walk alone.

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Enduring the urgency in his heart, he followed the long queue at the cash register and walked slowly forward. When he finally reached Qin Bin, a middle-aged woman with a mean face pulled her husband and daughter and interrupted him rudely. in front of him.If it was the case before, although Qin Bin would be unhappy, he would not say much. After all, he is shameless and there is no need to waste energy provoking such a person.But at this moment, he was very anxious. Grandma and her old man were still waiting for him at home. The three people in front had snapped up a lot of things, and they would delay him a lot of time by jumping in line, so Qin Bin tried his best to send him a blank face. He pushed back to make way for the woman who made room for her husband and daughter and said, "Auntie, please line up to check out..."

"I'm just standing here, it's none of your business!" The woman was very angry, not only did she not look ashamed at all, but also yelled at Qin Bin without fear.

"It's none of my business that you cut the line ahead of me..." Qin Bin has always had a bad temper. When he provokes him when he is in a bad mood, he will not be polite, no matter if she is a man or a woman.Seeing that woman put a bag of rice in front of him like a rascal who was not afraid of boiling water, Qin Bin felt even more impatient, and kicked the bags of rice stacked in front of him aside.Qin Bin's foot strength is very strong, and because he was too angry and forgot to restrain his strength just now, he kicked those bags of rice away. Fortunately, the cashier counter where he was waiting was against the wall, and those bags of rice hit him. It fell to the ground immediately after the wall.

After the bagged rice hit the wall, there was a loud bang, which startled the strange family of three. The arrogant middle-aged woman didn't dare to fight Qin Bin any more, and hugged Qin Bin with a white face. With things in hand, he went to the back in despair.

Soon it was Qin Bin's turn to pay the bill. He swiftly stuffed the things he bought into the big travel bag, and then ran back home along the path with his back on his back.The pouring rain was still falling, and a lot of water had accumulated in the low-lying alley. Qin Bin was in a hurry to go home, but he didn't care about the filth of the water in the alley, so he just waded in his sneakers. past.

About a quarter of an hour later, Qin Bin finally arrived at their community.The villa area here has a relatively high terrain, and there is no stagnant water, but because it is far away from the city, it is not convenient to buy things. Qin Bin saw many people in the community driving food to their homes along the way. .

"Grandma, I'm back..." Qin Bin heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the big iron gate of the house was locked tightly. It seemed that grandma had listened to what he said before. She was an old man at home, so it was inevitable that she would have some unhealthy thoughts. People have bad ideas.You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others. It is more appropriate to be vigilant.

"Hey, Binbin is back, hurry up, hurry up and get in the house, poor child, you are drenched, you are soaked..." The old lady trotted all the way, opened the door and quickly pulled Qin Bin into the small courtyard Son, after locking the big iron door, watching him keep saying "dark", "thin", "suffering" and so on, which made him very helpless, and of course, his heart was warm.

Amidst the old lady's nagging, Qin Bin went to the bathroom to take a delightful hot bath.It's early autumn now, and with the heavy rain outside, the temperature is still a bit low. Although his current body doesn't feel too much about the cold and heat of the weather, he still feels quite uncomfortable with the dirty rain on his body. .

After taking a hot bath, Qin Bin changed into a light gray sportswear and put it on. While wiping his dripping hair, he walked towards the living room.

"Binbin finished washing? Do you feel unwell now? Would you like to drink some banlangen to prevent it from catching a cold..." Seeing Qin Bin coming out of the bathroom, the old lady hurried out of the kitchen wearing an apron He came out, put a glass of orange juice in front of him, and asked worriedly.

"No, grandma, don't you know? I'm in the best health, so I'm just getting a little rain, it's fine..."

"That's good. I'm going to make lunch. The ingredients at home are still very rich. Hey, I just don't know when the rain will last..."

Listening to the dripping rain outside and looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, Qin Bin felt a little bad in his heart.Although his current perception of heaven and earth is far inferior to that of his previous life, perhaps because his soul has been tempered and is too strong, his spiritual consciousness is much stronger than ordinary Jindan monks.But for some reason, Qin Bin has always been unable to see through the laws of heaven in this world.In Xianlin Continent, if someone commits too many crimes, Heaven will punish him. At the beginning, he was chopped into ashes by Zi Lei when he ascended because of too many crimes.But in this world, Tiandao seems to be very tolerant to ordinary people. Even if human beings greedily demand all the resources they can use on this planet regardless of the consequences, even if this planet has reached the edge of being overwhelmed, Tiandao is still indifferent.Could it be that lazy guy is waiting for his time?Perhaps, this sudden, heavy rain all over the world is not accidental?

Before Qin Bin could think too much, the old lady had already prepared a sumptuous lunch swiftly.Qin Bin was so hungry that he had been busy all morning, so he simply put those illusory bad things behind his mind and concentrated on eating.For a fastidious foodie, delicious food is placed in front of him, if he does not cherish it, he will be struck by lightning!

"Binbin, come here, drink more pork rib soup, haven't you had a good meal outside these days?"

"Grandma, don't worry about me. You should eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold. In fact, the meals we had during our military training were pretty good. There were meat, vegetables, and soup, but they weren't as delicious as yours. An Ming and the others I've been yelling all day that I miss the food you cooked..."

"Hehe, you children, you have a very strong appetite. Let the rain stop tomorrow, let them come over to our house, and I will make a good meal for you..."

"Success, I hope the rain will stop soon. Grandma, it hasn't rained so much in S City before, right?"

"Why didn't it rain? I remember one time when it rained more heavily than now, but it didn't last as long as this rain. It was a thunderstorm, and it stopped after half a day. Now this rain has been raining for two days." It's been two nights, and it still hasn't stopped, and I don't know what happened to God, I heard that not only our country, but also foreign countries..."

"Hey, it's a good thing that our house is on a high terrain, so it won't be flooded for a while. When I came back from the urban area, I saw a building on a slightly lower terrain. The first floor probably wouldn't be able to live in..."

"Sin, it's so cold today, what should I do if I don't have a place to live..."

"Don't be so moaning, don't worry, the government won't let people suffer like this." Seeing that the old lady was too uncomfortable to eat, I comforted me and quickly changed the subject, "Grandma, the survival of our family How long can the food be eaten?"

"Meat and vegetables can last about seven or eight days. We have a lot of rice and noodles in our house. It is estimated that it will last for three to two months..."

"That's good. Just now I came back and bought a lot of meat, vegetables, condiments and some canned snacks. I guess it will last for two or three weeks. I hope the rain will stop soon..."

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