Brother Hua, come to the pit

Chapter 67 Extra Story: The Malice of the World

"What?" Han Mu was surprised by this sentence, Ye Chen never mentioned this matter.At first, I thought that he would stay in this world for a while because of other things, but... Now it seems that it is just an excuse.

Ye Chen didn't say anything, just stood in front of Han Mu and watched him quietly.

He stared at his skin flushed from the medicine, and his lips stained with transparent mucus.Then those green vines, which had been waiting for a long time, finally got in along the wide gaps of the cuffs and necklines, winding out a series of transparent traces.

Under this kind of gaze, Han Mu felt that the scorching heat in every part of his body began to bring an unbearable sense of anxiety.Ye Chen's gaze seemed to have substance, every place he glanced at would arouse Han Mu's strange feeling.

So far, Han Mu's clothes can be considered neat.Because of this, the movement of those vines is particularly attractive under these layers of clothes.The vines are not as smooth as they look, there is a strange rough feeling under the mucus wrapping, and it can cause a shiver when rubbed against the skin.Not knowing where it was touched, Han Mu suddenly bit his lower lip, and swallowed the voice that hadn't had time to escape back into his throat.

Han Mu didn't dare to speak at all, he knew that once he opened his mouth, he would only be able to make himself ashamed.

A slender vine quickly noticed his movements, and it came around from the back of his head, got stuck between his lips and entwined, making it impossible for him to close his mouth again.

You can see occasional protrusions under the clothes, which are vines that are climbing flexibly, but because the clothes are too cumbersome, you can't see the specific movements clearly.However, from Han Mu's increasingly anxious reaction, one could also imagine what was going on.

Intermittent syllables leaked from the mouth that could not be closed, and saliva slid down the corner of the mouth, mixing with the sap of the vine.

But for the lower part of the tightly fitting clothes, the vines seemed a little helpless, and couldn't find a gap for a long time, wandering around hesitantly.

Ye Chen walked over and wrapped his arms around Han Mu's waist, and put his head on Han Mu's shoulder as before, like a peaceful hug.The movements of his hands were very light, but he quickly untied the seemingly extremely complicated belt and waist ornaments.

The white jade waist ornament fell off, making a broken sound.

The outer shirt that had lost its restraint became loose, and the neckline became loose and baggy. Pulling it down slightly, it revealed the delicate collarbone and the vines wrapped around the chest, as well as the hidden style.

Han Mu looked at Ye Chen, and there was already sadness and despair in his eyes. He wanted to say stop, but he could only let out a vague sob.

Ye Chen kissed the corner of his eyes comfortingly, and then took off all the defenses in the second half of Han Mu.

The hem of the coat is very long, and it is draped over her bare legs at this moment. As long as Han Mu moves a little, it will be a picture that can arouse desire.The vines could not wait to entangle themselves, with a coldness that made Han Mu despair.

This kind of coldness, together with the more and more obvious itching, spread up the ankle and spread on the skin.

The body bound among the intertwined vines does not need any embellishment, it is like a flower in full bloom.The vines carefully touched the fragile parts, and after a few trials, they boldly went around to grind.

Han Mu, who has long been cultivating with peace of mind and calmness, can't stand being teased in this state.Desire is like a flame, which rises quickly and ignites the desire deep in the body.

His body and Ye Chen were still hugging each other, so Ye Chen could easily feel his reaction.But Ye Chen just tilted his head, wrapped his mouth around his reddened pinna, and bit it lightly with his teeth.

There was a slight tingling, but more itching and heat.Even the breath is tainted with the sweet taste of desire, and it looks like it is about to fall.


The soul-suppressing bell rang suddenly, but it was no longer clear and clear because of the mucus from the vines, and the sound was inexplicably dull.

Ye Chen raised his head, looked at the Soul Requiem Bell tied to Han Mu's wrist, and stretched out his right hand to take it off.Transparent mucus flowed down the surface of the bell, soaking Ye Chen's fingers.

The corners of his mouth curled up in a pleasant arc, Ye Chen hooked the bell on his fingertips, his hands slid down Han Mu's waist, kneading from light to heavy.

The feeling of these hands is very familiar to Han Mu, his body still remembers wherever there is a sword callus from holding the sword, or the outline of the palm, or even the temperature.

It was this sense of familiarity that made him hum uncontrollably.This posture made Han Mu lean back slightly, and the lines of his neck and chest became more obvious, making him look extraordinarily fragile.

Seeing his emotional state, Ye Chen pulled away the vine stuck between Han Mu's lips, leaned over and kissed him.

This kiss is as gentle and tender as before, containing sweet lingering and lingering.Let Han Mu sink here quickly, his weak voice overflowed from the corner of his mouth, vaguely, as if he was calling Ye Chen's name.

Lips and teeth meet, and a small flame burns in the heart.

A cold and sticky feeling suddenly came from the lower body, something was tentatively rubbing against the entrance, and then it was trying to be slowly pushed into the body.

With the vine slime wrapped around it, it can be considered smooth for the bell to enter.The Soul Requiem Bell is not an ordinary bell, it is carved with delicate patterns, the protruding parts of these patterns brush against the soft and sensitive inner wall, causing Han Mu's body to tremble.

When the first bell was pushed in, Han Mu heard the sound of water that made his cheeks burn.Then there was the second one, the two bells were also colliding with each other, this stimulation made fluid other than mucus grow in the body.

Unable to suppress it anymore, a trembling voice finally escaped from Han Mu's mouth: "Ye Chen..."

It seemed that as long as he shouted this name, he would be relieved.

In the call infested with desire, the place covered with water stains and shrinking slightly has a seductive appearance, like some kind of secret invitation.

There was a dark light in Ye Chen's eyes, and the indifferent appearance could no longer be maintained.All the vines retracted wisely, completely handing over control to him.

The clothes were scattered, the hair as thick as ink and as white as ice and snow intertwined, creating a breathtakingly beautiful picture.

The skin covers each other, and the body interacts.

Every fit is slow and powerful, and contains too many emotions that cannot be expressed.

Sweat slipped down, panting couldn't stop, like a small boat capsized by the waves of the sea, drifting with the current, wave after wave of feeling swept in, but could only take in breath like a fish out of water.

Two bells engraved with patterns were driven into the depths, and Han Mu heard faint bells coming from inside his body, attacking his nerves again and again.This phantom-like ringtone became more and more obvious, echoing over and over again.

Under such a confused atmosphere, the ringing of the bell reminded Han Mu of the part of his words that he had forgotten.

——If one day, Ye Chen no longer resembles him, then don't be surprised, because he has endured malice from the whole world.

Greed, lust, jealousy, hatred, anger.

Countless malice from the world expanded his dark side infinitely, and after Han Mu chose to leave, it erupted uncontrollably.

"Ye Chen." When Han Mu called out this name for the last time, it was filled with endless nostalgia and sadness, as if saying goodbye to someone.

Ye Chen responded softly, and buried his body deeper, as if wanting to merge the two into one: "I have always been here, and I will never let you leave again."

Never will.




Ye Chen opened his eyes suddenly, cold sweat rolled down his cheeks, and his heart ached.

Is it a dream?He hadn't had a dream for a long time, and all the emotions in the dream that were so strong that they seemed to tear his heart still remained, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure.The scorching heat in his body made him ignore the cold sweat on his skin, and walked out of Zhujian Pond directly to a cliff on Zhujian Peak.

This cliff has a high terrain and is covered with snow almost all the year round.It was night at this time, and there was still snow on the peak. The wind blowing up from the valley below the cliff rolled up feather-like snowflakes and fell on Ye Chen's body. It is to suppress the dryness in the body.

I don't know how long I stood in the wind and snow. When the sky appeared, the snow on the peak had almost stopped.

The terrain of Zhujian Peak is very high, and you can see the white sky at this time, as if the sun that is about to break through the clouds will appear in front of you at any time.

It's almost dawn.

Ye Chen stared blankly at the sky that was gradually dyed red by the morning glow. It was also a morning that had just snowed, and he was here forcing a smile to bid farewell to Han Mu.

He had no way to leave this world, but he didn't dare to tell Han Mu, even though he hoped that Han Mu would stay with him forever.

This pain of wanting to stay but not being able to stay... deeply imprinted in my heart but unable to speak.

The sun finally rose from the sky, and the sun shone brightly on the white snow all over the mountains.Suddenly a shadow appeared and blocked Ye Chen's sight, and in the next second he was thrown onto the snow without any warning.

"Hiss—it hurts..." Someone who descended from the sky rubbed his painful waist and tried to sit up.

Ye Chen finally saw the appearance of the person on his body, and then he showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time, and tightly pulled the person who had just straightened up into his arms again, no matter how hard he struggled, he refused to let go: "Welcome back, Master .I miss you so much."

"I only went back for a month..." Seeing that Ye Chen refused to let go, Han Mu simply lay on top of him and did not move.

Han Mu didn't know that one day in reality was equivalent to ten years in this world.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, has been waiting here for 300 years.

Waiting is actually nothing to Ye Chen, what he fears is that Han Mu will never return.

But...he didn't intend to tell Han Mu about it, because it wasn't important anymore.

"Just this month, I live like a year." Reaching out his hand to hold the back of Han Mu's head, Ye Chen kissed her deeply.

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