walk alone.

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Sure enough, there were special large-scale snowplows on the high-speed national highway to clean the road surface. Although snowflakes covered the road surface with a thick layer after a while, it was better than no one cleaned it.In this snowy day, there are really not many people traveling, so there are few vehicles on the road, which is convenient for Qin Bin and his party. Koizumi drove the car all the way, much faster than they expected before, and it is estimated that they will arrive early this morning. Koizumi's grandfather's family.

Seeing that Koizumi was driving steadily along the way, the old lady who had been frightened all the time finally let go of her suspense. In addition, the car was warm and comfortable, and the old lady began to talk and laugh.Although she finally accepted Liu Qingquan's proposal and decided to go to his grandparents' house with him, the old lady was always a little uneasy. There will always be some lumps.However, seeing that Qingquan is so enthusiastic, and judging from several phone calls, Qingquan's grandparents are also simple and kind people. Thinking of this, the old lady felt a little more at ease, and finally did not express her concerns. It makes the children feel uncomfortable.

Driving on the highway on a snowy day is actually very boring. Although you can chat from time to time, listen to music, or look at the beautiful snow scene outside the window, you will always feel uncomfortable after sitting for a long time, and you want to stand up and take a walk Exercise your muscles.But you can't stop casually on the highway, especially in heavy snow weather like today, if the car behind accidentally fails to stop the car, it will be miserable at that time.Therefore, even though the three of them were a little tired after driving for a whole morning in the car, everyone was considerate to each other without saying a word, and they all secretly endured it, thinking about gritting their teeth and persevering for a while, and it will be fine when they get home at night.

After finally arriving at the gas station, Qin Bin, whose hands had been itching for a long time, quickly changed places with Koizumi, and decided to let Koizumi take a good rest and let him drive in the afternoon.Qin Bin is a quick learner. Although Yu Hui hadn't taught him a few times before, he had already mastered the skill of driving, but he didn't have the opportunity to practice it.Now that there is a ready opportunity, he certainly won't miss it easily.

After filling up the gas, Qin Bin happily sat in the driver's seat and started the car under the old lady's frightened expression.Seeing that the car was driving very steadily, the old lady who had been nervous for a while finally let go of her hanging heart, and sat in the back with her IPAD in her arms to watch TV dramas.Koizumi was tired all morning and was not in good spirits. After eating some dried meat and canned fish, he half-lyed on the passenger seat with his eyes closed to rest.

With the passage of time, Qin Bin's enthusiasm for driving has also weakened. Looking at the unchanging white snow scene in front of him, he can't help feeling aesthetically tired. After a warm meal, although the jerky just now is delicious, it is not very filling.

Soon, the sun was setting and the sky was gradually darkening.Fortunately, the road was covered with heavy white snow. Although the moon was not very round tonight and there were still dark clouds in the sky, it was surprisingly bright under the reflection of the white snow.The old lady in the back seat had already fallen into a deep sleep. Seeing her sleeping soundly, Qin Bin and Koizumi spoke softly, for fear of waking up the light-sleeping old man.

Soon, I arrived at the county town where Koizumi's mother was from. It was only a hundred or ten kilometers away from his grandparents' house, and it was estimated that he would arrive home in two hours.

"Xiaoquanzi, is it okay to go to your grandparents' house? I watched TV dramas and the village is full of dirt roads. When it rains and snows, it's muddy. Will it be difficult to walk?" He has never been to other places in the Northeast, and his impression of the countryside is still completely based on the image captured in the TV series. As for the real situation, he has no idea.

"Don't worry, the Zaojiao village where my grandparents live has built a concrete road a long time ago. Although it is not very spacious, it is still easy to walk. As long as we don't encounter large trucks head-on, we should be able to get home smoothly." Liu Qingquan, who was always calm and calm in the county town he was familiar with, couldn't help getting excited.

"That's good. But why is it called Zaojiao Village? Is there any special meaning?"

"Probably not. It's just that my grandparents planted a lot of saponin trees outside their village. It should be named after this."

"oh, I see."

Chatting with Koizumi one after another, the time is not difficult.Soon, two hours passed, and the small mountain village where Koizumi's grandparents lived was also close at hand.Zaojiao Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides and is located in a quiet small valley.There is a clear river in the middle of the small village, which divides the small village into two halves.And Koizumi's grandparents' house is located in the deepest part of the village, backed by a mountain and close to a small river, the location is not bad.

Maybe the two old people have been waiting for them. As soon as the car drove to the gate, before Koizumi had time to call the door, the small farmyard was brightly lit, and the two honest-looking old people opened the door immediately. welcome out.

"Oh, you're finally here safely. Hurry up and get into the courtyard. Are you exhausted?" The old lady Chen spoke with a slight accent, but it didn't hinder the communication with Qin Bin and the three of them who were busy in the world. Everyone greeted each other, I didn't say much in the snowy day, and hurried into the house.

The old lady was helped into the house by the old lady Chen, who looked very healthy and refreshed, while Qin Bin drove the car into the yard and parked under the shed that could shelter the wind and rain.Although Mr. Chen looked honest and honest, he actually had a clear heart. Seeing that they brought such a large amount of supplies, he also knew that the future was uncertain, so he quickly moved everything into the building with Qin Bin and Koizumi under the cover of night. The bright and spacious cellar saves waiting for people to come to the house at dawn, which will add to the turmoil and twists and turns.

The two old people sincerely thank Qin Bin and the old lady for helping their grandson in such a difficult time, so they are very grateful to them.After Koizumi told them that Qin Bin and the old lady were coming to spend the night, the two old people readily agreed without saying a word, and specially prepared a comfortable room for them, which was really touching.After finally moving such a large amount of supplies, and moving the luggage brought back by the three of them to their respective rooms, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and walked briskly in to eat the late dinner together.

Koizumi's mother, who died young, was smart and capable. She was admitted to a key university at a young age, and stayed there to teach because of her excellent performance.And Koizumi's father is a well-known brain doctor, and he saved a lot of money after working for a few years.After the filial couple had money, the first thing they thought of was not to buy a house for themselves, but to build a new house for their parents in their hometown (or father-in-law, Liu Qingquan’s grandparents died early), so that the old people who have worked hard all their lives can enjoy happiness in their later years .

This small farmyard was built by Liu Qingquan's parents who died young with a lot of thought and a lot of money, and it is one of the best in the whole village.The small courtyard is similar to the layout of a courtyard house. There are six main rooms, three upper rooms and three lower rooms. However, because the two elderly people are not used to using air conditioners and they think it consumes electricity, the master bedroom was burned. .There are three rooms in the east and west rooms, and the two rooms in the east are the kitchen and dining room. There is also a small bathroom of only two square meters next to the clay stove. It is very convenient to take a hot bath after cooking in winter.On the west side, one is the aisle with the door open, one is the warehouse for storing grain, and the other is the bathroom.It is said to be a small courtyard, but in fact this courtyard is not small. Generally speaking, rural homesteads are relatively spacious. Just like this farmyard, the construction of so many houses only takes up a quarter of the entire courtyard. There is a lot of space. The yard is full of various fruit trees, and there is still an open space for growing seasonal vegetables.It's a pity that it's a big winter when everything is dying, but I missed the beautiful scenery of everything.

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