Jia Huan followed the giant bird into a small wooden house with a slanted roof. Although the inside was not big, the sparrow was small and well-equipped with all internal organs, including a table, chairs, and even a bed for resting. In addition, the most attractive The most eye-catching is the open bookshelf on the whole wall, on which there are several boxes of books and small blue and white porcelain vases lined up in an orderly manner.

Jia Huan curiously picked up a porcelain vase, opened it, and found several round, plump seeds inside.Open another porcelain bottle and see that it is also a seed, but it is flat and long like a pumpkin seed.Jia Huan opened five or six of them in a row, and they were all seeds. Only then did he realize: Yes, this is a medicinal field, and these are naturally the seeds of medicinal herbs.

However, just being able to grow medicinal materials is useless if you don't know how to make medicine yourself?Is it possible to sell the medicinal materials that have been planted outside?If possible, this is a good way to get rich.

Jia Huan was thinking about it, but the giant bird broke his wishful thinking with one sentence: "The herbs grown in the medicine field are all precious, and they can only be used, not sold. Moreover, these seeds cannot be bought outside. It's gone."

"Oh." If you can't sell it, you seem petty, and you have to look around for Shu again.Jia Huan couldn't help feeling a little ashamed that what was in his heart was being told by the giant bird. He hurriedly took a book to cover his slightly flushed face, and pretended to read it.

Who knew that the more I read this book, the more I was attracted to it. It turned out that the medicinal herbs here are really miraculous, there are beauty, pregnancy, and even life-saving.

The giant bird looked at Jia Huan and stared at the words "it can save the dying patient when they are about to die", and then he explained: "The seed of this medicinal herb that can bring the dead back to life is the third one from the left on the shelf. It's in a porcelain bottle."

Wow~~ Jia Huan hurriedly put down his book, eager to see this magical seed, but then he thought about it, everything here is a treasure, including the medical books in his hand, and must not be treated casually, Jia Huan will not He hurriedly went to fetch the bottle, but solemnly closed the pages and put them back in their original position.

Sure enough, Jia Huan saw a flash of approval in the giant bird's eyes, and said: "Sure enough, you are a caring person. It is the right person to entrust this medicine field to you."

Jia Huan said with a smile: "Brother Bird is amazing." At the same time, he went to get the porcelain vase, opened it, and found that there were only three seeds in it, which were golden yellow and slender, somewhat like sunflower kernels.

Jia Huan curiously picked up a seed, held it high and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see anything special about it, and he didn't know why it had such a miraculous effect.Jia Huan then asked the giant bird, "How many herbs can this seed grow at one time?"

Hehe, if I can produce dozens or hundreds of medicinal herbs at a time, then I will spread my grace, save lives and heal the wounded everywhere, and strive to be the Guanyin master in the world of the Red Chamber.Jia Huan thought longingly.

There seemed to be a sneer in the voice of the giant bird, and said: "You want to ask how many life-saving pills you can make at one time? Don't be greedy, kid! You can only make one life-saving pill at a time, one pill!"

Jia Huan asked persistently: "Then can the fruit produced by this kind of seed become a new seed?"

Eggs lay chickens, chickens lay eggs, and an egg can only hatch one chick. However, a chicken can lay more than one egg. The same is true for this herb.Let's not use the herb that is produced for the first time to make medicine, but to make seeds. Wouldn't it be possible to produce many such seeds?Jia Huan thought he was really smart.

The giant bird shook his head and said, "No. After the seeds are planted, the medicinal herbs can be produced in three days. However, the medicinal herbs in this place are the same and cannot be used as seeds. That is to say, once you decide to use it for healing A person's life, after the seeds are planted in the soil, the process is irreversible, so you must be careful and cautious when using these seeds."

Jia Huan was a little frustrated: In other words, the three seeds here can only save the lives of three people, and it is delusional to want to save lives and heal the wounded on a large scale.However, it’s not bad if you think about it. Resurrection is originally a skill of gods like Guanyin Bodhisattva. As an ordinary person, I can actually enjoy it three times, which is fine.Well, one of them must be kept for self-defense, and what, there are unpredictable things, and people have good fortune and misfortune, it is uncertain.

The giant bird said again: "It is said to be a life-saving medicine, but in fact it can only prolong the life of a dying patient by one year. After one year, if he is completely cured, it will be regarded as a life saved. If he cannot be cured, You will still die a year later, and at that time, there is really no cure, and even the gods and arhats cannot be saved."

Oh, it’s a bit like the effect of surgery on a cancer patient. If there is no recurrence or metastasis after five years, it can be regarded as a cure. If there is a recurrence or cancer cell metastasis, there is no cure at all.Therefore, Jia Huan expressed his understanding, and looked at other seeds.

According to Ju Niao's introduction, there are many seeds for beauty and pregnancy, but unfortunately these herbs cannot be sold, otherwise Jia Huan can go to a medicine hall that specializes in beauty, mole removal, acne, skin bleaching or skin care. A special treatment for infertility can definitely make a fortune.

However, Jia Huan rolled his eyes and immediately came up with an interesting idea with high feasibility.

I remember that Jia Huan once joked with Aunt Zhao that she wanted to ask Aunt Zhao to have more younger brothers and sisters when they just traveled here.At that time, it was just talk. After all, Aunt Zhao gave birth to Jia Huan for almost ten years. It may not be easy to give birth to another child. Is it possible now that there is this medicine field?

Jia Huan hesitated for a while, then asked Ju Niao shyly: "Brother Niao, can this... fertilization herb make people who are almost 40 years old conceive children?"

The giant bird held its head high and said proudly: "Don't say 40 years old, even 60 years old, you can conceive."

Jia Huan expressed his admiration until he was speechless: "..."

However, although it is feasible in theory, the question is, would Jia Zheng, who is in his 70s, be interested in making a villain for Aunt Zhao, who is 60 years old and has a wrinkled face?

In this way, if you want to make a villain, you need to get some beauty products back, so that Aunt Zhao's old tree will sprout new shoots, and her old face will shine, so that she can attract prudence and start a vigorous human-making movement.

Thinking of Aunt Zhao becoming young, beautiful, full of vitality, seducing the prudish soul, and finally successfully conceiving a pearl, how much impact this series of events will have on Mrs. Wang's paralyzed face, Jia Huan is simply shocked. Is eager to try.

Moreover, once Aunt Zhao became pregnant, it would have immediate benefits for Jia Huan.

Because the pregnant Aunt Zhao is obviously not suitable for continuing to raise Jia Huan, Jia Huan can justly move out like Jia Baoyu, and then have her own independent small courtyard and another set of staff.Although Jia Huan really has a heart of filial piety towards Aunt Zhao, but this mother always feels a little confused. Living with her, to be honest, Jia Huan feels a little tired, and it is more comfortable to keep a little distance Some.Anyway, even if they live apart from Aunt Zhao, they are also close relatives whose blood dissolves in water. Jia Huanding will go to greet and take care of her from time to time.

As soon as he said it, Jia Huan took two beauty herbs and followed the giant bird to a small field.

Ju Niao also told Jia Huan that after the beauty herb grew well, he took two plants at a time, one plant was made into pills for external application, and the other plant was made into pills for oral administration. It takes a course of treatment to be effective.

Jia Huan smiled and said: "That is necessary. If the change is obvious all at once, wouldn't it make people who are used to her appearance suspicious? Did she change her face? Or It’s better to do it step by step.”

In addition, according to the instructions of the giant bird, the seeds of medicinal herbs cannot be sown at will, but must be planted in designated fields. Those who are beautifying belong to those who are beautifying, those who help in conception belong to those who help conceive, and those who help to save lives belong to those who help them. I have a small field designated by myself, otherwise, the soil is not suitable for growth, and it is useless to sow it. Not to mention the extremely slow growth, and the medicinal herbs that meet the standard cannot be grown, and the effect of the medicinal materials will be greatly reduced.

Jia Huan stuck out his tongue and said, "Brother Bird, you are here to guide me. Otherwise, I wouldn't know, sowing the seeds indiscriminately. Wouldn't it be a waste of these precious seeds? Entering Baoshan and leaving empty-handed, it would be too much." Pity."

Jia Huan thought of a serious question again, so he hurriedly asked the giant bird again: "Well, after the seeds are sown, do we need to water, fertilize, spray pesticides and kill insects? But, I have to go to school during the day, but I don't have time Sneak in and take care of them all the time."

The giant bird said disdainfully: "Do you think this is an ordinary medicinal field and ordinary seeds? Let me tell you, all the medicinal materials grown here don't need to be taken care of. You can plant them whenever you want, regardless of the season, etc. Factors, as for watering, fertilizing and spraying, nothing is needed. Just sow and harvest according to the prescribed time. You have to follow the time indicated in the medical book, don’t get confused. This beauty treatment is a day They grow well overnight, and you have to remember to come at this time tomorrow, otherwise, they will naturally wither and fall off."

Jia Huan quickly thanked the giant bird, saying: "Thanks to Brother Bird for your suggestion today, I don't know how to thank you. Then I will come tomorrow and bring you something delicious to comfort Brother Bird."

The giant bird shook its head proudly, and said, "I've already been bigu, so where do I go to eat? Besides, I'm busy, and I may not be there when you come tomorrow." Saying that, the giant bird Then the bird spread its huge wings and rushed straight into the sky. After a while, only a small black spot could be seen.

Do you want to be so arrogant, Jia Huan looked at the sky speechlessly.

Jia Huan looked curiously at the field that had been sown.It was really fast, and within a few minutes of sowing, two tender seedlings grew out, swaying in the breeze with thin stems and tender leaves, which is really gratifying.

Jia Huan walked back to the entrance where he came in, and experienced another storm, and then he woke up in his own room, only to find that the jade gourd was gone, replaced by a gourd-shaped cyan imprint on his chest, which set off the Fair skin, like a very elegant tattoo pattern.

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