The pork is cut into pieces and put into the pot. The pig's head and trotters are roasted over fire, and then scraped clean with a knife and put into the pot.Boss Sun gave me a whole set of intestines, all cleaned up, Yuxi cleaned it up again, divided it up, and sent a copy to the third uncle, sixth uncle, and third master.He was able to gain a foothold in the village because of the care of the three elders.Although the third master made some decisions that almost hurt him, the intention was good.

If he really gave meat, several companies would not accept it.Yesterday I delivered stewed pork to my third uncle's house, and my third aunt brought a piece of wild pork when she came over in the morning.

The stewed meat is ready before going to bed at night. The taste is even better than the last time. The meat is crispy but not rotten, delicate and tender.And this meat has a special flavor when eaten cold, which makes people want to stop.The best appetizers with wine.

Thinking that she would be able to sell meat to make money tomorrow, Yuxi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, and fell asleep in the middle of the night in a daze.Before dawn, I got up again, put the stewed meat in a big iron basin, put another basin on it, and tied it tightly with a rope.

"Brother, let me go with you too." Erwa hurriedly put on her clothes when she heard the movement, and ran out with cotton shoes.

"What are you going to do? On the first day of today, I'm going to stay at the fair for the whole day, and I'll take you there next time."

Erwa pursed her mouth and didn't insist anymore.Even though he is young, he knows everything. He knows that it is not easy for his brother to support the family, and he will not cause trouble.

Seeing him like this, Yuxi felt strangely uncomfortable, "You look at Dian Sanwa at home, sometimes the third aunt can't see him, so don't let him fall to the ground. I'll buy you that Monkey King mask when I come back at night."

Erwa's eyes lit up, "Really?" After being happy, he hesitated for a while, "Forget it, brother, don't buy it, Gouzi borrowed me to play last time."

Yuxi rubbed Erwa's head, "It's okay, and I don't have much money." He hoped that his younger brother was not so sensible, he only hoped that he would grow up carefree.

The fifth uncle’s family in the village raises horses, and every time there is a big market, they pull the sledge. The earliest trip to Yuxi costs [-] cents per person, plus [-] cents for the big pot in Yuxi. It is full after four or five people are seated.Yuxi has seen him pull fifteen or six people at most before, and earn a lot of money in a day.Yuxi felt that she was in the eyes of money, and the first thing she thought of was how much money she could make when looking at what.

I shaved my face early in the morning with the north wind, and yesterday I applied badger seed oil on my face, and when I got up in the morning, it was back to normal.I found the fox fur scarf at home last night.He wore his father's old dog fur hat on his head and a sheepskin coat on his body, and he didn't feel the cold while sitting on the sledge with his neck curled up.

When my parents passed away, I burned a few pieces of clothes I used to wear, and kept everything else at the bottom of the box.Lin Tai saved up a few fur coats and fur coats, and Yuxi kept them all.One is to keep it in mind, and the other is that these can be exchanged for some money as a last resort.

Riding on a sledge was faster than riding a bicycle by himself.When we arrived at Jishang, some shops were already open.

Ming Zhi was setting up goods at the door, "It's too early. There is no one yet." Saying this, he took the big iron basin.

"Catch the first train, there will be more people on the next train." Mingzhi left a space at the entrance, and covered the counter with glass.Save going back and forth is not clean.It's neat to look at like this.

"Just put the meat on the cutting board. You sell it yourself today, and let your sister-in-law come next time." Mingzhi also took a knife and put it on the cutting board.

Yuxi put all the meat away, and he was relieved to hear that Mingzhi's sister-in-law would sell him. Brother Mingzhi has a lot of eyes, but his sister-in-law is honest and honest. She doesn't seem to be very talkative, but she is quick to do things.

After taking care of her own side, Yuxi went to help Brother Mingzhi. Some daily necessities were sold at the door, and food and small items were bought at the house. The grocery store was full of miscellaneous things and felt messy.However, people who go to the market are generally willing to come here, basically everything they want to buy is available at once.

The store started to get busy around nine o'clock.Yuxi's stewed pork has also opened, and it costs [-] cents more than Lao Li's, [-] yuan and [-] a catty. Now pork is [-] yuan and [-] a catty. Yuxi buys a lot. You can earn seven or eight cents for a catty of meat.But not a lot.But when I asked the price here, it was [-] cents more than Lao Li's, so I was not willing to buy it.Later, Yuxi cut a piece of pork belly into small pieces and let those who want to buy it taste it before opening.That's it, about [-] catties of meat can be bought until one o'clock in the afternoon.Overall not too bad.

"Get more next time." When Yuxi packed up and was about to leave, Mingzhi took the time to tell him.

"Is it possible to sell it? Today, the [-]th is sold up to here. What if there is too much and can't be sold?" Yuxi was not optimistic.

"You just listen to me. Next time, if you make more meat, you will definitely sell it." Mingzhi could see clearly that the meat seller who came to sell meat today almost bought it after tasting it.It is estimated that there will be many repeat customers next time.

After answering, Yuxi took the empty basin and left, and went to the market to buy a Monkey King mask for Erwa and half a catty of fruit candy.There are not many seasonings at home, so I bought them all.I went to the butcher shop of the Sun family brothers, ordered a lot of meat, and agreed to send it home tomorrow.I walked home with the basin in my arms, not willing to spend the thirty cents, so I walked back.I thought about how much I could earn in a few days.It was almost four o'clock when I got home.

After warming up, he took off his coat before entering the house. The second child was lying on the kang reading a comic book, and the third child was fast asleep on the top of the kang. "Where is the third aunt?"

"The third aunt has gone back to cook." Erwa got off the ground, took something from her brother, and saw the mask all at once.Wear it on your face.

Yuxi frowned, just now when she entered the room and found that there were only two babies and three babies, she flickered for some reason.In the past, when he went out, he put his second baby and third baby at the third aunt's house, and when the door was closed, there was nothing in the house.However, after last autumn, the family harvested grain, plus the mountain products he picked from the mountains, and Mao Dong's food bought in the county a few days ago, and the family suddenly became rich.If he went to the market to sell things again, if he couldn't keep it, someone would miss him.If anyone sneaked in just now, Erwa might not even notice.Even if you find out what a little kid can do.

The more I think about Yuxi, the more uncertain I feel.The courtyard wall of their house is still high, but it is built with stones, and it is easy to climb. It was not designed to guard against thieves. Generally, there are people in the house, and thieves are not absent, but as long as there are men in the house, they will not come.The high wall of their house is to prevent wolves.

Every year, one or two months before the beginning of spring, wolves would appear in the mountains, and their side was next to the woods.I am afraid that wolves will come. I usually have nothing to do during the day, but when I close the gate at night, wolves can't come in.It is also because of this that Yuxi did not raise chickens or ducks.Even the ewe was shut out of the house by him.Uncle Six got some bear manure a few days ago and sprinkled it around the courtyard wall of their house.Anti-wolf is not a big problem.

The problem now is that there is nothing wrong with wolves, they are afraid of disasters.

Yuxi took this matter to heart, and found a time to talk to the third uncle, and the third uncle also felt that it was a matter, "Rhubarb is about to give birth, and you can take two of them when the full moon is over. You are going to Jishang, and I will let you Auntie will go to your house to watch."

Yuxi nodded, that's all.

The next day, the Sun family's meat was delivered, and Yuxi cooked it in batches.According to the wisdom, it is half as much as last time.When it arrived at Daji, it really sold out quickly, and many people who had eaten came back to buy it, even bringing others along.I made so many more and bought them before noon.

The days are busy in Yuxi. After New Year's Day, Yuxi's stewed meat can sell eighty to ninety catties every day. Selling once every three days makes more than 400 yuan a month, and it will definitely be more next month.Lin's Braised Pork has already gained a reputation.

Brother Mingzhi feels that this is the only sales volume in Daji, how many stores in eight villages can buy it.It's a pity that they are far away from the county, and it is inconvenient to go back and forth. The roads are not easy to travel this winter.Otherwise, sell it to the county to make more money.

After New Year's Day, it was almost the new year, and it snowed at noon, and the wind was not strong.There is a lot of snow this year, and the snow in the west garden can bury the second baby. The wood in the stove pit outside is crackling, and the second baby is teasing the third baby in the house.

Parents passed away and had a funeral, so there was almost no money left. The family land was entrusted to the third uncle's house. This year, the parents had already planted the land, harvested it in autumn, and kept food for themselves. They bought six hundred and forty-four. I earned 520 after entering the mountain for a few months.I went to buy the money for the sheep, and the general expenses, and the remaining 1000 yuan was left over.There should be 2000 yuan in compensation for the death of the parents, but the daughter-in-law has long since disappeared, so don't count on this money.I sold the stewed meat for a month and earned 470 yuan. The end of the year is coming soon, and the stewed meat can sell more.In the spring of next year, he will be able to take Sanwa to the city to see a doctor.In September, I can send my second child to school.

Next year, when the weather is warmer, he goes to the mountains every day and cooks stewed meat every day, and Sanba's medical expenses may come out.He doesn't have to sell the box anymore, and the house can be kept.Yuxi's mood improved a lot, and she finally saw hope.As long as Sanwa's illness is cured.The family conditions will be better, and then I will earn money to send my two younger brothers to college.

Life finally has hope.

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