The knight in front of him stunned Hong Ming and San at the same time. For the monks and the dark elves, time has long lost its proper meaning, and the years can't leave a clear mark on them. Ten years or a hundred years are like a blink of an eye. Not much difference.However, in just three years, time has cast almost cruel magic on this tall and handsome man. His once shiny black hair is now graying at the temples, deep lines have been left on the corners of his eyes and forehead, and he has trimmed his beard. He couldn't hide the wrinkles on his lips, and the recklessness and vigor that belonged to youth completely dissipated, leaving only old age and exhaustion.

His mind was suffering from pain, and they didn't need to search for it, the two of them also knew the source of his pain.However, this kind of torture did not dispel the tenacity in his eyes, just like the smelted steel, his determination, his will, and his beliefs were all being tempered by this fiery furnace. Although he was so painful and exhausted, he The temperament exuding from his body has become more stable and vigorous, and he no longer looks happy. His gestures and gestures contain majesty and strength, just like a real superior.

"The leader of the abandoned people, the Thorn Knights..." Chewing these two words, Sarn looked at the knight, "Have you unified the abandoned people tribe?"

"3 clansmen, 8 knights." Carlos's words contained no ostentation or publicity, only calm facts.

However, this figure still made Sann breathe a sigh of relief.If I remember correctly, there were only a few hundred clansmen left in this person at one time. Such a huge number must have unified the entire desert—or even the blood of all the abandoned people on the entire continent of Oren.It only took three years to complete such a great feat under the circumstances of being hostile, and his ability and belief need not be questioned.

"Are you also here for the Battle of God Slaughter?" Hong Ming asked another question.

"Slayer God..." The knight didn't answer right away, but rubbed his fingertips on the long sword hanging by his waist. It was a beautiful two-handed sword. Time had completely wiped out its brilliance, but now it was artificially Careful care is like treating the most precious treasure. "No, I'm just here to save my people. For them, whoever stands in front will become my enemy."

The resoluteness in these words caused a brief silence among the few people, but it didn't take long for the bard to break it first, "Now that everyone is here, it's time to talk about business."

Following his words, a teleportation scroll appeared in front of everyone, and magic fluctuations flickered in the poet's hands. It didn't take long for them to disappear in place.

The location of the teleportation was still that strange temple. Following the pace of the poet, Sarn looked around the empty corridor of the temple, and gradually realized a little bit of understanding in his heart.Every time you enter this palace, you have to rely on a teleportation array or a teleportation scroll, perhaps not because this palace is too hidden, but because it is not in Oren's land.After all, Su Luna is a true god who has recovered part of her divinity. If she wants to escape the control of the world's laws and the pursuit of the God of Light, she must make some arrangements.So is this palace located in another plane, or is it a temporary refuge in the gap between time and space?Judging from the laws of space in the camp tent, perhaps the latter is more likely.

In the silence, they came to the gate decorated with exquisite carvings again, but this time, the proud goddess was not the only one sitting in the hall.I saw a row of seats under the main seat, and three people were already seated on the left.

"Boy in black robe, you're finally here!" Even in front of the true god, Leopold's voice didn't get any softer.He stood up and waved to Hong Ming and the others, "Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you!"

Glancing at the expressionless goddess, Hong Ming strode into the main hall. Beside the gray-robed mage and the black-robed mage, there was a young man in a green robe sitting, with a very lazy expression, leaning on the large hall. In the armchair, there was an expression that was slightly inconsistent with the solemn atmosphere of the hall.However, it was the man's ears that attracted Hong Ming's attention. They were somewhat similar to Sarn's. They were pointed and long, and they did not seem to be of human origin.

"Elves?" Hong Ming asked in his heart.

"No, it's a hybrid on the surface." Sarn obviously also noticed the stranger, and found some answers from the existing clues. "It's impossible for an elf to have this height, and with his blue stubble, he must be a half-elf, a hybrid of human and elf."

The bard didn't seem to notice their gazes, but dutifully led the three of them to their seats. After everyone was seated, he respectfully saluted the chief seat, then turned and said to everyone.

"Under the invitation of my lord, you all came here, let me introduce you to each other."

Along the seats, he talked eloquently. "The chief black-robed archmage of the Mage Guild, the legendary genius of the conjuration department, known as the magic book once in a thousand years, His Excellency Aldrich Barnett."

The black-robed mage stood up and bowed gracefully to everyone.

"Sitting next to him is the most dangerous prophecy mage in Oren Continent, a defector from the Mage Guild, and the gray-robed Dafa Caspario Potter."

The gray-robed mage muttered unhappily, "Why is there no such words as once in a thousand years, genius, etc. in my introduction, will I lose to that old guy in terms of talent?"

Of course these nonsense poets didn't hear it, and their eyes jumped directly to the third place, "Then the leader of the abandoned people in the desert, the last successor of Santani, His Excellency Carlos Diogenetto."

The knight stood up, still a standard knight salute, his fingertips lightly touched the snow-white bird on the breastplate, looking so gentle.

"The next ones are our distinguished guests, Mage Hong Ming from another world, and his dark elf servants."

"Sarn." Hong Ming interrupted the poet's introduction, "His name is Sarn Thorin, and he is my most trustworthy friend."

Sarn, who was sitting on the side, showed a slight smile and nodded to everyone present.

The poet cleared his throat in embarrassment, "My fault." Then he paused, as if a certain atmosphere was brewing, and looked at the last person. "This is the half-elf prince from Fijisen Kingdom, Your Excellency Alamir Liadon."

"The half-elf of Fijisen Kingdom? Liadon..." The eyes of the black-robed mage sitting at the head flickered, "What is your relationship with the High Priest of Fijisen Temple of Light?"

"Oh, that's my father." The young man in green robe replied casually.

This sentence caused a commotion, and the gray robe almost didn't jump up, "What are you doing, poet? Why did the bastards from the Temple of Light get in here?"

"Pay attention to your words!" The black-robed mage unceremoniously pulled his sleeve and sat him down, looking at the half-elf seriously, "Whose will do you represent? Your father's, or the elf's? of?"

"It belongs to my mother." With a smile, the half-elf replied unhurriedly.The answer was obviously unexpected, and all eyes were on him. "Is it strange? As a witness of the contract between the elves and the Temple of Light, no one would care about the thoughts of an elf woman. But she is still a princess, not a real commodity."

The meaning contained in this seemingly plain sentence made everyone fall silent.Looking around at everyone, the half-elf turned his head and looked at the chief seat. "Then, dear Ms. Surena, what can you bring us?"

Sitting on the main seat all the time, the statue-like goddess opened her mouth, and a sweet but cold voice echoed in the hall. "All of you have great entanglements with the Temple of Light. The Mages Guild fell apart under the intervention of the Temple of Light. The Elven Kingdom has been confronting the Temple of Light in the Anselazia Mountains for 500 years. The people of Santani are even more Being exaggerated by the Temple of Light as the culprit of the cataclysm, becoming out-and-out abandoned people... All of you are facing a choice."

"Yeah, facing the battle with a true god, we have to try our best to make him fall." Even the cynical Leopold showed a wry smile, "If it weren't for the flash of my prophecy to remove some fragments, I Absolutely can't believe this."

"Although the Mage Guild has long been caught in a situation where the three-color robes are opposed, the current situation is somewhat unexpected." Beside the gray robe, the black-robed mage said in a deep voice, "If I talked with you before, I was just Some doubts, then when I saw this half-elf prince, everything has a reasonable explanation."

He solemnly looked at the goddess on the main seat, with an extremely sharp light in his eyes, "The participation of the Fijisen Temple is not logical. The people who negotiated with those white robes have always been people from the Holy See, but Fijisen's intrusion broke The balance of the situation has also contributed to the deterioration of the situation in the southeast continent. What caused the current situation? What are you and your temple behind the scenes? For the tyrannical Temple of Light, it is their responsibility to conquer us, the aliens. Long-cherished wish, what about you? What do we mortals represent, pawns that can be sacrificed, or complete playthings.”

These words seemed a bit too sharp, but there was no voice of rebuttal in the hall. For mortals, gods have never been objects of trade, and there has never been an equal existence between them.

After a long time, the goddess finally said, "If it was still in its prime, no mortal would be able to enter my sight and dare to talk to me in such a tone. Your beliefs are my food, and your life is my gift. For The true God—everyone—is the same. We are different creations from mortals, we have given everything to this world, and we should enjoy everything in this world.”

In the sight of everyone, she paused, "But since the cataclysm, I have fallen. I fell into this mortal world together with a very small number of other gods. Here, I used to be in fear, I was hesitant, and I was on the verge of death Until now, some mortals have saved me. They have brought back my sanity and ignited my godhead with their true faith, which cannot be shaken even by the terrible cataclysm and the cruelest years. That feeling , is wonderful..."

The goddess' eyes fell on the bard, who gave her a respectful salute.

"For this, I stayed in Oren. From these people, I felt a different kind of happiness. Maybe one day, the gods will die together with the sun and the moon, like the gods in the cataclysm But if their believers are still there, the spark of hope will not melt away. This is a gift from the gods, and it is also a curse from the laws of the world. However, on this continent, there is a god who wants to break this rule , he wants to eliminate all dissidents, and wants to monopolize this world created by the gods. If he is allowed to act recklessly, one day, the beliefs of the gods will disappear completely, my people will be killed, and their will will be washed away. Erase belief, and this world will be ruled by a god, occupied by a god. That's not what I want to see..."

The hall fell into a dead silence. Everyone was savoring the meaning of what the goddess said, and they were all shocked by the metaphor. Looking around at everyone in the hall, the voice of the goddess echoed in the empty hall. "There is no God of Light in this world. The one who is sitting in the Temple of Light now has an even older name, Aveline."

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