to Long Ye City is?"

Zhaoye immediately said politely: "Zhaoye has lived up to Master Chen's entrustment, and has reached an alliance with Zishou."

The so-called covenant is naturally that Zishou and Zishou will not invade each other. If one of them is in danger, the other will send troops to help.

Although Chen Yu was kind to Zishou for saving his life, he didn't want to repay his kindness, nor did he want to force Zishou to submit to him.And Zishou is concerned about the tens of thousands of demons under his command. Although he has said that if Chen and Chu need something, he will achieve it no matter what, even if he sacrifices his life, but he cannot force his subordinates to do the same. Respond to every request.

Chen Yu can understand Zishou's thoughts very well, and also feels that a leader like Zishou is the blessing of his subordinates, and he will not ignore the fate of his subordinates because of his own selfishness.

But in the current situation, he is afraid that he will go to war with Mingyi in the near future, so he must determine Zishou's position.After all, there are tens of thousands of demons under Zishou's command, and the number is by no means small. Even if most of them are old and weak women and children with low magic power, they cannot be underestimated.

Chen Yu's mind turned, while listening to Zhao Ye's report: "Zi Shou also said that he has discussed with his subordinates, if the two adults can eradicate the Mingyi party, he will lead all the demons to join you grown ups."

Chen Yu was quite surprised at once, and couldn't help but chuckled and said, "It must be very difficult for him to agree to such a condition, thank you for your hard work."

Zhaoye's voice was still steady, without any hint of arrogance: "Don't dare. After all, I was his boss for a month, so I must have some prestige for him."

Chen Yu immediately said: "That's fine. If he joins us in the future, since you and him have an old relationship, you will surely be more harmonious than ordinary bosses and subordinates."

A little surprise appeared on Zhao Ye's face, and his tone of voice was slightly startled: "Master Yu Chen...?"

However, Chen Yu did not answer Zhao Ye's doubts yet, and suddenly said seriously: "In the past month, you have worked so hard for me, and you have done a lot. I have never asked you what you think in your heart. It is a bit remiss. Now The overall situation is tentative, I have a few words to ask you, and I want to know your answer."

Zhaoye immediately said with a respectful expression: "But please show me, Master Yu Chen, Zhaoye will definitely have nothing to hide."

However, Chen Yu pondered for a while before saying: "I know that since the battle between immortals and demons, you have been hiding in the Xuanyin Valley for more than 300 years, and you have not cared about world affairs. Now you come here with me, and you will It's just to repay the kindness." Chen Yu paused, and continued, "But now that Mingyi is going to kill you, it is no longer possible for you to stay out of it. Although Xuanyin Valley is secret, if he spends ten or twenty years of effort, It may not be possible to find the location of Xuanyin Valley."

Speaking of this, Chen Yu suddenly smiled slightly, and his tone changed: "The Xingji Envoy, who used to be high-spirited and radiant, has all his ambitions and ambitions been worn away by the years now? Do you think you don't have to hide your name anymore, but Is it to roam around the demon world openly and aboveboard, without worrying about being tricked by Ming Yi and other demons?"

After speaking, Chen Yu's tone became clearer and more intense, as if a clear spring hit a stone, and it was lingering in my ears.

After listening to Zhaoye, he was silent for a moment, and then as if he had made up his mind, he suddenly knelt down facing Chen Yu, his voice was resonant and powerful, and he seemed extremely firm and calm: "Zhaoye is willing to serve Lord Chen as the master, and will definitely obey Chen Yu from now on. Lord Yu Chen's order!"

"Serve me as master?" Chen Yu was a little caught off guard, with a hint of astonishment on his face, "What did you say?"

Zhaoye lowered his eyes, and his tone couldn't be heard for a while, but his face seemed to be a bit dark: "Master Yu Chen's magic power is profound and unpredictable, and Zhaoye's meager power must not be able to enter the eyes of adults."

Chen Yu immediately defended, "I didn't mean that—"

He knew that although Zhaoye seemed to have a gentler personality, he was still an authentic demon clan after all. Generally speaking, if any demon clan wanted to recognize who was the master, it was absolutely sincere and not just for show. For the family, it is an insult to look down on the other party, not humility.

Chen Yu paused for a while, and then replied: "I was just too surprised for a while, and I didn't look down on you." Then he smiled slightly, "Since Zhao Ye sincerely helps, how dare I not?"

As expected, Zhaoye's expression softened, and he said loudly: "My subordinates will see Mr. Yu Chen!"

Chen Yu just said "Yes" as a reply, only to see Zhaoye suddenly raised his head slowly, and said in a deep voice: "This subordinate believes that with the strength of your lord, Mingyi and other demons are no match for your lord. The position of Demon Venerable is just around the corner."

When it came to the position of Demon Lord, Chen Yu's heart moved, and he finally understood why Zhao Ye wanted to recognize him as the master.

The demon king must be the strongest demon in the demon world, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd.Although Zhaoye's mana is already a rare opponent, he knows that he and Chu Yunxiao are not as good as him and Chu Yunxiao, so he is naturally not the number one in the demon world.That being the case, Zhao Ye is not stupid, even if he has great ambitions, he would not think that he can be superior to him, so he would naturally choose to worship under his command.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu suddenly felt a little self-inflicted, and secretly decided in his heart: At worst, I will be the leader first, and when the time is right, I will give way to Zhaoye.At present, Ming Yi and other demons have not been resolved, Zhao Ye is not arrogant, and he certainly will not dream of being able to sit on the position of Demon Lord.

After Chen Yu figured it out, she didn't mind anymore. Seeing that Zhao Ye was still kneeling down, she sighed slightly: "You know I don't like to be too formal, so get up quickly."

Only then did Zhao Ye obey the order and stood up, but stood still with his hands down, as if waiting for Chen Yu's next order.

"The covenant with Zishou is established, and we have no worries." Chen Yu continued to turn the topic back to the previous business, and suddenly looked at Chu Yunxiao who had been silent like a river, "Yun...cough, you say, go on What should I do next?"

He almost called out the word "Yunxiao", but fortunately he remembered Chu Yunxiao's alias Xiao Yun in time, and hurriedly changed his words.

Chu Yunxiao pondered for a while, and said: "Stop with stillness, and strike later."

Chen Yu nodded and said, "It's exactly what I think. However, if Mingyi and the others don't move at all, it wouldn't be too good."

At this moment, a high and loud voice sounded not far away, and gradually approached them: "Sir Yu Chen! Ming Yi sent his subordinates to hand over the invitation card!"

"Invitation?" Chen Yu was slightly taken aback.

After a short while, a tall man's figure suddenly flashed in front of Chen Yu's eyes. He had short orange-red hair and red armor. He had a majestic appearance, and he was holding a piece of shining five-color paper in his hand. It was Pan Ying.

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