Zixu Mountain towers into the clouds, with undulating peaks, steep and beautiful mountains, and is a grand sight.

Looking at it at a glance, you can see lush forests, dense cypresses, singing birds and fragrant flowers, dense clouds and mists, and it has the taste of a fairy mountain outside the world.

Chen Yu thought about it for a long time, and deliberately chose Zixu Mountain as the place to settle down. It was only because the place was clean and remote, and there were neither sects of cultivating immortals nor demons and monsters in the setting of the novel.

There is only a small jade training pool in the hidden place of the back mountain. There is a pure Jun sword buried in the deepest part of the pool. Demon cultivators came to compete for treasures.

And the Chunjun Sword was sealed a long time ago, so it can't feel the slightest aura. If you don't dive into the bottom of the pool to see it for yourself, no one will believe that there is a rare high-level spiritual treasure buried here.

Chen Yu didn't have the idea of ​​using the Chunjun sword right away - he knew that with his current cultivation level, it might not be enough for Lingbao to recognize him as the master.

Therefore, when he came here, he really just wanted to find a quiet place to practice alone, without being disturbed every day.

What made Chen Yu even more happy was that he also found a cave named Linghe on Zixu Mountain, which contained ready-made tables, chairs, bed cabinets, and a complete range of furniture, all made of smooth and delicate bluestone. It looks quite clean and elegant.

Although the old master had left for a long time, all kinds of utensils were covered with a thick layer of dust, but they only needed to be cleaned before moving in, which saved Chen Yu a lot of trouble.

On the first day of settling in, Chen Yu only cleaned the entire cave well, and made a dormitory that could accommodate people to sleep, and then went straight to rest.

When I woke up the next day, I arranged the furniture according to my preferences.This cave is not too big, but it doesn't look narrow at all. Chen Yu divides it into a dormitory, a hall, a practice room, a storage room, and a dining room and kitchen as it is.

After tidying up, Chen Yu took out fresh fruits, crispy barbecue, fragrant rice porridge and other food that he had bought in the town below the mountain from Qinglian Hundred Treasure Bag. After a full meal, he got up and went out for a walk. You can also check out your surroundings by the way.

Half an hour later, Chen Yu was very glad that he chose to go out at this time and place, otherwise he would not be able to meet the real Changqing.

In the novel, Changqing Zhenren is just a pure play with only one appearance and only one chapter of the plot, but it has an advantage that is very attractive to Chen Yu-it can teach him how to fully exert the effect of the five mountains.

When Chen Yu saw Master Changqing, it was on Yanyun Peak. He was walking forward, but he saw a tall figure gradually appearing not far in front of him. Judging from his behavior, he seemed to be bending over to collect herbs , the mood seems quite leisurely.

Chen Yu was slightly surprised, walked forward curiously, took a closer look, and saw that it was a man who looked to be in his 30s, wearing a blue dark coat with wide sleeves and fluttering hem, his body was full of Dao Gu Xian's temperament, the whole person is like a graceful fairy, who is about to fly.

At first, Chen Yu didn't recognize it as Changqing, and he just thought: This person's cultivation seems to have surpassed the Nascent Soul stage, but I don't know if he is a character who has shown his face in the novel. bad guy.

Although his mind was spinning, he didn't intend to go forward to strike up a conversation.

On the contrary, the man turned around, greeted him proactively, smiled, gave a slap, introduced himself as Changqing, and said, "The poor Taoist came here just to pick a blind medicinal material. He accidentally disturbed the master. I hope this fellow Taoist will forgive me."

Chen Yu was startled, and realized that the other party was the elusive Changqing. Before he could feel the surprise, he hurriedly returned the salute: "Brother Dao, you don't need to be so polite, just pick these herbs. I just How dare you take over the mountain and become the king if you just live here and cultivate yourself secretly."

Changqing was friendly and talkative, and he chatted with Chen Yu a few more times to improve their mutual understanding.

Changqing himself said that he has no sect of cultivating immortals, but one day he unintentionally dug up a book on cultivating immortals in the mountains, and since then embarked on the journey of cultivating immortals, but because of his lazy temperament, he never apprenticed to a teacher, and just studied it slowly by himself.

Chen Yu listened quietly, and murmured in her heart: This point is exactly the same as in the original plot of the novel.However, Changqing's aptitude is definitely not bad. Just because he studied the method of cultivating immortals alone, he can still raise his cultivation base to the realm of Yuanying stage. From this matter, it can be seen that he has no real ability. It is definitely impossible, otherwise, not to mention that it is difficult to successfully improve the cultivation base, maybe it will be insane instead.

Chen Yu didn't deliberately conceal his identity, but he didn't talk too much. He only said that his Taoist name was Yun Qi, he had worshiped under the Langfeng Sect of Kunlun, and now he planned to settle down here and practice alone.

After Changqing heard this, he didn't ask him why he chose to leave the division and come here, but instead talked about his interest in the art of refining medicine talismans and utensils. I got a prescription, which is said to be very curative, so I specially collected medicinal materials everywhere, and planned to refine it to see how it turned out.

Chen Yu is actually very interested in the art of refining, and listened to Chang Qing's story about the method of refining with great interest.

While chatting with Changqing, Chen Yu was also helping Changqing pick the medicinal materials he needed.

After a while, Chang Qing stopped, said that the herbs he had picked were enough for refining, and thanked Chen Yu endlessly.

Chen Yu guessed that if he didn't speak again, Changqing might have to leave. Thinking that the opportunity was right in front of him, it would be a pity to miss it, so he pondered for a while and said, "I got a spirit treasure before, but I didn't know its use and effect, and I didn't know Changqing If it's convenient, brother, can you observe a thing or two for me?"

Changqing responded immediately: "I'm sorry, Yunqi, take out the spirit treasure, let me look at it carefully."

Chen Yu took out the true shape map of the Five Sacred Mountains, fully unfolded it, and handed it to Chang Qing.

Changqing took the picture, observed it repeatedly for a long time, and touched the surface of the picture carefully, before he pondered and said: "This picture... seems to be the picture of the true shape of the Five Mountains that the legendary Lingbao Xianjun taught his disciples."

Chen Yu said, "I also think it looks like a map of the Five Sacred Mountains."

"If it's really a map of the five mountains, then Yun Qi asked the right person today." Changqing smiled, "The exercises I practice are from the lineage of the Lingbao Immortal Lord."

After Chang Qing finished speaking, a group of pale green light like blue waves suddenly condensed on his fingertips, and he lightly touched the true shape of the Five Sacred Mountains.

After only a moment, the map of the Five Sacred Mountains also exuded a layer of emerald green light, which was extremely dazzling.

Chen Yu was startled, but in the blink of an eye, the two bright green lights disappeared into the air.

"This is..." Chen Yu said softly with doubts on his face.

Changqing explained: "I have cast a spell to help you completely undo the seal on the map of the Five Sacred Forms of the Five Sacred Mountains, but... this map seems to have recognized its owner early, and its owner... is thousands of miles away. .”

Chen Yu was startled, and couldn't help but think: If the Five Sacred Figures had already recognized their master...then the master could only be Chu Yunxiao.It's no wonder that the Five Sacred Sacred Figures can only be driven by Chu Yunxiao.

Chen Yu's thoughts turned, but he nodded straightly and said: "So that's the case. This picture is indeed entrusted to me by one of my...friends. In this way, the owner of this picture must be him." After a slight pause, He said, "It's just... what's the matter with this seal?"

"The True Form of the Five Sacred Mountains has the power of purification, and can dissolve all evil spirits, monsters and poisons. It can also turn them into nothingness when encountering phantom array spells. However, its greatest function is that it can detect any treasures that contain spiritual energy. Someone before I once imposed a seal on this map, which only has the power of purification, but it cannot exert its full effect, and now it has been resolved by me."

Changqing spoke slowly, and then said again: "It's just that this map is only driven by those who approve it. Even if others can break the seal, they can't use it."

Chen Yu has long been used to Chu Yunxiao's unique advantages, and he was not very disappointed that he could not use the real shape map of the Five Sacred Mountains, but just thanked Chang Qing.

Changqing said, "This is a labor of love, Yun Qi is not polite", and then, as Chen Yu expected, he only said, "The medicinal materials are complete, and the poor have stayed outside for too long, so I need to go home", and immediately asked Chen Yu leave.

With a faint smile on Chen Yu's face, she kept telling Chang Qing, "If you have free time in the future, please come to the humble house as a guest", but she knew in her heart that she would probably never see Chang Qing again.

After sending Changqing away, Chen Yu put away the map of the true shapes of the Five Sacred Mountains, and continued wandering around to observe the scenery.

However, when Chen Yu returned home tired from walking, he didn't bump into anyone else. There were only various birds and beasts around from time to time, and the lush vegetation.

For the next few days and nights, nothing happened, and Chen Yu gradually got used to living alone on the mountain.Although it is clean and uninhabited, it is leisurely and comfortable.

Probably because of his tranquil state of mind and lack of desire, in just a few days, Chen Yu's cultivation successfully broke through the early stage of Golden Core and entered the middle stage of Golden Core.

But five days later, Chen Yu met an unexpected person on Zixu Mountain.

That person was the original heroine in this novel - Lu Xuefei.

At that time, Chen Yu was practicing with his eyes closed in the training room of the cave mansion, when he suddenly heard a sharp and high-pitched animal roar from outside. The sound was deafening and mighty, as if it could shake the world.

Chen Yu was startled, and hurriedly got up and went out to check what happened.

He had just walked out of the cave, and his vision suddenly brightened. In mid-air, a pure white sword light, with the momentum of piercing the sky, was attacking straight down. It was as fast as lightning. If you run to the thunder, it is so fast that you are almost suffocating!

Suddenly, there was another high-pitched roar of a ferocious beast not far ahead. The voice seemed to contain extreme anger and murderous intent, and the lingering sound made Chen Yu's heart skip a beat.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yu still planned to go closer to investigate the situation.

——In case the person who wields the sword loses to the ferocious beast...then if I help him earlier, maybe the crisis can be avoided.As the saying goes, it is convenient for others and convenient for yourself.

Chen Yu identified the direction of the voice, summoned the flying sword as a substitute, and walked straight forward.

However, when Chen Yu arrived at the battle location, he only had time to see a dazzling golden light blooming in front of his eyes, like the most beautiful and bright scorching sun, covering a radius of ten feet, making Chen Yu almost unable to open his eyes.

In the majestic brilliance, a shining long sword fell vertically downwards, with momentum like a long rainbow piercing the sky, and as fast as a gust of wind and rain, it seemed that there was nowhere to escape, only to be completely penetrated by the long sword.

For a moment, there were only a few "chi chi", the sound of sharp weapons piercing into flesh and blood, and at the same time, an angry beast roar sounded, but the roar gradually changed from high to low, and finally became silent.

The moment the golden light disappeared, Chen Yu finally saw the situation in front of him clearly.

I saw two figures standing in front of me, one man and one beast.

The monster lay prone on the ground, motionless, and made no sound.There were countless deep and long wounds all over his body, and blood spilled all over the ground. The wound was so serious that Chen Yu couldn't see its original appearance at all.

Beside the monster is a young woman holding a brilliant long sword, and she is slowly retracting the long sword into the scabbard.

The woman is dressed in a white dress that is as heavy as the snow, with fluttering sleeves, and her figure is graceful and light, as if she were a heavenly being.His expression and posture made Chen Yu couldn't help but think of the eight words "beautiful as peaches and plums, as cold as ice".

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