They had never seen this new nobleman with their own eyes, but they could guess from the words of the masters that the new nobleman was not very old.

They also deduced a little about Webster's age.The age of 40 is really cruel for a woman. She has bid farewell to her innocence, but her experience is not enough to support her dignity. Women at such an age, like them, at most use the most expensive and delicate white powder to cover their faces. Then draw two tall, jet-black swallow eyebrows to capture the beauty that still has half a trace of afterimage.

They never knew that women in their forties could also have such a beautiful taste.

Seven or eight maidservants came out in an orderly manner from the depths of the courtyard, all of whom were exquisitely dressed as they had just seen.However, among this group of water-like girls, without looking too much, the one who catches the most attention at a glance is the only one who is almost middle-aged, Webster.

Wei Shi didn't dress up too grandly, she just wore a snow-forged palace dress brought by Dadu.The big maid under her, Jing Zhe, was dexterous, and Wen Le pointed out that she sewed nearly a hundred small pleats on this half-worn dress from the waist around it.Around the small pleats, a few simple flowers were embroidered with the silver thread of the same color brought by Wen Le. Apart from this, there was no extra color in the whole dress.

But Webster's skin is fair, so there is no pressure to control such a plain color.The matter of applying powder was strongly stopped by Wen Le, but he took out a few bottles of strangely shaped "cosmetics" instead.Strange to say, those bottles and cans are indeed miraculous. When you press them, a puff of air will be sprayed on your face. Afterwards, when you look back and forth in front of the bronze mirror, you can't even find a single pore.

The black lacquered wooden strips, the charcoal inside the eyes are drawn on the eyes, which makes the eyes infinitely larger and more magical.But at first glance, no one would be able to spot the makeup on her face.

Wechsler is actually not very satisfied, she likes white powder makeup, the whiter the better.But Wen Le lost her temper and said that she would have nightmares when she saw a white face, and she couldn't help it, and felt that such a dress was considered unique, so she came out with a bare face like this.

She has a graceful figure, tall and slender, with a thin and long neck, and there is no trace of age.She also wore a string of Dadongzhu necklaces that seemed to be covered with moonlight. She had black hair and black eyes, and the rest was plain, but she would never be overlooked among a group of beauties.

The majesty from the inside out alone made the ladies who came to the banquet uncontrollably timid.

"Old... old lady, Wanfu..."

The female relatives were stunned for an unknown period of time before they breathed out and bowed their heads cautiously to say hello.But his eyes couldn't help but secretly glanced at Wei Shi's body, and his heart was full of exclamation: Oh my God!How could there be such a big and round Dongzhu, and how could there be such an exquisite dress?A woman who has given birth can hold such a small waist, and this face... a 40-year-old woman, without white powder, how can she be so delicate!

Wei Shi raised the corners of his lips, smiling dignifiedly and gently.With a wave of her hand, her voice was soft and smooth after careful maintenance: "Ladies and gentlemen, there is no need to be too polite. Jing Zhe—"

Jing Zhe responded in a low voice, and clapped her hands. A row of maidservants with slightly plainer robes came up from behind with bowed heads. Each of them was holding a tray. On the trays were two hand-sized exquisitely carved wooden boxes.

"Take it as a greeting gift from my old woman to you all. It's really boring for me to stay in the huge Hou's mansion by myself. If you are free in the future, you can visit more often and say a few words."

After saying that, the maidservants opened the lid of the wooden box, asked the maidservants to have a look, and then handed it over to the maids brought by everyone.

There was another low exclamation. In each wooden box, there was a gem the size of a pigeon egg, but the color was different, some were pink, some were blue.Each grain is polished just right, and when the sun shines, even in the box, you can see the extraordinary brilliance.

Such a...precious gift.

Everyone was a little apprehensive, but is there any woman who doesn't love gems?Not willing to refuse easily, after accepting and thanking, everyone was already extremely afraid of the richness of the Hou Mansion.

Wei Shi's heart ached, these gems were sent to her by Wen Le last night, saying that they were all unnamed, and she was using them to buy people's hearts.Wei Shi loves these things so much, if her son hadn't been careful to tell her, she definitely wouldn't be able to be so extravagant!She has never owned such a big gem even in Dadu!

As a result, when she heard that she was distressed, her silly son took out a few gems the size of goose eggs from his purse and threw them everywhere, and threatened that if she refused to send the pigeon eggs, he would give the goose eggs himself next time.

Balancing the two, plus a night of insomnia, Webster finally succumbed, and at least he put on an expression of indifference.

The banquet ate authentic Dadu dishes, and the cooks they brought from Dadu were skilled, and the women who were used to the local taste of Fuchun had a taste of it.After the meal, Webster and the others had a great time viewing flowers, eating fragrant walnut cheese and drinking sweet and fragrant fruit juice. Before leaving, each of them took away a box of frankincense crisp pastry. The host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Webster went back to the house, sent everyone away, and beat his chest and feet in hatred: "Ouch! It hurts so much, Ouch, my heart!" That pile of gems!Ouch!I feel sorry for her!

Mrs. Mai went back to the mansion, went straight to her husband's study room, pushed the door open without any notification, and saw Mai Lingtong sitting behind the desk, holding a bead and looking at it mysteriously.

"Master," Mrs. Mai kicked off her shoes, stepped on the floor in her socks, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, the Hou Mansion is so lively, I'm exhausted."

Mai Lingtong had a close relationship with his wife, so he didn't care. He gave half of the chair to the side for his wife to sit on, and asked, "Is it fun?"

"It's very interesting." Even though she was tired, Mrs. Mai couldn't stop her smile. She took out a purse from her skirt and shook it in front of her husband's eyes: "Look~"

"What?" Mai Lingtong held up the shining orb in his hand, widened his eyes, and saw his wife open the purse, and poured out a huge light pink gem in the palm of her hand.

He was taken aback: "Where did you get this thing?!"

"It's from Mrs. Hou." Mrs. Mai loves gold and silver things as much as her husband, and she is overjoyed at the moment, showing off all the time: "It's not inferior to your self-brightening pearl! Look, such a big gem , there is no flaw at all, when have you ever seen such a shiny one? Last time, Mrs. Da got a pair of ruby ​​earrings from somewhere. They were no bigger than fingernails. Look at her frivolous! This time she said she was sick. Go, I want to fight the Hou Fu, and when she finds out the news later, she will have to vomit blood!"

Mai Lingtong shook his head: "God, since Mingzhu can be rewarded at will, such a big gem is not a big deal. You said that the Holy Majesty probably doesn't have such confidence. How solid must the Marquis's mansion be to be so generous? "

Mrs. Mai also sighed: "I thought so too. Didn't you see that the wives of Lizhou County Magistrate and County Magistrate Fang entered the Marquis's mansion arrogantly, and when they came out, they were very cautious... Oh, thanks to you Didn't immediately help Da Chunyi deal with anyone, otherwise..."

Mai Lingtong sneered: "If I didn't help him, it would be the original sin. When I went to the Marquis's Mansion yesterday to deliver the money, I just found out about the dirty things that Da Chunyi and the others did. They mixed sand with the Lumi for the Sir. , and even tried to plant the blame on me... I was scruples about the old relationship, so I didn't casually seek refuge with the new master, but I didn't expect Da Chunyi to take the lead in dealing with me!"

Mrs. Mai remained silent. Before this incident, she would have preferred her husband to act in a neutral manner, but once this incident happened, no matter how neutral she was, she would only seek her own death.

"Forget it," Mrs. Mai said, "The wives of the county magistrates haven't returned home so soon. I'll hold a family banquet in the mansion tomorrow and invite them to have a drink together. It can be regarded as a show of opinion for the master."

Mai Lingtong smiled and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work, it is not useful for your husband, and you have to trouble your wife."

Mrs. Mai shook her head: "Husband and wife are one body. Only when you are well can I be at ease. It's getting late, go and rest."

The pillow wind really worked, and within three days, the front of the Hou's mansion suddenly became full of people.Most of the people who received Webster's gift sent their servants to return the gift.There is another mystery in this gift.

Wen Le stretched out his arms, and found a letter from a white porcelain vase. After opening it, he saw that it was full of handsome characters. It was written by Wu Mei, the county magistrate of Lizhou, with a lot of beautiful words written on it , Turning to the end, when the topic changed, it was the main purpose of inviting Wen Le to attend the reception banquet at Juxian Winery five days later.

This is already the fifth letter, Wen Le patted his palm with the letter paper, and looked at Wen Run from the corner of his eyes triumphantly: "Look, money can turn ghosts around. The ancients never deceived me."

Wen Run smiled inscrutablely: "I gave me another amazing thing. It made my mother feel distressed and drank three cups of ginseng tea in the house to recover. If this still doesn't work, then Fu Chun Let's not count on it."

Wen Le rolled his eyes: "I don't even know what to say about my mother, she's just too frugal, we can't do it like this now." He didn't believe that Wen Run didn't know what he gave, so what if he knew?If he didn't say anything, Wen Run would never ask questions in person.

Sure enough, Wen Run saw him gossip about him, and didn't break the casserole, and changed the subject accordingly: "The little uncle Hong Dashan who played tricks on Lumi for you. You asked me to check him, I have already got the news .He is the younger brother of Hongxia, the concubine of Dachunyi No.13.

"It's so beautiful again," Wen Le put down the pen in hand, rolled back on the couch, and said happily, "color~word~head~top~one~knife~ah~~one~~ ~~knife~~~”

After saying that, he turned over and sat up on Wen Run's back, hanging his whole body on his shoulders, and asked Wen Run with an unconcealed excitement, "Which one of the three sisters from the Bu family is the most beautiful?"

Wen Run frowned, and squinted at him calmly: "Why are you asking this?"

"Don't ask, which one do you say is the most beautiful!?"

Wen Run felt a little unhappy for some reason, and he snorted coldly, "What's so beautiful, I haven't seen them a few times. If you say they are beautiful, everyone praised them for their beauty, and I don't think so. It looks so pretty."

Wen Le gritted her teeth in displeasure: "What are you showing off?"

His warm breath sprayed on the skin of the warm neck, itching for a while.Wen Run moved away without a trace, and coughed, "No, it's just that the level of appreciation is different."

Wen Le was furious after being teased by corners and corners. She pushed Wen Run away and sat up straight, and said with her hands on her hips, "What's the difference in appreciation level! Have you seen Fan Bingbing? Have you seen Lin Qingxia!? Have you seen Maggie Cheung!? What Princess Jianjun has nothing more than a white face and eyebrows that are drawn thinner than others. You have seen the beauties I mentioned, you are not beautiful!"

"What and what is this?" Wen Run was stunned by his incomprehensible phone call, "Who is Fan Bingbing? Who is Maggie Cheung? Who is Brigitte Lin? If she is as beautiful as you said, she must be famous. Why have I never heard of it?" Where did he get so many beauties?Wen Run was not very happy, and his eyes were a little cold and sharp.

"Rich bumpkin, a bull is still a bull in Beijing, and I'll tell you that you are an ignorant." Ah Q's Wen Le rolled down from the couch barefoot, thinking he had won a game, and walked out proudly: "I see Bu Sanniang is pretty good-looking, but I can’t appreciate a fair face because of the different levels of appreciation! It’s beautiful to have a hibiscus in clear water!”

"Wear socks!" Wen Run held the pen and clasped his knuckles on the table and called him, "Where are you going barefoot?"

Wen Le's chubby feet slapped on the ground, ignoring him and running away quickly.

Wen Run had no choice but to sigh helplessly, resigned to his fate, picked up a pen and continued to reply to Wen Le's letter, wrote two words, then shook his head, put down the pen, bent over to pick up the shoes and socks and chased them out.

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