Naturally, the few of them were discussing the passage of a certain marriage law.

Ten years have passed.The development in the past ten years can be said to be changing with each passing day, just like what Yuhui encouraged Wang You to say back then.

In 00, who would have imagined that so many countries in the world had passed same-sex laws.And when Wang You and Yu Bai met, the bills of the Celestial Dynasty were repeatedly proposed and rejected.But the time flow for rejection is getting later and later.

Everyone has good expectations for this, even Grandpa Yu's age can accept it, what else is impossible.The worst result is to wait!When they grow up, mature, and become the mainstay of society, they have the absolute right to speak.

This situation is not impossible, don't talk about Bei Qing who has a good official career (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seems to be a little far away), don't forget the little evildoer of Aunt Yu Bai's family.

Yu Bai commented that his cousin Li Xiao, who was born with a bad stomach since he was a child, is suitable for Yin people.Unlike Bei Qing who has no identity and background, Li Xiao is the son of a real government official. He grew up in that circle since he was a child. His position and his network cannot be underestimated.

The two people who are closest to Wang You and the others are working in the political arena. Without the care of Wang You and his family, they will naturally work hard for the passage of this new marriage law.

Everyone's worst plan is to wait until they are old and old, and they still don't believe that the two of them will not be able to get along with other relationships.It's because I often sit and think about the worst, so, all of a sudden... the happiness came so fast, I can't believe it! ?

"Are you sure? What did you do?"

"Don't you know what I did?"

When the two were still in the trial period of developing their relationship, Yuhui stirred up this fire in Wang You's heart.Now that we are officially together, it is naturally impossible to only develop our own company in the past ten years, make money without thinking about promoting this matter, and simply let relatives and friends work hard.

On the bright side, he and Yu Bai made a high-profile statement about their deep love as a couple, changing the public's erroneous impressions of same-sex couples.Secretly and unceremoniously spending money on some Danmei novel websites, using the Internet to expand their influence.Yu Bai and he have realized this for a long time, and they were the first to publicly express their understanding, and it wasn't just the corrupt female compatriots who supported same-sex couples.

Throwing money to the screenwriters of major movies and TV series, let them insert some corrupt scenes without any trace, the effect of this trick is unexpectedly good.

You must know that the spread of the Internet still has age stuck there, and the existence of TV and movies has no age limit at all.

In order to cater to the tastes of audiences in the new era, the screenwriters have already written more and more rotten, but now that they have received extra "finishing fees", some inspirations are naturally even more out of control.

A beautiful woman who stood out from the beauties of "learning achievements" and became popular in the past few years after a rough time, once she took off her makeup before she even came, and ran back to her learning achievements to share with you.

The male protagonist holds the script in his hands and asks the director why the adjectives like "affectionate" are used in the eyes he looks at the male supporting role.

After reading the script, the director turned his head and yelled at the screenwriter. "This is your slight modification!!"

"The audience likes this now. It's okay to read it twice. The script is written with affection. When it was reported, it was said that it was hatred, complicated, and entangled with anything. Anyway, those people in radio and television are very superficial and never see the meaning. They only care about whether you are showing or not. They don't know the beauty of subtlety at all... It's not easy to make extra money now, anyway, you all know the central idea of ​​the script... Don't pay so much attention to the details."

In the end, the writers win because the actors side with the editors. The four words "audience likes" have invincible lethality.Whether it's a veteran big bowl, a popular spicy chicken, or a newcomer, one can imagine the competitive pressure in the entertainment industry.

It's not really a show of backbreaking, throwing two winks and saying a few ambiguous words to increase the audience's love, why not.Even a few veteran artists who knew nothing about this aspect, after muttering a few words to the young assistant beside them, nodded and joined the ranks of support.

They have professional ethics, they are professional actors, the script is just like this, there is no need to change it!

The ending is... This show is very popular, various screenshots and videos are emerging on the Internet one after another, several leading actors and supporting actors are always remembered by the audience because of various reprinted fan fictions.

This has caused both those who throw money and those who receive money to get out of hand, and it is getting more and more excessive...

I remember that Yu Bai once brought the "past life and present life" that they made before onto the screen, although the ending is that the lover in the previous life is the brother in this life.It meets the requirements of a BG drama, but... this kind of heroine is almost catching up with the tricks. You insist on a BG drama... By the way, Wang You still thinks that Radio and Television has been infiltrated by rotten women and rotten men?This kind of movie that he planned to watch alone has passed? !

Also habitually deleted a scene where the hero and heroine are kissing...

The above are the efforts in entertainment communication.Public opinion alone is not enough, not to mention collecting and learning from foreign advanced experience, but also the dredging and gift-giving of officials from all sides is also a necessary procedure.

Things are man-made but God makes things happen.They have been working hard but the worst plans have not changed.I didn't even think about going abroad to change my nationality.

There is a strong relationship between the two people, whether they have a certificate or not.Not to mention some psychological reasons for changing nationality, it is their company... the boss suddenly changes to a foreigner, which is also a variety of troubles.

"Of course I know what you're doing, but..." It's the same sentence, happiness comes too fast, it's really overwhelming.

"The time has come." Wang You was also quite emotional about this matter. "A message from Li Xiao."

Thank you for another re-election, thank you for the new leadership team, and thank you for the revision of the Marriage Law. Although it is slightly complicated and involves a wide range of areas, it is not particularly complicated or extensive.

"Next year the National People's Congress will formally pass it, and the specific implementation date should be in the second half of the year." That means they will be legally together in this country after one year.

Although no one can control them now, the feeling of having a red certificate is still quite exciting.

"Oh yeah!" Yu Bai went crazy there, and everyone was sincerely happy that they had just arrived.

"It's calm."

"I was excited when no one was around." Wang You said that he is not so image-conscious, but he is not someone who disregards image either.

"Okay, okay, don't jump up when you are old. Compared with the bill that will be passed next year, I am more curious about Wang You's gift." Tang Yi was bumped several times by Yu Bai who was jumping around, for his life. Safety also doesn't care about making friends happy.

This is the rest room for a few of them, but they also turned over a lot of things.It's definitely not cramped, but it's not big enough for you to do somersaults.What's more, you have a better sense of direction, okay?There is such a big place next to it, you just step on my feet? !

Sure enough, everyone's attention returned to the dots. Even Yu Bai, who knew Wang You's creativity, was looking forward to it, and he didn't know some details.

Even when Wang You was announcing the "good news" before, his hands were not idle, but now he must hurry up.But Rao is assembling, and the whole process took three hours.

Time is long and the results are amazing.

The finished gift is about one square meter in size. On a red cashmere base, there are two dolls, a man and a woman, staring affectionately. The sd dolls in 13 could be so exquisite, let alone ten years later.What's more, it is Wang You's work.

It was made of the best material that Wang You could find, and it was so exquisite that it looked like a real person. Of course, this doll, which everyone admired, was completely unqualified in Xiao Q's opinion.

In front of the puppet is the small table specially ordered by the master.To them, it can only be regarded as a small coffee table, but to a doll, it is a big desk.There is also a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the current desk.All are exquisite.They are all small, and they look so good that they are for dolls.

Yu Bai squatted there and admired it carefully, but what he admired was the face of the doll... "It looks familiar."

"The girl is a bit like you." The old school has good eyesight.

"Get out!" He said so, but looked at Wang You fiercely, if he could really be a beauty according to his appearance... Hmph, wait and see tonight.

"Think about who this gift is for." Wang You amusingly switched on the gift, and pressed a button, and the puppet youth in a long gown and mandarin jacket and the woman puppet in a cheongsam next to him danced to the music. .

"What did grandpa and grandma look like when they were young?" Yu Bai stared at the doll curiously.But the puppet chose a ballroom dance, turning left and right in circles, but the face was not facing Yu Bai. "There are not many old photos at home, and my grandpa's baby is like anything else, so I won't show it to me."

"It's not just dancing, is it?" Looking at the small desk in front, there should be a puppet calligraphy performance.

Regarding the speculations of his friends, Wang You didn't hold back, and pressed a few more buttons, and the two "people" stopped dancing.The man walked to the desk and looked at the people around him lovingly, while the beautiful woman in a cheongsam melodiously picked up a small pot next to it, and began to grind ink when it reached some water.

The inkstone is really grinding, the inkstone and the ink are all real. The little clear water turns into ink in the hands of the doll. After the completion, the "beauty" stands there with her hands tied, watching the man doll paint with the same affectionate expression.

If it's just like this, it's fine, let everyone be surprised behind.

"This painting!" Yu Bai screamed strangely. "It's Grandpa's painting. You let a puppet draw Grandpa's painting!"

The puppet uses precise brushwork, strength, and angles to draw a real picture, and it is the one that Yu Bai's grandfather once painted.Expressed with puppets, it is a scene of love between grandparents and grandparents working together to paint when they were young.

A real scene, not a scene that appears in memory, but one that can be seen, played with, and returned to the moment when I was accompanied by my beautiful wife when I was painting.

After the satisfactory works in the fantasy are completed, it is wonderful to see the beautiful face of the wife when you look back.

Everyone was amazed to see that the pen was closed at the end, and the puppet representing Grandma Yu Bai stepped forward and handed over a small seal. The "husband and wife" even gave way, and finally stamped together.

The good clothes raised the eyebrows and looked affectionate and sweet.

Lao Xue's eyes lit up at the moment, and he opened his mouth to discuss with Wang You a bunch of special terms, some shortcomings, restrictions, etc... No one present except them could understand.On the other hand, Yu Bai carefully took out the small finished product from the table and explained it to the rest of the people. It was his grandfather's work when he was 50 years old. Grandma was gone that year. When grandpa sees this gift...

"You won't make the birthday star cry?" A question suddenly came to mind.

"The tear-jerking effect is really strong." Lin Mao's expression was a bit complicated, he was a bit unable to deliver the gift, and he knew that he would not come to see Yu Bai's gift. "But grandpa is not us. At his age, he can't think about anything."

"You can't gamble on this when you celebrate your birthday. I also set up other paintings, a total of ten. Let's choose an early painting. Without that regret, it will not be so tearful."

"Say it earlier, come and try something else. Xiao Q, pass on the painting selected by Wang You."

Everyone quickly cleaned up the pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the small table, and then took all kinds of paints and prepared to change a picture for the puppet to paint. They also watched Wang You's operation before. This paint or something must be They are ready.

"Little Q?" The rear-projection TV hanging here didn't show anything, and he didn't see any pictures when he took out his mobile phone. This was the first time that Xiao Q didn't respond to them.

Everyone looked at Wang You, thinking that he ordered it, but Wang You's face was also surprised + puzzled, and a little uneasy.

"Little Q? What happened!?"

"Wahhahahaha~~" Just when everyone's anxiety doubled suddenly and they began to make all kinds of bad guesses, a burst of weird laughter came from the stereo, TV, mobile phone, and even Wang You's gift at the same time. .

Who would do this can be imagined.

"Wang You, Wang You~~ I have upgraded successfully~~ I have taken the first step of all smart computers!!" posted something similar to a primary school student's composition, but for Xiao Q, it was crucial step.



"Little Q, good job."

"The feng shui of the Celestial Dynasty is good."

"Thank you, thank you." Xiao Q's excitement was obviously not only expressed by a strange smile. "Wang You, Wang You! To celebrate my breakthrough. I opened more restrictions."

"Prohibition?" I have a bad feeling.

"I doubled the empty column for your course, thank me ~~ plus the column that was created, now you can learn 11 at the same time! Let's start~~"

The author has something to say:

Comes with a small theater, thank you for your support, continue to support the new pit

Registration of marriage.

The country finally passed the bill on gay marriage, and Yu Bai excitedly imitated the Icelandic female prime minister, expressing that he would be the first couple.This idea was so loud that everyone knew it, and it turned out...

Small Q spy report: Failed, Yu Bai forgot to calculate Wang You's procrastination.

Let's go back in time and come to the second week.

Learning from the lesson from last time, Yu Bo specially sacrificed himself and used sex as a basic condition in exchange for Wang You's agreement to help.then……

Overdid it and couldn't get up the next day.

So... three weeks.

Yu Bai, who read the lessons again, put the seduction a few days ago, made sure that he was full of energy on the day of registration, and got there three hours early... and then...

Everyone sighed helplessly, this singer held a concert and people would stay up all night in line to buy tickets, this is for a lifelong event, queuing up all night is normal, maybe he can even show his face on TV.

Back in time, episode four.

Yu Bai seduced him in advance to ensure his spirit, and he came to line up before the Civil Affairs Bureau closed the day before.He was happily ranked first, and finally the first marriage registration was completed.

"Little Q, how are you doing?"

"Not so good. According to Beijing time statistics, you should be ranked around 12th in the country."

"how come!"

"The other civil affairs bureaus are quick and quick."

We... come again!

fifth week

Yu Bai seduces in advance, and finds the Civil Affairs Bureau with the fastest hands and feet to line up a day in advance.

turn out……

"You are second." Little Q was stern and selfless.

"Why this time again! It was clear that this person was the fastest according to last statistics, and I still ran in."

"Related households went through the back door and asked the Civil Affairs Bureau to handle it in advance."

"There are people above me!"

"But you are useless."

"..." The background of the bleak autumn wind.

"Do you want to continue?" Wang You was very satisfied after being seduced several times.

"Forget it~tat~"

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