As the crowd walked out of the station, Yuxi saw a big sign at the exit, Lin Yuxi.

Before they checked the tickets, the man in a leather jacket holding the sign put down the sign and looked at the three brothers.

Because there are not many people left at the station at the back, the three Yuxi brothers are still very conspicuous.It's still weird that no adults follow.

"You are Lin Yuxi." The man in the leather jacket looked at them and said with a smile.

Yuxi nodded, "You are Uncle Fan."

The man nodded, "Fan Yongjie, Lao Wang, we are classmates. Seeing that you haven't come out for a long time, I thought I missed it." The man said, and took the luggage from Yuxi's hand, "You are quite energetic. Let's go Let's go to eat first. I'm tired after a day and a night of train work."

Yuxi took Erwa and followed Fan Yongjie out. This man came by car, a four-wheeled car, and it was the first time for the three brothers to ride in this kind of car.It looks very comfortable.

After driving for a long time, there are more and more high-rise buildings. The capital city is different. The streets can’t be seen at a glance. The city is so big that it’s scary. Even Yuxi is a little timid. If no one helps, he can take his brother in Has the city found the right hospital?The ignorant are fearless. They didn't understand it before, so they were not afraid. Now that they understand it, they are afraid.

Fan Yongjie drove the three of them to Wonton Hou, "Let's eat something light today. I've reserved a place in Quanjude, and I'll take you to eat roast duck tomorrow night."

"Please trouble Uncle Fan." Yuxi didn't know how to refuse, maybe this Uncle Fan acted too naturally.

The wonton tastes very good, and the hot soup and hot water make the stomach very comfortable.

After dinner, Fan Yongjie took the three of them to a hotel again, "I wanted you to stay at home, but your aunt is on a business trip, the house is a bit messy, and it's far from the hospital, so I booked a room for you here. Take you to the hospital, let's go to the 301 Hospital, there is an old comrade of mine, he is a cardiologist, let him have a look first, he is more familiar with the Yanjing medical field."

Yuxi nodded, his eyes are dark now, it would be best if someone helps.He has no ability to refuse other people's help now, nor can he refuse, everything depends on the future of his younger brother.

After a good night's rest, Fan Yongjie came early the next morning and took his three children to dinner. Uncle Fan was very attentive, so he asked for a few days off work from his unit to accompany Yuxi brother three because of the entrustment of his classmates. He really met good people along the way.

The 301 Hospital is the general hospital of the People's Liberation Army. Generally, only a few outpatient clinics are open to ordinary people. It is not because Fan Yongjie entrusted his comrades in arms, and they cannot come here to see a doctor.

Because the appointment was made early, Fan Yongjie took the three children directly to the back building. This hospital is different from the ones Yuxi has seen before. Most of the people walking around are soldiers with big caps, and even occasionally they can see guns. Although there are many soldiers, they are not as chaotic as ordinary hospitals. Most of them walk upright.

The three of Yuxi were still wearing sheepskin jackets, cotton trousers and cotton boots from home, which looked a bit rustic and out of place with this place, making them a little uncomfortable.However, the people walking around, no matter if they were doctors or doctors, at most glanced at them, they didn't pay too much attention.

When they came to the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Fan Yongjie led them into an office where there was only one doctor.


"Yongjie. Haha—" Seeing Fan Yongjie stand up, the doctor hugged him and punched him hard. The two seemed to have a good relationship.

"If you hadn't asked me for something, you would have forgotten your old comrade-in-arms." The doctor said to Fan Yongjie with a smile.

"Isn't it busy? Your side is no more leisurely than mine. So I'll make a reservation this weekend and contact a few comrades for a get-together."

"Where is the seat, go to my house and let your sister-in-law cook a table of dishes. We are more comfortable."

"Okay then, I'll contact you."

After the two of them chatted about the past, Fan Yongjie turned around and introduced a few children, "Zhihui, these are the children I mentioned to you."

Only then did Zhang Zhihui look towards the door, his face suddenly changed, "Xiaohan?"

"What's wrong?" Fan Yongjie asked him, seeing that his expression was not right.

Zhang Zhihui came back to his senses, and said in shock, "This child looks too much like my sister." Zhang Zhihui looked at it again, and it was almost the same.

"Really?" Fan Yongjie looked at Zhang Zhihui suspiciously.He knew that Zhang Zhihui had a younger sister who disappeared when he was sent down.But he hadn't seen it before, but looking carefully now, Yuxi and Zhang Zhihui really looked alike.

"It's quite similar, but his family is from the Northeast, so he can't compete with your sister."

When he said this, Zhang Zhihui looked even more suspicious, and walked a few steps to Yuxi, holding Yuxi's hand, no matter how he looked, only the beauty was darker than his sister, and it was printed from the same mold, "Little friend, Uncle asks you, what is your mother's name?"

Yuxi was confused by this, and Erwa also hid behind her brother, watching them secretly.

"Don't worry, sit down first." Fan Yongjie saw how nervous his comrade-in-arms was.Yuxi seemed to be frightened.

"Yes, yes, sit down first." Zhang Zhihui held Yuxi's hand and made him sit on the sofa next to him.Fan Yongjie got up and closed the door.

Zhang Zhihui calmed down and asked again, "Do you know your mother's name?"

"Zhang Han." Yuxi felt that his brain was a bit difficult to use, but he still knew his mother's name.

Zhang Zhihui's eyes turned red when he heard this.The whole person broke down and muttered, "Really, really-really my sister."

Fan Yongjie did not speak, but patted Zhang Zhihui on the back.Eye circles are also red.

"She's my sister, that's Xiaohan. Your name is Yuxi, right? I'm your uncle. My dear uncle." Zhang Zhihui wiped his eyes and looked at this child, absolutely unmistakable. This child looks just like his sister They are exactly the same, he is from the Northeast, and his mother's name is Zhang Han, so there is no mistake for such similarities.

"Uncle?" Yuxi looked at Zhang Zhihui suspiciously, "My mother said that my grandparents and uncles are all dead. She is the only one left in the family."

After saying this, Zhang Zhihui burst into tears again. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, Xiaohan, I wouldn't be too upset."

Fan Yongjie sighed, "Your uncle was in an accident when the transport vehicle fell off the cliff. It was snowing heavily at that time. When the rescue team arrived, he was gone. The transport vehicle was smashed to pieces. Everyone thought he was dead. He was arrested by the local The herdsman was rescued, and it took more than two months to contact the army. At that time, the news of his sacrifice had been sent to your mother. Waiting for the letter to be delivered, your mother has disappeared. Your uncle has always believed that your mother is not dead, and has been looking for you for many years .”

Yuxi looked at Zhang Zhihui carefully, he really looked like his mother. "Are you really my uncle?"

Zhang Zhihui nodded, "It's not wrong, let me take you to the house. There is still a picture of your mother at home." He has been blaming himself for his sister's disappearance, and always feels that his sister can't think about it because he received the sad news of his sacrifice. Yes, but I don't know that there are some other things in it, but now I have no way to study it.

After Zhang Zhihui finished speaking, he took off his white coat, pulled Yuxi and walked out.At this time, his mood was so complicated. On the one hand, he finally found his sister, and on the other hand, he had to bear the pain of losing her sister.Fan Yongjie called yesterday and told him about the situation of these three children. Both parents died. He was full of sympathy for the children yesterday, but he didn't want to suffer the same pain today.

Yuxi pulled his younger brother and followed him out, he had basically confirmed it in his heart.Although she didn't say much about her mother, Yuxi still knew a lot, just like her mother actually wanted to commit suicide when she went to the mountain, but she didn't expect to meet her father.My mother is a city resident. Although she has lived in the countryside for more than ten years, some of her habits cannot be changed.The father loves his mother so much that even if he has two children, his father loves him more than his younger brother.This is because he is more like a mother.

His mother told him that if he hadn't met his father, if it hadn't been for his grandparents, without them, she might have passed away long ago.

On the way to Zhang Zhihui's house, several people did not speak. Zhang Zhihui was sitting with the second baby in his arms, holding Yuxi's hand in his hand. The third baby had already fallen asleep in Yuxi's arms.

Zhang Zhihui’s home is not far from the hospital, it may be a family building assigned by the army. Their home is on the second floor. As soon as they went up a few steps, they heard people coming down from above, "Zhihui, why are you back?" He was in his 30s. woman.

"Lihua, I found Xiaohan." Zhang Zhihui had joy and sadness on his face.

Surprise appeared on the woman's face, "Really?" After she finished speaking, she saw Yuxi following behind, "This is?"

"These are Xiaohan's three children. Let's go home and talk about it."

Seeing that her husband's expression was not very good, the woman hurried upstairs and opened the door.

"This is your aunt. Come in quickly." Zhang Zhihui and the others let in.

Aunt Yuxi poured water for several people, and her eyes only looked at the children, but at most they stayed on Yuxi's face.

Zhang Zhihui took out a photo album from the house, flipped through it a few times, "Look, this is a photo taken during the Chinese New Year when your mother went to the countryside, and it is also the last family photo at home."

Yuxi took a look at the photo album, and it was indeed her mother, but her mother was younger at this time.Looking at the familiar face, Yuxi shed tears, and pulled her younger brother to kneel on the ground, "Uncle"

"Hey. Get up." Zhang Zhihui's eyes were red again and he helped the two children up.

"Aunt." Yuxi wanted to salute Zhao Lihua, and Zhao Lihua quickly pulled her away, "We don't like this, good boy."

Zhang Zhihui was in a much better mood after finally getting his nephew's approval.I asked a lot about my sister.

Yuxi and Erwa watched Zhang Zhihui become more and more friendly, and relaxed a lot. The blood relationship is really magical, and people who were not familiar with each other quickly became close.

"Hey, it's a pity that your father left early, otherwise we would definitely get along." Zhang Zhihui felt a little regretful.Listening to Yuxi's description of his parents, Zhang Zhihui felt a little comforted, at least his sister was living a happy life.

"Come and eat, let's talk after we eat." Zhao Lihua had already gone to the market to buy vegetables and made a table while several people were talking.She is a university professor, and she had no class this morning.Then I went out because I wanted to go to the market.

She has been married to Zhang Zhihui for more than ten years, but has known Zhang's family for more than 20 years. Zhang Zhihui's mother is also her teacher.She is very good friends with Zhang Han, even though she later became Zhang Han's sister-in-law, Zhang Han didn't know it.

The disappearance of his sister has always been an indelible shadow in Zhang Zhihui's heart all these years, and today he finally knows the result, even if the result makes people sad.But at least his sister left some children behind.Life is extended.

The author has something to say: Everyone will feel a little bloody about the part of recognizing relatives, but it was naturally handled like this when I wrote it at the time, and later I thought about making the part of recognizing relatives more tortuous.It's just that I think it's not easy for Yuxi, let him breathe a sigh of relief.Uncle, a blood relative, may not fully enter his life, but I hope to give Yuxi a support.This can be regarded as a turning point in the lives of the Yuxi brothers.

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