Brother makes a comeback

Chapter 8 Shaoyang Sect

With Qingyi's current strength, it is impossible to seal Leng Su's Liuhejing.If Leng Su could cultivate by himself, it would be much easier to learn some ways to use magic weapons and combine the power of the two of them.But now, unless his soul is strong enough to completely suppress Liuhejing's spiritual consciousness, he will never be able to get rid of its restraint.

At least until the Nascent Soul Stage, and when he is in the Nascent Soul Stage, when he is strong enough, he can look for the treasure that seals the Liuhe Mirror.Even if the Liuhe mirror is a divine tool, it is only a magic weapon, and it is not difficult to deal with if no one uses it. What needs to be suppressed is only its unwillingness to be lonely.If it was really the power of a divine weapon, not to mention the Daomen, even the entire Shaoyang Sect would not be able to resist, otherwise the main sect would not have been almost wiped out by Leng Su.

But no matter what, he had to wait ten years before leaving the main sect. If he had to wait ten years, Leng Su couldn't stay on Shaoyang Mountain forever.After all, this is the main sect, and Qingyi himself is already dependent on others, it is even more impossible to hide a person for a long time.Not to mention that the elders are staring at his strength, someone will come to investigate after three years, even now, it is possible to meet low-level disciples who come to the back mountain to collect medicine.One came a few days ago, but fortunately, Qing Yi's own strength surpassed him, just a simple formation can hide Leng Su, but this is not a long-term solution.

Furthermore, if he wants to become stronger quickly, he must practice in seclusion. During the period of his seclusion, it is impossible for Leng Su to listen to his words and stay here honestly. He will be discovered; even if he doesn't run around, he doesn't know how long he will be in seclusion. It may be three to five years. For such a long time, only Leng Su is alone. How can he not be picked up by people who come to collect medicine and check his condition? Discover.

Therefore, we must send Leng Su to the foot of the mountain before the retreat, and live closer, so that he can visit him as soon as he leaves the retreat, and be safer, so that he can spend these ten years in peace.And during this period, he had to teach him all worldly martial arts, which was why Qing Yi helped Leng Su open up his meridians.

Even if Leng Su couldn't cultivate, but if he opened up all the meridians in his body, his physique would be much higher than that of ordinary people. Even if he didn't have internal strength, he could be among the first-class masters in the Jianghu just by his tricks. (See Linghu Chong who learned Dugu Nine Swords)

After thinking about everything, Qing Yi began to teach Leng Su basic boxing and sword skills. After Qing Yang and Qing Mang disappeared together in his previous life, he spent 300 years wandering in the world of mortals, which was a kind of punishment for himself. It is also experience.And in the past 300 years, he has learned all the martial arts in the martial arts world, and any set of martial arts cheats that people in the world are vying for is all cheap.

The boy studied very seriously and worked very hard. He knew that it was not easy to learn martial arts. His body used to be unable to learn even moves. Now that he has this opportunity, no matter how Qing Yi will treat him in the end, he must strengthen his strength before that, so that There will be strength in the future.It's a pity that he doesn't know that Qing Yi is not an ordinary person, how can mere martial arts tricks hurt him at all, he can immobilize him with every move, so how can he give him a chance to use tricks.

After two months like this, Qing Yi had cut enough firewood for three years, piled it behind the house and stopped going to the Lost Trace Forest.During this period, Qing Huan came once, and found that Qing Yi had knocked Leng Su unconscious and hid him before. After fainting, Leng Su had no breathing and heartbeat, like a dead body without a soul, no matter how powerful Qing Huan was, he would not be able to detect him.

These days, he accompanied Leng Su to practice martial arts every day, and by the way, he did daily practice, breathed and breathed every day, practiced according to the Shaoyang sect's mentality, and crazily transformed the external aura into his own true energy, and soon reached the bottleneck, the dantian The lotus inside is faintly showing signs of becoming firm.

In this way, you can no longer cultivate in such a loose manner, you must retreat for several months, let the lotus heart in the dantian grow out in one go, completely enter the heartbeat period, and truly reach the realm of refining qi and transforming into a god.

In the past two months, the boy ate well, slept well, and exercised well, his body quickly became stronger and he grew taller.But because it is still in the growth period, no matter how much it eats, it will not make you fat, so it is still as thin as before, and it hurts to hug at night.During this period, Leng Su's boxing skills have achieved a small degree of success, he can hit seven or eight with a third-rate low-handed player, and if he uses a sword, he can fight with a second-rate person.

As a result, he had to separate from Leng Su.

After one day of training, Leng Su nailed all the leaves thrown by Qing Yi to the tree with stones, not leaving any leaves behind, and his hidden weapon kung fu was also mastered.

The boy has begun to be between a teenager and a child, his voice has lost its clearness before and has become hoarse, it sounds a bit uncomfortable, and his coldness has become less talkative.Teenagers always love beauty, and their voice is ugly, so naturally they don't want others to hear it, especially Qing Yi.

Qing Yi doesn't care about these things, he has already raised a Qing Yang, so he naturally knows that young people in this period are like this, he doesn't think the cold and serious voice is unpleasant, but wants to remember this voice, after all, life is only once, in the future Can't hear it either.Leng Su didn't want to talk, which made him very depressed. Sure enough, children at this age don't listen to their father's words.

None of the leaves fell, Leng Su turned his head to look at Qing Yi, with a trace of complacency on his brows, not only his body but also his devastated confidence have been well-raised during these days.

"Yes." Qing Yi, who never knew how to praise others, said flatly.

Leng Su pouted, forget it, expect this person who only thinks about the treasure in his stomach to praise him, it's a dream.

"You have achieved a little success in martial arts, so I can send you down the mountain." Qing Yi said lightly.

Leng Su was wiping his face with a sweat towel froze, what does it mean to send him down the mountain?Is it time to start?

Qing Yi didn't notice the cold and solemn mood, and continued: "This is not my residence, but I have to stay here for ten years for some reason, but you can't. Since you have the power to protect yourself, Tomorrow I will send you down the mountain and find a place to settle down."

Leng Su frowned and said, "Didn't you say you want to help me take out the Liuhe mirror?"

"It needs to be taken out, but it can't be done now. You stay outside first, and I will come to you in a few days."

"It's not bad here." This was the most humble begging of the always stubborn Leng Su.

In fact, he knows that if he goes down the mountain, he will have a better chance of leaving Qingyi. He has a little kung fu now, the sky is big, and his home is everywhere.But he didn't know why, he just didn't want to leave Qingyi, he knew that this person was plotting something wrong, but he couldn't bear it either.

Why can't you bear it?Leng Su couldn't figure it out, until night fell, when Qing Yi put him on the bed, he suddenly realized: "Without you, I can't sleep peacefully."

It must be because of this that he couldn't leave Qing Yi.The days when he couldn't sleep were too painful, and he really didn't want to bear it anymore.

Qing Yi's hugging movements froze for a moment, and soon he returned to nature, he said in a rigid voice: "Then bear with it, you have endured it before."

Hearing these ruthless words, Leng Su bit his lower lip, and rubbed against the bed, trying not to touch Qing Yi's body.

The young man is always awkward, and he will be separated the next day. He wants to try his best to absorb the warmth, even if the warmth is just hypocrisy.But after hearing Qing Yi's ruthless words, he didn't want to be touched by him, and he was divided sooner or later, and this night was not bad.

Qing Yi felt the young man's awkwardness, but he didn't stop him, and let him sleep all night with his body stiff.

Leng Su has been sleeping very well these days, and the stiffness in just one night made him feel uncomfortable all over.He rubbed his panda's eyes and followed Qingyi down the mountain, but he found that they had reached the Lost Trail Forest!

"This is..." Leng Su said hesitantly, "Could it be that we've been staying in the place after crossing the Lost Forest?"

Qing Yi nodded slightly, affirming his guess.

"But Mizong Forest is originally the top of Shaoyang Mountain, but we just walked down from the mountain..." Mizong Forest has two ways out, one is the road leading to Shaoyang Sect Master, and the other is the mountain The other side of the road down the mountain.As for the large area of ​​land on the top of the mountain, it is protected by a large array of mountain guards, and people in the world can't see it at all.

Before Leng Su could cultivate, Qing Yi didn't intend to explain these things, after all, knowing these things would be bad for him.If the cultivators who went down the mountain to practice knew about it, something might happen.

"Forget what you just said, don't ask or guess, let alone try to know. When I want you to know, I will tell you." Qing Yi said to Leng Su.

He didn't see what kind of eyes Leng Su looked at him when he said this, such an abandoned expression.

Leng Su thought in his heart, ah, sure enough, he didn't believe this person was right at first.

However, how much he wished that he had guessed wrong, how much he wished that this person was sincerely treating him well and had no intentions.

Forget it, left and right, the only one he can trust is himself!

Leng Su followed behind Qing Yi without saying a word, watching with cold eyes that he was busy, looking for a place to live, buying a house, and spent a whole day in Taikang Town before settling him down, and it was already dark when Qing Yi was about to leave .He didn't understand how Qing Yi, who looked very poor, had so much money?Obviously the clothes are very old and tattered, but he can always take out silver taels from the tattered pockets.Moreover, 100 taels of silver, that is, ten catties, where did he hide such a big lump of silver?

Qing Yi bought Leng Su an independent small courtyard, the house is not big, but very comfortable, there is also a peach tree in the courtyard, it will be a blessing when it bears fruit.After buying a house, I bought some daily necessities, and tossed and tossed for a long time. After the cold and solemn quilt was spread, it was already dark.

In fact, he didn't need to do this at all, as long as he bought a house and left the silver to Leng Su to leave.He was originally a hostage, so he left Shaoyang Mountain so casually, if someone found out, he would not be punished like he was at the Daomen, but it would tarnish the face of the Daomen.In fact, as long as you go back before nightfall, even if someone comes, you can say that you are going to the Lost Forest to cut firewood, but staying overnight...

Qing Yi looked at Leng Su, the young man had already taken off his coat and lay down, he turned his back to Qing Yi and didn't look at him, and didn't know how to give him a favor.

The coat that glanced at the ground was taken from Ling Tianxiang. Leng Su has grown up so fast in this period of time that it is already a little small.

Sighing, once again compromising with his heart, Qing Yi slowly went to bed, put his arms around Leng Su whose back was facing him and said in a flat voice: "I have to buy some clothes tomorrow, the ones before were a bit small."

The young man who had been facing the wall curled his mouth, even he himself didn't know that he was actually smiling.


The light on the boy's body gradually dissipated, and the voice in his heart faded away again.However, Leng Su didn't know that the scene just now had already fallen into the eyes of those who cared.

"I just wanted to teach that bull-nosed man a lesson. I didn't expect to lose that guy after chasing him, but I found a treasure." A person muttered to himself in the dark.

Seeing the young man crawling towards the distance little by little, with scars all over his body but no intention of asking for help, the man smiled and walked out of the shadows.

"Hey, do you want to help?" An evil voice sounded.

"Get out!" Leng Su said bluntly.

The man was not angry, but continued to say: "You look like you want to run away. Someone is chasing you, right? If you keep lingering like this, you will be caught up."

"none of your business!"

"Really?" There was a hint of danger in that voice, "I have a lot of business to do, I can catch you who is waiting here to hunt you down, or I can... kill you myself!"

"Hmph, what do you want to do?"

"Oh? Are you no longer stubborn now?"

"I want to live, but you want to take advantage of me, don't you?" The boy's calmness is surprising.

"Interesting," the man curled his mouth, with a hint of interest in his voice, "You are very interesting, I want to see how far you can go."

"What do you mean?"

"It means, I will save you, teach you kung fu, and give you strength, but you have to work hard for me until one day you are stronger than me or I rob you of your kung fu." According to the method, a Nascent Soul is worth hundreds of years of skill, and with the Liuhe mirror, the catastrophe doesn't matter.

Leng Su lowered his eyes, not letting that person see his emotions: "A deal? A deal."

"Happy! What's your name?"

"Leng Su, what about you?"

"Han Nixiao."

The demon master of the Demon Sect, Han Nixiao.

——previous life

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