Brother makes a comeback

Chapter 69 3 Living Stones

"The Sansheng Stone?" Zi Yangjin frowned and said, "The Sansheng Stone is in the Nether Realm, which governs the reincarnation of the nine realms, and is not controlled by any one realm. Don't say that we are just cultivators in the human realm, even gods in the God Realm. If it is not necessary, it is difficult to set foot in the Netherworld, so how can you find the Three Life Stone?"

Qing Yi pointed to the mass grave and said: "The entrance to the Netherworld is here."

What Ziyang King Kong wanted to say was interrupted by Qing Yi: "If I'm not mistaken, your ancestral home thousands of years ago is also in Ruyang County, right?"

Zi Yangjin nodded and said: "At that time, this place was still a small village. It was the time of war. I was born here and grew up here when I was young. After 1000 two hundred years, everything in the world will be convenient. Only this mass grave is the same as before."

"Don't say it is 1000 or 10 years, even if it is hundreds of millions of years, as long as the heaven and the earth are indestructible and the nine realms are not chaotic, this place will never change." Qing Yi said, "Since the formation of the nine realms of heaven and earth, this place has It is the only entrance for the Nine Realms to enter the Nether Realm. The mass graves are full of unowned wandering souls, unable to enter reincarnation. Over time, it will cause turmoil in the human world. To ensure the peace of the world, the Nether Realm opens a passage every 1000 years to accommodate the unowned Wandering soul, and [-] two hundred years ago, when you were born, it was the moment when the gate of the netherworld opened."

"You mean..." Before Zi Yangjin could say anything, Qing Yi shook his head and said, "I'm just guessing. The elders who adopted me only guessed this after seeing the vision of heaven and earth. Everything depends on it." Only when you go to the Three Lives Stone can you see the result. But no matter what, your problems will be solved when you get to the Three Lives Stone.”

Ziyangjin's expression changed a few times, but in the end he just sneered and said, "It's nice to say, but the Netherworld only opens once every 10 years, so how can you enter?"

Only then did Qing Yi focus on the seriously injured Leng Su, and said indifferently: "I could have gone in immediately, but you injured him."

That voice was still as calm as before, but Leng Su could hear that Qing Yi's words carried uncontrollable anger and... heartache.

Broken meridians and damaged internal organs are not important anymore, Leng Su half supported his body, leaned against Qiong Qi who had just crawled back, and looked at Qing Yi with a shallow smile.His Qing Yi accepts him little by little and puts him in the bottom of his heart.He heard Qing Yi's tone once before, that was in Sui Han City, when his body was frostbitten and he was about to become a useless person.At that time, Qing Yi took advantage of the freedom that Mu Bingling wanted to obtain, took advantage of the danger of others, but took advantage of Mu Bingling's skills openly.

"Him?" Zi Yang's golden eyebrows were full of doubts, "It's true that he is very strong, but his skill is not as good as mine, let alone a golden fairy in the fairy world, or a god in the god world."

"Sirius Lord Liuhe, fell into heaven and chaos in nine realms, haven't you heard of it?" Only a few cultivators know the detailed content of the prophecy of heaven and earth, but many people know this sentence, but they don't understand the meaning, and even more so Don't know when this will happen.

And Ziyangjin is also a human being who has lived for many years, and Qingyi guessed it with just a word: "Liuhe? Could it be Liuhe mirror? You said he ordered Sirius?"

It's very convenient to talk to smart people, Qing Yi didn't answer his question, but said: "Leng Su is only 23 years old this year, he is 14 years old, and he practiced demons for less than ten years."

In ten years, others may not even be able to build a foundation, but Leng Su has reached a realm that countless people can't reach in their entire lives. This can be said to be a miracle.Perhaps the natural gods and men of the prehistoric period were able to rise above this level from the moment they were born, but in the world of self-cultivation, this is unheard of and unseen.

Zi Yangjin's eyes widened, but there was no feeling of jealousy in his heart. On the contrary, a sense of joy filled his heart, as if he was happier than he had achieved success in cultivation.It's just that the art of deceiving the mind can't reach this level no matter what. It comes from the attraction of the soul. From the very beginning, this young man has attracted his heart and soul, and he is reluctant to hurt him, so he can't look away.Although Zi Yangjin practiced the art of harvesting and nourishing, he hated physical sex the most. Seeing Leng Su, he had the feeling that he wanted to get close to him.

"Is it possible that he and I are old in previous lives?" Zi Yangjin's heart beat faster, and there was a hint of anticipation in his voice.

Qing Yi didn't answer, just said: "If you want to know, go to the Netherworld. But first he needs to heal his wounds."

Only Leng Su could hear that there was displeasure in his voice, but this time it was not for Leng Su's injury, but for Zi Yangjin.

"His meridians were injured by you, and most of his skills were lost, and his foundation was damaged. Without the help of geniuses and treasures, he might not be able to recover in three to five hundred years." Qing Yi said to Zi Yangjin while examining Leng Su's body.

Naturally, Zi Yangjin also knew that for injuries like Leng Su's, it was necessary to use the Guiling Pill mainly refined from Ziluotian Vanilla.In addition to refining elixir, Ziluotian Vanilla is also the treasure of controlling demons. With it, the demons would not dare to get close.For people like Ziyangjin who do many evils, the demon must have boundless power when they cross the catastrophe. Without Ziluotian vanilla, they will be extremely dangerous.He got it so easily, so he was naturally unwilling to take it out.

"It's okay to return Yangquan to Qifeng Mountain." Qing Yi said lightly, but Leng Su secretly curled his lips.

Qing Yi is complaining for Leng Su, whoever hurts him must get it back.

Ziyangjin's complexion changed a few times, from bright to dark, Qing Yi didn't force him, he helped him up and said coldly: "I'm going back to the inn, you think about how to treat it. Is it to inquire about the news of Zi Luotian vanilla, or Go to Huanyangquan to try."

After saying sacrifices to Xihe Jian, he took Leng Su back to the inn directly.

Ziyangjin was left alone, with an uncertain expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

After returning to the inn, Leng Su was put on the bed by Qing Yi just now. He grabbed Qing Yi's sleeve, took his hand, and kissed him lightly on his lips: "Actually, it's not necessary. My magic cultivation skills are relatively Special, as long as there is enough true energy, it can be repaired by itself."

"I know." Qing Yi sat beside him and said calmly.

He naturally knew that half of Leng Su's body disappeared in his previous life. Originally, except for the legendary Nirvana Pill, only the water of Jiutian Huaxian Pond could help him reshape his body. Qing Yi didn't know that he rescued him at that time. What should be done.Who would have thought that this person wanted him to inject real energy into him every day, and after a year, he would be back to his original state.These exercises are not the methods of the Demon Sect, they must be the exercises of the Demon Realm that Leng Su obtained from the Liuhe Mirror.In this life, Leng Su subdued Liuhejing once and for all. In his previous life, he practiced for a long time and hibernated under Han Nixiao's subordinates. He must have found a way to enter Liuhejing when he had the opportunity. It should be the cultivation technique he obtained at that time.

"Then why..."

"You feel distressed?" Qing Yi glanced at Leng Su lightly, but just one glance made him feel like his soul was blown away.

Unaffected by Qing Yi's anger, Leng Su held his hand, and found that he was injecting his own divine power into his body through the acupuncture point on his palm, feeling warm in his heart.If things go on like this, as long as you get Yupo back, Qingyi might immediately double cultivate with him.

Leng Su was thinking about being happy, but he heard Qing Yi say: "Obviously, I can feel the movement of Yusoul within a thousand miles away, but just now I was beside Zi Yangjin, but I couldn't feel where Yusoul is."

"Isn't he?"

"No," Qing Yi shook his head, "He is. I can't feel it. There are only two reasons. One is that my desire soul has completely merged with his, and the other is the scent of the soul."

Breathing Soul Fragrance is a legendary fragrance unique to the Netherworld, which can hide the breath of souls. If it is because of Breathing Soul Fragrance, it will be easy.But if Qingyi's desire soul and Zi Yangjin's soul really merged into one, it would be troublesome.

"Don't worry, you will see the result before the Three Lives Stone." Leng Su said, he has also seen the mirror image of the Three Lives Stone in the Liuhe Mirror. Although it is the Three Lives, it can actually show all the experiences of the soul. , Gods and demons have nothing to hide.

Qing Yi nodded lightly, but there was worry in his heart.Zi Yangjin's appearance to Leng Su is obviously strongly influenced by star power, and the possibility of breathing soul fragrance is very small.

Nuan Nuan's fiery divine power entered Leng Su's body, repairing his injured meridians bit by bit.In fact, it was not as serious as what Qingyi said, Ziyangjin still kept his hand after all.Generally, as long as a cultivator who suffers from this kind of injury has enough aura, he will heal after three to fifty years of injury, while a chaotic body like Leng Su will recover within three to five years.Qing Yi didn't let Zi Yangjin inspect it personally, but took this opportunity to complain for Leng Su.Ziyangjin is not a fool, if he really needs to use Ziluotian vanilla, he will definitely check Leng Su's body before using it.

What Qingyi did was just to hurt Ziyangjin's flesh, and what he did was useless, but it was extremely useful in Leng Su's heart.

After a day and a night of healing, Leng Su fully recovered with refreshment, while Qiong Qi had thick skin and strong resilience, and his injuries were more serious than Leng Su's, but he recovered faster than him.However, this is also due to the relationship between the two of them in the previous contract. In the contract of binding the gods, the servant follows the master, and the master is not affected by the servant.Although Qiongqi can only use a little real energy, but the foundation is there, it is very difficult for a cultivator in the human world to harm it.The reason why it vomits blood is also because of its coldness.At this time, Leng Su's injury had healed, and it also recovered.

On the other hand, Qing Yi, who had been healing continuously for a whole day and night, showed some fatigue.Leng Su put his arms around his waist, firstly out of distress and gratitude, secondly, he took the opportunity to lick and kiss Qing Yi's face from time to time, but Qing Yi didn't push him away.

After another two days, after Qingyi's true energy recovered, Ziyangjin came to the inn with a determined face.

"Zi Luotian Vanilla is here, but I need to see his injuries first." Zi Yangjin gritted his teeth, with a look of reluctance, but no regrets.

Leng Su lay on the bed and pretended to be dead, secretly pinching Qing Yi's palm.But Qing Yi shook off his hand and said: "No need, it's ready."

Ziyangjin: (⊙o⊙)!

One look at his expression and you can tell that he has been tricked, and he has been entangled in vain these days.

Leng Su hurriedly jumped up from the bed, and grabbed Qing Yi's hand again, but was brushed away.Qingyi said to Ziyangjin: "You can be cruel."

Zi Yangjin said solemnly: "If my problem is not resolved, there is no way to survive the catastrophe, but this spirit grass is useless."

Even though he said so, his eyes were glued to Leng Su's body and he couldn't control it.Qing Yi felt a little troubled, he couldn't help standing in front of Leng Su and said: "His body has recovered, let's go to the mass grave."

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