After breakfast, Yuxi sent the third baby to the third aunt's house, and went to Jishang with Jiang Sen in the fifth uncle's carriage. They only had two trains in the morning and afternoon to go to Jishang, and it was already very late when they arrived .Because there were many people in the car, they waited for a while to drive before getting on.

After getting in the car, the two of them stood directly at the door. The car walked for more than ten minutes and arrived at another stop. More than ten people came up, and the car was full at once. The smell in the car was a bit unpleasant. Moved, gave Yuxi to a small open space behind the car door, and stood outside to block this person.

After another two or three villages, there was no place to stand on the bus, so the passenger car was not allowed to enter.Because of the push from the people behind, Jiang Sen almost hugged Yuxi in his arms. Yuxi is now 1.7 meters long, just reaching Jiang Sen's chest, and there is a fragrance coming from him. This smell is not like any soap, it should be Yuxi itself the taste of.Thinking of this, Jiang Sen felt a little hot all over his body.

Yuxi was a little awkward, as the car moved, Yuxi pressed against his chest, with slightly stiff muscles and a man's breath.Made him feel a little uncomfortable.

The road was passed by the two people's secret emotions. When they arrived at the county and got out of the car, the two breathed a long sigh of relief almost at the same time.The overlapping of exhaling sounds made the two of them a little awkward. They looked at each other, their faces were a little red, and Jiang Sen said unnaturally, "There are so many people in this car."

"Yes, there are too many." Yuxi sorted out her mood.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was all a hidden thought. The two of them recovered after a while, and went directly to Lin Mingzhi's Lin's Braised Meat Shop. Now the Lin's Braised Meat Shop has become a very famous shop in the county. Two companies were opened in the densely populated areas of the county. Although the county is not saturated yet, they moved the center to the city, and that's how it is here.

When I came to the first store opened here, Lin Mingzhi happened to be at home.

"Brother Mingzhi." Yuxi greeted him standing outside the store, while Lin Mingzhi was cutting braised pork for the customers.

"Yuxi is here. Come in and sit down." Lin Mingzhi greeted cheerfully.

Yuxi took Jiang Sen into the store, "Where is sister-in-law? Why isn't she here?" Lin Mingzhi moved his family to the county, and his wife usually looks after him when he goes to the store in the city.

"As for her family, you are going to be an uncle." Lin Mingzhi was obviously very happy.

"Really? This is a great thing." Yuxi laughed. "When will the baby be born? I can wait to drink my little nephew's full moon wine."

"It's July next year. You are absolutely indispensable. You can prepare for the meeting ceremony."

"It should."

Lin Mingzhi sent the guests away, wiped his hands and turned around, "Who is this?" He had never seen Jiang Sen.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my friend, Jiang Sen, who is playing at home on vacation now. This is brother Mingzhi from my fourth uncle's family." Although Jiang Sen knew who he was, Yuxi still introduced him.

"Hello, hello, Yuxi doesn't have any friends except our uncles and brothers. You are the number one." Lin Mingzhi was very enthusiastic.

"Hello." Jiang Sen smiled face-saving.

"Okay, you two, don't be too polite. Brother Mingzhi, what did you ask me to come over? I was crushed by the passenger car along the way." Yuxi said with some complaints.

"Hehe, don't blame me. It's not that Er Fatty came to the county a few days ago and happened to look at me. The two of us had dinner together. He told me that he wanted to get a baking tray and eat barbecue from home. I made it all up and called Give it to him, but he couldn't find anyone in the mountains these days, so he came to you." Ming Zhi said and took out a box from the cabinet at the back.

"I thought what was the matter. I should have let the second fat brother come. He came back the night before."

"Okay, although it's not a big deal, what's the matter if you come here? You see, if you don't have something to do, you might not want to leave the village all year round. If you come out once in a while, just take a walk. If your sister-in-law is not pregnant , I sent it to you. Fatty is wishing your family now, isn’t this thing for your use.” Mingzhi said and opened the box, “I’ve been shopping for this for a while, and it’s not very easy to buy.”

"Look at this, put charcoal on the bottom and barbecue on the top. This is a new non-stick pan, which is very convenient. It's a pity that your family doesn't have liquefied gas, otherwise it would be more convenient to use liquefied gas to cook directly." Brother Mingzhi explained.

Yuxi looked pretty good, "It's fine now, brother Erpang is very happy now."

After talking, it was noon, and more and more people came to buy braised pork. This shop is very prosperous, and a waiter can't handle it at all. "Brother Mingzhi, you should be busy. Let's go first."

"Don't leave, you have to have a meal anyway." Ming Zhi hurriedly persuaded him to stay.

"No, you're quite busy, we just happened to do some shopping."

Mingzhi knew that the situation in the store was really hard to keep in mind, "Okay, you can go to the bank later to check. The income from the previous year has already been entered, and the account has not been put in the store. I will show it to you next time."

Yuxi nodded, "Well, I see, there's no rush for that."

Mingzhi handed the packed box to Yuxi, and Jiang Sen took it casually.

The two left the stewed meat shop, found the bank where the account was opened in Yuxi, and checked the amount. The account was 8000 yuan in four months. The stewed meat shop is very profitable.With this money, there is no need to go to the capital to pay for the spring land next year.

After leaving the bank, the two went to the store again, "How about making you a padded jacket and trousers?" Yuxi asked after looking at the fabric.

"I don't need it for what to do." Jiang Sen didn't think he needed it.

"I think you just wear a sweater and wool trousers. It's cold, but the cotton is warm. Wearing a padded jacket makes it easy to go in and out." Yuxi lowered her head and picked it up.

Jiang Sen originally wanted to say that he was not very cold, that he, a martial arts practitioner, could resist the cold, and no matter how cold it was, wearing a sweater was enough.But on second thought, "Are you doing it for me?" He remembered that Yuxi, the older brother, mended Sanwa's pants.

"I'm not very good at cutting, so I'll ask my third aunt to cut it for me, and I'll sew it."

"Then make a padded jacket, cotton trousers are a bit useless."

"It's fine if you don't feel cold, what do you think of this noodle?"

"Puff, you think I'm a landlord and old fortune." Jiang Sen couldn't help being happy when he saw Yuxi holding the piece of material, which was dark red satin with longevity pattern.

"Isn't it Chinese New Year, be more festive. The waiter will give me three feet."

"You really bought it."

"It's for the third uncle. His padded jacket was made the year before last. Now I take it back and let the third aunt make it. I wear it for the New Year. You think it's good to use this blue color." Yuxi pointed to the pattern next to it.

Jiang Sen looked at it, and it wasn't very attractive, but it was quite stable to wear.I didn't say anything more.

Yuxi also picked out a few silk soft satin quilts.This was chosen for the third sister of the third grandpa's family. Her wedding date was set on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month. Although the husband's family made quilts, no one thought too many of them. He was no younger than the third lady. It's a gift, it's a thought to buy this.

Jiang Sen found that Yuxi was quite good at shopping, and he was thinking about this and that, but he didn't think about himself.It hurts to see him so busy.

When they went back, the two of them stopped working as a passenger car. They really didn't want to endure such a crowded environment anymore. They carried their things and stopped a tractor on the road. Although it was a bit cold to ride the tractor, it didn't affect them.

It was past five o'clock in the evening when we got home, and Lin Mingqing made dinner at home.The sauerkraut left over from yesterday was stewed in bone broth, and it tasted good.

After dinner, Yuxi sat on the kang and told stories to the third baby, the second baby sat on the kang table and did homework, Jiang Sen lay on the kang and looked at the three brothers with a smile on his lips, feeling peaceful in his heart.

Suddenly the dog barked outside, Yuxi sat up straight suddenly, looked outside, her face changed, she quickly got off the ground, put on her shoes and ran out, Jiang Sen was a bit slower but knew something was up, followed closely go outside.

As soon as I went out, I saw that the firewood pile in Yuxi's house was on fire.

Yuxi didn't even open the door, just jumped over the top, saw that the firewood was already on fire, felt the wind direction, Yuxi hurried back to the yard, just happened to meet Jiang Sen holding a bucket, "Brother Jiang, go to the room, don't burn it Go down to the house." The pile of firewood can't be extinguished once it's burned, and the fire started too fast, maybe something else was added to it.After explaining, he took away the bucket in Jiang Sen's hand, turned around and went out. The fire cannot be saved, but as much firewood can be moved out, Yuxi quickly pulled out corn stalks from the side that did not catch fire, and bundled them Yes, he was fast, saving almost one-third of the fire, but then the fire got bigger, Yuxi didn't dare to smoke any more, and carefully watched the fire so that it wouldn't burn to the forest. On the other side of the creek was the firewood of the third uncle's house. Stack, file snow with a bucket, cover as much as you can.

When the fire started, people from the village came over one after another. The third uncle's family reacted the fastest. Seeing the fire here, they quickly covered their firewood stack with snow. The third aunt hurriedly took the second child and the third child to their home.Fortunately, the pile of firewood was still some distance away from the birch forest. There was still no wind today, and it did not affect the forest.

Jiang Sen poured water on the East Wing and the cattle and sheep house up and down. It was cold, and the water froze as soon as it was poured. It is estimated that there will be ice skates on the eaves tomorrow.But it won't burn like this.

"It's burning so fast, there are ingredients in it, have you seen anyone?" Jiang Sen came out and stood in front of Yuxi.

Yuxi shook her head, "The person who lit the fire lit it from the other side, maybe he was careful because he knew the dog at home is strong, and the fire was already on fire when I came out." It's a pity that Rhubarb and Dao Scar are not here tonight, and the dog at home is too It's safe, basically, if you don't go into their house, you don't have any reaction. I think it's pretty good on weekdays, but today I'm at a disadvantage.

Jiang Sen frowned, the fire in the countryside is the most difficult to deal with, and it is difficult to find the murderer.Thinking of looking at the lively crowd.Maybe the person who set the fire was still among those people.

Yuxi really couldn't remember who had a grudge against him, so why did he light their firewood pile.

"Okay, don't think about it. If there is one, there will be two. If we are more vigilant, we may be able to catch it."

The fire continued to burn until after eleven o'clock. Yuxi and Jiang Sen poured several buckets of water together, but there was no spark left. Their house is too close to the forest, so they dare not be careless.

Let Jiang Sen say that if there is one, there will be two. For the next three days, a firewood stack will be lit every day, because there is no pattern in the east and west of the village, they are always one step behind, and two of them are the first to go to Yuxi's house to see It was lively, and it was also the most discussed one. Jiang Sen felt that the one who lit the fire was most likely watching from the crowd.

Every household in the village was also annoyed. On the one hand, it would be bad luck for anyone to stand in this matter. On the other hand, they are too close to the mountains and forests. If the forest is burned, it will be a disaster. Everyone remembers the fire back then. .

Because the county even sent an investigation team to investigate this matter, it was really a big deal.

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