After stepping on the last step, Xu Zhu stood there panting for a while.Tens of thousands of steps are like ascending to the sky, boundless, and he can only move forward. As he walks, he gradually shakes off the burdens on his body, the grief of losing his mother, the pain of losing a friend, but it is like stepping down the steps, step by step, gradually drifting away, His mind gradually became clear, but his heart seemed to be burning with flames, burning more and more fiercely, raging... He took a deep breath, walked into the green pavilion, and saw the ancestor Xu Fu sitting in the center.After standing silently for a while, he bent down and knelt down, and performed nine prostrations.

The old ancestor sat upright on the couch, received his nine obeisances, nodded and said, "Have you ever read Laozi?"

Xu Zhu shook his head, "I have only studied poetry and rites since I was a child, but I don't know classics and history."

The old ancestor smiled and said, "Great kindness!"

Facing Xu Zhu's bewildered expression, he said leisurely, "The orthodoxy of the world originates from the Yellow Emperor. Before the Yellow Emperor, immortals were determined by nature, and humans and gods lived together. After the Yellow Emperor, immortals ascended to the heavens and never fell into the mortal world. Keeping the heart of the Tao, people can also cultivate themselves into immortals. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor passed down the four classics, including a volume of "Taoyuan", which describes the way of cultivating immortals. The later Taoism is passed on to the old gentleman. Therefore, "Tao Yuan" was changed to "Tao De Zhen Jing", which passed on the Taoism of the world. However, after the old man became immortal, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, many heroes competed for the throne. In order to steal the general trend of the world, some scholars tampered with the scriptures and added the strategy of governing the country to the scriptures. The "Tao Te Ching" loses its truth, and becomes the "Tao Te Ching" to fight for the deer and stabilize the country. If you read morality first, you will be confused by the text in the scriptures, but it is not conducive to practice."

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and a volume of non-simplified and non-silk things floated in front of Xu Zhu, a layer of light shone faintly, and the several large seal characters on the book were "Tao De Zhen Jing".Xu Zhu carefully picked up the book, bowed his head and knocked.

The ancestor continued, "I have been practicing Taoism since I was a child. Before I obtained the Taoist system, I learned a lot. I can understand the six lines, read talismans and seal scripts, can make alchemy and weapons, and know martial arts and sword skills. These are all techniques outside the law. If you study the law but do not practice the art, you will cultivate your nature but not your life. If you practice the art without studying the law, you will cultivate your life but not your nature. The cultivation of both life and soul is the foundation of the Dao. Among these skills , what do you wish to cultivate?"

"Cultivate the sword." Xu Zhu replied firmly.

The old ancestor frowned slightly, "Six lines can penetrate into the secrets of heaven, talismans can penetrate yin and yang, although alchemy relies too much on foreign objects, it can also win the world's fortune, and weapon refining is the crown of all skills. Practice is very beneficial. Only the way of the sword can only sharpen oneself and stick to the source, and the sword requires obsession, too much obsession will definitely affect the state of mind, and it is a difficult road."

Xu Zhu was unmoved, and only said, "I only want to practice swords!"

The ancestor looked at him quietly for a moment, then sighed softly, "Come on. You are all golden in five elements, so you are a good swordsman, but the sharper the sword edge, the stronger the golden energy, but it makes the way of cultivating immortals more difficult."

Xu Zhu replied quietly, "I'm against the sky, I'm afraid that the sword is not sharp enough to cut through the heavy shackles."

The patriarch laughed, "Good!" After saying that, he waved his robe sleeve again, and a three-foot long sword fell straight in front of Xu Zhu. Xu Zhu took the sword and pulled it out of its sheath with a clang. If the scorching sun is in the sky, it is unstoppable, surrounded by scales on the body of the sword, towering and winged, like the waves of flowing water, with two characters inscribed on it - Tai Ah.

Startled, Xu Zhu raised his eyes to look at the ancestor, and couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice, "Tai Ah... but the first emperor's sword? The sword of prestige in "The Book of Yuejue" is the sword that equals the power of ten thousand armies. A sword? Isn't this sword buried with the First Emperor..."

The patriarch smiled, "It's not for burial, but the first emperor gave me the sword, and wanted to present it to the immortals to obtain the immortal medicine. Little do they know that ordinary people cannot take the immortal medicine, let alone the sword of Tai Anai's majesty. If you change hands too much and lose your power, you will be killed by traitors in the next year."

Xu Zhu thought about the collapse of the first emperor after the ancestor went to sea, so he couldn't help but replied, "In this way, the sword will not lose its sharpness if the heart does not lose its power. The sword is in the human body, but the sword is lost in the human body."

The ancestor nodded happily, "That's exactly what he meant."

Xu Zhu kowtowed deeply, convinced, "Thank you ancestor for giving me the sword."

After reading a book and a sword, the ancestor finally said, "Your name is Xu Zhu?"


"Zhu, the master of wood, is the name of the great wood energy. You are all gold in the five elements, and you also learn the way of swordsmanship. The gold will be unstoppable, and you will cut down your real name. Therefore, you have a bad fate and a rough life. If you wish, I will change it for you. How about one?"

This time Xu Zhu paused for a long time, and finally shook his head silently, "It's a gift from my parents, how can I change it. My name is also determined by God. Since I can't get rid of the shackles of fate, I will do my best to bear it and never change my name!"

The ancestor pondered for a moment, "Forget it, you can't change your common name, just add a number. Entering the Tao is to break the karma, so it's not appropriate to call you by your real name. So, let's call you 'Hongming'. Water can grow wood, fire can Fu Jin, may you take the meaning of the light and grandeur, let go of your mind, and be enlightened and smooth."

"I would like to follow the old ancestor's wishes, and thank the old ancestor for giving me the name." Xu Zhu, who should be called Hongming now, knelt on the ground and gave him a new name.

"So, study the scriptures carefully, figure out the meaning of the sword, and come to me after you have connected your spiritual veins and your true energy has entered your body. I will teach you the way of longevity." After finishing speaking, the ancestor waved his sleeves and closed his mouth binocular.

Hong Ming tapped three more times, picked up the long sword scroll, and walked down the mountain.

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