Brother Hua, come to the pit

Chapter 3 Master and Disciple

Ordinary monks can walk in the sky only when they form a Nascent Soul, and there are also sword cultivators who can freely travel in the sky with their swords and the golden core.

So Han Mu, who was in the late stage of foundation establishment, and Yin Ye, who had just established the foundation, could only go to Lingyin Island by Ling Falcon.Yin Ye's falcon was slower for some reason, and Han Mu didn't wait for him on purpose, and finally he arrived half a day earlier than Yin Ye.

Taking advantage of this time, Han Mu found an inn to stay.At this time, when the secret realm of Lingyin was opened, there were many practitioners on the island who had not yet reached the foundation building period, and it seemed very lively.It's a pity that Han Mu is a quiet person, he was a little irritable along the way, coupled with his cold expression that automatically transformed as soon as he entered the villain boss mode, it scared the guys in the inn quite a bit.

After paying the money and entering the room, Han Mu took off the black robes of the Candle Yin Sect, and took out the broken army jacket with the full level of refinement in the game from the system package, and put it on.

The layered bamboo shoot-like design of Wanhuagu's clothes and the complicated accessories on the waist almost made Han Mu spit out blood when he was wearing them.

In the past, I only thought that the design of this dress was elegant, but now it is killing me to wear it by myself.Fortunately, the part of the hat is automatically changed by the system, otherwise that hairstyle would make Han Mu vomit another mouthful of blood.

After tossing about the clothes, Han Mu picked out another weapon.Cheng Wu's appearance was too ostentatious, and Han Mu wanted to keep it as his trump card, so in the end he took out the Xuefeng Bingwangdi, which looked gentler in appearance.

Thinking back then, for this flute, Han Mu took the group in the gang to paint the hero Dihua for two months. He waited until everyone in the group had all the equipment before he got the flute, and he was also banned by the gang. Some people laugh and call it "black face".

But in his own words, Wanhua without a big flute is like Qixiu without a big fan. She always feels that something is missing, so no matter how dark she is, she has to keep brushing.

Originally, in the game, Xuefeng Bingwangdi only brought a special snow effect, and was called a common weapon for showing off cuteness by Jiansan players.But Han Mu just looked at the system introduction, and this special effect has now changed to "freeze all objects within a radius of three feet for 3 minutes." At certain times, this special effect can play unexpected functions.

"Bump——" Han Mu was taken aback by the sudden impact, turned around and saw a golden thing crashed through the window and flew in. After stumbling to the ground, it rolled a few times on the ground before stopping.

It appears to be a bird, but the proportions of its wings and body make it look more like a chick.Well, a golden, fluffy, silly-looking little yellow chicken.

Han Mu curiously reached out and poked its furry body, and then heard the system prompt:

[Receive a golden sound transmission bird, start sound transmission after 5 seconds]

Can this product also be called a golden bird?Han Mu couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Master, you have taken in a new apprentice behind my back again╭(╯^╰)╮I'm not happy, hum!"

It was almost like a conditioned reflex, when Han Mu heard this sentence, his hair exploded like a conditioned reflex: "Ye Chen, do you know that using the Chinese voice to be cute can scare people to death!"

Huh?Tell me what happened to the new apprentice.

Calling up the list of masters and apprentices, Han Mu saw Yin Ye's name added under "Personal Disciple: Ye Chen"... Did the system ask my opinion?Ever wonder how I feel?I am tired of raising such a brat like Ye Chen, who wants to raise another one!

"Master, you actually ignore me, TAT promised that I will be the only one who will never accept apprentices again?"

"Your sister, why do you think I won't accept apprentices anymore? Isn't it because you, a traitor, make me despair of accepting apprentices!" Han Mu felt that his heart was about to be overwhelmed, and he gritted his teeth. Squeeze out a few words: "Also, speak human words to me."

This time there was silence for a long time before the voice came again.

"Well, Master, I miss you." Ye Chen's serious voice was slow and low, with a familiar smile.

Although this sound-transmitting bird, which resembles a little yellow chicken, looks dumb and stupid, its sound quality is comparable to 360° stereo surround sound.Han Mu almost felt as if Ye Chen was standing behind him, his voice was mixed with his breath and hit his skin with wet heat.

Taking a deep breath, Han Mu finally calmed down: "What's wrong with you? Are you also involved..."

Han Mu remembered that she was indeed talking to Ye Chen before she lost consciousness, could it be because of this that Ye Chen was also brought in?

"Well, I just completed the first copy, and the system release task seems to let us improve this world."

"Sure enough, it's because the unscrupulous author cheated the text. So shouldn't it be the author of "Heavenly Tribulation" who came in to improve the world!" With strong resentment, Han Mu completely read a question into an exclamation sentence.

"Uh...Master, have you read this novel?"

"Not only have I read it, I've been chasing updates every day, and then... there is no more, it's a trap." Han Mu's resentment seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

"...Leaving this issue aside, I am currently in the dungeon of the Shangqing Realm. Master, you are in the dungeon of the Chuqing Realm. You can only contact through the sound transmission bird exchanged by the system. After the first dungeon is completed, it will be sent to a special Space, where reward points can be exchanged for things."

Listening to Ye Chen's narration, Han Mu suddenly thought of something that he hadn't dared to think about yet, which made his voice sound a little rough: "What if I was killed in this dungeon? Or because If you don't complete the task and get wiped out by the system...then there won't be any other things like that."

So far, Han Mu has not received any reward points, and her rating is still the lowest.And surrounded by powerful enemies, maybe it won't last until the end of the dungeon...

"No." Ye Chen's voice was very soft, but he was firm with a smile, "You are my master, Han Mu who is known as the field mobile boss."

Han Mu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"Hey? The sound transmission time is coming soon. This sound transmission bird can only be used once a day, and we will connect again tomorrow..." Before Ye Chen finished speaking, the sound transmission bird suddenly turned into a cluster of golden flames.When the flame was burnt out, a golden feather fluttered into Han Mu's hand.

The feathers looked fancy, brightly colored and full-bodied, like the tail feathers of some large bird.Han Mu put away the feather, casually threw it into the package, then focused on calling up the friend list, and checked Yin Ye's favorability.

Fortunately, it's not too bad. There are six levels of favorability, and Yin Ye is at the third level to "ride horses together".As for Ye Chen who is on the friend list, he has already reached the upper limit of 1500.

Han Mu's thoughts became clearer, and it seemed like a good way to increase friendship. After all, the method of blood curse was a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

When Han Mu cleared up his thoughts and mood, Yin Ye just arrived.

Han Mu decided not to delay any longer, and planned to go to the island's Spirit City to prepare for entering the hidden realm of spirits.

As the team leader who often leads a group of dungeons in the gang to play dungeons, Han Mu deeply understands that there are no weirdest situations in dungeons, only weirder ones.Without sufficient preparation, they estimate that two regiment leaders can be killed every week.Although Yin Ye didn't seem so unreliable, he was well prepared.

A little over 100 gold in the package has been automatically converted into spirit stones by the system, so Han Mu now has 70 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones and more than 1 low-grade spirit stones. The spirit stone exchange unit in "Heavenly Tribulation" is 100:[-], so in the early Qing Dynasty, Han Mu could be regarded as a rich man.

Thanks to the big irons and big fans in the group led by Han Mu before being dragged into the dungeon, everyone in the group made a fortune.

Tsk, in this way, Ye Chen, the local tyrant who has made all the two orange weapons of the Tibetan sword, must be living a very prosperous life now.

When he came back to his senses, he had already arrived in Ling City.Han Mu soon discovered that many people were looking at them, more precisely, they were looking at Yin Ye.

Even in the world of comprehension, Yin Ye's strange-colored pupils are very rare.And Yin Ye seemed to turn a blind eye to all eyes, and only stopped when Han Mu stopped.

What a hassle.Han Mu, who didn't want to cause trouble, immediately dragged Yin Ye into the nearest shop, planning to buy a cloak to cover it up.

I didn't expect that this entry would lead to an incredible place.

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