A long, long time ago, Oren Continent did not have such a behemoth as the Mage Guild.The mages worship Tanaan, the moon god, obtain magical power from him, and act according to his will.But the cataclysm 2500 years ago changed everything. The ancient gods disappeared and disappeared with the cataclysm. There were no more miracles or answers. Wan mourning did not get any response, so rumors and legends were born. The believers of the new gods claimed that the ancient gods were just evil false gods, and only the God of Light was the master of everything.Some people also say that it is all because of the filth and filth of human beings, which made the gods abandon their sinful people.But one thing is certain, magic did not perish with Tanaan's disappearance.On the contrary, after the cataclysm, the dissipated magical power far exceeded the ancient times, and more and more people stepped into the magical field of magic.In the millennium of chaos and war after the Cataclysm, the Mages Guild came into being.All species that use magic choose the color of their robes according to the camp they believe in. The good ones wear white, the neutral ones wear red, and the evil ones wear black.Three robed mages gathered in their Grand Mage Tower, taking turns to manage all magic-related matters on the mainland.It can be said that in today's world, without the Mage Guild, there would be no entire Oren mage system.

But there are always people and things who want to get rid of the shackles of the rules.Some mages were unwilling to obey the guild's orders, loathed the guild's rigid treaties, and even sought magic knowledge by unscrupulous means. They broke away from the guild's control and chose to defect.Of all the mages who defected, red robes and black robes did not change their robe colors because they betrayed the guild.Only white robes, the moment they leave the guild, they will change into gray robes, showing their betrayal.You must know that the Mage Guild has never spared no effort to arrest and execute defecting mages. It is not a smart idea to wear an eye-catching gray robe, but it is this almost stupid behavior that brings the greatest fear.Every white-robed mage of the good camp has extremely high self-control and moral standards. They will rarely betray their gods and leave the protection of the guild, except for one kind: the mad white robe.Almost every defected white-robed mage has great mental problems. Instead of becoming evil, they have become crazy because of the power of magic. They have trampled on everything that should be obeyed. He will do some horrible things that even the black robe is creepy, and he said with a smile that this is just to seek the truth.Under such circumstances, any sane person will consciously stay away from this group of lunatics, and the most famous/craziest gray-robed mage in the past 200 years is the great prophet Caspar Leopold.

Mages who are proficient in prophecy magic have never competed with the world. They like to observe the trajectory of fate and wait for their prophecies to come true.Most prophecy mages chose to die in their study with crystal balls and magic scrolls.But this Archmage Leopold is extremely different. He is keen to calculate every major event on the continent that affects the world structure. What's more, he will try to participate in the event and try to change the result of his calculation.Although he suffered disastrous defeats without exception in the battle against the Goddess of Destiny, every attempt would bring incalculable variables. They are suffering more and more.Therefore, on the most wanted list of mages in various countries, he has always been at the top of the list.The prophecy mage may not be strong enough, but he cannot be captured or killed by normal means at all, let alone Leo Potter, who is proficient in the two major departments of prophecy and evocation.If the prophetic mage is troublesome and the defecting mage is dangerous, then the gray robed mage Leopold is an out-and-out disaster.

Now, this disaster has found itself.Almost instantly, San guessed the cause of the incident, it must be caused by that damned black-robed mage again!But a great prophet actually has to rely on blocking people to find the answer... Sarn rolled his eyes and grinned, "So you wanted to ask this, it's too simple, I just found out when I lurked by the Moon Lake this……"

The dark elf flipped his hand as if he was about to take out something, the gray-robed mage stared at it intently, and suddenly felt his eyes dim. "Damn it!" Almost instantly, the gray robe flew back into the sky with a whoosh, and began to curse, "Dark Barrier!! You bloody black mouse! How dare you use the Dark Barrier against Dafa!!!" He stretched out his hand to At his waist, he wanted to find the herbs to cast a range magic that would destroy two streets. He touched it, touched it again, and looked down. The gray-robed mage found that the pockets of herbs on his body had disappeared completely. To be precise, His belt to hang his bag was gone.

"You liar! Thief! Dirty thief!!" With a gnashing of teeth, the sky of Bison Alley was illuminated like daytime, and the gray-robed old man angrily scanned the street. Where are the dark elves? figure.At the entrance of the alley, his belt was lying alone on the ground, and the medicinal materials were scattered all over the ground. "You despicable, shameless, cunning and obscene black mouse!!"

Two streets away, Sarn ran without any psychological pressure.It might be okay for a Dafa to face a warrior at close range, but getting so close to a dark elf - especially him - is not so wise.It’s just that this incident is full of weirdness. It stands to reason that any prophecy Dafa doesn’t need to ask others to answer questions. There are too many ways to get answers directly in their spell books (such as probing thoughts, sensing locations, etc.) ), but he just blocked himself... In other words, can't even the most powerful prophet be able to perceive things related to Mr. Hong Ming?San only felt a toothache. He didn't know whether he should be thankful that he escaped from the hands of Goddess of Fate, or mourn that he was involved in such a bad thing, but now...

Sarn found himself running home involuntarily, because he felt a great danger, and his heart was calling to him, asking him to notify his "master" as soon as possible... really like a dog on a chain Unwillingly, he cursed secretly in his heart, Sarn muttered rather self-deceivingly, it is always safer to have a backer.

It only took 10 minutes for him to rush back home. The black-robed mage was still sitting under the tree, carrying out his great cause of meditation, but this time he heard Sarn's hurried footsteps, and he finally opened his eyes.

"Lord Hong Ming, we seem to be in trouble..."

"Aha! It really is here!"

A happy roar exploded above their heads, and the two looked up together, only to see an old man in gray robes floating in mid-air outside the courtyard, his wide robes fluttering wildly with the wind, revealing the long boxer pants underneath...

"The method of elimination is indeed the most correct! Only here can't spy! Let's see where you go!" The old man laughed complacently.

Hong Ming turned his head to look at the dark elf, "Is this troublesome?"

"That's right..." Sarn shrugged and replied resignedly.


The author has something to say: Probe Thoughts: Read the subject's memory, and get an answer to a question each round.Divination 6th level spell.DiscernLocation: Knows the exact location of a creature or object.An 8th-level spell in the divination system.So there are many perverts in the prophecy department... In addition, regarding the color of the mage's robe, don't go into it if you have seen the dragon gun, who made this article only set a moon (hey.

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