The sky had completely darkened, and the night became thicker after entering the dense forest. The stars and the moon were completely covered by the shade of the trees, and only the ignited bonfire illuminated the edge of the camp.Avar stood by the fire, watching the clansmen shrouded in firelight and shadow.In today's battle, they lost half of their soldiers, and almost everyone who survived was injured. There are more than 300 hungry and tired women and children waiting for their protection.This is not a safe place. They have already offended the most terrifying force in the entire continent. Since the group of light knights can guard here and fight in an ambush, they must have predicted their tracks using prophecy magic. It is impossible for them to escape from such surveillance .And there is that dangerous and powerful black-robed mage, he knows the covenant between the mage guild and the temple of light, no mage has dared to break this agreement for 500 years, but today there are two at once... Avar doesn't know how to describe today's situation Encountered, he just knew that his own destiny could no longer be controlled by himself.


A voice called him back, Aval turned his head silently, and saw the man standing beside him.The burning flames cast a warm halo on his thick black hair, and his eyes were so deep, shining with warmth that made him nostalgic, but the blood color disappeared from that handsome face, and there was no smile With a chic and unrestrained expression, he is serious like a dead soul.

Aval shuddered and looked away.At this moment, he has no need for such useless imagination.

"You're hurt." The voice didn't want to let him go.

Only then did Avar feel the pain from the wound. The tension and pressure caused him to lose control of his body. With these words, pain, dizziness, and soreness from overuse of uncontrollable muscles surged together. His body shook slightly.Afterwards, he was pulled to sit on the ground, a pair of dexterous hands untied his soft armor and lining, and a soft towel stained with herbal juice was placed on him.The cloth was like a mother's comfort, gently and slowly wiping the knife wounds on his shoulder blades and waist, causing a slight burning pain.In front of him, the man remained expressionless, as if he was performing his duties, focused and indifferent.The difference in expression and movement made Avar relax involuntarily. In fact, in his heart, he knew that he had reached a dead end. He knew that it was his own incompetence that brought everyone into such a dangerous situation. He knew that he was not a competent person The head of the group is not a good leader, but even so, no matter how angry he is, some people will not abandon him.Avar narrowed his eyes slightly, allowing his limbs to be manipulated by the opponent.

For a full 10 minutes, they didn't exchange a word.The campfire crackled around them, bringing a pleasant, relaxing warmth.After a while, his clothes were put on neatly again, the man in front of him stared at him seriously for a moment, and finally reached out to hug him.

"Aval, you just break my heart."

There was an almost broken reproach in the voice, and Avar felt a little wet from the cheeks that were pressed against him.He slowly closed his eyes and rested his forehead on his companion's broad shoulders.

"Are you going to give up? Because of that damned Temple of Light, because of that damned black-robed mage!" The voice was sad and angry, "You don't need to bear these alone, as long as our people are not all dead, as long as I You are not alone before you are dead. I have never hated that holy sword so much. It wants to steal you from me. It wants to possess you. It wants to dominate you. It wants to isolate you from the group. Chain you alone to that desperate death stake. You don't need it, don't drive yourself to that dead end!"

"No, Carlos." Avar didn't open his eyes. He couldn't describe the emotions in his heart in words, those responsibilities, those honors, those expectations, those exhaustion and despair that almost overwhelmed him, those... He lightly He whispered softly, "No."

After a long, long time, Carlos rubbed Aval's fluffy blond hair with his hands, "Go to sleep, I will wake you up when the mage comes." His voice was full of exhaustion, for 25 years, They had never been so distant as in this moment.However, now is not the right time...

The flames swayed around them, accompanied by the sound of crackling and burning in the night wind.Carlos guarded his best friend with his body, and his eyes swept across Aval's slightly frowning brows. It took only one month for the vicissitudes to climb up his original handsome face, like a dusty gem, losing its former brilliance .A kind of powerless anxiety lingered in Carlos's heart. He wanted to wipe away the sorrow of his sweetheart, but he couldn't.Surrounded by powerful enemies, their fate is at stake, and their fate is like clouds floating in the sky, unable to grasp or stay.he just hoped...

With a soft snap, Carlos suddenly raised his head, staring ahead vigilantly.In the darkest night, a silhouette slowly emerged, the thin and short figure was like a ghost.

The dark elf bowed gracefully at them. "The time has come, leader of the abandoned people, my lord is waiting for your arrival."

Just as Carlos was about to say something, Avar, who was leaning on him, opened his eyes, "I see, take me there."

The dark elf glanced at Carlos, who was also about to get up, and added softly, "All you need is a leader, only one person."

"You!" Carlos almost pulled out the sword in his hand, this cunning and disgusting drow!

Avar held him down and shook his head slightly at him, "Of course it's just me."

Unwilling and angry, Carlos was pushed back to the original place, and watched his best friend walk into the dark forest.

Hong Ming slowly opened his eyes, only to see the gray-robed mage and the dark elf standing not far from him, and a strange young man standing beside him.He raised his hand and cast a soundproof spell, then nodded at the gray-robed mage. Leopold also picked up his staff and cast a telepathic connection.

Avar only felt the wave of magic swept across his body, he took a step back vigilantly, stared at the three evil and dangerous figures in front of him, and suddenly found a wave of consciousness appearing deep in his heart.

"Don't be afraid, soldier, this is just a convenient way for us to communicate."

Avar gritted his teeth, stood still, and decided to fight back the magic that made him feel weak. "Who are you? What exactly do you want to do?!"

"I should ask you this question first. Warrior, where are you from? Is it the former capital of the sun, Santani?"

"Once upon a time..." As if there was a sneer in his consciousness, Avar replied, "The capital of the sun happened 2500 years ago, and we are just abandoned people living in the desert of purgatory."

"Don't you claim to be the last guardians of the sun god? The old people of Santani."

"What exactly do you want to know?!"

"Know the history you speak of." Another consciousness intervened, and there was a hint of weirdness in the fluctuations.Avar looked warily at the black-robed mage in front of him and waved at him. "Sit down, we need to know what your oral history looks like."

"Are there not enough historical records in the mainland? Why do I, a deserted citizen, have to repeat it."

"Others don't know what happened here, but they just spread rumors. Only you have experienced this incident, and someone who understands the situation at that time must have survived. What happened here 500 years ago?"

Avar looked at the three people with serious faces in front of him. They didn't seem to be joking. He didn't know what their intentions were, but it was not a big deal to describe this period of history to outsiders. In fact, no one was willing to ask about the desert. Abandoned people these memories of those who came.He hesitated, and began to describe all he knew.

"2500 years ago, Santani was still a rich and green field, and the sun temple of our lord Asnaan ruled the entire country. The miracles and glory made it the famous sun capital on the mainland. But one day in June, the sun Suddenly dimmed, the sky seemed to have cracked a huge hole, and lightning and thunder continued to explode in it. Frightened people poured into the temple, praying to our Lord for protection, but the holy fire in the temple was in everyone's sight The center became smaller and smaller. Some people fled the temple in horror, and the panic spread in the city. Suddenly, a terrible loud noise exploded in the sky. The sun seemed to expand a hundred times and then shrunk to the tip of a needle, and then completely turned into darkness. In this darkness, a ball of burning fireball fell from the sky. The fireball was so huge that it was like a thrown mountain peak, and smashed into the capital of the sun. Most of the city instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the ground seemed to be scorched by the scorching heat. It melted, the land began to crumble, the trees began to combust, and countless people wailed and died. The temple disappeared, and all miracles and glory were reduced to ashes with this cluster of flames."

Avar clenched the hilt of the sword by his side, "The fire burned for a whole week, and disappeared in an instant just like when it came. The whole country turned into a piece of scorched earth, and no plant could survive there. There were corpses and wreckage everywhere, The capital of the sun has been turned into ruins." He took a deep breath, "But the Phoenix Knights who were not staying in the temple at that time did not abandon their homeland, and the knights built a new city next to the ruins, trying to bring back the sun God's favor brings them back to their former glory."

"Then what about the Sun God? Have you waited?" Another curious thought interjected, picking out his thoughts as if wanting to flip his brain.Alvar frowned in disgust.

"A full 2000 years have passed. Instead of waiting for our own gods, we encountered a powerful and evil enemy. A Lich King who took pleasure in enslaving the dead descended on the ruins of Santani and established There are too many undead and unjust souls there. The knights could not resist the power of this evil thing, so they were forced to leave their homeland and settle on the other side of the desert. They thought they would return to their homeland one day , but they were wrong..."

"Of course, the Lich King won't allow any living things to live in his territory. You little bastards managed to escape, haha, not bad luck."

"Gray robe, be quiet." Another consciousness repelled the unreasonable ridicule.

"Is this the catastrophe in your eyes?"

"This is the catastrophe we experienced."

"Have you never seen your God Lord again?"

"no more."

"The sun god you speak of is the image of a man with red hair and red eyes, with a scepter in his right hand and a burning sun in his left hand."

"What about you?!" Avar took two steps forward in shock, "It has been almost a thousand years since the statue of the Sun God disappeared on the mainland, how could you have seen it!!"

The black-robed mage in front of him sighed leisurely under the surprised eyes of his companions.

"You tell us the history that we have passed. I also have a version here. I didn't experience it personally, but it is almost the same after thinking about it. Would you like to listen to it?"

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