When Jia Huan came out from Jia Mu's house, the palace chariot sent by Qi Pei to pick him up had been waiting for a long time.Jia Huan met Qi Pei in Duanben Palace where the Prince lived.

Although the Prince's complexion is still frighteningly pale, and his body is still as thin as a stick, he has some strength compared to before, and he can sit up, drink water and eat porridge. Although it is still inappropriate to talk too much, but I am used to his past situation Everyone knows that the crown prince's life has been recovered for the time being. If nothing else, the movement of his eyeballs used to be almost motionless, occasionally moving slowly and very sluggishly, but now Being able to turn around to see people made Qi Pei very happy.

Seeing his father drank the medicine and fell asleep, Qi Pei tightly pulled Jia Huan out of Duanben Palace. He really fulfilled his promise yesterday and took Jia Huan to almost half of the palace. Jia Huan was young and enthusiastic at first, seeing the other party being so sincere and enthusiastic, his affection for him increased steadily, but within half a day he was already familiar with him, and he felt like seeing each other so late.

An eunuch chased after Qi Pei and Jia Huan and said: "Your Highness, if you want to enter the imperial garden, you can go in by yourself. This young master will be spared. In case you meet a lady or something in the imperial garden, the emperor will know." But it’s going to be a disaster, and it’s inevitable that the servants will be blamed for their poor service, causing His Highness to cause trouble.”

Jia Huan also realized that only the emperor and his concubines could enter the imperial garden, as well as princes and grandchildren like Qi Qian and Qi Pei, and eunuchs and maids of honor. Zhan, going in like this is like breaking into the forbidden palace.Jia Huan immediately declined and said, "Forget it, don't go in, just walk around the outer circle of the garden and see the weather outside is the same."

Qi Pei scolded the eunuch with a stern face, and said, "When did I ever get stopped when I was doing something? You need a servant to stop me? Why don't you get out of here quickly?"

While talking about Qi Pei, he just dragged Jia Huan inside to see a different view, and said: "It's okay, today is the fifteenth day, many empresses are fasting in the palace, and they usually don't come to the imperial garden. Let's go in." Take a look and come out."

The eunuch said with a mournful face, "Your Highness, you can take Mr. Jia to go and come back quickly. The slave will wait for you here, so as not to attract people's attention when there are too many people."

Jia Huan still wanted to back down, but Qi Pei just said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, leave it on me. I said I would bring you to the palace to play, so why not tell you to see everything?" He couldn't help but pull him go in.

Sure enough, there was almost no one in the huge imperial garden, and the magnificence and splendor of flowers inside really opened Jia Huan's eyes.

For a while, the two were tired from walking, and saw a first-class clear spring, like a swimming dragon, with an octagonal pavilion on top of it, with thousands of green bamboos hidden outside the pavilion, which was very elegant and quiet, so they went to rest in the pavilion.

Who knew that the two of them hadn't spoken a word when they sat down, suddenly there was a loud noise, Qi Pei stood up, looked around, his expression changed immediately, and said: "Oh no, Concubine Hui is here!"

Jia Huan didn't know why, but he heard Qi Pei anxiously explaining: "Concubine Hui is equivalent to the head of the Six Palaces now, she is the most annoying, relying on my grandfather's favor and pretense, the rules are extremely big, if she If I bring you in, you have to complain to the emperor's grandfather, hurry up, let's hide."

However, where to hide in a hurry?

It happened that there happened to be a large and exquisite mountain stone in the bamboo grove behind the pavilion, which could just block the sight of the people in the pavilion, so Qi Pei hurriedly dragged Jia Huan to the back of the stone, squatted down together, and wanted to wait for Concubine Hui to leave Come out again.

Who knew that Concubine Hui did not come alone, because Qi Qian had been away for seven or eight days, and Concubine Hui was afraid that her niece would be murdered by other jealous concubines alone in Princess Qin, so she brought her back to the palace to accompany her At this time, because there was nothing to do after the afternoon nap, he took the potbellied Princess Qin to the Imperial Garden for a walk, and because she was tired from walking, she pointed to the octagonal pavilion where Qi Pei and the other two were hiding, and said to her: "Let's go there. Sit in the pavilion for a while."

Qi Pei stuck to Jia Huan's ear and said, "It's unlucky, these two girls have sat down, so we have to sit here first."

Jia Huan said in a low voice, "It would have been better if I had told you not to come in."

Qi Qian said, "It's okay, they can't see us."

The two stopped talking, and squatted behind the stone holding their breath.

Hearing Concubine Hui say: "Old Qi is real! You have such a big belly, and he still has to run around!"

Another woman said in a very soft voice, "The emperor told him to go, how can he shirk it? It's absolutely necessary to go, it's not his fault."

Concubine Hui said disapprovingly: "Come on, if he really has a heart, he can tell the emperor that he is worried about you and wants to accompany you during your childbirth. Can the emperor not agree? He is not the only brother of the prince!"

The woman patiently explained: "Although His Highness the Crown Prince has many brothers, they are all far behind in terms of sincerity. After all, both my husband and His Highness the Crown Prince were descended from Empress Xiaoxian, how can other brothers compare? My husband must It was also because of this thought that he left me and went to visit the Immortal Dashi, because he was more sincere than others."

After hearing the woman's words, Jia Huan was like thunder: So the woman who spoke is Qi Qian's concubine!Hearing her "My Husband" in an affectionate and proud tone, Jia Huan felt as if he was being scratched by the claws of hundreds of cats, and died of discomfort.

Concubine Hui snorted, and said: "You, just speak for him all the time! If you want him to treat you half as well as you treat him, it's not bad."

Princess Qin said in a low voice: "Actually, he is very kind to me. Auntie doesn't know, but this time he came back, he didn't go to rest in other concubines' houses, and he always stayed with me."

After hearing this, Concubine Hui finally calmed down a bit, and said: "He still has some hearts. Hmph, he should have pampered you more. With your beautiful face and family background, it is a place to bear children for him. Still so infatuated with him..."

Princess Qin seemed a little shy, and said: "Aunt, don't talk about it, aunts (at this time, Concubine Hui has two high-ranking maids who are waiting on the side, and Princess Qin calls it "aunt" to express politeness) are here Woolen cloth……"

In Jia Huan's tightly clenched fist, his nails seemed to be digging into his palm, and he thought in a dazed way: "The family of three is so happy, so what do I mean by being caught in the middle? What is it..."

Because Jia Huan was immersed in his own thoughts, he didn't notice that Qi Pei also changed his face, the fierce look in his eyes flashed past, and he muttered in a very low voice: "What does the smell look like!"

Concubine Hui asked again: "Miaozhen, it's been ten days since your due date, why haven't you activated it yet?"

Princess Qin smiled and said: "Accordingly, it was supposed to be born a few days ago, but it was seven or eight days late. Yesterday, Doctor Zhang said that most babies are born in October of pregnancy, and there are some exceptions, such as premature birth." Yes, another example is late births like mine, even one or two months late. The imperial doctor said it’s okay, as long as you stay in the mother’s womb, the fetus will grow strong and smart.”

Concubine Hui also laughed, and said: "Yo, this kid is really naughty, but he can't come out of his mother's stomach. When he comes out, I will give him a good spanking, and vent my anger for my good niece. It’s just that Duo was delayed a little longer than others. Also, when the time comes, I have to ask Lao Qi how my niece gave birth to such a smart and lovely big fat son, how should he pamper him in the future? How about my niece?"

Princess Qin coquettishly said: "Auntie..."

After finally waiting for the two women to leave, Qi Pei pulled Jia Huan out.

Jia Huan had long lost the intention of playing, and said sullenly: "Forget it, let's go back, and don't encounter similar things again."

Qi Pei originally wanted to play with Jia Huan to please him, but when he saw that he was not interested, he said, "Okay, just go and sit in my palace for a while. Hey, Huan'er, you don't look very good, is it because Is it because your legs are numb after squatting for a long time?"

Jia Huan glanced at him and said, "Shoucheng, you don't look well either, don't talk about me."

After a while, he went back to the Huangsan residence where Qi Pei lived. Seeing that Jia Huan had left before sitting down for a while, Qi Pei couldn't help keeping him, and said: "Just now I was only thinking about playing, but I forgot to say an important sentence. How about you?" Take it easy, wait for me to talk to you slowly."

Sitting down for a while, Qi Peicai said: "Huan'er, I fell in love with you at first sight, and I really hope to accompany you to study together. Otherwise, I told my imperial grandfather to mention you as Zuo Chunfang's student, and we often Let’s read and have fun together.”

It must be explained here that the prince was usually accompanied by four attendants and four lecturers in the Wenhua Hall before he ascended the throne, and the prince's Taishi and Prince's Taifu took turns to teach, and Qi Pei's father Yide The prince is over 30 years old and has not been able to ascend the throne. At the same time, because of his weak health, the lectures in Wenhua Hall are almost useless.Qi Pei is the eldest grandson of the emperor, so naturally he couldn't be taught in the Wenhua Hall according to the prince's specifications, so Zuochun Fang was set up in the side hall of the Wenhua Hall, with two attendants and two attendants. Fu lectures.

Jia Huan said suspiciously: "How can I be a servant of Zuochunfang? I heard that the prince and the prince and grandson's servants must be above Jinshi. How can I be a grassroots person?"

Qi Pei said: "How can an ordinary Jinshi become a prince's servant? Even a champion may not be able to be. Let me tell you, a prince's servant must not only be a well-educated scholar, but also have a prominent family background, so that he can serve as a new student in the future." The emperor contributes, of course, this is also the fastest shortcut to promotion, don’t listen to the name of just a small servant or lecture, once the prince ascends the throne, he will enter the cabinet with the merits of the dragon, and he will be the third chancellor in the future. Shi Jiuqing is just around the corner. Of course, my Zuochunfang servant cannot be compared with the prince's servant, but it is much easier to climb up the qualifications step by step with ordinary scholars."

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