Refinement, masculinity

Chapter 71 Rabbit

The thick branches are criss-crossed, twists and turns stretching into the distance, and countless huge leaves cover them, blocking the line of sight, making it hard for people to tell where they are leading. Layer upon layer, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Meng Ling supported a branch to stand firm, and waited until the tremor disappeared. He glanced at Qi Jun who was not far away: "Is it an earthquake or something wrong with the map?"

"I don't know, let's go and see."

Meng Ling nodded. The place where they are now is a big tree. Their line of sight is severely blocked. They can't even see the whole picture of the map. Even if something happened in the distance, they have no way of knowing. For a split second, he seemed to hear Duan Cheng's roar, and he was obviously running away, and he didn't know what happened to that person.

Qi Jun looked at him sideways: "What are you thinking?"

Meng Ling regained consciousness: "It's okay."

Qi Jun glanced at him again, without asking any more questions, the two continued to move forward cautiously, bypassing a few leaves, and found the end, they looked up and down, Qi Jun said: "This should be the trunk of the big tree."

Meng Ling hummed lightly. The trunk was like a big wall in front of their eyes, and the lines of the bark protruded out by half a meter, just like a staircase. He estimated the distance he had come here, and frowned slightly: "Did you see it in the distance just now?"

The trunk is thicker than the branches, and the color is darker, and it stands tall. According to their previous positions, no matter how many leaves are in the way, they should see a little bit through the gap, but in his impression, It seems not.

Qi Jun was also thinking about this question, shaking his head: "It seems to appear suddenly, is it related to the vibration?"

"It's possible," Meng Ling recalled the voice of someone he heard, and said lightly, "Maybe there is someone else in the chance, and he encountered the organ, so it appeared."

Qi Jun responded and looked at the main trunk. According to their current situation, if they want to go out, they must either go down or up. He pondered for a moment: "Go up."

Meng Ling has no objection. He is not a fool. Judging from all the signs after arriving at the opportunity, the map may be this big tree. In a place like this, the position of customs clearance is either at the top or at the bottom, and the former is often the majority, so it is natural to choose the probability At a high place, it’s okay if they guess wrong, at least they can look at the panorama from above, so as to find out the general direction, and then decide how to go.

Seeing that he understood what he meant, Qi Jun stepped on the bark first, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth: "Although I have always disliked your intelligence, I have to admit that it is really easy to form a team with you now." A lot of trouble."

Meng Ling walked up slowly along the main veins, and glanced at him: "What would have happened to Meng Xiaodong if I hadn't been there?"

Qi Jun breathed out lightly: "I will die."

"Aren't you afraid of giving birth to demons?"

"If you want to get something, you have to pay a certain price," Qi Jun said as he walked, his tone unchanged, "and I think as long as the willpower is firm, there will be no big problem, besides..."

He paused slightly, but didn't say anything more.

Meng Ling frowned: "Besides what?"

Qi Jun looked back at him, although his eyes were full of smiles, but it was unpredictable. He asked gently: "A person who always walks with his back on the mountain, would he care about adding an extra stone?"

Meng Ling couldn't help being startled, and suddenly remembered that Le Rong had come to him a long time ago, saying that this person had some difficulties and asked him to forgive him, but he felt that it was someone else's business and had nothing to do with him, even if he wanted to forgive, it shouldn't be He said that it was Meng Xiaodong who made the decision, and he was silent for a moment: "If you can meet Meng Xiaodong again..."

After Qi Jun finished speaking, he turned around and continued walking. He smiled and interrupted: "What's the difference? Anyway, I can't touch him, so you can rest assured that I will never do anything that does more harm than good."

The implication is that as long as Meng Ling is still involved with the Duan family, he will not find him unhappy, Meng Ling said: "...I have known this for a long time, I just want to ask if you have anything to say. tell him."

"Oh, I thought you wanted to ask if I would do it. As for the words... I have nothing to say. I was just using him. What can I say? Sorry? I think it's too fake."

Listening to what he meant, Meng Ling knew that he had no feelings of guilt towards Meng Xiaodong at all, and said indifferently: "Duan Cheng said that you are cruel, it is really good."

Qi Jun followed the lines and turned a corner: "How did you meet him?"

Meng Ling didn't mind telling him the truth: "I went to check the information at night, and he happened to be sitting on the corner of the street."

Qi Jun turned his head again, a little unbelievable: "Crossing the robbery on the street corner?"

"Well, I asked later, and he said that he suddenly had an epiphany that day, so he found a place to sit nearby and advanced."

Qi Jun was quite emotional: "His luck is really good."

Meng Ling knew that there were two meanings in this man's words, one was the epiphany and advancement, and the other was that Duan Cheng could meet him in any place he could find, so he glanced at him: "Why didn't you let Meng Xiaodong learn to cultivate?"

If Qi Jun had told the truth to Meng Xiaodong early on, Meng Xiaodong would not have been so greatly stimulated, and he would not have come out to disrupt the situation. Moreover, according to Meng Xiaodong's feelings for Qi Jun, let alone stealing the cold marrow grass, it would be considered a more advanced one. He is willing to take any dangerous restrictions. Of course, if he chooses to take this path, the hypocrite will have to cheat all the time. If necessary, he may sacrifice his own happiness to become a Taoist partner with Meng Xiaodong. He is not cruel to this extent, but he still thinks Meng Xiaodong has a magic weapon in his body, and its origin is definitely not simple, so he doesn't want to solve the troubles that may arise in the future for him?

Qi Jun looked at the branches that were close at hand, stepped up slowly, and replied gently: "Everyone will change, I don't believe him."

Meng Ling raised his eyebrows. Meng Xiaodong had put so much affection in the past, but it turned out to be in vain. It wasn't that he didn't love deeply enough, or that Qi Jun didn't feel for him. The main reason was that Qi Jun's affection was too thin. Ling has no doubts that even if a hypocrite has a crush on Meng Xiaodong, he will still choose to cheat in the end, let alone he has not yet.

Facing such an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, it's useless to treat him well, because he doesn't even believe that there is such a thing as eternity.

Meng Ling thought that his feelings were very weak, but after confirming that Duan Cheng was sincere to him, he believed it... He thought for a while, then shook his head secretly. Rather than believing it, it would be better to say that he never questioned it, because a certain bastard always behaved He is too enthusiastic, and he looks like he will die if he leaves himself all day long, he has no way of doubting it.

He couldn't help but think of the roar he heard just now when he was shaking, his thoughts were a little far away, and he didn't know what happened to that bastard now.

Seeing him in a daze, Qi Jun asked with a smile, "What? What I said just now was very disappointing?"

"No." Meng Ling glanced at him, and suddenly thought, if a hypocrite also meets a difficult person in the future and pushes him down at every turn, will he still doubt the other person's feelings?

"..." Qi Jun said, "...your eyes are a little strange."

Meng Ling looked indifferently, looked around, and changed the subject: "Should we continue up, or stroll around this floor?"

"You choose."

Meng Ling pondered, if the top is really an exit, they just need to keep walking, what are these branches doing on the way?Even if he wants to confuse the public, he shouldn't be so unqualified. He thought for a while: "Take another two floors. If you don't have any clues, just go up."

Qi Jun had no objection, and the two proceeded cautiously as before, bypassing a few leaves, and found a big hole in the branch, with blood stains near the hole, Qi Jun knelt down and touched it: "It's not dry, it's fresh. , I think it's best for us to..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw several white shadows popping out of the hole. He hurriedly backed away, looked at the last thing that jumped out, moved his eyes to its severed leg, and sighed: "So I said you were It’s better to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.”

The two kept holding their weapons when they moved forward, but Meng Ling did not activate the defensive magic weapon in order to prevent the consumption of spiritual energy, but held it casually. Seeing this, he quickly shook off the tulle while Qi Jun retreated, letting Qi Jun It blocked the surroundings, and by the way, took out a defensive magic weapon and handed it to Qi Jun. Since they are teammates now, he has to ensure his safety.

Qi Jun was not polite to him, took it and opened it, quickly circulated the aura in his body, and quietly looked at the situation in front of him.

The rabbit's blood had stopped, and it was staring at them angrily. There were dozens of rabbits one size smaller than it standing on both sides, all of them glaring at them. At this moment, the rabbit roared, and in an instant, everyone All the rabbits rushed over, and surrounded them in the blink of an eye.

So fast!The two of them stood back to back with a chill in their hearts.

The people outside quickly discovered the situation here, and they all gasped: "There are so many rabbits, and the speed is so fast, I'm afraid their magic weapons can't stop them?"

"Even if you can barely guard against it, there will always be a moment when the spiritual energy is exhausted, and then it will be bad."

The Duan family also watched nervously, and Grandpa Duan was angry: "What the hell is Xiaocheng doing?! Hurry up and save his wife!"

The people next to him watched and persuaded: "Calm down, Xiaocheng is still putting out fires, let's take a look first, Xiao Ling should have a lot of magic weapons, maybe he can handle it."

"Fart!" Grandpa Duan pointed at the screen, "So many damned rabbits, how do you let him deal with them?! He is the foundation-building cultivation base, how long can he last? Even if they are exhausted, they can consume him to death!" He paused for a moment before reacting suddenly, "Bah! I can't be a crow!"

Everyone: "..."

Uncle Duan sat on the off-road not far away, and replied leisurely: "Barely, I asked my wife for two magical artifacts. They are all exquisite products made by Quwu. They are powerful, but relatively speaking, they consume a lot of spiritual energy It’s too big, but if you use it, you can probably handle it, I think the small town should be given to him.”

The Duan family looked over together: "What is it?"

Uncle Duan didn't answer, but raised his chin facing the screen.

Then they turned their heads, and soon saw Meng Ling take out a micro punch from the space of the watch.

Duan's family: "!!!"

Qi Jun: "..."

Uncle Duan said leisurely: "How about it, no matter how fast a rabbit is, can it be faster than a bullet?"

Everyone didn't answer, but stared closely.

Meng Ling manipulated the magic weapon to block a round of attacks, quickly threw the gun to Qi Jun, briefly explained how to use it, then touched his watch, and took out a grenade launcher with a blank expression.

Duan's family: "!!!!!!"

Qi Jun: "..."

Meng Ling didn't give them time to react at all. After simply aiming, he pulled the safety and pointed at the big rabbit and pulled the trigger. The whitish ball of light whizzed past] in an instant, and it didn't even take half a second. Before he arrived, he had rushed to the front.

The rabbit hurriedly tried to jump away, but the grenade composed of aura has an advantage, that is, it can be pulled to change its direction, so Meng Ling saw that the rabbit was dodging at a critical moment, so he did not rush to chase, but manipulated the aura to quickly go down Press, the grenade exploded on contact with the branch, brought up a wind knife with a diameter of three meters, and instantly smashed the rabbit and the surrounding ones into pieces.

Seeing that the leader was killed, the other rabbits let out a heart-piercing roar, and rushed forward like crazy. Qi Jun poured all his spiritual energy into the micro-chong, and pulled the trigger tightly, only hearing the deafening sound in his ears. With a bang bang sound, the bullets made of water droplets flew towards them and shot through their bodies.

After Meng Ling fired that one, he fired two more without hesitation. Finally, he was exhausted and could barely maintain the defensive magic weapon. However, the rabbits saw that their attacks were too strong and they couldn't get any better, so they all ran away. , soon disappeared without a trace.

Qi Jun had also reached the limit. The two of them were pale and fell to the ground. Then they suddenly felt something and looked up one after another. They saw that the corpses were shining white light at the moment, and then gradually disappeared, leaving not even a drop of blood. Qi Jun said softly: "It seems that they are created by the illusion."

Meng Ling nodded, seeing something shiny where the big rabbit died, he stepped forward to pick it up: " should be the horn on its forehead, right?"

Qi Jun glanced at it: "Keep it, maybe it will be used in the end."

Meng Ling naturally understood, walked back slowly, and set up a barrier: "Take a break."

Qi Jun nodded, closed his eyes and meditated, recovering his aura.

"Hahaha!" Grandpa Duan was immediately happy, "As expected of my granddaughter-in-law, she is domineering! I knew Xiao Ling would be fine, as expected!"

Everyone: "..."

Grandpa Duan changed the topic: "However, who knows what you will meet on the upper floors, this good-for-nothing in Xiaocheng, why don't you hurry up and find his wife, why are you dawdling!"

The members of the Duan family couldn't help saying: "The premise is that he has to come out first."

Grandpa Duan looked over and saw several holes burned on his grandson's body, which was still in the process of extinguishing the fire. The flying height of that map was restricted, and the aura would not be used after exceeding a certain range, but within the flying space It's a big fire, and you can only move forward if you keep putting out the fire, but there will be a circle made of stones at regular intervals on the ground. There is no fire in the circle, and it is only big enough for one person to sit. Obviously it is specially used for meditation, but you need to be around It is a test of one's endurance to close one's eyes and settle down in the case of a big fire.

The Duan family members were also looking at Duan Cheng, slowly analyzing: "These days in the small city, I exhausted my spiritual energy every day, then meditated, then continued to consume, and meditated again... I guess his cultivation base will definitely increase a lot after he comes out. .”

Grandpa Duan responded: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether your cultivation level increases or not. The most important thing is to protect your wife!"

Duan's family all echoed: "This is necessary!"

People around: "..."

With the expansion of the map, everyone gradually noticed the changes. Meng Ling and Qi Jun's tree trunks appeared, and Xiao Wei, Ren Xiao and others' opponents' attack power increased significantly. In the dark night, the little girl smashed the zombies into pieces, sniffed her nose, and felt a little tired, so she curled up behind a big rock and took a nap, then woke up and looked around, and found that she was still in such a ghostly place, and cried immediately: " Woohoo, I want to go home!"

As soon as the words fell, a piece of paper was handed lightly above his head.


Everyone outside: "..."

Xiaowei reacted for a few seconds, raised her head abruptly, faced a pale face in an instant, immediately said "ah", swung her fist hard, and instantly blasted the person's head away, and the person's body slid down the boulder, and the wind into slag.

Xiaowei yelled, closed her eyes and punched a few times indiscriminately, then slowly opened it, and found that there was no one in front of her, she walked around the big stone tremblingly, but still didn't see anything, she couldn't help but let out a sigh: "No People? Was that a magical horse just now? Is it a hallucination?"

Everyone: "..."

Xiaowei looked around for a week, and when her eyes touched the white shadow floating not far away, she immediately widened her eyes, turned her head and ran wildly: "Ah! There is a ghost! Help! I'm so scared! This Are you here to seduce my soul? No, I don’t want to die!”

Everyone: "..."

Girl, we have heard this line many times, and it is not you who died every time, thank you.

They turned their heads silently and looked elsewhere. Yejue might have spent too much spiritual energy manipulating the magic weapon to resist the impact when he fell into the sea, and he was still lying on the deck and did not get up.

"I finally saw my relatives~ my relatives~" Feng Bai hugged him tightly, almost choked up, and almost wanted to take him to roll around on the deck twice.

Ye Jue was almost strangled to death by him, tried his best to gather a little spiritual energy, and tore him apart: "...stay away from me."

Feng Bai saw that his face was not right, so he didn't jump on him anymore, and circled around him: "What do you think? Do you want to eat chocolate balls?"

Yejue: "..."

Seeing that he didn't answer, Feng Bai took out one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yejue: "..."

With a chocolate ball in his mouth, Ye Jue got up slowly, leaned on the railing and looked around, and felt that it was about the same place as he stayed, except that spells could be used here. Although the maximum range was less than 20 meters, the conditions were much better than him. Asked: "Have you seen it in the sea or elsewhere?"


Ye Jue thought about it: "It would be great if there were sails. You are the root of the wind spirit, and you can manipulate spells to make the boat move, so you can see it from a distance."

Feng Bai was stunned: "That's right, why didn't I think of it before!"

Ye Jue glanced at him: "What can I do if I think about it, there is no sail, and now I can only push the sea water and move through the reaction force, which is too troublesome."

Feng Bai was silent for a while: "It used to have sails, but was eaten by the turtle..."

Yejue: "..."

"Oh, the fishing rod and jerky were also eaten by it."

Ye Jue: "...what's going on?"

Feng Bai then narrated the matter obediently: "I didn't do it at all, it wronged me and wanted to ask me for dried meat, but I didn't have it, so it gnawed the sail..." He paused, suddenly remembered something, ran away In the past, he cut out a rectangular plank on the cabin with a sword and handed it to Ye Jue, "Keep it, just in case."

"..." Ye Jue took it, tried hard not to hit someone's face with it, and silently put it aside.

"What should we do now?"

Ye Jue thought for a moment, then slowly narrowed his eyes: "Get it out and have a look."

"Ah? How to do it?"

Ye Jue looked at him silently, so Feng Bai ran to the side of the boat resignedly, and began to think of various ways to call the turtle.

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