Shang Zhaoyu heard Barbie's terrified sound, so he put down his fingers and looked at them carefully one by one.

1 minute... 2 minutes... 3 minutes... There is no change in the fingers... There are a few crows flying overhead, Shang Zhaoyu feels that he has been with low-intelligence machines for a long time, and his IQ will also drop, otherwise , how could such a stupid thing be done.

Shang Zhaoyu looked gloomyly at Zhinao who curled himself into a ball and could shake his tail, "Barbie, I think you have Alzheimer's disease."

Barbie looked at her young master through the slits with her two paws, and a puzzled emotion flashed in her orange eyes, "Master...I..." It was not sure at this time, obviously it saw the young master Huge changes have taken place, why... Is it really like what the young master said, it already has Alzheimer's disease? !

"Master, as an intelligent brain, I can tell you generously that we don't have such a disease." In order to verify that she is healthy, Barbie jumped up and down, flew outside the villa, and picked a grass return.

"Look, if you have dementia, you will have such fast mobility?!" Barbie looked at the boy in front of her triumphantly.

Shang Zhaoyu's forehead was covered with black lines, he can now be sure that Barbie didn't know what messed things she saw...

The word "planter" was also displayed on the light screen, and the fingers crackled and pressed a few keys, and then it was sent...

Lying on the large and soft bed, Shang Zhaoyu was thinking about his future life... Blinking his eyes, and then blinking again, after realizing that it was not an illusion, he rolled away from his bed in an instant.

"You... why are you here?" He patted his chest in horror. Anyone who sees an enlarged handsome face suddenly appearing in front of him will be frightened, right? !

Brand Noche sat down on the bed unceremoniously, "Cook!"

Shang Zhaoyu jumped out of bed, stretched out his hand, pointed to his straight nose and said, "I am not your nanny! I have no obligation to cook for you!" No, this is not the point, the point is why this person can enter his Room? !

"You... Tell me the truth! How did you get in?!" In the boy's dark eyes, a cluster of thick fire appeared.

Brand looked at Shang Zhaoyu like an idiot, "Which backward planet are you from?"

"We are people from Earth." Shang Zhaoyu replied with a straight chest, and then realized that he had followed his words unknowingly, and immediately retreated to the door, looking at a certain person in surprise. man.

Shang Zhaoyu thinks that his self-control is very good, and it is very difficult for anyone to change his mind, but... After saving this man, he found that his will will be shaken, could he be hypnotized? !

Brand suffered a serious injury to one leg and a minor injury to the other, probably due to his strong recovery ability, so there was nothing serious about it, "What are you doing?" He frowned, he didn't like the boy avoiding himself like this the behavior of.

"No...didn't do anything..." Shang Zhaoyu's darling was "plop plop..." jumping...

Seeing his flushed face and shortness of breath, Brand still felt that it was necessary to take care of his fiancée for the sake of his own dinner, "Sick?"

Shang Zhaoyu also felt uncomfortable, but he was more frightened by this person's hypnotic ability...

"Well..." Shang Zhaoyu found that everything around him was hot, and it started to surge up to his abdomen... quickly ran to the bathroom in the room...

The cold water flowed down the hair, and the clothes on his body were sticking to his body, but Shang Zhaoyu didn't feel it, he just felt that his body was getting hotter... There was no downward trend at all... Will gradually blurred...

Brand Noche ordered Barbie who was watching from the corner, "Come here."

Barbie's small body immediately trembled, and then looked at the young master in the bathroom, gnashing her teeth and flying over, "What...what are you doing?"

"How is he?" It's not that he doesn't want to see it, it's just that his thighs are like this now, and there's no need...

There was a cry in Barbie's voice, "Master... the young master has a huge amount of energy in his body..." At this moment, it really wanted to refute its young master. What it saw before was definitely not a hallucination, and he did not have Alzheimer's disease.


Rand Noche frowned, got up from the bed, and walked into the bathroom...

The boy was curled up on the floor of the bathroom, his head buried in his legs, his hair and clothes were soaked, and the cold water on it was still pouring him...

He couldn't see the expression, but it made the cold and ruthless Brand feel soft for a moment, so he hugged him up, and walked out without ignoring the bleeding thigh from the wound again...

The boy obviously lost consciousness, his body was still shivering, his face was flushed abnormally, his long eyelashes hung wetly under his eyelids, and he looked very pitiful.

Barbie looked at the strange man, helped her young master undress and dry her body, but it couldn't do anything, not even have a chance to protect the young master's chastity... It silently thought in its heart: the young master is the man's fiancé, It's normal to do these things, as a brain

To be struck by lightning, but to prevent others... It is absolutely not acknowledging that he is afraid of men's terrifying pressure.

Shang Zhaoyu found himself in a place full of volcanoes, and the scorching breath rushed towards him. Unfortunately, he didn't see anything except a huge volcano...

Looking at the lava erupting volcano in front of his dark eyes, he still felt very shocked.Shang Zhaoyu didn't want to turn himself into burnt food, so he ran desperately to the other side, but his body didn't seem to be his own, no matter how hard he tried, he was still in the same place.

The fiery magma slowly flowed in front of him, and he could only watch helplessly as he slowly wrapped himself...Unexpectedly, he was going to be baked into food... This was his last thought...

Brand Noche looked at the young man in front of him, the blush on his face gradually faded, and his rapid breathing gradually calmed down... I don't know what happened, but I was relieved in my heart, probably because He can do it for food sake.

Shang Zhaoyu thought he was going to die, but he could still feel that he had no strength in his body, "Hmm..."

The long eyelashes moved, and then slowly opened his eyes, and what was printed in front of his eyes was a piece of white roof... and the strength on his waist seemed a little heavy. When he turned his head, he saw that he was fast asleep. face.

"..." Shang Zhaoyu raised his hand, wanting to slap him, but unfortunately it was soft and not threatening at all, instead it was caressing like a breeze.

Shang Zhaoyu saw the handsome face in front of him, the cold and hard features, because he was asleep, he showed a soft look, and the golden hair was still sticking to his face unruly, just like his personality when he woke up. People feel bad.

Wait...Shang Zhaoyu belatedly realized why he felt naked...Picking off the thin quilt, "Ah!...Ah!..." Well, he admitted, such a screaming behavior Only women do it, but who will tell him whose slender thigh is hanging from his waist? !

"Noisy!" The sleeping man grunted, and immediately hugged him into his arms to prevent him from continuing to speak.

Shang Zhaoyu struggled violently, but his struggle was like itching, and did not cause the slightest harm to the person holding him.

"Wake up!" Shang Zhaoyu was held in his arms, only his mouth could move.

Brand opened his eyes in an instant. His blue eyes were full of murderous intent, looking at the person who dared to wake him up. After seeing the young man with a bright red face, he returned to his expressionless expression, and then let go of it as if nothing had happened. Get up on your own.

Brand took a look at his legs, the wounds had healed, a light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly returned to his original appearance.

The man touched it calmly, and a hanger appeared in the room. His slender hands picked up the clothes and put them on calmly.

"Narcissist...!" Shang Zhaoyu was not interested in looking at other people's naked body, he turned his head, his dark eyes were full of jealousy, and he completely forgot his original intention before.

Brand Noche looked at the clothes on his body, a lot of feet were exposed, and a lot of hands were also exposed. Currently, he has no clothes, so he can't be too demanding.

With a sound of "Boom...", the door was gently closed.

Shang Zhaoyu widened his eyes, this person... this person just left...

"Barbie!" Seeing a brain in the corner who was sleeping very comfortably, Shang Zhaoyu's anger flared up again like "噗...".

Barbie didn't move either, she turned her body around, scratched her wings with her tail, and continued to fall asleep in a "huhu...huhu...".

After Shang Zhaoyu put on his clothes, he stretched out his hand and grabbed its tail, "Wake me up!" As a brain, do you need to rest? !This is really...

Barbie "woke up" in a daze, and after seeing the young master's terrifying eyes, she blinked her mouth, then thought of something, and immediately wanted to break free, but Shang Zhaoyu would not give it this chance.

"Barbie, please explain to me well..." Shang Zhaoyu smiled "slyly" to each other, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Zhinao's tail in his hand, and turning it upside down.

Barbie felt the chill, and the young master was terrible... "Master, I... I... I can't do anything... Can you let me go first?" After letting go, I would definitely run away.

"What do you think?" Shang Zhaoyu held back his anger, and unconsciously increased the strength of his hands.

Barbie looked at Shang Zhaoyu upside down, and stammered to explain, " also know that you are unconscious...then...Brand picked you up..." trembling, Continue to say, "The clothes are all wet, just take off...take off...take off..."

Barbie's body shook instantly, "I... I didn't do it on purpose!... Besides, you are Brand's fiancee, and you have to give him your virginity sooner or later...! It's okay to lose your virginity, he will take responsibility I will be responsible..." He spoke incoherently, without seeing Shang Zhaoyu's face, which was as pale as a pig's liver.

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