Chen Yu only felt a splitting headache.

The whole body is as powerless as cotton, but the pain is like filaments, penetrating deeply into the bone marrow, not letting go of every crack.

After struggling for a long time, Chen Yu barely opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is the blue, clear and clear sky.

...he is still alive.

Chen Yu was stunned, and before he had time to be happy, he turned his head and looked around almost immediately—he seemed to be in a secluded valley, with emerald cliffs, misty clouds, shimmering water, green and quiet, the scenery was beautiful and picturesque.

And on the furry grass not far away, lay the unconscious Chu Yunxiao.

Farther away, there is a waterfall flying straight down from the height of the cliff, like a white line, and a pool of tens of meters in length and width is formed underneath.The water flow continuously washes the rocks underneath, the mist is misty, and the splashing water droplets are like round pearls, refracting colorful rays of light in the sun, dazzling.

Chen Yu looked up at the waterfall, feeling rejoiced.

Luckily it didn't fall into the pool.Falling into it from such a high cliff, even if it is water, it is not surprising that the bones will not be broken.The limit of high-altitude diving seems to be about [-] meters.

However, it seems that he fell directly from the cliff to the flat ground, so he didn't fall to pieces?

Chen Yu tried to sit up, but immediately felt a piercing pain in his ankle, unable to hold on, and fell down again.

Panting for a moment, Chen Yu supported his body with his hands, slowly moved his lower body, and moved towards Chu Yunxiao.

Chu Yunxiao's complexion was like snow, his eyes were closed tightly, his clothes were torn, and there were countless wounds all over his body, and the blood had solidified into reddish black.However, amidst the blood stains, Chu Yunxiao seemed to be sleeping peacefully, his face showing a bit of serenity.

Unconsciously, Chen Yu was frightened, stretched out trembling fingers, and stuck them on Chu Yunxiao's face, feeling a faint but existing breath, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen Yu suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly tore off the skirt of Chu Yunxiao's chest.

The map of the Five Sacred Mountains was still intact and pasted on Chu Yunxiao's heart, emitting a faint brilliance that was as clear as green jade.

...Is this treating Chu Yunxiao?If Chu Yunxiao hadn't had the Five Sacred Figures hanging on his life, and shed so much blood, he might have died long ago?

Chen Yu was thinking wildly.

But he remembered that the map of the Five Sacred Mountains was clearly a treasure detector, so could it also have the effect of healing?

But in front of Chu Yunxiao's gray face, there seemed to be a hint of warmth.Chen Yu stretched out his hand to touch the ball of green light, and felt that his fingertips were warm and comfortable.

Chen Yu remembered that when he was being hunted down, he threw the package with his own hands in a panic, and fell off the cliff with Chu Yunxiao, so he didn't bring any wound medicine with him.

At this time, the only True Shape Map of the Five Sacred Mountains that was still there could heal Chu Yunxiao, and it was also a fairy treasure, which was probably much more effective than mortal medicine.Chen Yu complained in his heart that Chu Yunxiao deserved to be the number one male with Xiaoqiang's halo protecting his body, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen Yu's belly groaned.

Seeing that Chu Yunxiao didn't look sober, he had to rely on himself.Dragging his body, Chen Yu slowly moved to the edge of the pool, drank a few mouthfuls of water, and then started to catch fish.

At this time, Chen Yu was very fortunate that not long ago, he went out with his friends to participate in a field expedition and learned some basic survival skills.

Although he can't use his internal strength for the time being, Boss Mu's body is very strong, only because of the injury on his ankle, he can't move easily.

Chen Yu was busy for a long time, and finally used a branch to fork a fish about half a meter long.Just staring at the big fish that died after a few violent jumps, Chen Yu became worried: he doesn't know how to make fire in the wild, but if he is asked to eat fish raw, he probably won't be able to eat it.

In this place where there is no convex mirror, no bullets, no tinder, and no bow drill, the only options he can choose to try are the method of making fire by drilling wood and making fire with flint.

Chen Yu sighed, but he had no choice but to start making fire by drilling wood.

Dry branches and dead leaves are easy to find, but it takes a lot of time and patience to drill wood to make fire.

An hour later, when Chen Yu was about to give up, he finally lit a fire.Carefully adding twigs to the fire to keep the fire alive, Chen Yu brought over the already dead fish, skewered them with twigs, and roasted them on the fire.

Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to see Chu Yunxiao again.

Chu Yunxiao was still in a coma, and the map of the Five Sacred Mountains still exuded a green brilliance.

Chen Yu carefully moved Chu Yunxiao to the fire, tore off his sleeve and wiped the blood on his face.

There was no wound on Chu Yunxiao's face, except that his face was like gold paper and his lips were bloodless. Chen Yu couldn't help but look down, wanting to untie Chu Yunxiao's clothes to see the injury, but afraid that he would be rough with his hands and feet. Add to Chu Yunxiao's injury.

Chen Yu thought for a while, and used the leaves as containers to fill the cool pool water.Chu Yunxiao's jaw was not closed tightly, Chen Yu easily moved his jaw and poured the pool water into it.

Although Chu Yunxiao was unconscious, a lot of water wasted flowing out from the corner of his mouth, but Chu Yunxiao finally swallowed some water.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yu began to tear Chu Yunxiao's shirt.

Don't get me wrong - Chen Yu had to tear off the part that couldn't be pulled off naturally.

Chu Yunxiao's upper body was covered with large and small wounds and black and red blood clots. It was shocking, and he couldn't tell if he didn't look at it. When he saw Chen Yu, he couldn't help but gasped. After being stunned, he immediately washed the sleeves that were temporarily filled with rags with water. , dried, and then used to wipe off the wound blood one by one.

Next, Chu Yunxiao's lower body Chen Yu did the same.

When he saw the heavy object between his legs, Chen Yu couldn't help feeling a little envious and jealous, and tried not to touch Chu Yunxiao's key parts, so he quickly took off his pants and wiped the blood.

After everything was settled, Chen Yu covered Chu Yunxiao with a fairly complete robe to cover his body.

After looking at Chu Yunxiao's whole body, Chen Yu muttered subconsciously: "The figure is so good..."

Chu Yunxiao's figure is slender but not thin, his muscles are well-proportioned and smooth, his waist and legs are particularly firm and strong, without an inch of fat.Wide shoulders and thin waist, narrow hips and long legs, a standard inverted triangle figure.

Chen Yu's eyes fell on Chu Yunxiao's abs that were covered by his robe, and he was quite indignant: You can't afford to hurt an otaku who can't develop six-pack abs!

The fish has been grilled, but it is fishy and astringent, which is really not delicious.With a pained face on his face, Chen Yu swallowed a mouthful of fish meat, and then drank a mouthful of pool water, finally filling his stomach.

After the meal, Chen Yu also cleaned the wound for himself, and took the two people's robes to wash away the blood stains, and then put them next to the fire to dry.

Looking at Chu Yunxiao who was still sleeping peacefully, Chen Yu, who was so busy and sweating profusely, could not help feeling resentful and said: You are lucky, kid, to let me serve you like a servant, Young Master Chu.

Then he looked down at his ankle, which might be dislocated or fractured, and Chu Yunxiao had no missing arms or legs, and Chen Yu felt very unbalanced again: Why did I fall off a cliff, and I was the only one who suffered a fracture? ah? !

After a while, Chen Yu began to look at the valley at the bottom of the cliff, thinking about how to get out even if Chu Yunxiao and his injuries healed.

The cliff is steep and smooth, and the vegetation is green. Chen Yu can only vaguely see the big tree on the top of the cliff, hidden in the milky white clouds, not very clear.

With such a high cliff, it is almost impossible for him, a person who does not know martial arts, to escape, but will Chu Yunxiao's light ability take him up?

Chen Yu was depressed, and couldn't help but began to recall the plot.

In the plot, there is a section where Chu Yunxiao is chased by a killer and forced to fall off a cliff, but by a blessing in disguise, he finds a cold pool in a deep valley under the cliff, and there is also a martial arts secret book left by a senior expert.But at that time, the person who ordered to hunt down was Mu An, the housekeeper next to Mu Tianqi, although in the end the blame was placed on Boss Mu.

Chen Yu wasn't sure if it was the cliff they were on now.

He still remembers Chen Lin's disdainful evaluation of this plot: "It's the law of immortality on a cliff again! I knew from the beginning that the hero would get a martial arts secret book and his skills would improve! Can you be more clichéd?"

Chen Yumo burst into tears: I didn't tell you to read this novel full of clichés.

Chen Lin thought about it again, her face paled. "But didn't Mu An want to get rid of all the people who threatened Mu Tianqi? At that time, Chu Yunxiao was not a threat to Mu Tianqi. If it was because Mu Tianqi might be tempted by Chu Yunxiao, it made sense. And Mu Tianqi After hearing the news of Chu Yunxiao's 'death', he was actually a little regretful and disappointed, and even reprimanded Mu An for making his own decisions. Isn't this adultery and what is it?"

Chen Yu didn't expect Chen Lin to turn a corner and turn to this topic again, and couldn't help vomiting blood again: "I never set it like this!"

Thinking of this, Chen Yu saw that Chu Yunxiao was still "sleeping" peacefully and had no intention of waking up, so he planned to try to find the martial arts secret book.

The valley is not big but not small, but fortunately, Chen Yu remembered that the cheat book was found under a poplar tree next to the waterfall. With the general direction, it is not like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Yu groped for a long time, and when he was about to lose his patience, he finally saw a bunch of unusual white things under the tree in front of him.

Chen Yu was overjoyed, and stepped forward to take a look, but was taken aback by the gloomy pile of bones.

Next to the bone is a booklet with a blue seal, it must be the martial arts secret book.On the other side, there was a wooden sign with a line of scrawled words engraved on it. Chen Yu recognized it for a long time, and barely recognized the words "those who are destined to take it".

Chen Yu is very fortunate at this moment, because he was lazy at the time, he didn't write any tricks or poisons to show the rareness of the cheats, so now he can easily obtain the cheats by himself.

Just as Chen Yu excitedly opened this "Wu Wang Cheats", as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, Chen Yu was stunned, and Chen Yu choked speechlessly.

Except for some subsection titles such as "Swordsmanship", "Palm Technique", "Inner Strength", and "Healing the Wounds", although the rest of the characters are also Chinese characters, Chen Yu knows all of them separately; but if they are put together, Chen Yu couldn't understand it.

What is "a lady's body, the internal organs and six internal organs, the extremities and bones on the outside; the essence and spirit on the inside, and the muscles, bones and flesh on the outside, which together form a whole body."...

And what is "For example, outside the viscera, the muscles and bones govern; outside the muscles and bones, the muscles govern; within the muscles, the blood vessels govern; if the whole body vibrates and vibrates, this governs the qi."...

For him, it's a bible.

There are still some schematic diagrams for the Sword Art Chapter and Palm Art Chapter, but they are all static.However, there were dense text descriptions next to the picture, and Chen Yu became even more dizzy after taking a look at it.

Chen Yu had no choice but to pick up this cheat book and put it in his arms temporarily, and study it slowly later.

The ankle was still so painful that she couldn't walk, Chen Yu supported the ground with her arms, and slowly dragged her lower body back to the fire.

Chu Yunxiao was still awake.Chen Yu added some dead leaves and branches to the fire, thought about it, and went to the cold pool to catch two fish and grill them.

The fierce sun had shifted to the west, Chen Yu looked at the sky and sighed boredly.After a while, he habitually went to check on Chu Yunxiao's situation, but he didn't expect it in his heart.Unexpectedly, just as Chen Yu raised his jaw, he seemed to catch a slight movement of Chu Yunxiao's fingers out of the corner of his eye.

Chen Yu was startled, and immediately bent down to observe carefully.

Another moment passed, and just when Chen Yu thought it was an illusion, the pale young man in front of him suddenly opened his eyes, as black as ink and as clear as stars.

"You're awake!" Chen Yu was very pleasantly surprised.He stayed alone in this valley, with no way to heaven or earth, so it cannot be said that he was not afraid.

Even if Chu Yunxiao is seriously injured, as long as he is awake and can talk to himself, it is better than being alone.

Chu Yunxiao didn't speak, his eyes just seemed to be staring at him quietly.

Chen Yu couldn't help being a little worried, and stretched out her hand in front of Chu Yunxiao's eyes. "You... are you awake?"

Suddenly smelling a burnt smell at the tip of his nose, Chen Yu thought of the fish still roasting on the fire, and exclaimed: "Oh! The fish is going to be burnt!" He hurriedly turned around and took off the crispy and browned fish, and put it aside on a clean cloth.

When he turned around, he saw that Chu Yunxiao was already trying to sit up. Seeing that Chu Yunxiao was struggling quite hard, Chen Yu kindly stepped forward to help Chu Yunxiao sit up, and handed him a bunch of grilled fish.

Chu Yunxiao took it and started eating silently.

Chen Yu was also hungry looking at it, picked up another string of fish and began to taste it. After biting a few bites of fish meat, Chen Yu felt his mouth dry, remembering that Chu Yunxiao also woke up and hadn't drank any water, so he said: "You Can you sit still? I'll fetch some water."

Chu Yunxiao nodded slightly, and Chen Yu took two leaves to fill the pool with water.He dragged his lower body to move towards the cold pool, but he didn't realize that when Chu Yunxiao's eyes fell on his ankles, his gaze became dark in vain.

Chen Yu's cooking skills were really not that good, and the fish was a bit burnt, so when Chen Yu felt that he was seven or eight percent full, he turned to Chu Yunxiao with a bitter face and asked, "Do you want more of this fish?" ?”

Chu Yunxiao nodded, Chen Yu handed him the fish, turned around and drank a few mouthfuls of pool water, only to feel the bitter taste in his mouth fade slightly.On the opposite side, Chu Yunxiao ate slowly, as if he was seriously tasting the food and feeling the gift of nature.Looking at it, Chen Yu was secretly ashamed of wasting food.

After eating and drinking, under the light of the fire, Chu Yunxiao's pale face seemed to add a tinge of blood.Panting for a moment, Fang slowly opened his mouth, speaking the first words after waking up.

"Thank you...Brother Mu." The voice was weak, but it couldn't hide the magnetism.

Chen Yu hummed twice, feeling extremely curious in her heart, and couldn't help but said, "How did you provoke those men in black?"

He really couldn't figure it out: Besides Boss Mu in the early stage, who else wanted to chase and kill Chu Yunxiao, who was still unknown?

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