"... Huh, yes, the boy reacted quickly, much smarter than that dead idiot, and knows how to obediently obey the deity's words." The monster spoke again, commenting old-fashionedly.

Chu Yunxiao ignored it, and quietly looked at the corpse under his feet, as if thinking.

When Chen Yu heard the words, she couldn't help complaining in her heart: What is this?In the original plot, Chu Yunxiao was alone and only took away the Fengming Sword, so it was not of much use later, it was purely a collection; but now we have two people, so we can use the pair of Dragon Song Bow and Fengming Sword together Is it the biggest effect... But I never set it like this!

After another moment, a black air burst out of You Wushang's whole body, and then Chen Yu couldn't hide his shock, watching helplessly as the flesh and blood on You Wushang's body quickly turned into powder and dissipated into the air. , It turned out to be a shriveled skeleton.

Chen Yu was really shocked by the sudden scene in front of him, and couldn't help but walk closer, wanting to make sure that his eyes were right.

Chu Yunxiao also had a flash of surprise in his eyes, but it didn't show in color.

The monster chuckled, as if he was very proud of Chen Yu's attitude, and said, "Does he think that there is no harm in swallowing the blood of this deity except that he is invulnerable, immortal, and immortal?"

Chen Yu unconsciously opened his eyes slightly, and stared at the monster in surprise, only to see that the monster seemed to become happier, and said patiently: "How can a mortal body accommodate an ancient fierce beast full of evil spirits?" His blood? Ever since he swallowed the blood of his deity, he has already set foot on the road to the underworld. At this time, his body and soul are gone, his soul is scattered, and he no longer has the chance to reincarnate."

Chu Yunxiao suddenly said coldly: "So you gave him your own blood on purpose? His end at this time is just as you expected?"

Although what Chu Yunxiao said was a question, his tone already had a conclusion, as if the question was just a confirmation.

A green light flashed in the monster's eyes, as if it suddenly became fierce, and its whole body suddenly exuded astonishing power.Although it was tightly locked by a long and hard iron chain, a layer of reddish-black light lingered around its huge body at some point, from shallow to deep, gradually becoming clearer and clearer.

The black-red light mist was like a tangible bubble, docilely surrounding the monster, and it stood upright, looking more majestic and majestic, exuding a menacing aura all over its body.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for his lack of greed, his vain desire to live forever, stay young forever, and want to dominate the world, he would even dare to drive this deity... This deity just didn't tell him some facts." The monster tilted his head. , seems to be slightly disdainful, "Who told him to choose this path of death that is doomed to disappear? You mortals have a saying that you should take the blame, and another saying that you should reap the consequences, which is very consistent with his current situation at this time, hehe !"

Chu Yunxiao was silent for a moment, but the icy ice in his eyes did not disappear, and he still looked directly at the monster without flinching.

Chen Yu couldn't help but asked, "You... are you one of the legendary beasts from ancient times... Glutton?"

The monster didn't deny it: "Oh? You have a lot of eyesight, kid."

Although he had already been mentally prepared, Chen Yu was suddenly confused, and couldn't help but feel OS: ...God, if I don't take you with me, I don't leave any buffer for others, so I will change from martial arts to fantasy!Two days ago, it was clearly the story of righteousness vs. cult!

Taotie seemed to have completely shifted his attention to Chen Yu, a pair of round eyes like copper bells stared at Chen Yu, among which the green light was shining brightly, glowing like will-o'-the-wisps.

Chen Yu was a little terrified, but managed to keep calm on the surface.

"I like smart people the most, especially the flesh on smart people..." Tao Tie deliberately elongated his tone, which was quite sinister. "It's a pity, if it wasn't for the deity's food being sealed and unable to eat for the time being, otherwise I would really want to eat you all in one bite..." Tao Tie smacked his lips, and said to himself as if aftertaste, "People with spiritual roots must be with you." Ordinary people don't taste the same."

Chen Yu's body trembled slightly.It's not entirely because of fear, it's just that hearing yourself being judged as a delicious meal, especially when you think of the scene where You Wushang devoured a human corpse just now, it's inevitable that you will feel sick and uncomfortable.

Chu Yunxiao took a step forward calmly, blocking Taotie's sight from sizing up Chen Yu's whole body with malicious intentions.

Chen Yu breathed out slowly, thinking that Taotie would not lie. The person who imposed the seal did not know who the god was, but at this moment, he gave himself a reassurance that at least basic personal safety could be guaranteed.

Moreover, Taotie is a ferocious beast, but also extremely gluttonous, if it wasn't for being trapped by the seal and chains, how could it be possible that it has not attacked the two of them until now?

Knowing that Taotie couldn't hurt him for the time being, Chen Yu didn't mind Taotie's wanton gaze, and asked directly, "Why do you help us eliminate him? You Wushang isn't your subordinate?"

Taotie snorted coldly, but turned his head to the side, and did not answer, his posture was proud, as majestic as the wind.

"Because...he came here by mistake one day, and when he saw you were sealed here, he made a deal with you, didn't he?" Chen Yu continued to ask, seeing that Taotie didn't refute, nor did he Turning around, he continued, "He is the leader of a sect, he is ambitious, he wants your blood, he wants to live forever, and dominate the martial arts... But..." Chen Yu couldn't figure it out. Taotie is obviously not a beast willing to suffer, why? Willing to agree to the deal. "He is just a mortal, what can he give you?"

Chen Yu paused, and unconsciously added, "You're not so kind as to not ask for any conditions, are you?"

Taotie finally turned his head and sneered: "Of course, how could this deity give away his own blood in vain? This deity gave him some prescriptions and asked him to refine medicine and make talismans for this deity."

Chen Yu's heart trembled, and he murmured unknowingly: "You want to break the seal and go out?"

Taotie did not deny it: "It's a pity that he has been busy for so long, but he still has no progress. He really is a waste!"

After Taotie finished speaking, Chen Yu couldn't help but turned to look at Chu Yunxiao.But seeing Chu Yunxiao's face sinking like water, holding Fengming Sword tightly in his hand, vigilance hidden in the depths of his dark eyes, his eyes stared at him and Taotie without blinking, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Before Chen Yu could react, Taotie said again: "I can also send you safely out of this mountain—"

Chen Yu's heart sank when he heard this, and as he waited for the next sentence, Taotie continued to demand: "However, I want you to help me refine a talisman just like him."

Seeing that Chu Yunxiao did not speak, Chen Yu couldn't help asking: "...What if we don't agree?"

Taotie said: "The deity can also open the barrier outside, allowing those mortals to come in."

Chen Yu was shocked.Unexpectedly, this ferocious beast is not stupid, and knows how to threaten people.

Taotie said unhurriedly, "How did you think about it?"

Chen Yu couldn't help looking at Chu Yunxiao, and wanted to say to Chu Yunxiao, "Let's pretend to agree to it first, and talk about it after we get out", but he knew clearly that Taotie couldn't hear his thoughts, so he couldn't help but stop talking for a while, and then Feeling slightly startled.

Chu Yunxiao seemed to be able to understand his thoughts, nodded slightly calmly, and said suddenly: "Where is the talisman refining room?"

Taotie seemed very happy when he heard the words, and said: "Okay! The kid really knows a lot! The talisman refining room is inside."

Taotie turned his head to the side and exhaled into the air beside him. Instantly, the wall of the cave beside him peeled off, and the smoke dispersed, revealing another cave inside.

This cave is narrower than the cave they are in at this time, but there are not many things in it.The first thing that catches the eye is a huge copper stove.There are several iron shelves next to it, which seem to be filled with bottles and cans.

Chen Yu's heart sank, and he groaned secretly: He thought the talisman refinement room would be outside the cave, so he thought of agreeing first before sneaking away, but now it's under Taotie's nose, and he can't sneak away at all.

But Taotie said impatiently: "Come quickly! This deity will tell you how!"

Seeing that Chu Yunxiao didn't say a word, Chen Yu just walked towards Taotie according to the words, and then hurriedly followed.

Chen Yu absently listened to Tao Tie's explanation of the talisman refinement, but couldn't help but look around quietly, looking for the best escape route, but he didn't get much.

But at a moment, after Taotie finished speaking, Chu Yunxiao just took a step towards the inner cave, but saw Taotie staring at Chen Yu suddenly, his eyes were full of fierce hatred: "You...you have a trace of his breath on you! "

Chen Yu was taken aback by Taotie's sudden change of attitude, and was about to ask a question, but Taotie let out a deafening roar, which made Chen Yu's heart beat violently: "Say! That kid who snatched away the Bingning Yuhua fruit from the deity!" Where!"

"What is Bingning Yuhuaguo?" Chen Yu didn't know why, so he was startled and replied in a daze.

"Still pretending to be stupid?" Tao Tie gritted his teeth and said, "It's not wrong...it's his aura...this deity will never admit it...you were ordered by him to come here to watch this deity's jokes?"

After Taotie finished speaking, before Chen Yu could react, he suddenly opened his mouth wide open, and a black and purple sharp light flew straight towards Chen Yu's chest!

In a crisis, Chen Yu instinctively picked up the dragon bow and shielded it in front of his chest, but in the blink of an eye, he saw a red light flashing in front of him, as if a long rainbow pierced the sky, and it was Chu Yunxiao who flew forward, holding the Fengming sword, The cold light of the sword's edge shone brightly, meeting the black and purple brilliance.

Hearing a piercing bang, Chen Yu felt a huge impact in front of him, making him kick back a few steps involuntarily, and fell heavily to the ground.

There seemed to be a soft "ding" sound in my ear, as if something fell to the ground at the same time.

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