
On the huge square outside Donghe City, countless young talents from the cultivation world gathered. However, these elite monks are like eggplants beaten by frost, waiting for their elders to settle the matter. Then take them back to Zongmen.

Come with joy, return with disappointment.This is the situation, everyone excitedly walked towards the final goal—Donghe City, and even lost their close relatives and friends during the arduous journey.However, the elders of the sect who hurried over told him that the seal had been untied nervously.

I can't disobey the orders of the elders of the sect, but I can't suppress the grievance in my heart.

All the great powers of the comprehension world gathered together at this moment, everyone's faces were serious, even the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Demon Sect, at this time, no longer showed arrogance and rebellion, but worried.Everyone looked at the vicissitudes of life old man with white beard and hair surrounded by everyone, and the old man was sweating profusely and his face was full of tiredness.

"Yuan Fang, how is the situation?" Taoist Tian Yuan asked.

"Better than expected." The old man wiped the sweat from his face and replied.

No one mentioned the opening of Donghe City anymore, even though the accompanying disciples were puzzled and saw the urgent and serious looks of the Yuanying Taoist monarchs above, even the favored heir of the family like Yue Zongze Not daring to speak rashly, the huge square became extremely quiet for a while.

After waiting for two days, a group of Yuanying Daojun walked out either disappointed or serious, while the elders of the declining sects such as Feihuagu followed behind these elders in the cultivation world worriedly.Compared with the low-level disciples who don't know the outside world, monks like them who have fallen into sects are in a more complicated mood at this time. They have to worry about the storm that will endanger the entire Qixia Realm, and they lack the ability to face the wind and rain alone. What's more tragic is that the target of such foresight is now only the elders of the Yuanying at the top of the cultivation world, the leaders of the sect, and they are naturally forbidden to disclose and spread information to the outside world.

The alchemy stage monks of these sects are also figures who dominate one side on weekdays. At this time, they stood tremblingly behind a group of Yuanying stage seniors. Looking at the puzzled eyes of the sect disciples, they felt a mouthful of old blood stuck in their throats. I couldn't swallow for a while, it was really extremely aggrieved and depressed.

The southern border, which is tens of thousands of miles away from the Guixu of the East China Sea, is a magical area. It seems that the beauty and incompleteness of the heaven and the earth are gathered here at the same time.Deserts, snow-capped mountains, canyons, trenches...the varied topographical forms are enough to cover the landforms of a world.

However, because it is the extreme of the southern border, the southern barren forbidden land, which is more mysterious and vast than the Guixu of the East China Sea, the people who have entered here for thousands of years are very rare, and no one has ever come out of it alive.And it is probably because although the southern border has a vast territory, there is a shortage of spiritual energy. Even Buddhist monks who focus on cultivating the power of faith are unwilling to establish a sect in such a land.Therefore, even though the southern border is extremely vast, it is not counted outside the boundary map of the cultivation world, and it is just the residence of ordinary people.

The understanding of the southern border is mediocre, and no one dares to set foot in the forbidden area of ​​the southern wilderness, which is even more terrifying than Guixu.No one knew that in such a barren forbidden area, there was a very tall stone palace. The stone palace was simple and simple, even a little rough, but it revealed an awe-inspiring aura that no one could despise.

At this time, in the quiet stone hall, a man in white clothes and white hair was sitting quietly like a statue. He seemed to feel something. The eyelids of the man in white moved slightly, and then he sighed and did not open his eyes.The empty hall became quiet again after this sigh, and the man in white blended into the surrounding environment like a sculpture.

Fang Han looked at the white nothingness in front of him, feeling a little dazed.A young man in white came slowly, his figure and appearance were the same as Fang Han's in this life.Fang Han looked at the white-clothed young man in front of him with complicated eyes: "You are Fang Han." It was an affirmative sentence rather than a question sentence.

The young man in white smiled slightly: "You are also Fang Han." His eyes were clean and soft, and he looked at Fang Han so gently: "Fang Han is much better than me."

Fang Han frowned and looked at the young man with the same name in front of him, slightly puzzled by his appearance, "You?" Fang Han closed his eyes, unable to say the following words, and smiled bitterly, "Although it is shameless to say so, But I really don’t want to let it go.” Slowly integrated into this world, with a mother who loves me, brothers and sisters who care about me, and Mo Chen who has been deeply in my heart...

Fang Han felt that his heart was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe. Even if all this was a dream, he was willing to indulge in it...

The young man in white on the opposite side smiled and shook his head, "I'm leaving, I'm really glad to see you like this place." His eyes were gentle and peaceful, "You are me, and I am you, and from now on, only You are gone, take care of your mother."

Fang Han's eyes were more complicated. Even if he didn't want to let go, he didn't expect the young man in white in front of him to do so: "Are you willing?"

"You can only gain if you give up, Ah Han." Fang Han in white slowly stepped forward and hugged Fang Han, his body gradually became transparent, "You have to live well, even my share Live well."

Fang Han's voice in white became weaker and weaker: "Ah Han, I really have never been more satisfied than now..."

His voice gradually lowered until it gradually disappeared.At this time, Fang Han stood there blankly, maintaining a hugging posture, and murmured: "Big fool."

Fang Han's hand slowly attached to his chest, he opened his clothes, and saw a snow lotus logo on his chest.All this happened in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the logo of Snow Lotus was deeply imprinted in the soul, and many memories were inexplicably added.At this moment, Fang Han no longer showed any repulsion, and a white snow lotus flower was imprinted on the youth's blue robe at this moment. The snow-colored flower, connected with red stems and leaves, bloomed enchantingly.

It seems that a gentle but firm voice seems to say: "No regrets."

The young man in white robes was bleeding like pillars with his hands, and he stood on the huge blood-colored formation with a quiet and peaceful expression, chanting ancient and strange mantras loudly, and the blood from the young man's hands flowed into the formation a little bit more The formation became brighter, and the paleness on the young man's face also deepened. This strange and ancient ceremony was long and complicated, and it seemed to drain the blood in the young man's body...

"Take the soul of my third life as a guide..." the white-robed youth continued loudly.

"Ah Han..." Fang Han looked at the white void, sighed faintly, and laughed at himself, "I really am not as good as you, a fool..."

Only a fool like you would be willing to give up his soul for three lifetimes, just for the illusory hope of bringing his mother back to life.He didn't even know the existence of resurrection, so he dared to burn his life and soul.A big fool like you, how can I compare to you?

Fang Han gently stroked the snowy color on his chest, and sighed: "You probably didn't expect that I would be summoned from another world, did you?" The things that were confusing before are now clear, although I am not the world itself. Fang Han exists, but Fang Han exists in another time and space, like the two sides in a mirror, no wonder the natal jade charm will not be broken...

"Even if I don't do as well as you, I will still try my best to take care of my mother." Like a promise or an oath, Fang Han said while stroking the snow lotus on his chest.And as if hearing a response, a bloody thread flowed from the stalk of the snow lotus to the snow-colored flower, quickly circled around the flower of the snow lotus, and then quickly disappeared...

Flying to the peak, Fang Suwen was awakened from a nightmare, and called out in a sad voice: "Han'er", Fang Suwen wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, put his hand on his heart that was still beating violently, and took a rough breath, Looking at the intact natal jade talisman with Fang Han's name written on it, Fang Suwen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's fine, it's fine..." Fang Suwen murmured, but the breath stuck in his heart couldn't fade away.

That day at the ruins of Guixu, all the Yuanying Taoist monarchs strengthened the seal of Donghe City according to the instructions of the upper realm, and then rushed to various hidden forbidden places in the four directions to strengthen the seal of the interface.Fang Han and Li Mochen who disappeared inexplicably, except for the monks from Yaowang Valley and Feilai Peak, who would care about this small change that doesn't even count as waves?

Fang Suwen and others searched the ruins of the Kingdom of Shaohao, but they still haven't found any traces of Fang Han and Li Mochen. Since the jade talismans of their natal life have never been abnormal, it has been a year since the ruins of Guixu.

It has been a long time since he found his beloved son, at this time Fang Suwen's emotions have already collapsed.

"Su Wen, Ah Han is all right, but you have something to do first, is this how you act as a mother?!" In the Xianyun Sect residence at the exit of Guixu, the ancestor of the Fang family, Daoist Tianyuan, asked sharply.

"Ancestor, but Ah Han..." The depression accumulated in my heart for many days, even Fang Suwen's character is tough, he can't bear it anymore. Kneeling softly in front of Daoist Tianyuan, weeping bitterly.

Seeing Fang Suwen crying, Taoist Lord Tianyuan frowned slightly, and after Fang Suwen calmed down a little, he patted Fang Suwen's head lightly like when Fang Suwen was still young.Fang Suwen, who hadn't been treated so intimately by her parents for a long time, felt a little embarrassed after crying, but Fang Suwen, who released the depression in his heart, also felt a little better.

"Silly boy, maybe Ah Han has teleported to other places? Otherwise, how could you have searched all over but couldn't find him..." "Think about it, have you searched for everything except the Demon Sealing Land?"

"Well, the Demon Sealing Land is guarded by golden armored guards, even with the strength of our ancestors..." Fang Suwen looked at Daoist Tianyuan with some embarrassment.

Daoist Tianyuan received: "I can't go in too, can I?"

Fang Suwen nodded.

"Then you don't take good care of yourself. How can Xiaohan feel at ease when he sees you like this?"

"Old ancestor, I..."

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