I felt that my whole heart was sinking, "No wonder, such a tragic scene will happen where the moonlight shines."

"When an immortal falls, how can there be no resentment? The immortal body that has only been cultivated for tens of thousands of years overlooks the earth, but once he lost his life, how can he not hate, how can he not complain!" He sighed endlessly, and put himself in his shoes, if he had only cultivated the immortal fate for thousands or nearly ten thousand years, but ended up being knocked out of the mortal world, it would be strange if he didn't hate or complain.

"This Jiuxiao Immortal Soil was probably brought down by the Immortal when he fell into the dust, and the Demonic Soil may have been transformed by the Immortal's unwillingness to die with resentment." In the end, several people with unfathomable cultivation The old man speculated that such a conclusion really made everyone's hearts sink.

"That's why those red-eyed ghosts on the periphery of the secret realm let us in so easily, because they know that even if we get in, we probably won't be able to get out." After discussing with several people, they probably came to this result.

Lin Lang saw that the slit stopped changing, and the moonlight in the sky became even paler. Calculating the time, it was Zi Shi, so he didn't say anything. Anyway, all the evil things in the world couldn't get close to him. Even if he is deep in hell, he does not have to worry about his life, but these people around him are not as carefree as himself, especially Wugui, who has a cold air and a cold physique, which is very attractive to those evil spirits. If one is not careful, the body of Wuhui is simply the best lair for these Yin Qi.

And although the formation just now infected these people with the power of thunder, it was still a drop in the bucket after all.What they didn't know at this time was that calm had already returned to the wilderness outside, but the light gate that had been obtained to enter the secret realm was still erected above the Falling Immortal Lake, attracting countless people to come to explore, and a few days ago However, the actions of the larger faction further proved that the gate of light is actually the entrance to a secret realm, attracting countless casual cultivators, small sects, and second- and third-rate forces all over the world to join in, wanting to get a share of the pie.

At this time, the wilderness has long been submerged by crowds, and the Chuanxian Lake is even more crowded with people. There are always people coming in and out beside the Guangmen, and it is very lively.But this time, everyone saw a man in white, holding an unforgettable beautiful woman in his arms, sitting on a float, and beside the float were eight girls of different ages, Flower petals of various colors were constantly thrown into the air from the flower basket held by the arm, and this pedestrian slowly drove into the light gate in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone looked at the scene and looked around, "Old Zhang, what is the origin of that team just now, so arrogant!"

"You ask me, who do I ask, there has never been such a person in the cultivation world, presumably, it is a new kid."

"Let me tell you, that young man is really lucky, so there is no fairy with eight girls who have cultivated fruits, hehe~"



In the second ancient hall, all the magic weapons, spirit stones and other treasures were swept away. Several headmasters were trying to explore the few rooms with strong restrictions in the back, while Lin Lang and Jun Wuhui were sitting at the entrance of the ancient hall. Looking at the increasingly distinct boundaries, there is no big sigh.

Lin Lang even took out a small jade bottle from his body, put the bottle next to the gap, and then drew a formation beside it, Jun Wuhui saw the mist rising from the gap at a speed visible to the naked eye. Put it into the bottle, but I don't know what A-Lang's intention is.After feeling the influx of a large number of monks in the dense forest, I have to feel that the attraction of this secret realm is really big enough to make so many people risk their lives.

In the dense forest at this time, there is obviously a world of difference from when Lin Lang just entered.The entire dense forest is transformed into a huge formation, and the vigorous trees seem to have suddenly passed through the spirit, following the formation, moving left and right, and the strong branches are often drawn. It is better not to have two more legs.

But one of them is particularly powerful. Thunderbolts, wind, frost and sword rain are all spread out between this small world, and the monks who fell into the nine-curved golden array are like bad luck. Chopping, being hacked for a while, being blown by severe wind for a while, and being attacked by cool rain for a while, in short, it does not allow people to have a moment of peace.

Within the formation, the young man who was traveling with eight maidservants still did not leave his float, but just hugged the woman beside him with one arm, and rested the elbow of the other hand on the window wall of the float leisurely. It is interesting to look at the scene in front of you.And the eight maidservants he brought each held a magic weapon in their hands, and spontaneously followed the layout of a magic circle to hunt and kill the monsters that kept appearing in front of them!

"My lord, it's very boring here, let's go over quickly." The girl lying in the man's arms was full of innocence in her eyes, and a sense of boredom appeared on her face.

"The formation in this secret realm is only mediocre. Okay, Shuang'er, let's go." As he spoke, the man directly gestured to the eight maidservants outside, and afterward, the eight maidservants didn't look like In the past, it was normal to slowly fight with those monsters, but directly activated the magic weapon to form a defensive shield. A group of people walked towards the middle under the attack of sword forest and sword rain.

Inside the ancient temple, several teachers have already released the disciples of their sects. After all, the scope of the second ancient temple is really large, and it is still within the Jiuxiao Immortal Land. There will be no danger for the time being. Let them go. Coming out is also for their growth. There are still many places in this ancient temple that the head teachers have not explored. It is just for the disciples to go there to gain experience and improve the proficiency of various attack and defense moves. Make plans in the future.

Lin Lang was still sitting cross-legged at the gate of the ancient hall, looking at the almost full yellow water droplets collected in the small jade bottle, and seeing the growing deadness in the square in front of the ancient hall, Lin Lang felt that this trip to the secret realm was not in vain Come.Although it may be life-threatening, as long as you survive this year, the secret realm will automatically clear the people inside in the next year.So, there is nothing to worry about.

After sealing the small jade bottle and putting it into the universe, Lin Lang sensed his own cultivation, very good, in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he is working hard, and when he reaches the late stage of foundation establishment, he can prepare for the alchemy .There's no way, it's always an embarrassing thing for a Taoist companion's cultivation to be higher than his own.

The air of resentment in the square had already grown to a certain level. From the black mist overhead, shrill howls began to be heard, as well as some intermittent sobs and choked sobs...these differences For Lin Lang, the unusual phenomenon did not scare him away. People who have walked in hell always miss this kind of atmosphere. The current Lin Lang is one of them.

Sniffing the unusual smells in the air, the smile on Lin Lang's lips became bigger and bigger. Looking at the figures hidden in the thick mist, Lin Lang didn't care about them, but He directly took out a reclining chair from the ring, and placed it in front of the gate of the ancient temple in an upright manner. He lay down on it, leisurely and at ease, not at all like a person in trouble.

'Crack~crunch~' The reclining chair swayed leisurely, and the sound it made was so eye-catching in this quiet space.A shining jade tablet floated in front of Lin Lang, his fingers flashed with lightning, he kept drawing something, his energy was very concentrated, when the jade tablet fell into Lin Lang's hands, his whole body was covered with blood. Surrounded by a layer of faint blue electric light, with a faint purple glow hidden in the middle, Lin Lang took the jade tablet that he spent most of his spiritual power in his dantian to carve, and began to carefully perforate it, Then, a robbery line glowing with purple lightning was connected with the jade tablet the size of a child's palm, and then the jade tablet and the light on the line were all hidden, just like the most common jade and thread, Lying quietly in Lin Lang's palm.

Holding the jade tablet in front of his eyes, Lin Lang watched it carefully, and decided to finish the last step.The recliner swayed non-stop under the weight of the person on it, but it didn't know what the person on it was thinking.

If someone stood behind Lin Lang, they would find that when Lin Lang moved his finger to draw something on the smooth jade tablet again, what remained on the jade tablet was a bright red streak.Afterwards, the face of the card seemed to come alive, absorbing the purple-golden blood on the surface into it, and after finishing the last stroke, Lin Lang's face paled uncontrollably, as if he had fallen ill Like a field, even the spirit has disappeared a lot.

In the inner circle of the ancient hall, Jun Wuhui, who followed the master to break the restraint, suddenly covered his chest with his hand. The sharp pain just now made him think that his restrained injury burst out again, and then came A sense of weakness broke his guess again. The injury on his body has been completely restrained. Under this situation, it will not explode at all. If it is not him, it can only be A-Lang. For the golden contract in it, Jun Wuhui clenched his fist, and then reported to Master, he left the team and went back to look for Lin Lang.

At this time, Lin Lang, who was lying on the rocking chair, looked at the clear figure in the thick fog ahead and frowned, "So fast? ’ But it was just such a question, and there was no other expression, as if those things didn’t care about their own affairs at all.

And those figures in the dense fog were just as Lin Lang expected, they did not rush out of the thick fog in the midair and rushed towards the ancient temple, but rushed directly into the dense forest, and started their first search after waking up. Food.

Playing with the jade card in his hand, Lin Lang just watched those thin shadows full of death, resentment and hostility flash into the lush forest with a bloodthirsty breath, and then heard a shrill voice There was a scream, and the monk who was attacked by these shadows would instantly turn into a shriveled corpse and fall straight to the ground.

On the ground of the dense forest, the blood flowing from the monks who had been murdered by those monsters and old vines was stained red. Then, as if due to consciousness, the blood began to gather in the inner square. Lin Lang looked at the front of him like this. The square of the city was stained red with blood, depicting a series of mysterious talisman paintings...

"Are you injured?" Jun Wuhui, who was standing behind Lin Lang at some point, looked at Lin Lang lying on the rocking chair, feeling very worried.

Turning his head, Lin Lang looked at the people who came in a hurry, and shook his head amusedly, "Why are you back? Aren't you breaking the ban with Master?" Avoiding the serious and taking the light, this is a trick Lin Lang always knows.

"You're hurt." The man in front of him didn't answer Lin Lang's words, but because of Lin Lang's pale face, the force in his words was much stronger. But it turned red, and looked at Lin Lang stubbornly. He looked fierce but made Lin Lang feel warm.

Seeing the other party's red eyes, Lin Lang was silent for a moment, and then smiled and said, "A little injury, it will heal soon, don't worry." He stretched out his hand, and handed the jade token on his palm to the fast man beside him. The guy who stared him out a hole "A gift for you!"

Feeling the introverted energy of the jade tablet and a trace of familiar fluctuations, Jun Wuhui's eyes were completely red at this moment, "You actually sacrificed your heart and blood!" These words were almost uttered word for word, and now He wished he could pick up the guy lying on the rocking chair and beat him up fiercely. He used his heart blood to sacrifice this thing. He was desperate. Who did he think she was? He actually... Thinking of this, Jun Wuhui stared at the jade tablet lying in the bastard's palm and glared fiercely. The temperature around his body kept dropping, and the air had faint signs of freezing.

Clenching his fists tightly, trying to restrain the worries in his heart, he snatched the jade tablet lying in Lin Lang's hand, then hung it around his neck carefully, stuffed the jade tablet into his clothes, took a few deep breaths, Suppressing the anger in his heart fiercely, Jun Wuhui calmed down his mood. Although he wished to beat up the little bastard lying there, he was reluctant. He would rather get hurt than May A-Lang suffer a little harm, he knows that the jade tablet full of lightning power was specially refined by A-Lang for himself, just to restrain his physique.

But even so, he didn't want A-Lang to pay such a price for him. The blood essence of a monk is precious, not to mention the blood of the heart that is even more precious than essence blood. A little less could make any monk seriously ill. In the last match, the price was too high, ranging from a drop in cultivation base and damage to life essence, to a total destruction of the foundation. Therefore, when refining weapons, even if they knew that the magic weapons refined with their hearts and blood were powerful, few people went to do this.

Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him who was caught in his own emotions, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, how could it be so serious, although it was a little difficult to take blood, but his thunder flame contained vitality, within a few days , the few drops of heart blood lost will be automatically replenished, so he dared to touch this thing, but when he took it out, it was really too painful, not much less than the burning of the soul.

"No regrets!" Lin Lang forced the expression on his face to become even paler, almost to the point of paleness, and Jun Wuhui, who had come to his senses, bent down in fright, "What's wrong?" He said, He also kept taking out various elixirs from the magic treasure storage, and began to stuff them into Lin Lang's mouth.

Seeing those elixirs, Lin Lang quickly covered his chest with his hands, "I don't need elixirs, you know, I don't take these things very much, but I'm a little dizzy, I don't have much energy in my body, and I want to sleep."

Well, this is Lin Lang's purpose. In order to save the man next to him from pursuing him so much, he can only divert his attention, "I'm a little hungry."

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Jun Wuhui directly found an ice silk quilt and covered Lin Lang, "Go to bed first, I'll prepare food, and I'll call you when I'm done."

Seeing Wugui who was busy for himself, Lin Lang was in a very happy mood. Even the thicker clouds in the air in the square were more pleasing to the eye. The loss of two drops of heart blood just now really made his whole spirit drop. There are many, and the cultivation level is in danger of falling. Close your eyes and activate the free thunder power in your body, constantly nourishing and soothing the body, stimulating the birth and purification of blood. After warming up, the energy and spirit are slowly recovering. Sure enough, the power of thunder not only contains destruction, but also heralds new life! '


The huge square was already stained red with blood, and the dark clouds in the mid-air also began to fall down, as if they wanted to merge with the scarlet blood.Wisps of blood began to spread, but if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it.

There was that pale yellow smoke leaking from the gap above the ground, and it also merged and dissolved with the dark clouds in the sky at that moment, and there was no trace to be found.

But between the crimson and the darkness, there is a body that can't be seen clearly. It's just that the face is covered by the thick mist. What makes people remember the most clearly is the pair of red light and Evil eyes.

Lin Lang looked at those eyes not far away, and couldn't help but see the scene of millions of dead bodies dripping with blood in his mind. The murderous and evil spirit around the person who couldn't see his face was even more intense to a certain extent, already in his body A thick scarlet blood mist formed around it, and I don't know how many people were killed to reach this point!

With such a guess in his heart, Lin Lang's mood was extremely serious. When those bloody eyes looked at him, the Lei Yan in his body started to work spontaneously. The depression that had condensed in the air also began to dissipate, but it was precisely this that made Lin Lang more vigilant in his heart, and the sound of alarms in his mind kept ringing!

Dangerous, extremely dangerous, when he saw the eyes hidden in the thick fog and blood, Lin Lang had only one thought in his mind, but he still stood in front of the ancient temple, looking calmly at the people in the center of the square. The dense fog filled my heart with excitement.

And his emotions were clearly transmitted to the heart of Wuhui who was guarding him beside him. Jun Wuhui, who also felt the extreme danger from that figure, felt the emotional fluctuations in his heart that did not belong to him, but he was extremely puzzled. I don't understand why Ah Lang's mood fluctuated so much when he saw that figure, as if he was extremely excited.

'Finally there?I've waited so long for this! Lin Lang stared at the looming figure in the center of the huge square, took a deep breath, and suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, but this kind of behavior made Jun Wuhui who was beside him a little dissatisfied. Without even thinking about it, he stood in front of Lin Lang and blocked his sight, "Don't look at him!" Maybe because he felt that his expression was not very accurate, this serious person added again, "Don't use that Look at him with fiery eyes!"

Lin Lang looked in front of him, with an expression of 'I'm serious' on his face, Wugui who was talking to himself, hearing the meaning of this, even Lin Lang was stunned for a while, then raised his head and looked into the distance The figure in the dark cloud had a strange look on his face, "Hot?"

"Yes, you are now Jun Wuhui's Taoist partner, and you are not allowed to look at others with such eyes in the future." Jun Wuhui repeated it again in order to emphasize the importance of this matter.

Feeling the determination in his heart that came from the other person's mind, as well as the extremely serious appearance of the opposite person, Lin Lang really had a dumbfounding feeling, "No regrets, do you think I will have a hot feeling for the evil thoughts of a dead person? "

Hearing these words, Wuhui on the opposite side froze, "Dead man's spiritual thoughts?" Then he turned around to look at the ethereal figure in the square, "Then, why did A-Lang look at him like that?" Well, this one is still struggling with this issue.

"I want to eat him!" Looking at the shadow in the distance, Lin Lang's eyes were full of light, and he simply stated his purpose, so that his own daughter-in-law was always suspicious, so it's no fun something happened.

"No!" Hearing Lin Lang's answer, the warning line in Jun Wuhui's heart was suddenly pulled, his Taoist companion was going to eat others, how could this be possible, even if it was a dead person, this guy was in a hurry , and pulled out the teachings of his master, "Master said, you and I are already Taoist companions, and I can only eat you, you can't eat others!"

Hearing this, if he still doesn't understand what is going on in his fool's mind, Lin Lang's hundreds of years of life will be in vain. At that time, Lin Lang's face remained unchanged, "Oh? You can only eat me, I can't eat others?" These words can figure out a lot of information, tsk, it seems that my master's teachings to his apprentices are really comprehensive ah!

Jun Wuhui looked at Lin Lang with a calm face in front of him, hesitated for a moment, felt the other party's emotions, but found nothing, which made him a little anxious, "Ah Lang!" He is not a person who cares about other people's emotions, But if this person is Lin Lang, he is willing to change for this person, "Are you unhappy?"

"No!" Shaking his head, Lin Lang guessed that his Taoist companion might not quite understand the 'knowledge' taught by his master and was thinking about how to explain it.

But this kind of silence made the people around him very uneasy. Jun Wuhui reckoned that Lin Lang was unhappy when he said that he wanted to eat him. I strive to be the best, but, well, for an ignorant person who has been staying at the mountain gate and met Lin Lang for the first time when he went out, there are still many things he doesn’t understand about the instructions of his master and father. Thinking, the master seems to say that when he and A-Lang are in perfect harmony, he will naturally understand.

But at this time, since these words would make A-Lang unhappy, the man with his head down looked up after pondering for himself, and said seriously to Lin Lang, "A-Lang, if you don't like me to eat you, then I let you eat, but" Jun Wuhui stared at Lin Lang with black and bright eyes at this moment, and he said every word, "A-Lang is only allowed to eat me from now on, and is not allowed to eat others!"

When the two Taiqing Palace disciples who ran out of the ancient palace heard this at this moment, their whole bodies appeared in a state of petrification. Who will tell them whether their ears have hallucinations and they actually heard it? The words of that school's human-shaped killer, which was similar to giving himself away for nothing, must be a dream. The two of them turned around and walked back like a dream.

As for Lin Lang who heard this, he smiled happily. He scanned the serious man in front of him from top to bottom with his eyes, and then he felt happy, "Don't worry, I will only eat you in the future. I can't see it!" After finishing speaking, he glanced at a place behind him inadvertently, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more brilliant like the flowers blooming in spring.Afterwards, he simply pulled the man in front of him into his arms and sniffed the cold breath on his body. Lin Lang was so happy in his heart. Pleasant companion.

Wugui, who has been guaranteed, is also full of joy now, but he doesn't know that in a certain area not far in front of him, his master looks at him with a face that can't bear to look directly, and sighs in his heart, "Stupid boy!" , sold myself so early, Master really gave you nothing, hey! 'After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked inside.

Feeling the joy that did not belong to him in the bottom of his heart, Jun Wuhui applauded his decision again in his heart, and Lin Lang who was holding him raised his head and looked at the scene outside, "The time has come." After finishing speaking, the corner of his mouth curved Going up again, looking at the dense forest surrounded by old trees, his eyes sparkle, and looking at the person in his arms, he made up his mind that this time, he must solve the hidden danger in Wuhui's body once and for all.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang looked at the figure with more enthusiasm in his eyes. If Wugui raised his head, he would definitely find that the eyes of his Taoist companion were about to glow green.

"No regrets, go to Master's side to break the restriction first, and soon, all the treasures in this ancient temple will be born." Feeling the waves of waves coming from under his feet, Lin Lang's heart moved, and he let go of the tightness in his arms. People, "Come on, I'll watch from here!"

Jun Wuhui looked at Lin Lang's eyes and still glanced at the figure in the mist from time to time, but he lost the original burning feeling, so he nodded. After all, there are indeed many treasures in those restrictions. Now Ah Lang's cultivation Because it was still a bit low, it just so happened that he used to grab some more spirits in order to repair A-Lang's cultivation base. When he thought of this, he felt that he couldn't stay any longer, so he simply nodded with A-Lang, and then his figure disappeared into the before Lin Lang's eyes.

After the people around him disappeared, Lin Lang completely let go of his expression, and his face was no longer a smile, but a kind of insolent smile: "The next thing is really exciting, after all, You kept me waiting for so long!" As he spoke, his eyes unconsciously glanced at the alternate figure in mid-air, "Tsk, do I want to participate in the massacre later?!"

As if in a difficult situation, a small electric current was stirred up in the air around Lin Lang's body, which shows how agitated his mood is at this moment.

Just when he finished thinking, the dense forest with a long history around the square suddenly showed a change that no one could have imagined.The originally lush trees that had grown for thousands of years suddenly seemed to have been sucked out of their vitality by someone, and began to wither in large numbers, and a dense greenery gathered in the sky above this dense forest.

And on the ground of the dense forest, a thick layer of blood began to seep out, which made all the monks in the forest change their faces, because the withered trees were wiped out as soon as they touched the blood, There are no leaves left.This made all the people and beasts staying in the dense forest terrified.

At this moment, Lin Lang took out a small gourd from the universe. Its yellow appearance was inconspicuous at all, and then he carved a small formation beside the gate of the ancient temple. , put this gourd in it, and then, I don’t know how Lin Lang works, this formation actually communicated with the rest of the formations that Lin Lang left in the dense forest and the square before, and then, I saw a faint green Divided down from the dense forest, slowly got into this inconspicuous gourd.

And in this panic, who would pay attention to this scene?Lin Lang watched the yellow gourd's appearance turn green as the greenness penetrated, but the look in his eyes became more and more serious, because the most difficult thing to do next was to look up at the gourd. The thicker dark green in the mid-air, seeing the vain figure in the dark clouds, and thinking of his unrepentant physique, Lin Lang's eyes became firmer, success or failure depends on this trip to the secret realm!


For the outside world, more than two months is enough time for the news of the birth of the secret realm to spread throughout the entire continent, not to mention that the entrance to the secret realm is directly opened there, and there are no conditions to enter the secret realm. Whether you are a genius or a waste material, can enter.

Everyone knows how much benefit a secret realm will bring to monks, so people from the whole continent seem to be crazy and rush here.Every day, a large number of people flooded into the wasteland, all of them came to the secret realm, but these people didn't know that there was a big change in the secret realm at this time.

The lush forests have already been turned into fly ash, and there is only one kind of building in the entire secret place---the majestic ancient temple.

The originally bright sky had long been shrouded in cloudy clouds, while the earth, which smelled like earth, was covered with a layer of dark red blood mud.The teachers of the various sects in these ancient palaces of change have already studied it clearly, and they also know that if they want to be born in the underground world, then everything that happened in this secret realm is reasonable.

And there is a formation in this ancient temple that directly leads to other ancient temples, this is what they are concerned about now.

At the entrance to the secret realm, "Brother, let's go in."

"Well, I don't know if we will have adventures during this trip to the secret realm."

After speaking, a group of people stepped into the light gate with excitement.The strong aura rushed towards their faces, making the group of people who had just entered excited, but when they opened their eyes, they were extremely surprised. "This..." Those people looked at the gloomy sky in front of them, and their feet were covered with blood. The earth, a little at a loss.But when I looked up and saw the towering mountains and the tall ancient temples in the distance, I became excited again.

"It turned out to be the ancient temple group, let's post it this time!" In the crowd, the monks who saw the ancient temple were very excited.

"Looking at the specification, it may not be left over from the ancient sect."

"What's the use of talking here, everyone, I'll take a step first." After speaking, I saw that someone in the group had already picked up a flying magic weapon and rushed over there.

Seeing that someone in the crowd took a step first, these monks also drove away with the magic weapon one after another, riding the wind, but these people didn't know that this time they left, they embarked on the road of death.

Lin Lang looked at the groups of small black spots galloping towards him from a distance, and couldn't help but sigh, "The owner of this secret realm really has no plans to recruit so many monks to offer blood sacrifices to him. This time, there is nothing wrong with coming here." Touching his chin, Lin Lang understood in his heart that when this trip to the secret realm is over, it is estimated that monks in the entire continent will have to spend less blood and more blood. After all, the original owner of this secret realm is too powerful, and if he wants to be revived with a blood sacrifice, what is needed The population is not ordinary.

However, isn't this also the purpose of his coming here with no regrets?Without so many human blood sacrifices, he might not have the damn cursed physique that broke me without regrets.

Moving his fingers, the small jade-skinned gourd on the ground spun slowly, and what it absorbed changed from the thick life force to scarlet liquid, looking at the change from the inconspicuous yellow color to Lin Lang was very satisfied with the turquoise green that glowed with jade, and now there were small gourds with ruby-like light patterns on the turquoise body surface.

Tsk tsk, the more dead, the purer the absorbed liquid.Therefore, Lin Lang didn't even lift his eyelids when the pile of corpses turned into fly ash in less than a moment.After all, these groups of monks reminded him of how he was chased by these people like bereaved dogs in his previous life, and those who wanted to kill him for treasures in exchange for meritorious deeds. In short, it was not a good memory.

So, is this not perishing in silence, but perverting in silence?It is conceivable that Lin Lang with this kind of thinking would not have much sympathy for these people.

I don't know how many people's blood has reached this point!Seeing the bloody mud leaking from the square, Lin Lang also sighed a little bit about this trip to the secret realm, but when he saw the yellow water slowly emerging from the bloody mud, the smile on Lin Lang's lips was All the people who saw it couldn't help but take a few steps back, and the hearts of the few disciples who looked at the situation together continued to tremble, 'Woooooo~ Master, I want to go home~'

Perhaps the sacrifices obtained were enough, the entire secret realm began to shake greatly, and the bare ground continued to crack, revealing many shriveled old corpses. Suddenly, he jumped up, scaring many people to shout "Fake corpse~"

Well, even though they are monks, we can't prevent the existence of ghosts among them!The original dark red mud clods have all cracked, and then, it seems that there is something under the ground trying to break free. The whole land is struggling violently, and even the isolated ancient temple can feel the pain of those cracks. The fighting spirit and unyieldingness projected from the movie.

"Kill~kill~kill~" The three words "kill" in a row suddenly entered the hearts of all the creatures in the secret realm, shaking all the monks pale and trembling, overwhelmed by the killing intent between these three words Crawling into the bloody soil, the corners of his mouth, ears and nose were even more bloodstained. Lin Lang was also taken a few steps back by the killing and fighting intent contained in these three characters, and he let the thunder flames in his body circulate before moving The evil spirit was transformed, and he was not forced out of his injuries.

Afterwards, endless Yin Qi shot out directly from the openings on the ground, and there were countless miserable howls of ghosts during the period, as if they were finally liberated. Excitement and bloodlust.

"What's going on?" At the beginning of this change, the heads of each faction immediately used the teleportation circle to gather back the second ancient temple from each palace, and now they have gathered in front of the gate of the ancient temple, looking at the other Looking at the weird scene outside the mask, he asked several disciples who were guarding here.

"Returning to the teachers, the disciples don't know too well!" The disciples all looked at each other when they heard the teacher's question, not knowing how to answer.

By the time Qingyang old Taoist found someone who was excited in the corner, the outside world was already shrouded in darkness, and the monks in front of the ancient temple, no matter how high or low they were, couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.But there is one thing that these people feel in common, that is, the temperature in this secret place seems to have suddenly changed from the warm spring to the snow-capped mountains and winter-like coldness, which hurts people's bones.

"I said apprentice, do you know what happened there?" The old man stroked his white beard and asked Lin Lang, who was busy at the moment.

"Birth from the Underworld always needs some ostentation!" After drawing the final formation, Lin Lang was still in the mood to play with a cold humor.

It's a pity that the old Taoist who heard his words was not very humorous, and just ran to the side to discuss something with the elders in the door.

"Huangquan, I said old man Qingyang, it is recorded in the book that there are yellow spring grasses growing on the edge of Huangquan, that is a good thing.

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