
Chapter 6

In the early morning of the next day, the little deer who planned to get up early did not wake up, but the young master woke up first.

Holding back his urine, the young master was reluctant to leave his warm bed.Seeing that the deer was sleeping with his back turned to him, he reached out and touched the other's little butt, thinking that when the deer grew up, he couldn't let him be a rabbit for others.A man who becomes a rabbit is like a woman who becomes a bitch, and her reputation is ruined for the rest of her life.

Xiaolu got up late, couldn't wash his hair, and was so anxious that he cried, so the maid who brought them breakfast helped, dipped a comb in osmanthus oil, and combed Xiaolu's fragrant side parted hair.Xiao Lu wore a neat suit and school uniform. He could eat a small biscuit and a bowl of porridge in the morning, but now he was flustered and afraid of getting his clothes dirty, so he couldn't eat it anymore.A big girl who does delicate work, named Chunlan, carried the schoolbag outside the gate for them.The two squeezed into the rickshaw, which was chartered by the family. The rickshaw and the driver were both clean and beautiful. They didn't have much work to do from morning to night. The only great job was to take the young master to and from school.The young master has no weight, and the little deer is even less worth mentioning. The driver held on to the handlebars and set off on the road, running like a good mule all the way, wishing that his four hooves could be blown by the wind.

Fawn hugged the deflated schoolbag, shrank his body, making his head look bigger.The eldest young master embraced his shoulders with knowledge and knowledge, and he had countless words to tell him along the way: "When you get to the classroom, you have to sit still, and you have to hold back your urine. You can't urinate until after class is over. After class, you are in the classroom. Wait for me here, and I will take you to find the toilet. Also, you are not allowed to call me Xiaorui when you arrive at school. Logically, I am several years older than you, so you should call me big brother. You unruly little bastard!"

Xiao Lu looked up at him: "Then from now on, whether at school or at home, I will always call you Big Brother, okay?"

"Hmph! You are a child who can be taught."

After saying this, the young master always felt that he still had something to say, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Marian Elementary School occupies a corner of a royal residence. The gate opens in an alley, and there are flowers and plants outside the gate. Although it is late autumn, clusters of late-lost chrysanthemums are still blooming in full bloom. It is very beautiful.The school is divided into six grades, the first four grades belong to junior primary schools, and the last two grades are newly opened and belong to senior primary schools.The young master has a solid foundation in English, and he went to the third grade directly after entering school; Xiaolu followed the rules and started to study from the first grade.The semester has already started for two months, and the elementary school students are all familiar with each other. He is the only newcomer, so the Eldest Young Master took Xiao Lu to the teaching office, handed him over to Sister Martha who taught English, and respectfully And Jingzhi said in English: "Sister Martha, my younger brother is ugly and stupid, he doesn't understand anything, you must protect him, don't let those bad boys bully him."

Sister Martha looked at the bad boy who was one of the best in the whole school, and nodded with a wry smile.

Sister Martha took Xiaolu to the classroom. The first and second grade classrooms are located in a row of old houses with carved beams and painted columns. There is a long veranda outside the windows of the old houses.Outside the veranda is an open space that serves as a small playground, and on the opposite side of the open space is another row of houses, which are classrooms for the third and fourth grades.

The young master returned to the classroom, still feeling that he still had something to do.He really wanted to think about it quietly, but just as he took his seat, classmate He came over and sat down too.

Student He has grown taller and taller recently, and he already has a faint adult air in his gestures.After placing the ink bottle and pen on the desk, and spreading out the textbooks of natural science, student He put his elbow on the edge of the table, turned sideways and started chatting with Mister Cheng.As soon as Mister Cheng got Mister He, he forgot about the deer at home.

He is very interesting in his speech, the only shortcoming is that he reacts too slowly; it is fine for him to talk eloquently by himself, but once you want to have questions and answers with him, you have to be patient.The young master chatted with him for a long time, and in the end both of them were kicked out of the door by the teacher and punished to stand.

After standing for two classes, the teacher left, and the classroom became lively. The young master and the students took out their lunch boxes one after another and began to eat the morning snack.The young master also took out a box of snacks from his schoolbag. The daily snacks were prepared by Chunlan. Looking at them today, they were shortbread stuffed with jujube paste. The smell was sweet and the portion was quite large.The young master ate and ate, and even asked his classmates to come over to eat together, because he brought too many dim sum today, and he couldn't finish it all by himself.

When he ate the last piece, he suddenly stood up, thinking what would the deer eat now?No wonder there are a lot of dim sum today - double servings, isn't it too much?

The young master hurriedly put the snacks back into the box, and saw that classmate He still had a piece of chicken cake left, so he snatched it too.In the class, there is a wealthy classmate Ma who always wears a Swiss pocket watch. The young master asked him loudly, "What time is it?"

Student Ma took out his watch and looked at it, and then told him: "There are 3 minutes to go to class."

When the young master heard this, he picked up his lunch box and ran out.Passing through the small playground like a gust of wind, he braked the brakes at the door of the first grade classroom and stretched his head to look inward.

After seeing it, he was shocked again.It turned out that the clown at home was sitting on the desk in the front row at the moment, puffing out his cheeks triumphantly and munching; while a group of elementary school students were chattering around him, it seemed like a star was holding the moon.

The young master never expected that a little bastard with no parents would become a sweet potato here.Seeing Xiao Lu chatting and laughing with a little white fat man, as if they had known each other for several years, he suddenly felt bad and shouted: "Xiao Lu!"

As soon as the college students uttered their voices, the primary school students immediately became honest.Xiaolu was startled, and immediately jumped off the desk and ran to him: "Little-brother, why are you here?"

The young master looked at him sullenly: "What are you eating?"

Xiao Lu turned his head and pointed at the little white fat man beside the desk: "Yu Hanwen gave me a cream cake to eat."

Holding the snack box in one hand, the eldest young master glared at him resentfully: "Just give it to you? Why are you so greedy? Who told you to eat other people's food? Won't you come to me when you're hungry?"

Fawn opened his eyes in a daze: "I... I don't know where you are."

The eldest young master pushed him: "Fart! I don't know if you can't find it yet? Have you peed?"

Xiaolu replied in a low voice: "Yu Hanwen took me to the bathroom..."

The eldest young master stuffed the snack box into his hand, turned his head and left, regretting as he walked, regretting that Xiao Lu should not come to school.I didn't pay attention to it just two classes ago, Xiao Lu and Fatty Little Bai fell in love with each other—a heartless bastard who grew up in my parents and ate food from outsiders as soon as he went out!

At noon, the eldest and young master didn't care about the deer, and went out of the school with a few friends, and went out to eat in classmate He's car.After eating and drinking, he went back to school. He first ran to the door of the first grade classroom to look for Xiaolu. Seeing that Xiaolu was not there, he turned around and ran to the dining hall.This time he saw Xiaolu, who was sitting around with a group of primary school students, eating the lunch provided by the school.

"What a fellow!" The eldest young master held his breath and thought angrily, "I've learned to look for food by myself!"

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