Brother makes a comeback

Chapter 42 Returning to Yangquan

After solving Xuanwu, Qingyi finally let go of his high hanging heart.

For Qing Yi, he has already experienced life and death once, and this life is good luck to do it again, so Qing Yi sees life and death more lightly and openly than others.To him, life and death are nothing but a cycle of reincarnation, even if the soul flies away, it is just the end of the cycle of reincarnation.If you weigh your own life and the safety of the cold and solemn on the balance, then the result is obvious.

It's just that Qing Yi didn't expect that the weight in Leng Su's heart would drop a bit, and he would rather be in danger than let him reincarnate.

Nine days of fire struck, and when Leng Su held him tightly in his arms, Qing Yi really realized how much he owed this young man in his past and present lives.In his previous life, he just showed a small kindness, and saved a bloody young man who had fallen into Pingyang with a little effort, but in return he treated each other with sincerity and would never give up until death.

That's right, in the eyes of everyone in the cultivation world, Leng Su is a devil who does all kinds of evil. Countless people died tragically at his hands, and countless sects were destroyed because of him.Qingyi also regretted saving him in his previous life, maybe he didn't save him at that time, and the human world would not face such a catastrophe.At the beginning of his rebirth, he also wanted to increase his strength as soon as possible, so that the next time he saw Leng Su, he would get rid of this demon as soon as possible.

But several entanglements made him understand Leng Su's heart that was cold on the outside and warm on the inside.He is not inherently evil, but has clear grievances and grievances.As long as anyone treats the bloody son in the previous life a little bit better, there will be no disasters and catastrophes after that.

Leng Su once again took the risk to save him (the first time was the Heavenly Tribulation in the previous life), Qing Yi secretly swore in his heart that if he could really survive the disaster this time, he must regard Leng Su as his own, and take care of him well. Teach him to care for him and love him.

For a moment, Qing Yi only felt that something between himself and Leng Su disappeared, and at the same time something was slowly emerging.He didn't know what it was, he just knew he didn't want to stop the change.

Seeing that Xuanwu began to doze off again, Qing Yi suddenly wanted to indulge himself, wanted to sneak close to Leng Su, and sleep beside him.

So he moved Bi Fang's small body uncomfortably, leaned in front of Leng Su, put his whole body against his leg, and then——

Then he flies!

Leng Su kicked Xiao Bi Fang away who was trying to get close, and hugged Qing Yi's body even tighter.

His body was weak, and Qing Yi rolled several times on the cold ground before he woke up. He looked up at Leng Su angrily, but saw that the wolf cub was hugging his body, showing his ownership with a warning face.Leng Su's eyes looked at Bi Fang's body like a dead person's, and he had the aura of a bloody son from the previous life when he chopped off people's heads.

When he recovers, Leng Su must be dragged back to Da Daomen for re-education.Qing Yi secretly made up his mind.

But now he should sleep next to Xuanwu.

Seeing that Bi Fang, who was trying to get close to them, moved away, Leng Su frowned slightly.For some reason, he wanted to chop off the foot that kicked Bi Fang just now. He felt that he had hurt the most important person, and he regretted it very much.Seeing Bi Fang approaching Xuanwu, he felt a strange feeling of wanting to drink bastard soup again, and his heart was burning with anger.

Looking sideways at Qing Yi's body, she still hugged him tightly, but why did she feel like she was getting further and further away from him?

Leng Su pondered for a moment, then said coldly to Bi Fang: "Come here."

Qing Yi, who was about to fall asleep, opened his dim eyes, tilted his head and thought about whether to go there.Bi Fang's IQ hindered his train of thought a bit, no wonder the coldness subdued it so easily just now, his brain is really hard to use.

"Come here." Seeing that Bi Fang didn't move, Leng Su felt even angrier, and spread his palms towards Bi Fang.

Qing Yi thought for a while before flapping his wings, and found that he was not very good at using these two newly grown things, so he jumped over with one foot and one foot, and finally jumped into Leng Su's palm.

Leng Su narrowed his eyes slightly, and it wasn't until Bi Fang was held tightly by him that he felt a little more comfortable in his heart.Putting little Bi Fang between him and Qing Yi, seeing Bi Fang sleeping on his arm with some sleepiness, he felt comfortable.

Although I don't understand why I am like this, but...just be Aiwujiwu.

Leng Su thought about it and fell asleep.

The two of them cuddled together tightly, like a family of three, looking very warm.Xuanwu, who woke up in the middle of the night, looked at them and rubbed his eyes, and then rubbed his eyes again after realizing that he was not sleepy. Why did he feel that these two people were in harmony with each other, as if those two were Bi Fang's biological parents? Fengshan's spiritual practice is to adopt father and mother?

This is not in line with the way of heaven!

It must be because it was woken up before getting enough sleep, let's sleep again to wake up the brain.

In the quiet night, the bright white moonlight shone on the two snuggling people, a bird lay in the middle of them, and a huge turtle and snake guarded them.The quiet and soft breath makes the moon more beautiful and the night more peaceful.

Leng Su was the first to wake up, as soon as he moved, Qing Yi (Bi Fang) followed suit.They looked at the sky first, the east was pale, and the sun had not yet risen, but they had to hurry up.

Qingyi first ran up to Xuanwu, pecked it awake with his mouth, and signaled it to quickly set up the barrier, so as not to miss the opportunity and have to wait another day.Even though it would take seven to seventy-nine days for Qingyi to fully recover his body, this day's consumption is nothing.But one more day is one more day of danger, Qing Yi doesn't want to make Leng Su more dangerous.

Xuanwu was awakened by Bi Fang's hasty call, and slowly crawled out to set up formations outside the Huanyangquan cave.Xuanwu spells are very simple, the head is shrunk into the shell, the turtles of the Xuanwu clan are born with ancient god formations carved on their backs, and they don’t even need to draw. Just shrink into the shell and sleep while casting spells.

So there is a way to be lazy, and the Xuanwu clan is simply out of the realm of laziness.And their convenient formation is probably because the characteristics of the Xuanwu clan were considered when the creation of heaven and earth, so that they would delay the big event, so they engraved the big formation directly on their turtle backs.

Thanks to this characteristic, Leng Su could put Qingyi's body into Huanyangquan at the moment when the sun pulled out from the horizon, and Xuanwu also arranged the formation at this time, and the change of spiritual energy in Huanyangquan didn't leak to him at all. outside world.

As soon as his body entered the Huanyang Spring, the ice water of Qingsui Spring was just turning into the fire of Huanyang Spring. At the moment when the water and fire merged, Qing Yi's body was just immersed in the spring, and the two kinds of energy entered his body together.The water elemental force nourishes and repairs Qingyi's meridians, while the fire elemental force continuously burns the body healed by the water elemental force, making the body's meridians stronger.Water and fire alternate, if Qingyi is awake, even if he is indifferent and good at patience, he will not be able to bear the double pain.This is comparable to the cruelest torture in the world. It is burnt after it is cured, and it is cured after it is burned. It is more painful than Ling Chi, and it is impossible for normal people to bear it.However, one has to go through many trials and tribulations in order to achieve a divine body.

That's right, the effect of Yangquan is not healing, but forging.How did the Phoenix become a god? After going through all kinds of hardships, enduring what ordinary people can't bear, and being reborn from the ashes, he achieved the body of the god who was bathed in fire.

Huanyangquan not only gave the phoenix egg enough aura of heaven and earth, but also helped the phoenix become a god before it was born.Otherwise, how could the fire and phoenix be the king of all birds when they were just born?

Qingyi experienced the baptism of Huanyangquan this time, although he will not be as great as a phoenix, his body will be much stronger than ordinary cultivators, comparable to the body of an immortal who has undergone the baptism of Xianqiongyu liquid.Although his skill will not increase, his physical strength is enough to withstand the attacks of the Nascent Soul stage practitioners.

In other words, it is not much different from Xuanwu's hard tortoise shell...

So even though Leng Su knew that Qing Yi would suffer a lot in the spring, he still suppressed his desire to suffer for the other party.He was sitting by the spring, looking at Qing Yi in the spring expressionlessly, while unconsciously stroking Bi Fang's little head.

Fortunately, Qingyi's spiritual consciousness is out of the body, and he can't feel the pain of his body. Instead, he comfortably acts as his Bi Fang, with his head close to Leng Su, enjoying his touch.

So the influence of the body on the human spirit is actually huge. Since becoming Bi Fang, Qing Yi seems to have broken free from some shackles, and has become more and more attached to human body temperature—especially the cold body temperature.

Maybe it was influenced by Xuanwu, or maybe the soul and body were still a little uncomfortable, Qing Yi soon became tired again, jumped close to Leng Su, and fell asleep rubbing against his body.

Qing Yi had a dream, and he had never had a dream in his previous life, but this time, perhaps Bi Fang's body made him let go of all the shackles that were put on him in the past, and he fell asleep easily and fell asleep for the first time.

He dreamed of his previous life——


Qingyi has been in seclusion for 30 years, and the moment he leaves the seclusion, he will be in the Nascent Soul stage. The whole Daomen was shocked. This is another unworldly genius.Then……

Then he was driven down the mountain to practice.

But all cultivators have to experience the world of mortals when they are in the heartbeat period, to stabilize their minds, and to test themselves when they are most likely to be tempted.But Qingyi didn't go through this process at all, he directly broke through the two realms of mind, spirit and stillness at Siguoya, and directly gave birth to a pill, without even letting him blink.

Although Master Tianyu has a genius in the happy sect, he is also worried that he will enter the magic way in the late stage of cultivation because he has not experienced the experience of the heartbeat period.

The reason why I choose to practice during the heartbeat period is because my mind is not strong at that time, and I am most likely to be tempted. At the same time, my skill is not high. Even if I give up my cultivation at this time, I will just die and enter reincarnation, and I will not go crazy.And if you can survive the time when you are most likely to be tempted, then it will be easier to resist temptations such as heart demons and sky demons that appear in the later stage of cultivation.

Qingyi was already quite late, and before going down the mountain, Master Tianyu carefully instructed him to go to places in the world that are easy to tempt people's hearts, to experience his heart, so as not to encounter catastrophe in the future.

Qing Yi doesn't think that he will go crazy in the future, his mind is the strongest, and his purpose is the clearest. Except for the Daomen, there is nothing in this world that can attract his attention.Although he had great confidence in himself, he still obeyed his teacher's order and traveled around the world for five or six years, seeing all kinds of temptations such as money, power, and lust.For Qing Yi, these things are just passing clouds, soft and slender women, dazzling and seductive jewelry, high and powerful authority, all can't compare with the plants, trees, flowers and leaves of the Daomen.

The world makes him bored, so instead of rolling around in the busy city, he might as well take a break, find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, build a small thatched hut, and live a life of nothingness.

So Qingyi found a secluded location, and practiced his mind by fishing by the river every day.

Day after day, quiet and peaceful.

But one day, when Qing Yi was fishing in a half-dream and half-awake state, a bloody hand firmly held the hook, and climbed onto the shore along the fishing line.

The man was covered in cuts and bruises, and there was not a piece of intact flesh on his body. His right arm and right leg were usually bitten by something and had already disappeared.His internal organs must have been hit hard, and he kept coughing, and every time he coughed, his mouth was full of blood.

He firmly grasped the fishing line and leaped ashore with his strength. His broken body was pressed against Qing Yi's body, and his remaining left hand tightly grabbed Qing Yi's throat. The burned throat let out a hoarse roar like a dying beast. sound--

"Heal me, or I'll kill you."

Qing Yi didn't get angry because of this threat, but looked into the man's eyes, he didn't have a single intact part of his body, only his eyes could see clearly.

The eyes are bright and seductive, like the eyes of a lone wolf.

That was the first time Qing Yi met Leng Su, and the first time in his life that he felt that something was very beautiful, so beautiful.

——previous life

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