
Chapter 30

The young master ran all the way and sent the deer back to his yard.

As usual, there was no one in the yard, and Chunlan didn't show up either.The young master ran all the way into the upper room with the deer in his arms, and put the deer on the big bed in the bedroom.After putting it down, he straightened up, and he told Xiao Lu: "The heater is installed in the room, is it warm?"

Xiao Lu struggled to sit up, wanting to look around the house that he hadn't seen for a year.But the moment he raised his head, he suddenly saw his own face in the mirror on the table in front of him.

At first he didn't believe that the disheveled shadow was himself, so he stared straight at the mirror for a long time.Seeing it this way was not enough, he got off the bed with bare feet, walked to the table step by step, and picked up the big silver-framed mirror with both hands.

The young master raised his hand to touch the back of his head: "I'll call in a while, and find a shaving guy to come over and tidy up your head."

Xiaolu didn't hear what the young master said, but thought in his heart: "How did I become like this?"

Looking at the person in the mirror, he repeatedly thought in confusion: "Why did I become like this? I didn't do anything bad, I didn't make a mistake, why did you let me become like this?"

Slowly putting down the big mirror, he turned to look at the young master: "What shall I do in the future?"

Hearing his hoarse voice, the young master raised his hand to caress his cheek: "Open your mouth, is your throat inflamed?"

Xiao Lu shook his head: "Brother, my throat is broken."

The young master frowned immediately: "It's broken? How could it be broken?"

The little deer lowered his head, cleared his throat in pain, then raised his face, and replied in a rough voice: "When I first entered that room, I always shouted, and the shouting broke."

After saying this, he smiled to himself, remembering that he used to like to sing and dance at the same time, and he could hum at any high tune.At that time, he thought that he would have a bright future: go to middle school, enter high school, go to university, study abroad, and then come back to be an engineer, develop large machines, develop industries, and revitalize China.

At that time, I thought so well, I didn't know that I was actually just a toy raised by others.And he ate and drank other people's food, and in the end he didn't listen to them, and was locked in a house for a year, which is normal.

Anyway, he was always wrong, and always had nothing to say.

The young master had bought new clothes for Xiao Lu in advance, at this time he found out a set of the new clothes, and let Xiao Lu go into the bathroom to take a bath.The bathroom has also changed its appearance. From the walls to the ceiling, it is covered with snow-white tiles.The bathtub is also an authentic imported product from Europe, allowing the deer to roll around in it and take a hot bath.

When the deer was ready to wash and dress, the barber came to the door with his belongings.The little deer was sitting on a chair, his long hair was combed like a black waterfall by the barber, and it fell back long.The eldest young master stood aside and watched, and suddenly said: "When you cut it, be quick, and leave his hair to me."

The barber froze for a moment, then understood the meaning.He cut off the scissors at the back of his neck, and he cut off a thick long hair neatly.And the young master found a ribbon, tied the hair into a bundle, and wrapped it with a handkerchief.

"It's rare to be able to store it for such a long time." The eldest young master seemed a little embarrassed, and smiled slightly: "Keep it as a souvenir, and when you see it in the future, you-"

Before he finished speaking, the Eldest Young Master stopped himself, because he felt that what he said was wrong, and if he continued to say it, he would not be able to make it back, and the more he said it, the more unlucky he would be.

Xiaolu looked at the big full-length mirror in front of him, which was also new, and completely reflected his appearance.The barber was so skilled that he cut him back to his youthful appearance.In the end, he applied a little pomade on his hair, and the barber cleverly combed his hair into a neat little part.

The young master put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked to the full-length mirror and lowered his head to look at the little deer. He smiled, wrinkled his nose and narrowed his eyes, like a naughty boy: "The clown is so ugly. !"

Hearing this, the barber was shocked: "Master Cheng, is this ugly? You can point out where it's ugly, and I'll fix it for him."

The young master waved his hand impatiently: "It's none of your business!"

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the tip of Xiaolu's nose, and said joyfully, "You're so ugly!"

Fawn put his hands on the armrests of the chair, neither shy nor rebuttal.Tilting his head slightly, he went to look in the mirror again. He hadn't seen himself for more than a year. Even though he was ugly, he wanted to take a closer look.

Xiaolu didn't know how the young master would punish him, he only knew that his godfather was coming back soon, and the young master repeatedly asked him not to let him complain to Cheng Tingli.

Xiaolu obediently agreed, and when he met Cheng Tingli before New Year's Eve, he really didn't say a word.On the contrary, Cheng Tingli took a special look at Xiaolu, and then asked: "Why did this kid become so stupid? Isn't he very lively?"

The young master rushed to laugh and said: "He is angry with me. A few days ago, we...we had a fight again."

Hearing this, Cheng Tingli couldn't laugh or cry: "Children, you two will be [-] and [-] after the new year. You two are so old, are you still quarreling? If you continue to quarrel, you two will be separated from me. One will stay in Beijing, and the other will go to Baoding with me." !"

After hearing this, the young master immediately grabbed Xiaolu's hand: "Don't, we won't fight anymore."

Xiaolu let him hold his hand, and refused to speak.When they left Cheng Tingli's room, Xiao Lu forcefully pulled his hand out without saying a word.

The young master turned around and put his arms around his shoulders: "Do you still hate me?"

Xiaolu looked at the remnant snow all over the ground, and asked, "What will we do in the future?"

The young master laughed out a cloud of white mist - he didn't know what the two of them would do in the future.Xiaolu refuses to befriend him life and death, and when he treats Xiaolu, he doesn't want the overlord to force his bow.

He knew in his heart that it was fine for him to beat and scold Xiaolu, but there was a boundary line that could not be broken.He can bully the deer, but he cannot ravage the deer.Bullying and ravaging are not the same thing.

Between him and the little deer, he thought to himself, there can only be weddings and candles, not a dark moon and a stormy sky.Xiaolu is small and not sensible, he can wait, it doesn't matter. If you don't understand at the age of 16, you must understand it at the age of 17; if you don't understand it at the age of 17, you will definitely understand it.

The young master is waiting, and so is the little deer.The young master has a clear goal and is waiting for the little deer to grow up; the little deer is at a loss, not knowing what he is waiting for - he doesn't know anything, but feels that things are endless and the big drama must be yet to come, but he doesn't know whether the drama is sad or not. happiness.

Two people wait together, and the first wait is two years.

In the past two years, although there was no chain to restrain the deer, the deer was left unattended and rarely went out.After going out for a few times occasionally, he found that his whereabouts were all controlled by the young master, so he didn't go anywhere at all.

As for Yu Hanwen, he didn't contact him either, of course because he had no face to meet.Besides, if they met, Yu Hanwen would not be able to answer when he asked him about the situation of the previous year.After all, the Cheng family was still his home. Even though the year of imprisonment almost drove him crazy, he still felt that the family ugliness could not be exposed.

Yu Hanwen didn't want it anymore, and he didn't mention his studies.Xiaolu lived in silence, and later looking back on the past, he doesn't know how he got through the past two years - he didn't do any serious business, just lived.

At the same time, beware of the young master.The young master didn't use too much force on him, but he was dishonest if he did anything.The two had slept in the same bed since childhood, and Xiao Lu had always used the young master's arm as a pillow, and they kissed like one person, but now, Xiao Lu suddenly felt that everything about the young master was unbearable.The young master would often touch him through his clothes, making his whole body stiff, because he considered himself a man and should not be teased by another man.

He thought that the big girl Huanghua would not be more nervous and timid than himself.Moreover, the big girl Huanghua should be reserved, afraid of being talked about and looked at by others; but how could a young man like himself become a big girl?When the weather was hot, he didn't dare to go bare-chested. It wasn't that his flesh was rich and expensive, but that once he dared to show his flesh, the young master dared to stare at him like a painting.

So the little deer hoped that he would grow up quickly and become a big man with a strong back and a waist.Although he didn't go out and didn't know much, but as far as he knew, the boys who were rabbits were all graceful and delicate, and the young master was born tall and big, almost like a burly man.A thick-backed, should never fall in love with another thick-backed.

The deer wants to grow, and it really does.In the past few years, he grew slowly, and he still had the appearance and stature of a teenager no matter how he jointed his joints. In the spring of this year, his frame suddenly became stronger, and a layer of light blue hair grew on his upper lip.

Xiaolu found a razor, and every few days, he would smear his face with lather and shave with bravado.The eldest young master also shaves, and the blade will make a scratching sound as it passes over his chin.His fur is still fluffy, and he can't scrape soundly, but it's better than nothing.After shaving and washing his face, Xiao Lu looked in the mirror, but couldn't see how ugly he was, only secretly happy in his heart.

The little deer is happy, and the young master is also very happy, because his old man has finally recovered and is in power again.

The 22-year-old young master has already understood the truth, and even became Cheng Tingli's chief representative in Ping'an.He doesn't care about military affairs, he only cares about communication.He was handsome, cheerful and lively, and an expert in eating, drinking and having fun. Because he was Cheng Tingli's own son, he was more important than ordinary people when he came out to socialize for his father.

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