The night in the desert is so cold that it permeates the texture, as if the heat of the day is all an illusion, and only the cold is its cruel true face.Even though they were only one step away from the border, this boundless desert still remained tyrannical and fickle, with the cold chill accumulated over thousands of years, as if it wanted to swallow all the people in it.Avar sat by the bonfire, staring at the endless darkness in front of him, his hand almost unconsciously stroked the big sword on his lap, as if he wanted to remember every part of the scabbard with his palm prints imprint.

"Awa... the leader."

A voice pulled him back from the void, and Avar didn't turn his head. He knew who the person was speaking. "Is everyone asleep? Is the Abel family okay?"

"The little girl's high fever has subsided." The man walked to Avar's side and squatted down beside the campfire. "You should go to bed too."

"I still have to watch the night. I'm almost at the border, and it's not safe here." Avar remained unmoved, his eyes still looking straight ahead, as if he was watching some invisible enemy.

A hand wrapped around his neck, followed by a pile of soft black hair. The man knelt down on one knee and hugged him from the side. "You've done well enough, stop pushing yourself like this."

The warm body temperature seemed to be unable to revive the heat of his body, and Avar clenched the hilt of his sword tightly. "In just one month, I lost so many companions. If my father was here, he would definitely be able to do better."

"He can't. No one can." The voice whispered stubbornly in his ear. "This is the desert of purgatory, only you can lead us out of here safely, and you did."

"Not yet, there are still thirty miles to go. We can only enter the forest by bypassing the border of Fijisen Kingdom. It is not safe there. There are too many of us. We will draw the attention of the border guards. If they find us, we will... ..."

"Hush." ​​The voice was gentle and deep, "If you really worry so much, you should go to sleep and recover your spirits. No one can expect a leader who can't open his eyes, you are almost exhausted , my dear Avar, don't take your life for this useless gamble."

These words were like a sharp whip, lashing at the most painful part of Avar's heart. He pushed away the people behind him and scolded, "Shut up Carlos! You don't understand what I'm doing."

The defenseless young man was pushed to the ground.Lying on the ground, he looked up at his best friend, lover, and most reliable companion from bottom to top, but the face full of vigilance and anger was strange like a person he had never seen before.The flame flickered, casting a long shadow between the two. They stared at each other for a long, long time. Finally, Carlos stood up, patted the dust off his body, and performed a knightly salute with one hand on his chest.

"My respected leader, your people are still waiting for your guidance. What they need is not a tyrannical monarch, but a reliable and firm partner. Don't..." His words choked up, " Don't let that sword take away your true self."

After speaking, he took a deep look at the young man in front of him, turned around and left the fire, and walked towards the tent.Avar felt a surge of heat in his eye sockets, he blinked, gritted his teeth, and suppressed the rattling trembling.His hands clenched even tighter, letting the decorative grooves on the hilt that had lost gems poke his soft palms, he could do better, he could.

The night was still dark, and the young man was like an unshakable rock, sitting at the front of the entire camp, stubbornly looking at the dark night sky in the distance.The bonfire was crackling, accompanied by the slight sound of sand blowing by the night wind, and it remained motionless.

The next day, starting from the early morning, the whole team walked out of the Purgatory Desert with the rising sun. Avar sent three scout teams to patrol the surrounding area. There are still about 3 miles to enter the Grenada Forest on the border of the Kingdom. Looking at the lush greenery ahead that is already visible to the naked eye, Avar's heart can't help but loosen a little. He only needs to walk for another hour , they are safe...

At this time, a shrill horn sounded suddenly from the right, and Avar tightened the reins and stood up from the camel's back.There is an enemy attack!He was just about to command the troops to turn left and flee, but the same alarm came from the other two directions.This is...surrounded.Suddenly, a bone-chilling chill rushed into his heart, no, obviously it only takes another hour!

"Assemble! Array!!" He shook off the meaningless fantasy in his mind, and shouted at the knights behind him. Except for young children and the elderly, even women took up weapons and formed a semicircle, protecting the old and the weak at the end .In the distance, four knights galloped back on camels... There were 15 people sent before.Avar gritted his teeth, it doesn't matter, as long as we can rush out, we still have 130 fighters...

"Master Head!! In front is the Light Knights!!"

A bloody knight shouted loudly, Avar only felt dizzy, Temple of Light? !How could it be the Temple of Light!Hearing this cry, there was a panic commotion from the people behind, and many children began to cry loudly.

Avar gritted his teeth and shouted at the people behind him, "100 knights come out! Follow me to fight! The remaining 30 protect the women and children and leave here as soon as possible, and go south, the sooner the better! Carlos! You come Lead the team! We will hold back these lackeys of false gods!"

"No!" The black-haired young man roared back to him, "I will not lose to anyone in sword skills! Let me fight side by side with you."

"I know you are stronger than anyone else." Aval looked at him calmly, "That's why I trust you. Protect them, this is our last hope." After saying that, he shook the rein and took it without looking back. With 100 knights rushing forward.

The horn of battle resounded through the sky, Carlos bit his lips tightly, and blood slipped from the corner of his lips. He turned his mount and shouted at the troops, "Follow me, right away." In the orderly chaos, he led With the rest of the people fled to the south together.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the Knights Templar of Iris was ready to go, the swords in their hands shone with a dazzling cold light, and a high-ranking knight drove his horse to shout loudly in front of the formation.

"The enemies in front of you are the most shameful believers in false gods on this continent. They are a group of dirty and evil abandoned people. Because of their sins, the ancient gods sent such a cruel punishment to Oren Continent. They should not live in this world, and only the glory of the God of Light can wash away their sins. Tell me, what are you going to do?!"

"Kill them! Kill them!!" 100 knights roared in unison.

"That's right, kill them! From body to soul, wipe them out!" The knight drew out his long sword with a bang. "For the glory of my God!"

"The God of Light is with us!"

With a battle roar, a white light emerged from these knights, covering them all around.That light was so holy and bright, it overwhelmed the afterglow of the setting sun, overwhelmed the edge of the sword, and carried the soaring fighting spirit to the sky.In front of this camp of ready soldiers and horses, the group of barbarians riding camels and wrapped in dirty robes were not soldiers at all. They were just a group of desperadoes who were spurned by the entire continent, and they were filth that must be killed.There was a gleam of anger in every knight's eye, and they hated themselves for not doing their duty sooner, for not crushing these filthy bugs sooner.However, it is still too late.

The captain roared, "Come on!"

The horse galloped up, and the knights raised their long swords and greeted them forward.Two turbid streams, one black and one white, collided fiercely.

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