When Jianxiu came to the Western Fantasy Continent

Chapter 68 Black Wolf and Dragon Man

After crossing the continuous ridges of the Kavos Mountains and leaving the gray-green hills formed by Ice Bear Hill and Elk Ridge, an army is gathering on the banks of the raging black water of the Juren River.

The war horses were neighing lowly, dozens of arrow feathers and sufficient dry food were placed in the middle of the camp, and the blunt knives that were once iron-black turned into bright silver steel blades. The soldiers packed their bags and polished the blades and axes , The bloodthirsty battle intent filled the air.Standing on a hill not far away, a strong man wearing a black wolf fur cloak watched the scene in front of him, with a smug smile on his resolute face.

This is the powerful force of the Black Wolf tribe that can rule the entire western plain.Just like the wolf god they revered, the warriors of the black wolf are extremely strong and united. It took only two generations to transform from a tribe of several hundred tribesmen to a tribe with more than a thousand warriors, hundreds of A huge group of cavalry.Like a real pack of wolves, they wiped out those cowardly tribes with blood and fire, sacrificed their lives to the great wolf god, and strengthened themselves with their flesh and blood.

But now, the man touched the black wolf iron ornament on his neck, and his ferocious fangs sharpened his calloused fingers.Now, they are standing at a fork in the road, standing side by side with a group of unreliable partners...


A voice drew back the man's sight, his cold gaze swept across the other's face, making the messenger take a step back in palpitation.

"The priest over there said that he wants to see you." The young man who delivered the order swallowed his saliva and tried to make his voice more stable.Standing in front of him was the leader of his own clan, a man who had killed his clan brother with a challenge at the age of 30 and ascended to the throne of patriarch.In front of him, no one could stand up straight, just like the wolf king among wolves, any form of provocation and disrespect would bring fatal results.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of the man's mouth, 'over there', he didn't trust those dirty and ugly guys, but they brought sharp weapons and fighters not inferior to his own people, if that agreement can really If it is successfully completed, the Western Plains will be under his control.Now, he just needs to be sure of a few things.Without saying any nonsense, the man took a step and walked towards the independent camp not far away.

Far away from the river, and also far away from the tents of the Black Wolf Tribe, the camp in front of him looked even simpler, with a more primitive and barbaric atmosphere.Here lived their covenant partners this time, a group of bearmen, jackals and other orcs, an orc army of more than six hundred warriors.Like any Iceman, men don't like orcs. This kind of dirty race created by evil gods once ravaged the Icefield and destroyed countless human tribes.But now, common interests drive them together, and for that ambition, the man is willing to give up some unnecessary persistence.

Ignoring those orc warriors who were looking at him curiously, the man went straight to the deepest part of the camp, and a huge tent firmly covered by cowhide and sheepskin appeared in front of him. Even though he was familiar with this place, he still couldn't help but wrinkled Eyebrows, the strong smell of sulfur, strong acid and rancidity filled his nostrils, making him, who was used to blood and corpses, unable to hold his breath.

But the smell didn't stop the man's footsteps, he lifted the curtain and stepped into the tent.

Just like the previous few times, a strange mist was transpiring in the tent, as if some kind of smoky spice was burning, the fragrance and stench were mixed, making the smell in the tent even more unbearable.Behind the fog, a figure stood in the tent.When he saw the creation in front of him, the man couldn't help but clenched the long knife at his waist.There are legends about them all over the continent of Oren, but there are very few humans who have actually seen this group, and anyone who has seen them will feel that they have had a nightmare.

It was a dragon.At seven feet tall, his body is covered in brass-colored scales, and his huge blunt beak and horn-like crown make his face look like a huge lizard, but the dark brown wings extending from his back have nothing to do with it. Doubtful marks revealed his true identity.A strong sulfur smell overflowed from him, like a real fire dragon, his eyes showed a dark red color, like a pair of burning fireballs.

"Lonte, you're here." The dragon man in complicated priestly attire gestured to him.

The man frowned in displeasure. Anyone who dared to call him by his name was dead ten years ago, but this dragon man repeated this offense over and over again as if he was provocative.He ignored the Dragonman's invitation and stood directly on the other side of the tent.

"What's the matter? Torn." Lonte asked bluntly. Although this dragon man is extremely strong, he is still a priest with the vices that all priests have: he is never straightforward, and he is used to using cryptic and suggestive ways chat.This is not the way the Iceborne people communicate, and Lonte has no interest in accommodating this eccentricity.

"Of course, my dear patriarch." The sulfur smell brought out by the word patriarch made the man frowned, but the dragon man continued to say indifferently, "My main god Sagona sent a decree, and the attack will be launched in a week's time. It’s the best time for you. It’s time for you to pull out the fangs of the black wolf, and use terror and cruelty to destroy the followers of the pseudo-dragon.”

Longte did not agree.As a tundra man, he worships idols (like a wolf god who has no name at all), and his own ancestors, and those gods who disappeared thousands of years ago mean nothing to him.But ever since he saw this group of creations that surpassed nature, his belief has hesitated. Even if the upper gods and main gods disappeared, the lower gods still existed, just like the orc god Sagoona, and became more dangerous.He should be more calm when communicating with this unnatural creation.Alpha wolves are never restless, and they always find the right moment to kill their prey.

"My people still need to prepare. The cold winter has not yet passed, and the clouds are covering these days. If it snows, the Kavos Mountains cannot be crossed by manpower. And..." Lonte stared coldly at the red eyes of the dragon man , "As I said before, the dragon tribe is an ancient tribe that has existed for thousands of years. According to legend, there is really a giant dragon in their tribe. And you still haven't told me the significance of attacking this tribe. I choose The dragon tribe is because he is the oldest and most powerful tribe besides the black wolf. What is your purpose? Dragon people, stop talking about those stereotypes and tell me your real purpose."

The dragon man laughed, or showed a grin-like expression. "There will be no snow." He repeated meaningfully, "This winter, there will not be a single snowflake falling on the tundra. We have created the best time to attack. Eight hundred wolf warriors, four hundred orc warriors, and Two hundred dragonmen, this army can crush all races on the tundra."

"Your purpose!" Longte didn't let him go around the topic, and locked his red eyes tightly.

"Don't you believe the false dragon's words anymore?" The dragon man let out a low laugh, "What has shaken your belief, Lord Patriarch?"

"I got a piece of news, a very definite piece of news." Longte replied coldly, "The giant dragon is not a legend. They really have a dragon, a sleeping white dragon. If you are really the descendants of the dragon clan , shouldn’t attack a dragon, or a white dragon that is also in the evil camp.” The man looked at the tall dragon man, trying to find a clue from his inhuman face, but there was no response from the lizard face. .

"What is your purpose? Dragon man. If that giant dragon wakes up, no amount of warriors can stop its power. You know that dragon exists, right? Then why are you encouraging us to attack the dragon tribe? !"

In the roar of the black wolf patriarch, the dragon man finally opened his mouth. "That's right, our only goal is the legendary Dragon Valley, but it's not for the giant dragon, but for the entire dragon tribe." He paused, his eyes showing a kind of mad joy filled with faith, " This continent is no longer suitable for giant dragons to survive. The dragon people will replace the dragons and inherit their blood, and my lord Sagona will become a new lord god. In order to achieve this goal, we must kill the white dragon .”

Listening to the crazy words of the dragon man, even if he was as bold as Longte, he couldn't help but feel a chill behind him.While admitting that their blood comes from dragons, the dragon people believe in the main god of orcs and hate dragons more than any other race.There is something dirty hidden under this terrible contrast, and Longt doesn't want to touch it at all.

He should reconsider his cooperation plan with these lunatics, but... the ambition in his body is calling him, tearing his sanity apart.This is the best time to defeat the giant dragon tribe. The elk and ice bears are separated under his division, and now only the giant dragon tribe is left to guard the Kavos Mountains. If he misses this opportunity, he will never find the same opportunity in his lifetime .

"What are you hesitating about? Lord Patriarch." The soft voice whispered in his ear, like the temptation of a devil, "If the dragon wakes up, the dragon people will be responsible for killing the dragon, and there are hundreds of orc warriors We don’t need any spoils to help you eliminate those warriors of the dragon tribe, as long as you hand over the dragon valley to us, all rewards will be offset. This is a good deal, isn’t it?”

It's a bargain.At the bottom of his heart, Lonte repeated the curse-like words, and the same secret as in the tent seemed to rise in his eyes. The stench and fragrance were like two poisonous snakes, gnawing at his heart.Standing beside him, the dragon man narrowed his eyes slightly. This kind of suggestion talent derived from a brass dragon is not something a plain man can resist. All he needs is to incite this man's ambition, that's all.

After a while, the fog slowly faded from the eyes of the patriarch of the black wolf. He stood up and nodded to the dragon man.

"We will set off in a week, if the white dragon really wakes up..."

"Just leave it to us." The dragon man bowed to the patriarch.

Deep down in his heart, Longte faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't care in the end. After taking a deep look at the dragon man, he stepped out of the suffocating tent.

Fragrance, sulfur, acid and mist were all covered under the curtain, and the leader of the black wolf tribe walked towards his own tribe.A week later, he will face the most powerful enemy in his life and at the same time obtain the most dazzling glory in his life. He firmly believes that he no longer hesitates in his heart.

At the same time, in a place eight hundred miles away, the three travelers are still continuing their journey.

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