"You also know Kyushu?" Hong Ming stabilized his body and asked Su Rong.

"Kyushu? Is this the name of the other world..." the giant dragon shook his head slightly, "I don't know your world, but in Oren Continent, apart from the gods, only the dragons know your existence."

"Is it because of the great war [-] years ago?"

"What do you know?" Bai Long asked without answering.

Hong Ming didn't answer right away, but looked carefully at the huge and broken wings of the white dragon, and after a while slowly replied, "Two thousand and five hundred years ago, there was a great war between the Kyushu and Aulun realms. During this period, countless gods and gods fell. I don’t know much about that battle of immortal families, but the only thing that is certain is that the giant dragons in this world must have participated in that war. In the history of Kyushu, once There was a strange kind of dragon, with fleshy back body, scaled body and spine, thin neck and big belly, strong limbs, and long tail tip... These descriptions are very different from the dragons of Kyushu, but they are somewhat similar to yours. "

"Giant dragon?" A low-pitched laugh overflowed from that huge body, filled with endless fatigue and mockery, it seemed that even the surrounding soil was trembling with laughter. "No. It was the dragon god who participated in that war."

This sentence stunned several people at the same time, and Hong Ming immediately reacted, "I heard from a friend that your family fell into a deep sleep after the war, but it has something to do with the battle of the gods? Could it be... the dragon god in this world?" Has also fallen?"

"Without the permission of the Dragon God, the dragon family could not hatch dragon eggs at all. The war ended 2500 years ago, and I am only 1500 years old. My birth proves the existence of the Dragon God."

"However, there have been no giant dragons in the past 500 years. Before the cataclysmic era, the number of giant dragons was far greater than it is now." San interjected. "If the dragon god is still there, what interferes with the reproduction of the dragon?"

The white dragon ignored the dark elf's question, but locked the mage in front of him with his blind eyes. "Outsiders, if you want to know the secrets of the dragon family, you must first tell me why you are looking for the tree of doom."

The words have come to this point, and there is no room for evasion.Hong Ming pondered for a moment, and finally told the truth. "To be honest, during the war between the two worlds, several immortal families of our family died in Oren Continent. Their natal artifacts were left in this world, and some of them even preserved a ray of soul. In order to find these Artifact, I was recruited to this world, and I accidentally discovered the tree of doom you call. This thing is very similar to the shape of my family's magic weapon, the Qibao Liuli branch. It appeared after the catastrophe, and it contains powerful power. In order to calm the mind and break the magic circle, the treasure of the maze should never have the name of doom. When we heard that the green dragon nightmare had captured the tree of doom, we tried every means to find its whereabouts, wanting to see the legendary doom Is the tree what we need to look for?"

"If it is really an artifact of your Kyushu, can you manipulate it if you find the Tree of Doom, instead of being controlled by it like those races before the Green Dragon."

"This... I don't know either." Hong Ming replied honestly, "But since it is my responsibility, no matter whether I can succeed or not, I will give it a try."

"Responsibility..." The giant dragon lowered its head and slowly closed its eyes, as if caught in some kind of memory.After a long time, the voice full of regret resounded in the valley.

"Giant dragons are different from any race on Oren Continent. Unlike those fragile elves, tiny humans, or any other legendary creations, our race has been blessed and controlled by the gods from the beginning. Our race Too powerful, too perfect, almost no race can cause harm to us, each dragon can lay a sufficient number of eggs in its lifetime if it wants to, maybe 300, maybe 500, or even more...even if the eggs hatch Very long, even half of them will not hatch baby dragons, what will happen to this world?"

Sarn replied in a low voice, "Oren will be ruled by dragons, if you are many enough."

The deep laughter echoed in the dragon's throat, full of bitterness. "That's right, if we could...but we can't. The Dragon God Sinastari has restricted the birth of giant dragons. In the Dragon Valley, more than a hundred dragons will be born in each generation, of various colors. Get used to giving birth at the right time and laying the right number of dragon eggs, and those eggs that are not born at the right time will not be taken into the dragon's den at all, and will only be abandoned by their irresponsible parents."

"We are used to this kind of arrangement and the gift of Dragon God to us. So even if we believe in other gods, good or evil, Sinastarri is our irreplaceable main god, and he doesn't even need We express our loyalty, because no dragon can escape his control, and the life of the dragon is in his hands. However, 2500 years ago, he participated in that great war..." There seemed to be a trace of depression in the voice of the dragon trembling.

"We don't know how the battle in the foreign world was, but when he returned to Oren, he was already scarred. Under his call, countless dragons went into that war... None of them can return to Dragon Valley. Major Casualties hurt the vitality of the dragon clan, so we chose to hide in a more remote place, so that the young and small dragons could grow up healthily. The dragons of that generation did it. After the cataclysm, everyone's energy was diverted, and no race paid attention to giant The situation of the dragon. Hundreds of years later, the dragon clan grew stronger again, but at this time, they discovered that the birth season bestowed by the dragon god had disappeared. This disappearance lasted for a full 1000 years."

"During these 1000 years, the dragons increased the number of eggs laid, but countless dragon eggs died while waiting, and no young dragons were born. The dragons almost fell into madness. They prayed to the dragon god, eager for his response, However, everything has come to nothing. 1000 years is a complete generation for the dragon clan. When those old dragons are almost dying, suddenly a new dragon is born, which is the generation I belong to. Among all the five-color dragons, there are less than a hundred Dragon eggs hatched into baby dragons. But this accident brought a glimmer of hope to the dragons, and 300 years later, another batch of dragons was born, a smaller batch. We used to think that the birth interval became 300 years, but We were wrong. For the next 300 years, not a single dragon egg hatched into a baby dragon."

"At that time, there were only a dozen giant dragons left in the entire five-color dragon clan." The desolation in this sentence made everyone look sideways.It is especially unbearable when the tragedy is not limited to one creature, but to a race.

"The tree of doom that the green dragon stole is also related to the fate of the dragon clan." Hong Ming asked softly, and he seemed to have guessed the key point.

"You understand, don't you?" the old dragon replied, with some sarcasm in his voice.

Hong Ming's voice was not high, and there was a hint of uncertainty in his tone, "In the list of owners of the Tree of Doom given by the Thieves Guild, there are only two generations of owners with great power. One was acquired 500 years ago. The Elf Elder who came to the Tree of Doom, and the other was the black-robed mage who owned the Tree of Doom 200 years ago. They all died in slumber without exception. After that, the Tree of Doom was only passed down among human nobles, and was Considered some kind of magical treasure."

"It's quite similar... that's what it told me back then, the green dragon you were talking about. It was born in the second generation, and it was one of the few green dragons in that generation of giant dragons. I saw it with my own eyes. I got out of the eggshell and spent a long time with it.” The dragon’s voice was full of vicissitudes of memory, as if telling something that was extremely missed, “It’s like any green dragon, Irritable and irritable, but full of curiosity by nature. 700 years ago, it suddenly left me, saying that it was to find the reason for the birth of two generations of giant dragons. In 200 years, it traveled all over the continent. When it returned, so Like you, it's all about the tree of doom. The timing is perfect, isn't it?"

Hong Ming didn't answer, he thought of a possibility.The Seven Treasure Glazed Branch was originally a magic weapon for breaking the illusion formation, and it was born to be the nemesis of the formation.If it is deliberately reversed and used as a magic weapon for imprisonment, then every spirit that enters it can also be trapped with mazes and phantom formations.Maybe... the dragon god is trapped in it.Due to the great power consumed by the battle, it cannot break through the shackles of the seven treasure glazed branches, but when a powerful mage touches the magic circle with his life, there will inevitably be a gap. During this period, the Dragon God quietly awakened some dragon eggs, to perpetuate their race.But if it is only the soul, it is like True Monarch Huilu who has been trapped for [-] years. It is not known whether the soul of the Dragon God is complete, maybe...

"The green dragon got the tree of doom." Hong Ming replied slowly, "If it really cracked the magic weapon, a new dragon should be born. Has the Dragon God..."

"You are wrong, it got the tree of doom, but it didn't come back."

Hong Ming was taken aback, "It didn't return to Dragon Valley? You don't know where the green dragon is?"

"It's ridiculous, isn't it?" Bai Long's voice was full of sadness and anger. "I know it didn't die, and I know it got the tree of doom, but it disappeared without a trace, and in these 500 years, not a single young dragon was born. This stupid, selfish, arrogant guy! "The frosty breath enveloped the dragon, as if erupting anger that had been suppressed for a long time.

"Arrogance...Could it be that it chose to break into the formation of the Seven Treasures Glazed Branches in a hidden place?" Hong Ming suddenly realized that there should be nothing else that could prevent the Green Dragon from returning. The fate of its family, especially, can be easily ignored.But if it is too arrogant and breaks into the formation without authorization, it is also likely to be trapped by the formation, just like the two powerful people, falling into a deep sleep.

"Wait, is this guess reliable?" Sarn was also a little stunned. "If it is true, a green dragon that is the best at hiding has fallen into a deep sleep somewhere. Even the white dragon doesn't know where it is, Then how do you find it?"

No one answered his question, and there was silence in Dragon Valley.

After a long time, Bailong's deep voice sounded again. "Maybe it is still possible to find it. The green dragon is also good at intimidation and hints. It is a natural master of the enchantment system. If it is accidentally trapped in the tree of doom, it may arouse its power and affect the surrounding environment... just I'm so old I've lost the ability to find it."

"In other words, the green dragon probably created a forest surrounded by fear and hints?" Sarn was speechless.

"Maybe there is also the effect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Branches." Hong Ming sighed slightly, "If it is just other races, the Seven Treasures Glazed Branches may be just for defense, but if the Dragon Clan rushes in rashly, it may attack like the Chiyang Cauldron State. Maybe someone did know the whereabouts of the green dragon, but they couldn't get out of the area made up of double illusions, and naturally they wouldn't spread any news."

"Wait." A clear voice interrupted everyone's discussion, Hong Ming and Saen lowered their heads at the same time, and saw the Kender eagerly looking at them. "This story sounds very interesting, and I don't really want to disturb you. But is it talking about a nightmare forest now? If I heard correctly." His big brown eyes blinked, full of affirmation crave.

"That's right..." Sann guessed a possibility in just a few seconds, "Wait, do you know that place! Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

"No one has asked me." Welby replied bluntly, "Aren't you asking about the news of the dragon clan, but no one has linked that forest with dragons. The Nightmare Forest is famous among the Kenders. A Kender discovered that place 300 years ago. The locals described the forest as a place where ghosts inhabit, saying how eerie it was, and never returning. He naturally went in, but unfortunately he didn't come out. But at that time he was traveling with a human company, and his diary was sent back to the village. Since then, many kender have gone to see the forest, of course, they have not returned. In our place, this forest It has been listed as one of the ten forbidden places, if possible, I plan to visit it when I am older..."

Sann didn't want to delve into the logic of these words, "Where is that forest?"

"It's at the junction of the Anselazia Mountains and the ice sheet, only a few hundred miles away from here."

"Hundreds of miles?" Bailong closed his eyes in pain, "Hundreds of miles!"

San didn't care about the dragon's feelings, he turned his gaze to the man beside him, and saw an unshakable determination from Hong Ming's face. "Are you planning to go there? That doesn't sound like a good idea."

"If there really is a tree of doom here, I'm afraid I have to break through it."

No, maybe not necessarily.Sarn glanced at the white dragon quietly. If the green dragon had been trapped inside for 500 years, it probably wouldn't last a few days. After it died, it would be much easier to find the tree of doom.But such words probably won't have much effect on Hong Ming.

"Are you going to that forest?" asked the dragon.

"Yes, we will go there to find the green dragon and the tree of doom." Hong Ming replied calmly.

"If you can rescue it... I would like to give my all, there is my cave in the depths of the ice sea hundreds of miles away..."

"No, we don't need to be paid, but the tree of doom must belong to us."

"At the same time, release its magic and release the dragon god?"

Hong Ming looked at the broken body of the old dragon, then at the lake gleaming with water spirits in the distance, and finally nodded, "If we can."

"Hahaha..." The dragon's neck twitched slightly, amidst the laughter shaking Longgu, it spat out a round, snow-white bead, which was the size of a head, but it shrank to a few inches in an instant, and could be grasped with one hand.The giant dragon raised its head and signaled, "Take this away. If that green dragon really released the enchantment magic, it should be able to help you avoid some attacks."

"This is... Dragon Ball?" Hong Ming leaned over and picked it up, looking directly at the dragon. "It should be very important to you."

"Not anymore..."

In Middle-earth Kyushu, if the dragon clan loses the dragon ball, not only will their cultivation base be greatly damaged, they may even be unable to maintain their dragon shape.It is equivalent to the inner alchemy of monks, and it will never be given to others.Although I don't know how the dragons of the Oren continent treat their inner alchemy, but I think they will not ignore it.

After a pause, Hong Ming finally put the dragon ball into the Qiankun bag. "I will find that green dragon as soon as possible and retrieve the treasure of my family."

Or die under the attack of two terrifying illusions, Sarn added silently in his heart.

The giant dragon didn't answer him any more, just put his head on the ground, even breathing heavily.Hong Ming looked at it for a moment, without any further hesitation, he called out the flying sword and summoned the two to board, and under the guidance of the Kender, they flew away.

Seeing the few people fleeing far away, Ruge gently pushed Bai Long, "Yin Shuang, are you okay?"

The conversation between the giant dragon and several people this time was in common language, and the young man was very confused. He only knew that the white dragon beside him seemed to have given something important to the mage.

No.Losing the dragon crystal means that the dragon has given up everything.That is something that their clan communicates with nature. Without dragon crystals, there would be no dragon talent, and they would not be able to use any dragon language magic.It was exhausted and felt that every breath it exhaled was consuming its own life.Taking a deep breath, Bailong replied. "Don't worry, kid, I can hold on..."

A few days, or a few weeks...that's the limit of everything.The giant dragon felt a slight trembling somewhere in his body, but it was not because of fear.Hundreds of miles... That bastard, can't it last for hundreds of miles?It should have come back sooner, it should...

"I will be with you, Yinshuang." The young man didn't notice the dragon's mood, just like every time before, he trusted the dragon with all his body and mind. "Stay with you until those people find what you want."

The dragon turned its head slightly, with its huge head hanging down on the ground. The young man leaned over gently. He was too short to reach the height of the dragon's cheek, but he did not flinch, and obediently cuddled up against the dragon. side.Above their heads, the moonlight swayed in the Dragon Valley, and the blood and corpses of the dragon people scattered all over the ground.Outside the valley, the warriors of the giant dragon tribe were cleaning the battlefield and collecting the corpses of their companions. They won this battle, but it was a terrible victory. It is estimated that they will not be able to recover their vitality in decades.A few more daring clansmen stumbled towards the Dragon Valley. They needed to know the current situation in the valley, and they needed new guidance.

"This may be very dangerous, more dangerous than any time we have ever experienced." Saen looked at Hong Ming, the milky white bead in his hand shone slightly under the moonlight, looking extremely beautiful.

"The Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Branch may not be able to kill the enemy, but just imprison them. If we can break through the phantom formation, we can get out of there."

"Destroy a phantom formation that even gods can't get out of?" Sarn replied disdainfully.

"We are not dragons, maybe we won't be attacked, it's just the self-generated... defense of the formation."

"I think it might be interesting," Welby interjected. "Legendary treasures, legendary dragons, and legendary adventures are very meaningful, aren't they?"

Hong Ming smiled slightly, "Yes, it will be very interesting."

The flying sword galloped towards the faintly shadowed Anselazia Mountains on the horizon.

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