Ha, another one who admitted his mistake, Sarn smiled from the bottom of his heart.That's right, the facial features of this outsider mage are too shallow and too soft for the people of Oren.The eye sockets are not so deep, the black eyes are bright and bright, the eyes are thin and slender, but the end of the eyes is slightly raised, the small and straight nose bridge, the red and soft lips, and even the skin is so delicate that there is no pore. With a glamorous beauty, coupled with his stature far below the height of ordinary men, it is not uncommon for him to be mistaken.But those who dare to strike up a conversation... Sarn raised the corners of his lips slightly, as long as his eyes are not blind, he would not ignore the dark elf standing beside this beauty, right?

Looking at the tall brown-haired man in front of him, Hong Ming couldn't help frowning. Now he can understand a lot of common language. Although he is not fluent in speaking, the meaning of these words will never be misunderstood.With a slight lift of his hand, he waved away the bird that had landed on his fingertips, and replied coldly, "I am not a woman."

The bard in front of him was obviously taken aback, turned his head slightly, and couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes, but it only took a few seconds for him to smile again, and lightly plucked the strings with his fingers, "Beauty has no gender , it is my honor to present music to a beauty like you..."

Before he finished speaking, Hong Ming had already passed him and walked forward, without even giving way in the slightest courtesy.The bard was taken aback again, such a straightforward refusal is not common, but he was not discouraged, he took two quick steps and followed closely behind Hong Ming, playing some lively little tunes while plucking the strings, while speaking with a smile.

"Don't you like music that sings about your beauty? Yes, the stars and the moon will eclipse your face, how can ordinary ballads sing your charm? If you are interested, I can change some songs, such as 200 years ago The hymns of the heroes of the ice field, such as the eulogy of the ancient true gods, and the most beautiful folklore, there must be a song that can capture your smile..."

Accompanied by his chatter, the kingfisher was also hovering around Hong Ming's ear, trying to stop on his shoulder to peck at his hair a few times, and then flew up to the jade crown on his head after a while, catering to the bard with its melodious song like a bard Recited chatter.Suddenly, Hong Ming stopped and turned to look at the young man who almost bumped into him.

"Legend. Do you know the legend of the Red Sea?" Hong Ming asked carefully choosing the words and sentences in the common language.

"Hong Ming, this bard is not reliable!" Sarn transmitted to him without hesitation.

"It's okay, he's not a villain." Hong Ming replied, not caring too much.Sarn immediately understood that he must have used that spirit observation again, but... Sarn turned his head and stared at the poet without letting go.

"Of course." Finally getting the reply from the beauty, the bard suddenly became more enthusiastic, "The most beautiful legend in the Red Sea is the ballad about sea elves. I have traveled in the Red Sea for five full years just to meet the beautiful elves, but To meet you has already fulfilled my wish." He took a deep look at Hong Ming, took two steps back, curled up his exaggerated smile, and fiddled with his chest with an almost solemn expression. The lute in the middle opened its voice.

When the stars fall into the mortal world,

When blood and fire ignite in the sea,

When the monstrous waves overwhelm the cries of the people,

A goddess lamented.

She sighed:

Such disasters should only fall on sinners,

Why bother with that innocent kindness?

Behold, my lord.

Look at the pure smiles on the faces of the babies,

Look at the innocent faces of girls,

Look at the countless hardworking and kind men and women,

Why did they have to suffer such disasters?

If there is one, only one,

A human being without filth in his heart would give his life,

I will save these people from disaster.

A maiden heard the words of the goddess,

She came out.

Please take my life, goddess,

The girl fell to her knees crying.

Save my parents, innocent and kind,

Save my neighbors, they are hardworking and sincere,

Save your people, they don't deserve to be implicated like this,

I'm willing to give my life, just for the disaster to dissipate.

With a flash of white light, the girl disappeared.

The raging waves shattered the shore, and the land turned into islands,

But the people survived, their cities were moved underwater,

Their hands and feet grew webbed toes like frogs,

They became sea people who could live in water.

And that girl, that beautiful and innocent girl,

The goddess did not take her life,

Her hair became red like the waves of the Red Sea,

Her skin is soft and bright, like the petals of a spring peach,

Her tears turned into gills, her ears into fins,

She can freely shuttle between the sea and the land.

When she laughs, the Red Sea sings with it,

When she cries, the tears turn into crystal pearls,

Every day, she praises her goddess with a song that no one can understand,

Like singing larks, like light petrels,

Like those spirits favored by the gods,

She is the daughter of the sea, the elf in the sea.

Everyone who sees her falls in love with her,

But she will only appear on that nameless island,

With the sea breeze and tide,

With birdsong and twittering of the twelfth,

Sing out loud.

If you see her someday,

Please be quiet, listening is your best friend...

That singing voice, that piano sound, has an unexpected penetrating power, as if passing through the body, touching the heartstrings directly.As the poet sang, passers-by on both sides of the road stopped, the birds stopped singing, the wind stopped whistling, and only the melodious music echoed.When the song was tense, everyone hung their hearts together. When the song reached the sad part, some people wiped away their tears quietly. When the sea elf was sung, everyone showed longing, hoping to see the legendary sea elf. elf.

The singing voice slowly decreased, accompanied by the increasingly distant piano sound, and finally disappeared into the wind together.The scene was very quiet, and everyone forgot what they were doing, as if they were still reminiscing about the melody like the sounds of nature.After a long time, I don't know who cheered first, and applause and cheers resounded through the street.Facing the uninvited audience, the poet didn't mind at all, and saluted all around generously, thanking the audience for their applause.

Amid the applause, Hong Ming frowned slightly. "Sea people, sea yarn, sea elves, teardrops become pearls..." he muttered to himself, "could they be mermaids?"

As if he just woke up from the rhythm at this time, Sarn came back to his senses and just heard the last sentence. "Merren?" Hong Ming used an alien language this time, a word he had never heard before.

"The fishtail has a human body, good looks, and is good at spinning yarn. The shark silk it produces is not wet in the water, and the price is worth a hundred gold. When the sharks cry, their tears drop into beads. This is a water demon that has existed in Kyushu since ancient times."

Sarn shook his head, "The sea people will definitely not be. Their legs are not much different from human beings, except that their toes have transparent webbed membranes that are good for paddling, and they were born after the catastrophe just like the legend. Fishtail human body It's a murloc, and it doesn't look good at all. But the shark silk you mentioned is very similar to sea yarn, and no one knows how to make it."

"What are you talking about?" A voice interrupted the discussion between the two, and with a smile, the bard stood beside Hong Ming. "I've never heard that language. Is it some kind of Elvish?"

Hong Ming looked at the smiling young man, but did not answer directly, "Thank you for your song, it is very useful to us."

"Really? But I didn't see you smiling..." The poet still smiled after glancing at the still indifferent beauty in black. "But there is still a chance. Do you want to buy something in Cass City? If necessary, I am also a good guide..."

Hong Ming was about to refuse again, but suddenly his expression froze, and he turned his head abruptly. Almost at the same time as him, San also turned his face in surprise, and their eyes stopped together on a black four-wheeled cart.

The carriage was driven by a burly tauren, and beside it stood four burly warriors who looked like pirates, and two black-robed mages were guarding them.However, such battles were not what attracted them, it was all because of the voice they heard.

A small and trembling sound came from inside the carriage.The voice was calling for help, in a language only the two of them could understand.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the carriage side by side.

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