walk alone.

Chapter 70

"Grandma, sit down and have a cup of tea first, don't panic." Qin Bin pulled the old lady and sat her down on the small sofa, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her. When the old lady's flustered expression finally eased, Qin Bin Bincai comforted in a warm voice: "Grandma, the world is already in chaos, and nowhere will be completely safe and worry-free. It's not impossible to go to the government base in City H, but we, grandparents and grandchildren, have no power or power, so it's safe Once you get there, life won’t be any better.”

"But, but the village is really not safe!" Mrs. Li didn't understand this, but compared with Qin Bin's personal safety, how she lived was not so important to her.

"Grandma, I've grown up, you have to learn to trust me. Now it's not the same as before. Now whoever has the hardest fist is the boss. Instead of finding a relatively safe place to spend my whole life in a daze, I'd rather I am willing to live as I want in my lifetime. Grandma, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I don’t like such a miserable life. I have the ability to protect you, and I have the ability to live a good life in this village. With Xiaohui and the others, why run to a strange place? Grandma, I really like this place, and I really don’t want to leave.” Qin Bin knew that no matter what, the old lady would put his wishes first, In order to prevent the old lady from hurting Mrs. Chen's heart with such a hesitant attitude, she had no choice but to slam the old lady's idea of ​​leaving.

"Hey, since you think so, grandma won't mention this matter in the future. It's just Binbin, you must be careful when you go to work in the future. Grandma is the only family member in this world. If you have any troubles, grandma will also I can't survive..." Mrs. Li sighed deeply, seeing Qin Bin's attitude is so firm, she can't be too stubborn.After all, life is hard enough these days, so why bother the poor kid?

After consoling the old lady for a while, Qin Bin, his grandfather and grandson walked downstairs hand in hand.Yu Hui, who has been busy for a long time, has already returned home, and is being pulled by Mrs. Chen to ask her about her health.Seeing that he was really safe and sound, and did not suffer any harm, the family felt relieved.Not long after, the village radio sent a notice calling for a meeting of the villagers, but this time it was no longer a family that only went to the adult labor force, but the whole family had to be present.

When Qin Bin followed his family to the threshing ground, most of the villagers in Dongxi Village had already arrived. The panicked expressions on most people's faces had not completely subsided, and there was indelible confusion and fear in their eyes.There were only heartless children running around and playing around, the pure joy on their immature faces contrasted sharply with the gloomy melancholy of the adults.

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen are very popular in the village, and their seniority is high. In addition, Mr. Chen served as a soldier and went to the battlefield when he was young. In the eyes of the villagers, Mr. Chen is a person who has seen the world. Many people surrounded them.Some came to say hello, some were flustered and came to seek peace of mind, and of course there were also those who had seen the strengths of Qin Bin, Liu Qingquan, and Yu Hui and came to make friends in order to win a little life for their children's future.

After all, Qin Bin is not the arrogant monk who looked down on everything in his previous life. Although he was impatient to deal with these villagers, it was only for the old lady to spend a comfortable old age in the village, and also for the sake of not causing trouble to the old couple Chen who accepted them without hesitation. Even though he was impatient in his heart, even though he was not as good at everything as the long-sleeved, good-looking Yu Hui and Liu Qingquan, he was not as cold-faced as he used to be in S City when he was annoyed, and it made people who were afraid to approach him slowly He began to try to get closer to him.

Not long after, the old village head hurried over with several village cadres from Dongxi Village.Seeing this, everyone consciously quieted down. For a while, the huge threshing floor was silent and only the "rustling" sound of the wind blowing the leaves could be heard.

"Presumably everyone knows about the daughter-in-law of the old Liu's family (the aunt who was bitten by a mutated field mouse). Don't worry, everyone. Jianning (village doctor) said that the old Liu's family's injury looks serious, but it's not serious. They hurt their muscles and bones, and the medicine that Aqing and Xiaohui's two children took the risk of going to the county hospital a few days ago just came in handy." Seeing that the villagers were obviously relieved, the old village head was not so heavy in his heart, and continued : "I know that after this incident, many villagers feel that it is not safe to stay in the village, but you also went out to see it a few days ago. There is no safe place in this world now. We can't always think like an old turtle. Hide in the shell."

"What's the matter? We can't wait to starve to death, can we? Those evil beasts are very fierce, we can't do it..."

Seeing that the villagers were about to cry with bitter faces, the old village head waved his hands, and after the threshing ground became quiet again, the old village head continued: "The children of Xiaohui dare to copy the guy, we Why can’t you be an elder? I just discussed with Jianshe and they decided that in the future, all men, women and children aged 60 and under [-] in our village will participate in the training. I can only wait to die, right? What do you guys think?"

As soon as the old village chief finished speaking, the quiet threshing floor became noisy with a "coax".For this proposal, most of the villagers agree, of course, there are many people who are against it.

"How is this possible? A ten-year-old child is still a child..."

"Exercising has to start from an early age. You only know that you love your child, but you don't think about it. If the child has no ability to protect himself in the future, how will he survive?"

"That's right, the world has changed now, if you don't be cruel now, you will ruin your child's future!"

The villagers were clamoring and clamoring, but in the end the overwhelming majority were in favor, and the few who disapproved were mostly greedy for life and afraid of death, lazy and lazy.After all, when the members of the Self-Defense Force were called before, it was based on the principle of voluntary registration. If some people really don't want to go, others can't force them.But now, daily patrolling and defending the village has become the duty of everyone. Everyone with hands and feet has a schedule, and no one can be lazy!If you insist on not going, that's fine too. When the village collects the grain, you won't have your share. Once the regulations are set, who would dare to play tricks?

Zaojiao Village is gradually developing in the direction of militarization, which makes Zaojiao Village, which was previously depressed, full of vitality.Every morning at six o'clock in the morning, the threshing ground will sound the assembly whistle and the sonorous training sound on time. Two hours later, everyone trots home to have breakfast, and then those who should be on duty go to patrol, and those who should go to work in the field Work in the fields, and those who are fine will continue to return to the threshing ground for training.The elderly are not idle, either taking care of their children, or cleaning the training ground and roads in shifts, and their daily life is fulfilling and exciting.Over the past few days, the relationship between the villagers of Dongxi Village, which had been gradually alienated, gradually became closer.

Mr. Chen's family of six has also become busy people.Yu Hui is not only in charge of the Youth Self-Defense Force, but also part-time training work, running around every day, almost no free time.And Liu Qingquan also has multiple roles. He is not only the vice captain of the Youth Self-Defense Force, responsible for the daily affairs of the Youth Self-Defense Force, but also the general manager of the morning training session, responsible for coordinating the coordination of the entire training ground.Compared with those two busy people, Qin Bin's work is much lighter, he is only responsible for those teenage dolls.But even so, it made Qin Bin a little anxious. He was not only responsible for teaching them martial arts, but also for their studies. These noisy children almost made Qin Bin run away several times.Fortunately, with the help of Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Li, Mrs. Chen has been a teacher for decades. As long as the problems are not too difficult, she can usually solve them.And Mrs. Li was able to raise Qin Bin, who had a difficult personality, so she was naturally good at dealing with children, and within a few days, she made those mischievous children docile.Mr. Chen is not idle either. He insists on morning exercises all year round, has been in the army seriously, and has even been on the battlefield. His actual combat ability is sometimes even inferior to Liu Qingquan.Therefore, the old village chief specially asked him to train the key members of the village self-defense force. After all, if something bad happened in the village, it was all supported by these people. Naturally, the treatment of these people was not comparable to that of others.

In the intense and fulfilling training life, time flies by.At the beginning, everyone was very afraid of those evil beasts. Unless there was no way to escape, the first reaction of the villagers was to turn their heads and run away.It's just that since an aunt who was working in the fields shot a mutant hare to death with a hoe, and took the spoils home for a big meal, the villagers gradually became more courageous.Three or two mutated voles, five or six mutated grasshoppers... Slowly, the villagers in the field stopped being frightened, and brought back some things every day, although most of them were voles, grasshoppers, etc. But for the villagers who haven't eaten meat for several months, these are all unexpected joys. In addition, the meat of the mutated animals is very tender and delicious, and more and more villagers are looking forward to meeting the rampant mutated voles.Of course, the villagers are not stupid. They know that they can only eat them if they are stronger than those evil beasts. Otherwise, whoever eats them is uncertain.As a result, the villagers paid more attention to their daily training, and began to urge the children to train seriously.

The development situation in the village is getting better and better, but the villagers are not complacent because of this. After all, although they do not lack food, people do not have everything without worry. Just like eating salt, people can't do without food.When the villagers were deeply in the salt crisis, Wang Lei's motorcade arrived suddenly on a cloudless sunny day.

Wang Lei is not a living god who can pinch and count, of course he can't count it right. The improved version of the walkie-talkie Qin Bin gave him when he entered the county was a great bow!

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