Imprisoned Crown of Thorns

Chapter 123 Intimacy Disorders

"Yes, Mr. Nietzsche."

Following Nietzsche's order, the bodyguard immediately walked quickly to the newsstand, pointed to the classic "Playboy" and the more classic "Nanoko" next to it, bought them, and then quickly turned around and folded them back.

"Here you are, sir."

The bodyguard put the magazine in his hands and handed it to Nietzsche.

Nietzsche took the magazine, then turned back into the car, bent down and sat down on the back seat of the car, "Go home."

Nietzsche waved to the driver without raising his head, then looked down at the magazine in his hand.

The black car slowly drove away from the door of Dr. Smith's psychological consultation room, and drove towards the spacious street in the midday sun. The street was very clean, and the wheels hardly picked up any dust.

Nietzsche left early because he had made an appointment with Dr. Smith, and the agreed time was earlier because Nietzsche still hoped to return home and Han Sen's side earlier.

But even so, Nietzsche wasted a while in Smith's place, because the city center was still relatively far away from where he lived, and the car encountered a traffic jam on the road and wasted nearly an hour and 10 minutes.

When he was about to get home, Nietzsche frowned in annoyance, he seemed to be coming back a bit late, and it seemed that it was almost time for lunch.

In fact, Nietzsche did not do nothing. Along the way, Nietzsche lowered his head, carefully flipped through the magazines in his hand, and then carefully studied the appearance and demeanor of each woman, and analyzed it from his own perspective. Which woman is the most attractive.

But from the beginning to the end, Nietzsche couldn’t find anything that made him feel attractive——Niezsche was interested in men since he was a child, and he really didn’t have any feelings for women, so he really couldn’t judge the original magazine. In the end, which woman is more attractive to heterosexual men, such as Han Sen, it is up to Han Sen to choose.

Nietzsche wanted to know what kind of woman Han Sen was interested in, so he would know more or less psychologically.

Nietzsche is not a narrow-minded person. Although his possessiveness towards Han Sen is so strong, he has suppressed his original tyrannical character. Nietzsche feels that he is quite gentle now, and Han Sen gets along well with him , then, on the basis that Han Sen doesn't reject himself, as long as he finds a suitable method, that's fine.

What matters is the solution to the problem, not the method used to solve the problem.

Sitting in the car and concentrating on studying pornographic magazines, Nietzsche thought silently.

"Welcome home, Mr. Nietzsche!"

Seeing Nietzsche Lutheran, who has always been honorable, come home, the butler greeted him with a smile, and was more enthusiastic than any guest who came to Hansen's villa.

Witnessing Han Sen's hermit-like life in the past few years, the butler comrades who have followed Han Sen for many years will naturally feel heartbroken. Han Sen is a good employer and a respected leader.

But at a young age, he lived a long-term celibate life. He took care of the children by himself and took care of everything by himself. The housekeeper felt that Han Sen was indescribable at that time.

Now the culprit has finally come back honestly, and he is willing to stay by Han Sen's side. He won't show embarrassment to the family when he's okay, and he won't lose his temper and throw things when he's okay. Ah, the housekeeper thinks life is like this beautiful.

So, every time I see Nietzsche, I feel like God has descended.

Everyone in the family felt that Nietzsche was the emperor of the whole family.

It's right to please him honestly.

As long as he's okay, everything's fine.

So, the housekeeper looked at Nietzsche enthusiastically and with a smile, and welcomed Nietzsche into the door.

Nietzsche nodded, holding two magazines in his hands, and looked around the courtyard of the villa, "Where is Mr. Han?"

"Mr. Han is in the garden, watching the young master's painting. The young master is learning the Japanese heavy-color painting style, so Mr. Han is accompanying the young master to collect scenery in the garden."

Nietzsche nodded.

"How long have they been in there?"

"About two hours."

Nietzsche frowned silently, looking a little displeased.

It wasn't because of Han Sen or Han Xiu's displeasure, but because of the flowers in the garden.

Nietzsche hated flowers, plants, bonsai and pets very much. As long as they were living things other than humans, Nietzsche found them all displeasing to the eye.

Those are an eyesore of the goddamn things.

Now the huge back garden of the villa is full of all kinds of flowers, colorful and colorful.

Anyone who likes flowers will be amazed by the beautiful scenery in front of them, but Nietzsche thinks it is a disaster.

As the weather gets hotter, the flowers in the garden gradually bloom. At this time, every corner of the villa is filled with the fragrance of the flowers wafting from the garden, which can be smelled from far away.

Nietzsche really didn't know whether Han Sen liked flowers or not, but according to him, during the two years he left, Han Sen spared no effort to plant all the open spaces with precious flowers.

Because Han Sen was busy and didn't have much time, he even hired a professional flower breeder from the city center at a high price to plant and cultivate flowers. Before he left, Han Sen didn't ask for it at all. The thing about planting flowers.

Han Xiu is Nietzsche's seed. According to genetics, even if Han Xiu doesn't hate flowers, at least he doesn't like flowers. But Nietzsche was wrong.

Nietzsche was dead wrong.

Han Xiu's orthodox aesthetics are astounding. This is very similar to Han Sen. He can wear them for hours in the fragrant garden, just to study the shape and color of each flower, and Sincerely praise these beautiful flowers, and have a healthy and reasonable aesthetic for the beauty of nature.

Nietzsche proposed to remove all the flowers in the garden many times, but Han Sen generally did not express his opinion. Of course, that meant that Han Sen did not agree to do so.

Because Han Sen planted these flowers for a reason, mainly for the cultivation and education of Han Xiu's character.

"It's better for a boy to be more calm. Han Xiu is too lively."

In fact, compared to children of the same age, Han Xiu's personality is not considered lively, but Han Sen still feels that Han Xiu's personality needs to be more restrained, so Han Sen cultivated this garden, and took half an hour every morning to take care of him. Walking around in Han Xiu's garden, Han Sen's personality is calm and atmospheric, and Han Xiu is more or less contaminated.

Now Han Sen specially invited someone to teach Han Xiu to learn Japanese heavy-color painting, so that Han Xiu can bear his temper and complete a meticulous thing.

"It's good for children to develop freely on their own."

Nietzsche was never willing to intervene in Han Xiu's education. If it weren't for Han Sen's desire to have a child, Nietzsche would never have planned to have a child at all. Coupled with his Western education concept, Nietzsche still felt that children As long as it develops freely, he really can't understand where Han Sen's rigid education method came from.

Han Sen really cared about Han Xiu's education. He always felt that since he gave birth to the child, he should educate him well.

However, as long as Han Sen likes it, Han Xiu seems to accept it, and Nietzsche doesn't care.

"Okay, I know."

Han Sen walked towards the back garden with strides, and the butler followed Nietzsche's step by step, his eyes tilted slightly downward, and when he saw the magazine in Nietzsche's hand, the butler was dumbfounded——Mr. Nietzsche, have you been reading this recently? kind of magazine? !Are you actually interested in women? !What about my Mr. Han? ?

But how could such words be said, Nietzsche was always unpredictable in his actions, the butler kept his mouth shut and followed behind Nietzsche.

Finally came to the corridor in the center of the garden. Nietzsche stood there. Not far away, in the open space in the center of the garden, Han Xiu in a white sweater held a palette in his hands, straightened his back, and the brushes in his hands , is concentrating on depicting the scene of a hundred flowers blooming, her small body is surprisingly calm, and there is no superfluous expression on her face. She can tell from a young age that she has an extraordinary bearing.

Wearing a simple black low-necked sweater, Han Sen sat quietly on a chair, folded his hands on his chest, and stared straight at Han Xiu's painting. Both of them were silent, as if each other did not exist. generally.

Although they have two completely different faces, sitting together, the atmosphere is surprisingly harmonious.

Nietzsche thought about it. Han Sen is like the mentor of Han Xiu's spiritual world, guiding the child in front of him with a strict eye. Over time, Han Xiu's personality has become very similar to Han Sen. It's really... more and more unlikely. His son is so much like his father.

"Mr. Nietzsche, Mr. Han and the young master have been sitting here for two hours without saying a word."

The butler spoke in a low voice behind Nietzsche, explaining the situation just now.

Nietzsche nodded. Han Sen generally doesn't talk a lot. He is silent most of the time. It's normal to not see him speak for a long time.

Nietzsche stood not far away and described Han Sen's appearance, imagining Han Sen hugging himself on the bed with this ascetic face.

In fact, since Han Sen recovered last time, Nietzsche asked the key to reject all the guests and trapped Han Sen at home, hoping that Han Sen would be more intimate with him. This is why Feng Bai couldn't see Han Sen before. , because Nietzsche trapped Han Sen at home, wanting to do obscene things.

But Nietzsche tried almost all the methods. Nietzsche didn't get Han Sen's body. Han Sen only wanted to kiss Nietzsche, but Han Sen didn't do anything other than kissing.

It doesn't matter what Nietzsche says.

He was not interested in men at first, and Nietzsche felt that his seduction of Han Sen didn't seem to have any effect.

Nietzsche swallowed, and looked intently at Han Sen's dark and deep eyes, his stern and serious face, his straight waist and slender legs.

Walking over with strides, Nietzsche walked behind Han Xiu silently, and watched Han Xiu's painting with Han Sen.

Although he is not very old, Han Xiu's painting style has basically taken shape - the colors are deep and rich, and the atmosphere is strange. It is not a detailed depiction of each flower, but a superposition of color blocks, filling the entire drawing board, and the taste of decoration is not strong. It doesn't look pompous, but it's poetic and doesn't make people feel dull and dull.

It can be seen that Han Xiu's aesthetic and artistic views are abnormally mainstream.

Han Sen turned to look at Nietzsche,

"came back?"

Nietzsche nodded, put the magazine behind him, and gave Han Sen a soft hum.


Hearing Nietzsche's voice, Han Xiu turned his head suddenly, making a gesture to put down the paintbrush in his hand and hug Nietzsche.

"Han Xiu, paint seriously."

Han Sen looked at Han Xiu with a serious look, and his tone was full of reprimands


Han Xiu glanced at Nietzsche reluctantly, then turned around, and continued to paint seriously. In his impression, his mother rarely accompanied him for a walk in the garden, let alone when he was painting now.

Nietzsche raised an eyebrow:

"It's time for children to be playful, don't be so strict, Han Sen."

After speaking, Nietzsche reached out to touch Han Sen's face.

Han Sen avoided Nietzsche's stroking in silence, stood up, and signaled Nietzsche and himself to go out, "The butler is here to take care of Han Xiu."

After finishing speaking, Han Sen took Nietzsche to the outside of the garden, and whispered as he walked, "The cultivation of the child's character is now the key time, uncle, you dote on Han Xiu too much, son is not for pampering."

Han Sen reprimanded Nietzsche in a low voice. Han Sen's education concept and Nietzsche's education concept are obviously not in the same world.

Nietzsche looked at Han Sen's face, smiled silently, and stared straight at Han Sen's serious thin lips, "Good boy, I was too strict with you back then, let's see what you have become now It's like this, if I spoil you a little more, you won't be like this."

To be honest, Nietzsche felt that the current Han Sen was like a perfect statue, completely invisible to people.

After finishing speaking, Nietzsche suddenly put his arms around Han Sen's neck, and put his lips on Han Sen's lips.

Han Sen opened his eyes and opened his mouth, allowing Nietzsche to kiss him, and even raised his palm to support the back of Nietzsche's head thoughtfully.

Nietzsche spared the hand that wasn't holding the magazine, took Han Sen's palm and placed it under himself, and said softly, "My husband, I haven't filled my body with you for a long time. I feel very empty..."

Han Sen looked at Nietzsche blankly for a while, then slowly took his wrist out of Nietzsche's palm, "The child is still here."

After finishing speaking, Han Sen lowered his head and gave Nietzsche a symbolic kiss on the cheek,

"Feng Bai will come to me later, I will wait for him in the study."

After finishing speaking, Han Sen turned and walked towards the door of the villa.

Nietzsche stared straight at Han Sen's slender back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gloomy emotion welled up in his heart, and his expression became dark and unclear in his dark green pupils.

Nietzsche walked into the study before Han Sen, put the magazine on Han Sen's desk, and then sat on the sofa in the study, crossing his legs and flipping through another "Playboy" in his hand .

After a while, Han Sen entered the study, and Nietzsche sat on the edge of the sofa, silently observing Han Sen's expression.

Sitting behind the desk, Han Sen noticed the magazine on his desk and the woman in the magazine at first glance. The woman put her hands on her chest and made a charming expression.

Nietzsche raised his eyes slightly, silently observing Han Sen's expression.

Han Sen first took the magazine in his hand, then frowned in displeasure, turned around and threw the magazine into the trash can behind him.

After throwing away the magazine, Han Sen turned his face to look at Nietzsche, saw the "Playboy" in Nietzsche's hand, and asked in a deep voice, "Lutheran, what did Nietzsche read?"

Nietzsche smiled silently, shaking the magazine in his hand:

"Playboy, haven't you read it? And that magazine just now, there are many beauties in it, don't you like it?"

"do not like."

Han Sen replied without hesitation,

"Uncle, bring me the obscene books and periodicals in your hand now."

Nietzsche shook his head.

"hurry up."

Han Sen's demeanor has begun to become displeased.

Nietzsche handed the magazine to Han Sen.

Han Sen picked up the magazine, looked at the page that Nietzsche was flipping through, and then looked at Nietzsche again, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Lutheran, I didn't expect that you still have something for women. interest."

Nietzsche shook his head:

"No, Han Sen, I know you like women, so I think you might be interested..."

"To shut up."

Han Sen glanced at Nietzsche coldly,

"Don't talk to me about whether you like it or not, men and women. I don't like men, and I don't have any so-called interest in women now. Not all men think about these things in their heads all day. Anyway, Lutheran, remember to give me Just live a good life, I don't want to talk about these boring issues in the future."

Nietzsche nodded silently, and stood beside Han Sen quietly. Han Sen's face was cold and terrifying. For some reason, it was much, much scarier than before.

Nietzsche recalled his previous self. At that time, he was also Han Sen's age, and his emotions were more or less exposed, but Han Sen, who was also at this age, was incomprehensible, as if it was dark, silent and cold, without direction.

After being silent for a long time, Han Sen stood up silently, approached Nietzsche's expression, hugged Nietzsche's body suddenly, kissed Nietzsche's forehead lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Go out so early in the morning , I really don’t know what you did. Next time you tell me something, I’ll help you solve it. Now go back to the bedroom and rest for a while. I’ll go out for lunch after talking with Feng Bai. Come down and eat with me. .”

Nietzsche nodded silently, looked sideways at Han Sen, turned around and planned to walk back to his bedroom obediently.

"Good morning~ Mr. Nietzsche~"

As soon as Nietzsche turned around, he saw Feng Bai. Feng Bai didn't know why he was smiling so happily. He seemed to be in a very good mood for the past few days. He turned his waist and walked towards Han Sen's villa, with black shawl hair. , wearing a pink long cardigan with a low-cut shirt inside, a pair of sunglasses pinched between her white fingers, smiling like a girl.

Since Feng Bai didn't do anything outrageous to Han Sen or say anything outrageous, Nietzsche didn't have the intention to scare him anymore, but just nodded at him and said expressionlessly, "Good morning."

Feng Bai pointed inside, slightly bent his eyes and said:

"Mr. Nietzsche, is Brother Han in there?"

Nietzsche nodded silently, indicating that Feng Bai can go in now.

Feng Baijiao walked in with a smile, and the first thing she said when entering the door was:

"Brother Han, I received what you gave me~"

Nietzsche turned around to leave, but when Feng Bai said this, Nietzsche stopped, turned around, and stood in the gap by the door, looking straight at Han Sen and Feng Bai.

Feng Bai stood in front of Han Sen's desk, with one hand resting on Han Sen's desk, leaning forward, looking straight at Han Sen.

Han Sen smiled silently,

"Abai, what's the matter?"

Feng Bai twisted his fingers, stretched out green fingers and pulled out a silver-white necklace from his neck. This necklace is dotted with a pink diamond droplet, which looks shining and must appear. A finely crafted work from the hands of famous masters.

"Brother Han~Thank you for giving me this gift, I really like it~"

Nietzsche turned sideways, looked straight at the thin necklace on Feng Bai's neck, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a cold brilliance in his dark green eyes, especially when Han Sen was in the corner of his eyes at the moment. With a smile, and recently Han Sen seems to be as happy as a god in front of him!

Nietzsche's fingertips were tightly pinching the door, his moist nails turned white due to excessive force, Nietzsche's face was expressionless, but his bright red lips were tightly pressed together.

Finally, before he did anything terrible, Nietzsche closed his eyes abruptly, frowned, then turned and walked towards his bedroom.

Han Sen is going to find him in a while.

Nietzsche felt that he should be more obedient now.

Even if it is installed, it has to be installed.

With graceful steps, Nietzsche turned and left silently.

Han Sen looked up at Feng Bai in a good mood with a slight smile.

"Brother Han~ I like pink the most. Look, isn't this necklace very beautiful and beautiful when I wear it~"

Feng Bai put his hands on both sides of his collarbone, turned around and looked at Han Sen, blinking non-stop.

Han Sen shook his head helplessly,

"Yes, it's beautiful."

"Then do I look good~"

Han Sen nodded silently.

"Then~Is it me or Mr. Nietzsche who is prettier?~"

Feng Bai asked aggressively.

Han Sen silently glanced at Feng Bai, and finally said in a deep voice:

"What do you say?"

Feng Bai laughed haha, glanced at the magazine in Han Sen's hand, and exclaimed: "Ah~ "Playboy"~ Brother Han, I didn't expect you to read this kind of magazine now! Could it be that you now find yourself Are you interested in women?"

Han Sen silently picked up the magazine and wanted to throw it into the trash can. Feng Bai snatched it and held it in his hand. He said sweetly, "Oh, don't throw it away~ It's fine when I go home by car later." Have a look at these beauties~”

"This is the book Lutheran read."

Han Sen stated the objective facts, but his tone made people feel uncomfortable.

Feng Bai smiled hey, raised his eyebrows and looked at Han Sen and said:

"Brother Han, don't worry, it is absolutely impossible for Mr. Nietzsche to be interested in women..."

After finishing speaking, Feng Bai sighed, picked up the cover of the magazine and looked at it in front of his eyes, and said absent-mindedly: "By the way, although I knew that I liked men before, I think it is very happy to be with women. Especially when holding a girl's fragrant and soft body, the feeling is really indescribable~... However, after I got married to my little bitch, I realized that it is still a man who feels comfortable fucking~ How to play It doesn't hurt or itch~ Don't you think so, Brother Han?"

Feng Bai seemed to share some intimate words, trying to trick Han Sen out of his thoughts.

Feng Bai has seen what Han Sen and Nietzsche did in the video before. Han Sen is brave and scary, but he usually has a gentle style, and he never has a fishy word in his mouth. However, this contrast gives people an indescribable feeling.

However, what Feng Bai said is not unreasonable, the main reason is that Feng Bai is unhealthy in his heart, but Hong Jian is a good boy in bed now, Feng Bai can do whatever he wants, the ones that were squeezed by Feng Bai in recent years, the ones that still existed back then The edges and corners of the arrogance and dry cloud have all been worn away, Feng Bai can play however he wants, a typical resignation, Feng Bai is of course happy and comfortable.

Han Sen silently looked at the ring on his finger, and said in a deep voice:

"I do not know."

"Don't discuss this kind of topic in front of me in the future."

Hearing that Han Sen seemed to be very unhappy, Feng Bai hurriedly shut up, then blinked and looked at Han Sen: "Brother Han, how are you preparing for that matter?"

"very good."

Han Sen stood up silently,

"Hong Jian called in the morning to ask you to go home for lunch at noon, and I won't see you off."

After finishing speaking, Han Sen and Feng Bai brushed past each other and walked towards the outside of the study.

"But I just came out..."

Feng Bai hugged his head behind Han Sen and let out a scream.

Han Sen sneered silently, for someone like Feng Bai, he had to find someone who could keep an eye on him all the time.

Nietzsche was reclining on his bed, holding the landline in his arms, and was talking with Dr. Smith on the phone. His deep voice echoed in the room:

"...Dr. Smith, how do you think I should solve the problem I just mentioned?"

"Mr. Nietzsche, with all due respect, you are actually a very skeptical person. In fact, skepticism is a good thing, but sometimes, excessive skepticism is a kind of pressure for work and life. First of all, you must have confidence in Mr. Han , Secondly, you have to have confidence in yourself, so, I think, before you figure it out, you can try other methods properly, just like I suggested to you before..."

Nietzsche pursed his lips silently, raised his fingers and twisted the red hair that fell on his chest, "Are you referring to the matter of pretending to be women? The key is the women in the magazines I bought before, those women didn't even Putting on clothes, Han Sen doesn't even look at them, will it work?"


Smith was silent for a while,

"I think, no matter what, you should try it, it's better."

Nietzsche nodded, "Okay, I will consult you anytime if I encounter any problems."

Smith nodded silently into the microphone, then hung up.

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