After a period of time, Lin Lang did not have a stable day of cultivation. No, it should be said that since he met Jun Wuhui, his thoughts of wanting to practice quietly have become somewhat unrealistic.Now, he has completed the early stage of foundation building, but he still has no time to retreat and meditate. Now, it is an opportunity to consolidate the foundation of Qi training and foundation building again.

Thinking in this way, Lin Lang only left a ray of consciousness to pay attention to the person opposite, and then he was immersed in the artistic conception of cultivation.Jun Wuhui was not angry when he saw him, he hung the wood carving that Lin Lang carved for himself out of Qingxin wood on his chest, and then he also practiced in samadhi.

Time passed during the two people's closed-door training. During this period, Jun Wuhui gradually controlled the inner demons that took advantage of the situation, but he still looked forward to the music Lin Lang played for him, and Lin Lang Also, during this period of time, he has sorted out his own cultivation well, and he is even more proficient in using the thunder flame in his body. Every time the child's inner demons can't be restrained or the cold air breaks out, he will give Jun Wuhui a sigh of relief. Have a few thunderbolts, or play some soothing tunes.

Such days are fulfilling and quiet for the two of them, and Jun Wuhui has also finished taking the healing elixir that Master refined for him in such a long period of time, and the injuries in his body have been controlled to a certain extent, at least with There is no problem with human fighting skills, even the body shape can be changed back, but Jun Wuhui still retains the appearance of the ten-year-old child. After all, he can't stand up to a big man and ask Lin Lang to hug him. !Sure enough, being small is good.

When the two left the customs, Lin Lang's cultivation had steadily entered the middle stage of foundation establishment. When the two left the house, they saw a communication paper crane resting on the stone table in the courtyard. After retreating, nearly two years have passed. Calculated in this way, Lin Lang will also celebrate his 15th birthday in a few months.

"A-Lang, how about we go out and have a look?" Well, the change of address is the achievement Jun Wuhui has achieved in the past two years of implementing the plan to win Lin Lang.

From being unaccustomed at the beginning to being indifferent now, Lin Lang has also gone through a stage of familiarity. Regarding the question of why Jun Wuhui changed his name, I am sorry, the official answer given by the pseudo-boy is "I and A Lang both know each other. It’s been so long, don’t you still want to be called by my first name and surname in a strange way, besides, A-Lang is also called by my name!” Well, after hearing such a reason, Lin Lang thought about it, but he didn’t object, anyway. It's just a name.

But Lin Lang didn't know that one step back would lead to overwhelming temptations, and it was too late when his life was full of traces of a fake boy.

When Lin Lang took Jun Wuhui to the place where he was renting a hospital, and paid the rent for another year with incomplete spirit stones owed, the two simply wandered around the deserted city, wanting to relax, After all, after two years of retreat, one always needs to rest.

When the two found a restaurant in this deserted city, ordered a large amount of spirit wine and dishes, and sat in the box to wait, the noise in the lobby became much quieter in an instant. He didn't care about it yet, but when he heard someone mysteriously mentioning the latest unusual thing in the wasteland, Lin Lang began to count the days. Sure enough, the day when the secret realm was born is not far away. The strange thing is probably a sign before the birth of the secret realm.

"Hey, have you heard that there was a big commotion in the wasteland, and thousands of monsters suddenly rioted, and I don't know how many cultivators who went in to explore the secrets died!" A know-it-all, as long as there are gossips that happen, there are very few things he doesn't know, so other people also like to listen to his gossips, because sometimes, these seemingly insignificant news can save your life or save your life. Here is a great opportunity for you.

The rest of the people knew that there was new news when they saw Zhang Laosan's momentum today, and sure enough, Zhang Laosan drank some wine and immediately confided his new news, "Hey, you don't know, Those monsters didn't know why they went crazy, and they killed people when they saw them. Moreover, there were snowflakes in some places on this wasteland. This wasteland was originally located in the south, and the climate was hot and humid. When did it snow? Anyway, my father, my grandpa, and my grandpa have never seen it in my life. My grandpa said that the wasteland is about to change. Let me prepare quickly, and it is best to hide. After all, This is wrong, once you intervene, you don’t know if you will survive!” After taking another sip of wine, Zhang Laosan spoke out the words of his grandfather who had lived for hundreds of years, and by the way, he also frightened these people who thought about it. People who are going treasure hunting.

"Zhang Laosan, don't scare the brothers. Is what you said true?" Others still had some doubts, but those who knew Zhang Laosan fell silent. There was also a tragic incident on the wasteland, and Zhang Laosan also warned, but some people didn't take it seriously, and went anyway. As a result, they haven't come back until today, but this time, Zhang Laosan warned everyone again, it seems that this On the wasteland, something big is going to happen again, I'd better go back and tidy up, rent a yard to retreat.

It won't be good to save yourself from being involved in the bloody storm.After all, if the wasteland becomes chaotic, this deserted city will definitely follow suit. Renting a yard and bringing your own defensive formations are relatively safe. I have wishful thinking in my heart, but how to do it depends on each Personal thoughts too.

In the private room, Jun Wuhui was also thinking, did something really happen in this wasteland?Thinking like this, the movements in his hands were not slow, and he put all the dishes Lin Lang liked on the plate in front of him, "A Lang, eat!" Looking at it, the pseudo-boy with a paralyzed face in front of him piled up the plates in front of him. Lin Lang wanted to sigh when it was full, since when did the food he ate was made by the boy next to him?

Just when he was beginning to meditate, suddenly, the whole deserted city began to shake, as if an earthquake had struck, and the cultivators immediately drove the flying magic weapon and rushed to the sky, wanting to have a look, in this deserted city, What happened to shake such a big city?


This kind of vibration didn't last long, but it caused the monks in the whole deserted city to guess again and again, and some even drove the flying magic weapon to scatter around, wanting to find out where the source of the change was. where.

Lin Lang and Jun Wuhui sat in the flying magic weapon, overlooking the entire deserted city from the air, and did not notice any changes. Looking around the deserted city, it was still the same as usual, and the two of them took a break to search for the vibration with others. Source of thoughts, continue to eat in restaurants.

After eating, Lin Lang and Lin Lang went to the shops in the city to buy enough preparations before returning to the yard.

"Ah Lang, when are we going to the wasteland?" Ever since Lin Lang started preparing things, Jun Wuhui knew that they were going to the wasteland to practice, and it would only be a few days. Although he knew it in his heart, he still asked. The purpose is to say a few more words with Lin Lang.

Sitting in the courtyard, Lin Lang, who was thinking about tomorrow's progress, raised his head, and when he saw Jun Wuhui looking at him with bright eyes, he was already very calm. Anyone who was favored for two years while practicing in seclusion, he would also You can get this calm look. "Leave early tomorrow morning, look, what else do you need to prepare?" Tell the people around you what you have prepared, to see if you have missed anything.

Jun Wuhui thought for a while before adding, "Prepare more food, don't you dislike Bigu Pill?"

Lin Lang was a little surprised. He asked Wuhui to add it because he wanted to know if there was anything he wanted to bring with him. Who knew that Wuhui would have noticed what Lin Lang needed at the first time, which warmed his heart. .Looking at the eyes of the people around him, he unconsciously softened a little. Obviously, for Jun Wuhui, who has a keen sense, this slight change immediately attracted his attention. When he found Lin Lang's soft eyes, his heart felt The joy of the mother is also diffused, it seems that it is very effective to do it according to the method of mother to father!Moreover, after this incident, he suddenly discovered a shortcut, how to make Lin Lang tempted!

The joy emanating from the people around him did not escape Lin Lang's perception. He was a little puzzled, what happened just now could cause such a big emotional fluctuation on the iceberg opposite?Is it because of the concern for him implied in his words?Touching the storage ring on his finger, Lin Lang was thinking, is it because he doesn't care enough about the people around him that he is so happy when he shows a little care?

Thinking of this, Lin Lang felt that he seemed to have found the right answer. After all, it was heard that Wuhui had been practicing with his master since he was a child, and because of his own reasons, no senior brother was willing to get close to him, and his parents were far apart. Children who come out of the environment should be eager to be cared for!

Apparently, this guy forgot that the father and mother have advanced cultivation bases, and if they want to see their son, they will teleport over here. If it’s not enough, there is another master with the same strength. If they want to see their parents, let the master take him directly past!Besides, in the realm of cultivation, there are communication talismans and other talismans that are not inferior to modern mobile phones and videophones. Jun Wuhui has been practicing since he was a child, and it has been several years since he was closed. How can he have time to feel lonely!

After thinking so much, it was just a matter of thought, Lin Lang touched the head of the boy beside him, "Send a message to the restaurant I went to today, and ask them to do more, just send it over. Yes Now, what else do you need?"

"No. I have everything in my storage magic weapon, so you don't have to worry about it!" After finishing speaking, Jun Wuhui also sat aside, "A Lang, you and we are going to practice tomorrow, so let's talk about it today. How about a song for me!" Although Wuhui's tone was very normal, Lin Lang looked at the eagerness in Jun Wuhui's eyes, and couldn't say no to the little Zhengtai who looked like a cute child.

In other words, when Lin Lang was learning music to please others, he only learned the music of people in love. The serious ones such as the Bodhi Mantra were only learned because of their effect and to restrain demons.The rest are some Fengqiuhuang, Liangzhu, lovesickness, etc. Once, after he retreated for a while, he played a piece of Fengqiuhuang. For some reason, I fell in love with this song.

I don’t listen to the bodhi mantra every night, I just listen to the phoenix seeking the phoenix, and the heart demon was restrained by this song, and finally Jun Wuhui surrendered, which surprised Lin Lang. In the previous life, He also played this piece a lot, why didn't he find that this piece also has the effect of exorcising demons?

But no matter what, every time Wuhui wanted to listen to it, he would always play this ancient piece.Probably because there is no one I like in my heart, so I can't play the essence of this piece, but every time I see Wuhui listening seriously, as a player, I still have a sense of accomplishment.

Jun Wuhui is very clear about the inner meaning of this piece of music, so when Lin Lang played it for the first time, even though he didn't integrate his emotions into it, he still heard the original meaning of this piece of music, the tolerant hotness His emotions, and this piece of music, let him know, what does he want?He wanted Lin Lang to have this kind of passionate affection for him, instead of being a friend like now.But thinking of his mother's words before, he knew that this kind of thing seemed to be not to be rushed, but to take his time. Didn't his mother and his father only get together after a hundred years!

And Lin Lang, who was playing this piece of music, was also thankful that he didn't recite that Fu along with the qin music, otherwise, he would be a villain polluting the child's thoughts.

With one person playing seriously and one person appreciating wholeheartedly, the night passed like this. When Lin Lang came back to his senses, the first ray of brilliance emitted by the rising sun in the morning had already passed. It enveloped the two people in the courtyard.It was at this time that Lin Lang put away Yaoqin, but he ignored the reluctance in Wugui's eyes beside him!

Both of them had accumulated some dewdrops, and under the sunlight, they looked even more crystal clear, and the two of them did not deliberately deal with these brilliant dewdrops, but cleaned up, went out of the yard directly, and Go outside the city.

Lin Lang, who was walking in front, realized that Wuhui behind him hadn't followed, turned around, and saw the young man squatting a few steps behind him, "What's wrong?" Lin Lang thought his injury had recurred, and some Nervous, he hurriedly hugged the person into his arms, wanting to check it out.

"It's nothing, I just sat all night, and my legs are a little numb." Buried his head into Lin Lang's shoulder, rubbed it, and then found a more favorable position, the person in his arms said slowly.

Lin Lang lowered his head and looked at the solemn expression on Jun Wuhui's face. He had some doubts and slowly suppressed them, but he still couldn't figure it out. As a cultivator, how could his legs go numb after just sitting all night? Come on, isn't this a problem that ordinary people have?After thinking for a while, Lin Lang couldn't figure it out, so he could only attribute the reason to the fact that the young man in his arms was still injured. It was probably caused by the suppressed injury!

As for Jun Wuhui, he can only say that since he was a child, he fell in love with his muscular face for the first time, because this face can only have one expression no matter what the situation is, even if It's the same when you have a guilty conscience and lie.

Enjoying Lin Lang's embrace with peace of mind, Jun Wuhui silently calculated in his heart how to make the young man who hugged him care more about him!Then he picked his own fingers, well, at least so far, he did what his mother and master said, and the effect is still very obvious.

The two of them embarked on the road of experience in this way of thinking. Lin Lang had already chosen the direction and headed to the interior of the wasteland. If not, he and Jun Wuhui would sweep a monster and pick some spiritual essence. , It's just that there are fewer at this time. After all, there are too many monsters here. If you are not careful, you will attract a group of them. This is not the scene the two of them want.

When Lin Lang and Jun Wuhui concealed their aura and figure, and finally found a small valley safely, and prepared to spend the night, the ground suddenly shook, as if they were in the deserted city a few days ago. The vibration was normal and very regular. It lasted about ten breaths before the vibration stopped. Lin Lang was very surprised. Could it be that this secret realm can't wait to be born?Before Lin Lang could think about something carefully, he saw that the young man beside him had already rushed to the area where wild flowers bloomed in the small valley, and began to dig these flowers and plants.

Lin Lang didn't know what happened to Wuhui, as soon as he entered the wasteland, he began to dig up those beautiful flowers and plants. When he asked him, he also expressed that he wanted to go back and decorate his cave. Obviously, he didn't know that Jun Wuhui dug these The inner meaning of flowers and plants decorating one's own cave.

When Lin Lang raised the fire and took out the food prepared in the storage ring, he saw Jun Wuhui running back with mud on his hand, which made Lin Lang, who was about to eat, frown a little, "Why did you do it again?" It’s so dirty, didn’t you tell me not to get your hands dirty?” Although the tone was admonishing, Lin Lang’s next behavior did not look angry at all.

Resigned to his fate, he found a clean cloth from the storage ring, and wiped Jun Wuhui's hands himself. After all, for a person with a little cleanliness, this is really unbearable.Of course, if he knew, it was because he wiped the hands of the young man in front of him every time, so he would keep dirtying himself, just for such a little benefit.So, without mind reading skills, it's still good, at least you won't be depressed!

Under the light of the fire, at this time, the aura of the two people, one big and one small, was very soft, not so cold and hard. Jun Wuhui looked at the serious expression on the face of the young man who carefully wiped his palms, and felt like He couldn't help softening his own aura, and the crimson flames gave both of them a warm coat, which also made Jun Wuhui's mood even more joyful, but it's a pity that his happy mood It didn't last long before it was broken by other things!


When the two finished their dinner and were about to retreat, another group of people came in this small valley, making a lot of noise, which made Jun Wuhui, who wanted to get close to Lin Lang, very depressed. Fortunately, they were surrounded by people. They all set up magic circles to hide their bodies and auras, so the group of people who just came in didn't realize that there were two people staying here not far from them.

Jun Wuhui looked at the group of people not far away expressionlessly, with a cold light in his eyes, and Lin Lang had some doubts about this group of people: To spend the night in the wasteland at night, they didn't even arrange any formations ?Could it be that they don't know that the wilderness at night is very dangerous?

Well, maybe they knew it, but they just didn't notice it, or maybe they noticed it, but they felt that their own strength was not bad, so there was no need to deploy a defensive formation.And because the distance between the two sides is not too far, the voice of the conversation over there can be clearly transmitted.

"Qing Xiao, how long will it take for us to reach our destination, I'm a little tired?" There was an unconcealable exhaustion hidden in the gentle female voice, and there was a hint of friendship.

Perhaps the man named Qing Xiao couldn't hear the tiredness in the woman's voice, and immediately cared softly, "Qing Ying, you are holding on, Murong Bo said that he will be there in two days!"

"It will take so long!" Hearing this, the woman's voice seemed a little listless.

Another male voice came from the other side, "Qingying, you are tired, come on, eat this two-star spirit pill, after a while, I promise you will have strength again!"

"That's right, Qingying, this two-star spirit recovery pill was finally refined by Senior Brother Murong, and it's much more effective than the one-star spirit recovery pills outside!" Another lively male voice came, hearing this Lin Lang beside him began to frown. He felt that there was something wrong with this group of people. Although everyone with women in the team should be a little more modest, this kind of modesty is really too much.After all, although the two-star spirit recovery pill is not too expensive for foundation builders, it is also not cheap. You can only buy one with a hundred spirit stones. It is the best recovery pill in battle, but in Here, it is just taken out as a small sugar ball to relieve fatigue, which is really a drop in price.But thinking about it, Lin Lang didn't need to expose himself for other people's waste. After all, apart from healing pills, Lin Lang's cultivation did not depend on these external substances.

As for Jun Wuhui, he doesn't care about the mere two-star pills. After all, all his pills are provided by his parents and masters. Three-star, four-star or even five-star Huiling Pills, his master robbed the storage room of Danyang Laodao when his precious apprentice was going out to practice, and searched for a lot of good pills, so he didn't care at all.

Looking back at the other side, several men were already chatting and laughing around the woman, Jun Wuhui was bored, so he simply counted the number of people over there, um, very good, five men and one woman, no wonder all of them The women around the center turned out to be because there were too many men.

On this side, Lin Lang simply added an isolation formation inside, so that the sound from the outside could not come in, and finally his ears were cleared for a moment.Jun Wuhui looked at the group of still noisy people across the way, with contempt in his eyes "a group of idiots!" Then he went straight to meditate.

Not far from the small valley, a group of howling moon wolves with keen senses moved their ears, and then sniffed the smell in the air. In the middle of the night, dots of green light came out from the eyes of these monster wolves. It's like a little bit of demon fire, weird and terrifying.Perhaps because they knew that there was prey in the small valley not far away, the group of monster wolves sneaked into the valley lightly and silently. male and female.These people are surrounded by spiritual energy, and their bodies are full of blood. They can be seen as monks at a glance, and the flesh and blood of monks is the best way for monsters to increase their strength and advance. At this moment, this group is no less than The green light in the eyes of the hundreds of wolves became even brighter.

The pack of wolves is a kind of creature that knows how to cooperate extremely, not to mention that this pack of wolves is also known as the clever and cruel Sirius Xiaoyue.Since the wolves saw the six prey in the valley, they separated two teams from the pack and guarded directly at the mouth of this small valley, while the other three parties, sorry, were all surrounded by mountains. So, this entrance is the only way out.Of course, the stronger ones among the wolves also know that there are flying magic weapons among the human cultivators, so the few sky wolves with the highest cultivation base directly led a pair of men and horses to divide and besiege them. chance of escape.

"Ah~" A scream broke the tranquility of the night, Qingying looked at the wolves surrounding her in front of her, her legs were about to go limp, and she forgot that she was still a monk, and she could use monk methods to deal with these wolves, "Qing Xiao, Murong, help!" The sharp crying girl rang again, but it distracted the men who were fighting hard on the other side.

When Chen Qingxiao and Murongbo saw that Qing Ying was surrounded by the wolves, they threw themselves down, and when they were about to bite to death, they no longer cared whether they would be injured, and directly disregarded their defenses, and rushed towards Qing Ying with all their strength.And Murong Bo's eyes were tearing when he saw this scene, he threw the life-saving talisman on his body to Qing Ying who had already been bitten by the wolves, and protected her.But because of this distraction, he himself was directly bitten by two legs by the four heavenly wolves.The rest of the people were not much better. They wanted to take out the flying magic weapon and take off into the air, but they were surrounded by wolves and attacked one after another, and they didn't even have time to free their hands.

On the other side, the woman who was bitten kept screaming, her face was full of tears, and she kept calling the name of the man beside her, it was so painful, Qing Ying felt that she was going to die, from childhood to adulthood, when did she suffer from this? This kind of injury, "Qingxiao, Murong, Liren, Yuqing... Where are you, Qingying is in pain, she is about to die, woooooo~" Waiting for Chen Qingxiao and Murong Bo to break through and curl up in the talisman When she was in front of Qing Ying in the protective cover below, she was already unconscious from the pain. Even after she passed out, there were still two lines of tears hanging on her face, and her brows were tightly frowned. It was a look of pain, and the names of several people were murmured in his mouth from time to time.Seeing this scene, Qing Xiao and Murong who rushed over were heartbroken. They hugged the sleeping man directly, regardless of the seriousness of their own injuries, and drove the flying magic weapon, ignoring the other three , and retreated directly.

Jun Wuhui opened his eyes inside the magic circle, looking at the bloody appearance of the three who were left behind to hold back the pack of wolves, the expression on his face was still dull, but the way he looked at the sky changed, and From the beginning to the end, Lin Lang beside him never even opened his eyes, let alone offered to help.

As for the three people who were forced to stay, with so many wolves, I believe that even if one of these people was bitten, it would not be enough to divide the pack.

When the sky was bright, the small valley had returned to calm. Only the scorched ground and dark red soil not far away could show that an extremely fierce battle took place here last night.The two of them turned a blind eye to all of this, sorted out their things, and started today's task directly.

During the journey, the two of them encountered wandering monsters, sometimes they saw herds of beasts from a distance, Lin Lang would lead the people around him to avoid them, if they saw any flowers that bloomed beautifully, Jun Wuhui He will also go there, dig out a few plants, and carefully put them into the storage magic weapon like a collection of spiritual treasures, which makes Lin Lang feel a little helpless.

Looking into the distance, everything is lush and lush. The unique scene of the prairie made Lin Lang feel very happy. The gentle wind blowing on his face made him relax. The grass on this prairie seemed to be particularly Lin Lang walked in it, and the grass could grow up to Lin Lang's waist, and in some places, the grass could directly bury people in it.Seeing this appearance, Lin Lang directly hugged Wuhui next to him, and then resorted to a light-hearted technique, and began to walk slowly. Jun Wuhui, who was held in Lin Lang's arms, was very impressed by Lin Lang's subconscious behavior now. He was happy, and simply sat on Lin Lang's arm like a child, looking around.

"Ah Lang, let's take a detour!" After walking for about half an hour, Jun Wuhui suggested to Lin Lang in a low voice, but there was a bit of unnaturalness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lin Lang turned his head, looking at Wuhui's tangled eyes, something bad happened ahead.

"It's nothing, it's just that there are three monsters fighting in front!" Jun Wuhui thought about what he saw from the 360-degree divine consciousness, and wanted to twitch the corners of his mouth, but unfortunately his facial nerves were weak, but At least, he couldn't let Lin Lang see this scene. If he became interested and wanted to find a goblin, then he would be at a great loss.

"Oh!" The simple answer, without saying whether to change the route, made Jun Wuhui a little uneasy. After all, if Lin Lang saw that scene, he probably wanted to find a woman.

After continuing to move forward for a certain distance, Lin Lang's divine sense also saw the so-called monster fighting in Wuhui's mouth!He raised his eyebrows, but it was just two men and one woman fighting in the wild. This was no big deal to Lin Lang. It is worth noting that the three people in front happened to be the three who escaped last night. Looking at it, they probably were Before the injury healed, a field battle started. Lin Lang disagreed with this point, and his own body was more important. Moreover, the woman was more than just with the two men who were holding her in front of her. It's related, I guess, this person should be the so-called popular lover type.

However, these two men are also in good spirits, and they actually managed to do such a big thing of being slept together. Sure enough, the mind of the cultivator should be much more open than I thought!

Listening to their words, because I love you so much, you want to have that woman together?Why does this statement sound so familiar?And that woman's name is also very familiar!Thinking of this, Lin Lang unconsciously touched his chin with his other free hand, and began to think about when he had heard of this woman's reputation.

The young boy around Lin Lang's neck looked anxious at Lin Lang's pensive look. After all, the distance was close or far, but it was enough for Lin Lang's spiritual sense to see what happened in the distance. Looking at the thoughtful look of the people around him, Jun Wuhui's eyes dimmed a bit, and he unconsciously began to compare himself with other women to see how men are worse than women.

Then he took a peek at the three people who had changed their postures, and began to have doubts in his heart, "Is it possible that women are better than men because they know how to please men?" Thinking of this, Jun Wuhui's clever head started to run at high speed again, then he looked up at the young man who was still frowning and thinking, and began to guess.

After all, Lin Lang is almost 16 years old now, and he can be considered an adult, so he should be curious about this aspect, "Why don't you find some books to learn by yourself, and then use it on Ah Lang to see the effect." ? 'Jun Wuhui thought of this, and felt that this idea was still feasible, but he looked at his fake boy's body again, and let out a sigh of relief, let's talk about returning his shell to normal first!But before that, you can also learn the theoretical knowledge first.Thinking like this, Jun Wuhui no longer rejects the non-stop movement of the three people in front of him, but instead uses his spiritual sense to observe in high-definition, front, back, left, and right, thinking about the way here.


"It turned out to be her!" After thinking for a long time, Lin Lang finally remembered who this woman was, wasn't she the heroine who had heard of one woman and nine men in the vast sea!No wonder it is so open, it turns out that there is a precedent!

Only then did he remember that he was still holding a child. It is better not to watch this kind of scene that is not suitable for children, otherwise it will cause needles. "Okay, no regrets, let's go in a different way!" After finishing, without waiting for Jun Wuhui to open his mouth, he directly bypassed the front and continued on his way.

There are also some young boys who are still full of dissatisfaction. They have just changed their positions and they haven't finished their research. However, their dissatisfaction can't be expressed on their faces. The eyes that can reveal a little emotion only need to look at A-Lang If you open your eyes, you will unconsciously forget what you are thinking, so Jun Wuhui can only let Lin Lang find another way to go to the next destination.It's just that this guy has decided in his heart that he must find someone to study hard when he goes back.

"Stay away from that woman from now on!" Even though he changed his way, Lin Lang still felt sorry for polluting the child's heart. In addition, the woman had a bad behavior and was entangled with so many men, so he simply said caution guy in arms.

Jun Wuhui was thinking about how to tie the person in front of him to his side, when he heard this sentence, he curled his lips in disdain, well, the facial muscles are not strong enough to make such large movements, so he can only Try to show contempt with the eyes that haven't changed at all, "Could it be that my eyes are so bad that I would fall in love with such an unrestrained woman! Besides, I'm just a child now, and that woman shouldn't be hungry enough to fall in love with me." Such a child!" Thinking about how bold and unrestrained that woman is, Jun Wuhui was very impatient, "My future Taoist companion is not easy to be!" In fact, what he originally wanted to say was that my future Taoist companion It should be like you, but it's a pity that these words are too intriguing. It would be bad if Lin Lang noticed something, so he simply changed his words.

Lin Lang looked at Wuhui's eyes that were blinking back and forth to express contempt, and thought about it. Even if Jun Wuhui had no vision for that woman, he guessed that his master and parents would not agree. On the contrary, I am really worrying unnecessarily!Of course, this person obviously paid attention to the wrong direction. Generally speaking, when children see two men and a woman doing these disharmonious things unrestrainedly in the wild, shouldn't they pay attention to what children think when they see such unclean things?Instead of asking children what to look at, let's take a fancy to that unrestrained woman!

Lin Lang finished solving the doubts in his heart, but Jun Wuhui also wanted to ask, after all, that woman did have a lovable posture, and that stunning appearance, which made so many men fall in love with her As for her, he was also not at ease. When Lin Lang saw that woman, would he also feel uncomfortable, and when he saw that unrestrained behavior, would there be a ripple in his heart?

"Then what do you think of that woman? I see so many sect disciples like her, what about you?" When this question was asked, Jun Wuhui stared at Lin Lang's expression, wanting to know his answer. How is it? In fact, he wanted to use this question to directly ask the young man's requirements for future Taoist companions, so that he could prepare as soon as possible.

"I like it? I can't bear such a bold and unrestrained woman!" After speaking, Lin Lang looked at the environment ahead, and then he was sure that the destination of the two of them still needed to walk for a while.

Hearing what Lin Lang said, Jun Wuhui was secretly happy in his heart, and his whole body was full of joy, but then he was a little nervous because, "Then what do you want from your future Taoist companion?" After asking, Jun Wuhui Even more tense, he unconsciously clenched his hand, but his face was still paralyzed. At this time, he was thankful. Fortunately, the muscles and nerves of his face were frozen by the cold since he was a child, otherwise, The expression on his face was tense.

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