When Jianxiu came to the Western Fantasy Continent

Chapter 48 Extra Story: Shane Thorin

In the vast and dangerous dark region, large and small karst caves are distributed deep underground.Surrounded by gray rocks and black soil, the dark elves built countless cities, like spiders on a spider's web, entrenched in this dark world without sunlight.The previous wars once brought them to the brink of extinction, but their strong fertility and the ruthless control of Rose, the spider queen, allowed them to multiply and grow again.

Bramodia City is a typical dark elf city. 1200 dark elves and slaves several times their size constitute the main body of the city. The seven families rule everything, allowing this exquisite and splendid city to retain the most basic order. In the battle to invade the surface 300 years ago, the Bramodian dark elves, as the vanguard, consumed too many fighters and mages, and now they have to lie dormant in the dark and lick their wounds, and even the families tend to be quiet .

Standing in the tunnel leading to the main city of Bramodia, Sarn turned around and looked at the towering arch behind him. Two huge spiders were crouching on the top of the nearly twenty-foot-high arch, like a pair of obsidian The carved statue stared indifferently at the gate in front of the tunnel with red eyes.The exquisite patterns and reliefs on the arch shone beautifully under the illumination of the magic flames, making the two spiders even more hideous and ugly.

This is the largest and only high-level academy in Bramodia City.The Fighting Tower for training fighters, the Warlock Academy for teaching mages, and the Spider Academy for cultivating priests, these three buildings with different shapes cover almost every inch of land on the Umka Highlands.School-age teenagers from all families in the city of Bramodia will be sent to this academy, where they will receive cruel and ruthless training to become a qualified Dark Elf warrior/mage/priest, or mark their failure with death.

Sarn survived, surviving a 20% elimination rate, but these [-] years of experience did not make him a "qualified" dark elf.He silently withdrew his gaze, wrapped the dark cloak around his body tightly, and galloped towards the family tower.

The stalactite group of the Thorin family is located in the east of Bramodia City, facing the Umka Highland far away. Ten huge stalagmites have been carved into slender and gorgeous towers, where all the warriors and civilians of the family live. A stalactite hanging from the top of the rock wall has become the exclusive territory of the nobles.Almost luxurious decorations adorn every inch of the rock wall, completely changing its shape and appearance. The delicate craftsmanship comes from the hands of civilian craftsmen and gray dwarves enslaved by the drow, and countless gnomes and bear goblins wrap it. Precious stones and adamantine paid their lives.However, he didn't pay any attention to this splendid building, and Sarn used the levitation technique to fly up to the tower where the family meeting hall was located.

Walking into the hall quickly, he scanned the people in the hall with the corner of his eyes, and consciously walked under the main seat.Sitting upright on the main seat is the current mistress of the Thorin family, Elfasa Thorin.This year, she is only over 300 years old. Like any powerful mistress of a dark elf family, the mistress of Elfasa, who is in her prime, possesses supreme authority. No one dares to speak before she opens her mouth, even if she is on a mission. Sarn is no exception.

"I saw your sister, what did she say?" Mistress Alfasa sat on a high seat, looking directly at her youngest son.

"Amaris said that she is ready, Mistress." Sann replied respectfully with his head bowed.

"Very good." Mistress Elfasha leaned forward slightly, her undisguised ambition overflowing from her body language. "Tomorrow will be our key. The Thorin family has stayed in the fifth position for too long, and it's time to prepare for the move."

"Maybe we can kill a few more, and this time there will be other families participating. My queen is not disgusted with all of this." A voice suddenly broke in, revealing a bloodthirsty arrogance.

Mistress Elfasha glanced sideways at her eldest daughter, Brita, who was standing beside her, and snorted softly, "There is no need to take risks, as long as we target the second daughter of the fourth family, we must do everything perfectly."

Of course, this answer could not satisfy Britta, but reason made her restrain her arrogance, and bowed to the chief to show her compliance.The moment she lowered her head, she missed her mother's cold and sharp eyes.

Watching everything that happened in the hall, Sarn did not show much emotion. In the Thorin family, the emotions and will of men are never important. He understood this iron rule when he was ten years old, and the snake who taught him the rules The first whip is currently wrapped around the elder sister's waist, hissing and spitting out snake letters.Empty his mind, and after offering a humble and obsequious compliment, Sann withdrew at the same speed as before.

Before he walked out of the corridor, he was stopped by a voice.


With the same arrogant voice, San stood still and rushed towards him with a smile, "Sister."

Britta walked over slowly, her hair was coiled high like her mother's, and her beautiful face was full of anger that was not stingy to conceal. "What did she tell you?"

Knowing who the 'she' refers to, Sarn replied, "Amaris said that in tomorrow's surprise attack, as long as you can use magic to hold Fiery's attention, the rest will be left to her. "

"Don't talk nonsense to me!" Britta showed a disgusted expression. "The Spider Queen acquiesced in our actions. Why did my mother let the mage of the fourth family go? It's not her habit to be soft-hearted. Is it because of Amaris' obstruction?"

"As for mother's arrangement, I really have no way of knowing." Saen replied respectfully, with full sincerity in his tone.

But sincerity is not the virtue of the dark elves, Britta unceremoniously pulled out the snake head whip, and the three snake heads hungrily stared at the dark elves in front of them, waiting for the master's order. "As a messenger, how could you not know! Yaozi, haven't you tasted the snake head whip for a long time?"

Taking a step back slightly, San replied in a more humble tone, "My respected sister, you may have misunderstood."


With a soft hum, a sticky and itchy touch wrapped Sarn's heart.Mind reading!Sarn was very familiar with this kind of spell commonly used by the high priests of the Spider Queen. He slowed down his breathing more cautiously and controlled his thoughts.

"Will you tell me now? Youngest son." Britta showed an evil smile, and gently waved the snake's head whip, letting the snake letter lick Sann's cheek.

San's expression changed slightly, he was a little nervous and flustered, but he didn't hesitate. "The fourth family sent the second daughter and second son this time, and that Prince Binhett has an affair with the eldest daughter of the sixth family."

"Hmph." There was another cold snort, and Britta said disdainfully, "Secret relationship? No one in the entire city of Bramodia knows about their relationship. Get to the point!"

"Actually, Binhett's real lover is Amaryllis. He is Amaryllis' wedge to spy on the Fourth Family. Before he entered the Spider Academy as an apprentice, they had a private affair."

"Ha!" Britta carefully discerned the true emotions in Sarn's heart, and there was no sign of falsification. "That's how it is...betting on a stupid man, how did Amarys convince her mother? Is this what they call the reason?"

"That's all I know." Sarn replied respectfully, without going overboard.

After releasing her mind control over her younger brother, Britta showed a satisfied smile. "That's interesting news. You go."

Sarn bowed to his sister and quickly left the main tower.

The next day, warriors and mages from the three families of Bramodia City formed a team. There were eighty fighters, ten mages, and two high-level priests. Their goal was the gray dwarf tribe a hundred miles away. Large tribes of 200 people.Due to the lack of slaves, the nobles of Bramodia City have suffered a lot, and no one wants to miss the opportunity to divide up the captives.

The battle went very smoothly. The fierce offensive of the dark elves destroyed the defense of the gray dwarves in an instant. The light of magic and swords shone in the dark underground, and the high-level priests launched magical attacks on those gray dwarves. The evil easily tore apart the enemy's body and soul... This should have been a battle without any suspense, but as the forward rushed forward, there was an astonishing howl from the rear, and the second daughter of the fourth family, Fairy, was killed by a group of people. A fire elemental giant suddenly attacked her, and the scorching flame instantly made her burn like a torch. The magic and magic spells failed at the same time, and the companions could only watch her helplessly as she was scorched into a ball of coke.

The second son of the fourth family, Binhet, roared angrily, and launched a cruel revenge on the enemies who killed his sister-of course, those gray dwarves.It didn't take long for them to disperse the gray dwarf tribe, and [-]% of the gray dwarves survived, which was a bumper harvest.

The warriors and most of the mages escorted the slaves back to the city of Bramodia, while Britta, who was the highest-ranking figure on the scene, was responsible for cleaning the battlefield and counting the trophies.

"Good job, sister." Standing in front of the gray dwarf warehouse, Britta rewarded her second daughter, but she was not very earnest.

For any family, female mages are a rare and confusing existence.In the dark elf society, no one would wrongly judge the social status. The high-ranking priest is the pinnacle of rule, and the mage... the mage is just the only way to advance to those pathetic men.But Amaryllis, the second daughter of the Thorlin family, chose to become a mage.No one understands why she made such a choice, but most people understand that her spirit will not be normal.

For such a younger sister, Britta's heart is full of contradictions, and she feels relieved that this younger sister will not become her next mistress.But at the same time, she inexplicably hated this stupid woman who chose to become a mage and didn't use her intelligence on the right path.

"Thanks for your assistance, sister." Amaryllis's answer was as dull as her black robe, her silver hair was scattered over her shoulders like most mages, with soft eyebrows and eyes, if it wasn't for her complexion, she would look She looks almost like an ordinary elf girl.

Of course, the turbulent tide between the two sisters did not escape the eyes of others. The male dark elf standing beside Britta took a step back and cautiously distanced himself from them.

"It's just that your heart is too soft!" Britta hated her sister's attitude that was not tough at all, and her tone fully reflected her mood. "What can the males of the fourth family bring to you? One day we will kill them and sit in the fourth seat. Binhett is a nobleman, and he will not escape the purge. Have you forgotten the first iron law of the spider queen?" What is it?"

"Of course I do, sister."

This answer was very gentle, and a strong wave of magic suddenly flashed around her. Britta, who had been fighting for a long time, only came to activate the protective formation in the ring, but the formation was obviously not strong enough, and she was fatally shot with a snap. Instant Lightning shatters.But it still bought time for Britta, who backed away quickly and opened her mouth.

A hand stretched out from behind and covered her mouth tightly, the divine art was stillborn.The cold blade kissed her naked neck, and Britta's eyes widened in shock. There was only one person standing behind her, her most trusted and beloved warrior... The restraint came one after another, and Britta fell into a frozen state. .

"Of course I remember, sister." Repeating what she said just now, Amaryllis walked up to her, and took the dagger from the soldier's hand. The black and blue luster on it clearly showed her danger.Amaris raised her sister's chin with the dagger. "All affection is false, and all trust faces betrayal. My dear sister, do you remember?"

Unable to even move her fingertips, Britta could only stare at her sister stiffly, she had no reason...she was just a mage!

"I'm just a mage." A smile slid across the corner of the second daughter's lips, "But my mistress, she is a priest. You are too old for my sister, and our mother is too young. If she is three hundred Giving birth to you at the age of [-] may have completely different results, but right now, she doesn't want to be usurped as the mistress."

The blade slowly cut into Britta's throat, and a trace of bright red blood flowed down the blade.Contrary to her actions, Amaryllis continued to speak softly, "After our little sister graduates from the academy, she will become the heir of a new generation. There will be no rivals or betrayals. When she takes over, our family will go to the next level." A more advanced position. And I..." There was a hint of arrogance in that tone, "And I will become the most powerful mage in Bramodia City, and the Nabondel Hour Pillar will be in my hands. day lit."

His voice and actions were all imprisoned, Britta trembled slightly, his pupils dilated, and he stopped breathing.Amaryllis and the soldier let go at the same time, letting the corpse fall to the ground.Along with the singing, a dimensional door opened under the corpse, like an iron sword sinking into the mud, and Britta's stiff body was slowly swallowed by the hard rock.

"It's a pity that my sister ran into a trap when she was inspecting the warehouse. Losing two high-ranking priests in one day is a great loss." Amaris muttered to herself naturally, as if she was rehearsing the dialogue when facing the censorship of the parliament, " But this just shows that there is no infighting between the families, after all we have all lost important heirs. All the sins were committed by the evil duergar, which will make the matrons very happy."

The warrior standing beside her had long since disappeared into the darkness. Amaryllis stood quietly for a moment, then suddenly asked somewhere. "How about this answer?"

"Very logical." Another voice answered her, and a slender figure slowly emerged from the shadows, and he bowed respectfully to Amaryllis. "Congratulations, sister."

Amaryllis's calm eyes suddenly flashed a hint of interest, "Young son, you really tricked Britta. How did you do it?"

San stood there and smiled softly, "What if I say I don't know? Sister."

Almost no one can escape the control of mind reading. Amaryllis is really curious. She is a mage, and curiosity is her nature.But the man in front of her didn't show any timidity under her coercion, he just wore a humble enough smile.

Amaryllis looked away, these were not important to her. "What payment do you want? Let's talk about the price."

"You're too polite, sister." Sarn said unhurriedly, "It's definitely not my original intention to help you, it's for the interests of the mistress and you, as well as the stability of the family."

"Tell me your price." Unmoved by the beautiful words, Amaryllis ordered.

"Patrol team." This time, without further evasion, San replied simply. "The Underdark Patrol is my favorite position."

"Patrol team?" A look of surprise crossed Amaryllis's face, "You are a nobleman, and patrol team is not the place for you."

"But it suits me." Sarn paused, "Just like a mage suits you, eldest daughter."

I don't know which sentence touched Amarys, and she showed a real smile. "After you graduated from the academy, you turned to study concealment and tracking, just for this day? You simply tried every means to evade your duties."

"Since there are women who refuse God's favor, there will naturally be men who refuse to kill people." Sarn smiled again, "I think this request is not overstepped."

The eldest daughter of the Thorin family—the eldest daughter now—looked directly at her younger brother, and finally nodded after a while, "I will convey your request to mother."

"Thank you so much, my dear sister."

Like a wisp of smoke, Saarn disappeared into the darkness again.As far as concealment is concerned, there are not many people in this city who can surpass him.Amaryllis secretly chewed today's conversation, she knew that her younger brother was weird, but she didn't expect to be weird to this extent.This is not a way of thinking that the dark elves can understand, but...Amaris smiled, why should she care so much?No one escaped the Spider Queen's clutches, and maybe the evil Queen just liked their shows, of all kinds, to please her.No one really cares how a lowly male can be so different.

Amaris straightened her black robe and walked towards the city of Bramodia.

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The author has something to say: Regarding the dark elves' study experience, here are some adjustments.The education of the fighting martial arts tower is divided into two stages, one part is the ten-year martial arts training, which is carried out in the fighting martial arts tower.The other part is collaborative training, including a three-year mage apprenticeship and a two-year priest apprenticeship, as well as a five-year combination practice.This is the time when the dark elves have just finished the war and are recuperating, so they tend to train drow teenagers more rigorously until they become usable warriors who will not be easily killed, preparing for the next big war.

Under the same environment, the internal fighting has also stagnated for nearly 300 years, and it is time for them to return to the era when they are about to move.

Narbondel Hour Pillar: A pillar used by the dark elves to keep time. The most powerful archmage ignites it with magic fire every day, and the temperature spreads upward until the entire pillar turns red under night vision (infrared vision).When it's all dark it's midnight.

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