Closing his eyes, Sarn slowed down his breathing and touched Hong Ming's heart with all his body and mind.This is like an alternative mind-reading technique. Although he is better at reverse mind barriers than exploring other people's minds, Hong Ming is different from anyone else. Under the effect of the blood contract, Sarn can easily Perceive his emotions, feel the secret melancholy and happiness in his heart, and now, maybe because of the damn phantom array in the tree of doom, maybe because it involves something too private, there seems to be a wall between them Invisible walls, nothing more to explore.

San frowned slightly, trying to cross that solid wall, which was not easy.As he dived deeper, some messy pictures began to flash in his mind, sometimes it was a smile on the corner of his lips, sometimes it was a teardrop dripping on his arm, sometimes it was a small wooden box held in his hands, sometimes it was A shadowy light green figure, sometimes a half-broken blade held in the palm of the hand... until a blood color replaced everything.

Suddenly feeling that there was nothing in front of him, Sarn couldn't help but took a step forward and walked into a courtyard.Looking around carefully, he found that it was not like any human buildings in Oren he had seen, that is, it was not as crowded and dirty as slums, and it was not as dull as noble mansions. Every house was made of wood. It is covered with exquisite coverings layered like dragon scales, and the flowers and trees are ingeniously dotted in the courtyard. Everywhere is ingenious and beautiful, with an aesthetic taste similar to that of elves.

Is this the deepest memory in Hong Ming's heart?Sarn looked at the scenery in front of him and was attracted by its style which was very different from Oren's, but the tranquility and peace did not make him relax his vigilance.He has also experienced the phantom formation, and understands the terrifying details of this formation. It is like a sea area full of hidden reefs, and if one is not careful, one will fall into eternal doom.Now is not the time to be curious.Saen stepped forward without hesitation, wanting to start looking for Hong Ming, but a figure appeared in front of him.

It was a child, about 7 or 8 years old, wearing a very brightly colored skirt, his hair was tied into two cute little balls, his eyes were big and slender, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and his black eyes were bright and energetic. There was an almost stubborn indifference on his face.This is... the young Hong Ming?Sarn was a little surprised. He watched the child walk towards him step by step with a solemnity far beyond his age.

Saen stretched out his hand, trying to stop the miniature version of Hong Ming, but the child passed through Saen's body without hindrance like a ghost.He turned his head in surprise, and saw that little figure walking towards the distance, as if looking for something, passing through halls and corridors.Following that figure, Sarn walked through these places together, and gradually noticed a little strangeness. He had seen these scenes in those fragmented pictures, but in every scene, there should be another figure, Hong Ming is looking for something...

After walking for a long time, the little figure suddenly quickened his pace and rushed forward.Sarn only felt an extremely familiar smell spreading in his nostrils, which was the rancid stench from death.He also quickened his pace, followed closely behind Hong Ming, and rushed straight into a more spacious courtyard.

Stepping into the courtyard, San was stunned.The scene here is not very beautiful, several broken corpses are scattered on the ground, and the thick crimson blood stain almost covers the entire courtyard.In this chaos, there was a figure kneeling, the pitch-black robe was soaked in blood, the jade crown that usually tied the hair had fallen to the ground, the black hair was hanging down, covering the face, and two golden iron chains emerged out of thin air , tightly bound his body through the shoulder blades, his body bent, his head drooping, and he knelt in front of a corpse...

The little Hong Ming didn't even look at the older version of himself, and quietly walked up to the corpse, and knelt down.

The two figures, one big and one small, were like mirror images, kneeling in front of the corpse as if repenting.Who is this man?Sarn couldn't help but stepped forward and looked at it carefully.It was a very young man, his appearance could only be considered handsome, his complexion was pale due to excessive blood loss, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had fulfilled a wish that he cared about... This face!Sarn felt his heart clenched, and the blurry scenes he saw just now seemed to be cleared of dust.

oh.Sann let out a sigh in his heart.Oh, I get it.At this moment, Hong Ming once had a reasonable explanation for what he said, and those who watched through his figure also had their real identities...

After hesitating for a moment, San opened his mouth and asked, "Who is he?"

The two figures who kept their heads down answered at the same time.


"Old friend."

Sarn frowned, keenly noticing that the answers of the two were not the same, he continued to ask tentatively, "What about you? Who are you?"

This time, the two figures shook, as if they had touched something.They opened their mouths at the same time, but their answers were completely different.

"Xu Zhu, sell yourself and make the Gao family a slave."

"Hong Ming, who has been in Taoism for more than a hundred years, is a Penglai swordsman."

Thinking of the distorted life in his own fantasy, Saen smiled wryly, what a wonderful scene, those who have been parted, abandoned, and forgotten, looking back but still look like haunted ghosts, torture with his own heart.Looking at the two similar faces in front of him, San thought for a while, then smiled slightly, "Is this person important to you?"

This time the two said in unison, "Stay with me, protect me, save my life."

"But I think he's dead, he's been dead for a long time." San said word by word, "Why are you still here?"

The two suddenly raised their heads together, staring straight at Sarn.

"He died protecting me, how could I abandon him!" the younger one shouted angrily.

"He pities me and loves me, how can I forget him!" The older one showed a painful expression.

"But you went to cultivate." Unceremoniously, San retorted, "If you guessed correctly, he has been left behind by you for more than a hundred years."

"I, I need strength. Only when I become an immortal can I have strength." The younger one trembled all over, "I want to take revenge with my own hands, and I want to protect those I love."

"You can't." The older one shook his head gently, "You can't. The ancestor has avenged you, and you have no one to protect..."

"Only becoming an immortal can break through the thousands of shackles, escape from the cage, and gain freedom." The little one shouted unwillingly.

"Freedom? Hahaha, the way of heaven is brilliant. I've cultivated for more than 200 years, but I've only achieved one level of cultivation. If I don't become an immortal, how can I get freedom!" There was a trace of sarcasm on the corner of the big lip, "And cultivating immortals is nothing more than cultivating yourself , but to escape alone.”

"But if you don't practice Taoism, you will also kill other people. The elder brother..." The younger one lowered his head in pain, his words choked with sobs.

"The left and right are destiny, even what you have experienced is inevitable, I..." The older one stopped talking and slowly lowered his head.

Listening to these two people talking to themselves, San couldn't help crying and laughing. How did this phantom array toss this stubborn guy, and what kind of brain made him fall into this predicament...

"Are you worried about why you practice Taoism?" Hearing this, the two raised their heads again, and looked at the dark elf in front of them blankly.

San smiled slightly, and said firmly, "I think the answer is quite simple, and you have already done it. You just need strength, and you don't want to fall into this terrible situation again, and you don't want others to experience the same disaster as you. I I have never seen a fool like you, who would do his best for those who have nothing to do with him. Sometimes I feel that you are not a mage, but a true ranger. Remember the abandoned people in the desert? Remember the girl from the sea people? Or the old dragon in the valley and the people who protected saved them, more than once."

The older Hong Ming's lips trembled slightly, "It's just destiny, it's..."

"Oh, come on." Tsk-tsk, Sarn retorted, "That's why I hate those mages who talk about divination. Yes, there may be a predestined path, but if you don't choose it, all of this will not happen." It will happen. And every time, you choose the most difficult but correct path, don't you? Silly as it is, you are the most straightforward person I have ever met."

"But big brother..." The younger Hong Ming's body shook slightly.

San shook his head lightly, "Are you regretting that you abandoned him? In fact, you didn't, not even in this stupid and cunning phantom formation. He made a choice back then, and you also made a choice." Your own. You should not regret this choice, because this choice itself is so beautiful, silly, but beautiful. To be honest, I am quite envious. I envy you when you met such a person when you were young, and I also envy you Give him back with such sincerity. If it all started because of him, he taught you well."

This sentence seems to have touched a key point, the figures of the two swayed at the same time, the small figure was gradually fading away, ignoring this change, Sarn stared directly at the adult version of Hong Ming, "So what are you regretting? What are you doubting? What are you confessing? Don't deny who you used to be. The paths you choose should all come from your heart, so you don't have to hesitate at all. If there is no him..." Saen pointed to the little Hongming, "There would be no you today. All your experiences, sad, painful, joyful, distressed... have shaped you today. You are the same person, aren't you two."

With a crisp bang, that little Hong Ming shattered and turned into a silvery white light, which escaped into Hong Ming's body.Saen took a step forward and stretched out his hand to the real and only Hong Ming, "Do you want to leave here with me? Let go of this illusory illusion, you can put him in the deepest part of your heart, but you shouldn't use Regret and guilt trapped yourself. Back then, you did nothing wrong, but now, outside of this phantom formation, there are more people waiting for you and needing you..."

Hong Ming's lips trembled slightly, "But the way I cultivated, the sword in my hand..."

"For all the people you want to protect." Turning his eyes, Sarn showed a sly smile, "Of course, if you haven't forgotten, there is still a blood pact between us, you said But it will protect me until it is released, and I think this is a promise that needs to be taken seriously."

"Promise... I remember it... it's just who are you? What's your name..." Hong Ming's shoulders shook, the golden chain was crumbling, and the blood stains and corpses under his body were slowly fading away.

"Who am I?" Saen smiled, "I am the first person you see in this world, the first spirit beast that planted a blood contract in your life, and I was born and died with you on this continent. A one-year partner is a friend you can trust to your back... If everything is determined by your destiny, then it is destiny that made us meet. Who do you think I am, Hong Ming."

"You are..." The golden chains slowly shattered and weathered, and fell off Hong Ming's body. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Saen's outstretched palm.White and jet-black reflected each other in a silvery light, and they held each other tightly, "You are..."

Hong Ming's eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and finally opened his eyes.In his mouth, the sweetness of blood and the mellowness of Kunyuan Pill blended together, as if flowing to the bottom of his heart.Looking at the person who was close to him, his lips trembled slightly. "Shen..."

San slowly backed away, looked directly at the black eyes that were no longer dazed, and showed a bright smile, "No, the pronunciation of that word is San, my dear lord, call me San."

Behind them, the branch of the beautiful branch of colorful jewels fell from mid-air and hit the ground with a soft slap.The darkness was like the tide, slowly fading away from them. Countless rays of light penetrated the shade of the trees and projected on the ground, reflecting clusters of small and bright halos...

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