All-round learning machine

Chapter 75 Little Q's new goal

Little Q's skills are naturally worth mentioning, "Yu Bai" is almost indistinguishable from a real person.But a fake is a fake. After looking at the model for a long time, I calmed down.

Nodding to the teacher, you can continue listening to the class.I saw the bedside lamp that originally belonged to their house, and now it seems to be supernatural, flying around, taking care of the quiet Quanguo lying on the bed Yu Bai (covered by a quilt!).

After asking Wang You to record the lighting effects from different angles, a virtual screen popped up next to it. It was the effect of the lights hitting Wang You's face at the same time when taking care of "Yu Bai".

You must know that the effects of atmosphere and aesthetics must complement each other.Take this light as an example, a light between two people.It may simultaneously create the effects of a beauty under the lamp and a ghost pretending to be scary.

Not just bedside lamps, various types of light sources appear in the room one by one quite unreasonably.There are so many kinds that Wang You thought for a moment that this class was an exhibition of lamps and lanterns.

To Wang You's surprise, the second half of today's class turned out to be the complete opposite? !

"Huh? I lie down?" Did he learn the attacking tutorial?

"Well, this belongs to the content of the seduction chapter. As far as the hue is concerned, it goes both ways. It is also a very important skill to actively lure the other party to come over to achieve the goal. And according to the data, your partner is particularly easy to be fooled by this trick. So do Learn for a particularly strong sex lure."

Wang You instantly understood the good intentions of the learning machine. If ordinary people come to learn this course, what needs to be learned is Xiaoshou's own response to various performances.

And I seem to need to learn more how to pretend to be "shou" to lure Yu Bai into the trap.After all, Yu Bai has never given up on thinking that he can overwhelm Wang You.

If you can get a good grasp of this... it's very useful.

But... Judging from Xiaoq's urination, even if it's useless, he has to learn.

Wang You studied hard, and the teacher taught seriously.Although the course is a bit special, it is not much different from other courses.

During breaks between classes or when the teacher asked him to take a breath to digest some things by himself, there was Xiaoq bickering beside him.

For example... This is still a semi-theoretical study and imitation, and there will be a key learning and practice part later, to see how well your theoretical school is doing.

Another example... last time you and Yu Bai struggled for a long time and didn't get into the topic. In terms of speed, skill, strength and efficiency, you didn't qualify.

Another example... Two people obviously had many opportunities, and once shared the bed every day, nothing happened, and their technical level is so poor, they have only studied this course until now.

Naturally, Wang You fought back not to be outdone, he had known Xiaoq for a long time, and he hadn't made any progress in other skills, and the spats were increasing day by day.But this time... why is the frequency a bit high?

He and Xiaoq also have such bickering activities during the break between classes, but this time the frequency and time are a bit high.

Stimulate him with aggressive methods, implying that his progress in this course is slow and he learns late.

Not to mention this, but also to listen to the whole class without missing a minute.

In the past, Xiao Q would not float by the side during the whole class.Although his program is always under monitoring (he is the main body of the learning machine), Wang You is absolutely on call.But most of the time he runs out.

Go chat with everyone and deal with everyone's learning progress.Occasionally, I would randomly go to to tease the "little rookies" who are struggling to learn from their predecessors.

He will be more serious and obediently code words, and maintain a god-like update speed to feed the group of children who are waiting to be fed across the network cable.

In fact, Little Q still has a major task, which is to collect updated information on the earth and the sun.He must ensure that he is the most advanced learning machine on earth.

When he first came to the earth, he was in a state without a host. His spare energy allowed him to float in the air, and he could disintegrate himself into an ion state to collect resources everywhere (there is no better spy than this).But now that he has a host, he must go through the Internet to update, recharge, and receive new knowledge.

Strict network protection is a trivial matter. There is no technology that can stop Xiaoq, but there are many core projects that are absolutely offline.Also various ionization signal shielding.Now the little q can no longer enter.

However, Xiao Q has obtained first-hand information about some scientific and technological news that is being made public and under development, and is just waiting for Wang You to learn one by one.

To sum it up... Xiao Q is not that busy. Even if Xiao Q is idle, he usually won't stay in his class and talk to him every now and then.

But now, as long as there is a slight gap, it is Xiaoq's various interruptions and provocations, or serious discussions and inquiries about the progress... Such a high frequency will only happen when the physical exercise begins.

But at that time, it was because chatting did not affect the effect of physical exercise courses, and Xiaoq also needed to get in touch with Wang You more.But now, although Little Q didn't take up class time, he was definitely in an abnormal state.

Although Xiaoq has always emphasized that he is an intelligent brain and does not belong to the category of life, Wang You has never used "it" to refer to Xiaoq.Not only Wang You, but everyone who knows about Xiaoq's existence is probably the same.

That's why Little Q made such an abnormal move...

Wang You's first reaction was... Xiaoq lost his love and lost his temper.

He paused for a second before realizing that Xiao Q will not be broken in love.Is that simply a temper tantrum?Will the brain lose its temper?This is really uncertain, after all, he currently has a smart computer by his side.

And it's not that Xiao Q didn't act like a prank in the past, for example, he exposed his relationship with Yu Bai to his mother before.Although according to the procedure, Xiao Q did nothing wrong, but from a rational point of view, it is a bit of a state of suspected petty revenge like "I don't want you to talk to me about anything".

Of course, there is no evidence for this inference.

Xiaoq once concretized a night walk of ghosts in the consciousness space to scare Wang You, who had a procrastination attack and was unwilling to choose a learning project.All the evidence proves that Xiao Q's intelligence is able to have independent emotions and temper.

But I don't know if I will lose my temper.

According to Wang You's personality, even if something is wrong, he will not solve it immediately until the end.But soon, the bottom line came.

A moment ago, he was still seriously studying Chinese medicine, touching a hand that appeared out of thin air, and feeling various pulses.The next moment, the mahogany chair he was sitting on turned into a soft sofa, and the hand used to feel the pulse had grown completely, turning into "Yu Bai".A mahogany desk that was placed in front of me in Chinese medicine class also turned into a big soft bed.

Wang You silently turned his head to look at the time beside him, it was very good.Not bad, the scheduled Chinese medicine class is indeed over, but isn't it usually the case.After he finished the project on hand.

Then the teacher jumped out to remind him that the time had come.You can take a break and move on to the next lesson.

Little Q has just come out, and usually gives four choices, first, continue to the next class, second, if you feel good, continue this class, third, take a break for a while, and fourth, go out if there is a situation outside.

This kind of instant switching has never happened before.Wang You felt that his heart was really exercised by Xiao Q.

The Chinese pharmacy filled with the smell of medicinal materials was instantly transferred to the bedroom full of ambiguous atmosphere, and a model of his sweetheart was given as a gift, and he accepted it calmly and coldly for two seconds.The heartbeat didn't accelerate much.

But Xiaoq's move really touched the bottom line of a certain procrastination patient.Wang You decided to have a good talk.

He got up and covered "Yu Bai" with a quilt.Give Mr. Chen, who also appeared suddenly, an apologetic expression, turn around and put on a negotiating look to Xiaoq.

"What's the matter with you recently?"

Little Q flickered for a while, then suddenly floated up, and flew around Wang You several times. At the same time, the surrounding environment suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flowers, and the ceiling disappeared, turning into a pitch-black night sky with various colorful and complicated patterns. Fireworks that do not obey the law bloom in the sky.

All kinds of festive music played around in turn. Although it seemed a little messy, it was not very exciting.

Teacher Chen next to him smiled and disappeared, leaving Xiaoq, who was obviously over-excited, jumping around.

However, Xiao Q did not lose his composure for too long, and floated down after a while, and restored everything smoothly.Take the initiative to explain to Wang You the reason for his abnormality.

The cause of the incident had to start from the novel written by Xiaoq.Little Q's writing of novels is purely a hobby for fun, to celebrate that the host has given him a lot of power on the Internet.

So I pieced together the history of another universe and wrote two consecutive books.In the process of writing, he also remembers to interact with readers, but his text plus his author's reply, let him harvest a lot of "cute", "robot subject", "author's stupid", "wooden" and so on. evaluate.

Little Q didn't understand, where did he stay?Although he is not the most high-end intellectual brain, his intelligence level is also very high.No matter how you look at it, someone like Yu Bai is considered dumb.

He asked honestly, so the readers were happier.After saying a lot of words that are difficult for the intellectual brain to analyze, there are finally two small Qs that are completely understood.One is that there is no meat scene in his writing, to be precise, there is not even broth.

Although Xiaoq is written in a historical text, there are also gorgeous and touching love stories in history.Both his lead and supporting characters have their own beauties.But the sex scenes didn't.

Although Harmony is in power now, you don't have a meaty smell at all, you are too strict, everyone is hungry.

The second article is about the convergence of some details.

To say that there are many people who are popular, and Wenhong has a lot of critics, but sometimes it is to find faults, and sometimes to calm down and look at those critics, you will have to be an adult, and there are some critics.

Xiaoq's combination of official history and unofficial history changes the novel of film and television works, and it does have a flaw in the connection problem.

"So... what?" Wang You didn't think it had anything to do with Xiao Q's abnormality.In your world, there are so many materials of film and television works stored in you. Is there any problem in finding a meat show that does not have connection problems?

In fact, these two problems, even if they are completely ignored, there is no problem. He is also reading the point x article, the whole article upgrades to fight monsters and build an empire, just to rule the world, there is no love for children.There are also quite a few articles that don't even hold hands in emotional scenes.

The emotional stories of those great people who do not exist in this universe in Xiaoq's article are also quite exciting, but under the grand background of the general tone.The emotional drama is slightly weakened, and it is completely okay if the meat drama is not included.

"I despise your memory, Wang You." Xiao Q reminded to pull out the definition of brain again.

The intellectual brain can roughly be understood as a non-carbon-based life form with wisdom.More beings are intelligent robots and the like.They can have a high degree of intelligence and delicate emotions, but they have a fatal flaw.They do not create and invent.

They can learn all human knowledge in a short period of time, but they can't create inventions, not at all.

Someone once did an experiment to give robots a planet, give them the best gold, and let them develop themselves.The lower levels are ordinary robots without intelligence, and the top leaders are all the most advanced intelligent robots.

But this robot kingdom declared its demise hundreds of years later.To be precise, a large number of intelligent robots packed all the things that could be packed in the country and returned them to their original owners. They could no longer survive there.The problem that led to this result was solved by human scientists in a few weeks.

"Of course, there are other problems in the cause of extinction. For example, some scholars say that our intelligent brains and intelligent robots lack desires." Xiaoq said that the thinking mode of you intelligent creatures is so troublesome.

Wang You still didn't realize that this had anything to do with Xiao Q's coming to listen in and make trouble in his classes.

Fortunately, Xiao Q was excited about talking, and there was no need for him to ask questions in the next step, and he howled directly.

"I want to be the first brain that has a breakthrough, and I want to be the first brain that can create inventions."

"...Come on." Wang You still didn't understand the relationship between the two.

"Not to mention, there are many things on Earth that are worthy of reference, such as your colorful novels. Although some are unreliable, some are still very valuable for reference."

Xiao Q instantly listed a lot of excerpts from novels floating in the air, and Wang You, who was used to this method, immediately scanned them at a glance.

The findings of the black line are all similar to "treat robots equally, and the other party has evolved intelligence to help the protagonist dominate the world."

"A robot falls in love with a human, then sacrifices himself to help the protagonist escape"

This type.

"I think it makes sense. I want to start with the simplest literary creation, and love, which is the easiest to break through from human analysis. Anyway, I have to stay on the earth. In this place where technology is so backward that it explodes, maybe I will break through instead. Are you done? Didn’t the people in your country say that if you can’t break it, you can’t build it? I want to be a person with ideals, morality, culture, and pursuit, and I have a learning opportunity!”

"..." There were too many complaints, and I didn't know what to say.I can only regret that it might have been a mistake to allow Xiaoq to surf the Internet at will. "So, you watch, you complain, it's all to learn from me..."

"If you want to make a breakthrough, you have to imitate and observe first. Bickering with you is to find inspiration in the fierce conflict. Of course, it is also the reason because you are used to arguing. Of course, you have improved, right? I just pulled you over in a hurry It's time for the next moment!" So Xiao Q threw flowers to celebrate.

"..." Wang You silently entered the exit password, but Xiaoq refused.

"You heartless man~~ You have failed me and Yu Bai~~"

"..." Wang You who admitted defeat.

"That's right, hurry up, the next stage is sensitive point touch training, touch twenty sensitive points within ten seconds. Let's start!"

"Don't make random demands! This is not whack-a-mole!"

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