Imprisoned Crown of Thorns

Chapter 131 Han Sen's Garden

"Good afternoon, Mr. Nietzsche."

Justin smiled sweetly at Nietzsche with an unnatural expression, and greeted Nietzsche. Although her face looked sweet, even she felt weird...

Nietzsche looked at the junior standing in front of him, who seemed to be wearing a flattering smile, and nodded politely, "Good afternoon."

Justin probably knew from the people around him, including Han Sen, that Nietzsche was indifferent and arrogant, so he was not surprised by his expressionless face. These legendary characters are more or less incomprehensible to others. Understandable quirks.

In addition to living habits, this eccentricity also includes personality, of course.

But before seeing Nietzsche himself, she thought that this kind of man in the position of wife in family life must be the hopeless sissy she knew in ordinary life.

Thinking of this, Justin would feel deeply regretful. Han Sen is really a very calm and noble man. It would be a pity if he was paired with a sissy.

But at the moment when Nietzsche appeared, Nietzsche's elegant and glamorous temperament and face were obviously different from Hansen's. The sudden and direct collision-like visual stimulation almost made Justin dizzy.

She had never seen such a beautiful man.

Crafted beauty.

It is simply the darling of the creator.

In fact, when he saw Nietzsche for the first time, Justin felt that Nietzsche's complexion was not very good at first, but this unhealthy paleness turned out to be a beautiful visual enjoyment.

After greeting Justin politely, Nietzsche stopped talking and sat down in a corner with Han Xiu in his arms.

"Mom, aren't we going to find Dad?"

Han Xiu sat on Nietzsche's lap, turned around and put his arms around Nietzsche's neck. Although he mentioned his father Han Sen, he didn't look around. He still stuck to Nietzsche's body obediently, with his small head on Nietzsche's neck. on the shoulders.

Obedient like a kitten.

Nietzsche reached out and squeezed Han Xiu's chin,

"Are you missing Dad?"

Nietzsche made a gesture to put Han Xiu down.

Han Xiu giggled, and put his soft arms around Nietzsche's neck even more forcefully, "Mom, I want to be with you..."

Nietzsche smiled softly, then suppressed a low cough, his head was still a little groggy.

Because the courtyard is very large, and the lighting effect at night is also very good, so the banquet tables are placed in the center of the courtyard, which looks free and warm.

It is noon now, and the sunshine in Rome is exceptionally warm, shining on people's faces, warm and soft, but Nietzsche's cheeks are indescribably pale, almost melted by the bright sunlight.

Han Xiu's face was close to Nietzsche's, like a cute little animal. He rubbed the shuttle several times, then raised his little hand to cover Nietzsche's face, and said seriously: "Mom, is the sun too big?" hot?"

Nietzsche felt that the questions asked by children were actually very interesting, so he asked with a smile: "Why do you think so?"

Han Xiu raised his hand and touched Nietzsche's cheek:

"Mom, you are so hot."

Nietzsche didn't speak, thinking that he was not feeling well now, and it would be bad if he infected Han Xiu, so he raised his hand and asked the servants to take Han Xiu away, and sat alone in a corner where no one would draw attention. Tea.

Han Sen was standing in the middle of the courtyard chatting with the incoming guests. In fact, Han Sen didn't say much, most of them were listening to others, and then nodded in compliance.

Because of Han Sen's current status, there are quite a few people who take the opportunity to come and chat with him. You must know that this birthday party is the first public event that the Han family has voluntarily held, so those who want to make friends with Han Sen should naturally seize it quickly. Chance.

"Mr. Han, do you still need drinks?"

The servant on the side walked to Han Sen's side and asked.

Han Sen shook his head,

"Have you seen Lutheran?"

The maid nodded,

"Mr. Nietzsche is sitting over there. He was with the young master just now..."

The servant turned his head and looked in Nietzsche's direction.

Han Sen looked through the slightly crowded crowd and saw Nietzsche Ludland sitting in a corner in a white suit.

That person is noble and indifferent, like a retro royal family.

Just sitting quietly in the corner, Ludland actually likes to join in the fun, but sometimes he will sit silently somewhere in a daze.

Han Sen suddenly recalled the long chair on the prison playground when he was in the Roman prison. Nietzsche always sat there with a cold face, often sitting there for the whole morning.

Han Sen used to think that Nietzsche was arrogant and cold, but now that he thinks about it, maybe he was in a daze part of the time.

And Han Sen guessed that Nietzsche probably spent most of his time in a daze.

Han Sen stared straight at Nietzsche until Nietzsche raised his head to look at him. The man's face almost melted into the sunlight, with a trancelike and beautiful outline.

Han Sen quickly walked to Nietzsche's side and sat down beside him.

"Where's the son?"

Han Sen turned to ask him.

Nietzsche took a sip of tea slowly,

"Han Xiu was taken down by the servant."

Han Sen raised his hand to straighten Nietzsche's hair, and asked softly:

"I know you just woke up, are you hungry now?"

Nietzsche didn't speak, as if he didn't want to talk to Han Sen.

After all, Nietzsche is an elder, and as a junior, Han Sen can only look at Nietzsche's cold side face, unable to guess his thoughts.

Seeing that Nietzsche put on his clothes tightly, and buttoned the button below his neck to the top one, Han Sen smiled silently.

"Why are you so serious about dressing recently? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Han Sen raised his hand to unbutton the top button of Nietzsche's shirt. Nietzsche gave Han Sen a displeased look, "I have a headache, go back and have a rest, and let someone call me when the banquet officially starts."

Nietzsche glanced at Han Sen indifferently, got up and walked towards the hall, and then disappeared quickly.

Han Sen silently watched Nietzsche disappear from his sight.

Because it was a rare opportunity to have a hearty chat with Han Sen, it took a long time for Han Xiu's birthday party to officially begin.

Han Sen sent someone to call Nietzsche down to cut the cake, and it was already evening after cutting the cake.

Immediately after Han Sen made a simple speech, the sky darkened.

"Miss Justin, please come here."

Han Sen stood in front of the crowd and waved to Justin.

Nietzsche stood beside him silently, looking at Han Sen's cheerful face and smiling slightly at Justin who was walking towards Han Sen through the crowd.

Justin didn't know when he changed into a bright silver floor-length dress just now, his bright golden curly hair was uniquely placed on his cheeks, and he had exquisite and almost perfect makeup.

The eyebrows are picturesque.

It's good to be young, Nietzsche thought silently.

Even if it's not the top-notch appearance, the bright spiritual temperament that can illuminate everything is incomparable to people of my age.

Soon, Justin walked towards Han Sen like a silver mermaid crossing the ocean.

Nietzsche only felt the sudden pain in his head. He turned and walked towards the door. He needed to be alone for a while. He thought of being quiet in the garden where no one was at the moment.


Han Sen turned his head and saw Nietzsche was about to go out, so he hurriedly called Nietzsche's name, but Nietzsche didn't seem to hear him, his back had disappeared to the side of the courtyard, and he walked towards the garden.

Han Sen frowned. Nietzsche didn't like gardens at home. How could he run into the garden alone now?

"Mr. Nietzsche seems uncomfortable?"

Justin leaned over to Han Sen's side to talk, looking straight towards the garden.

Han Sen didn't speak.

"Mr. Han, I think it's better for us to go and see Mr. Nietzsche, let's put aside the matter here first."

Justin suggested.

Han Sen shook his head, there was no special expression on his face,

"Let's just do what's in front of us."

At that moment, Justin suddenly felt that maybe what he had experienced from Han Sen before was just an illusion created by a woman herself.

At this moment, Han Sen is a truly ruthless man.

He was like a perfect sculpture, standing quietly and dignifiedly by his side, but there was no emotion in those steady eyes.

Or, as an outsider, I have never really understood this man.

Nietzsche walked into the garden. At the moment, the garden was unusually quiet. Most of the bright red roses had not yet bloomed. Looking around, they were all immature flowers, but the enchanting outline of the future could be vaguely seen.

Han Sen didn't really like flowers much, but he still grew roses at home, and they were the purest blood-red roses.


"Congratulations, Mr. Han!"


In the courtyard, I don't know what Han Sen said. First, there was a burst of warm applause, and then the guests kept congratulating Han Sen.

Ludland, who was silent and silent in the darkness, vaguely felt that something seemed to have happened. Those laughter, those bright eyes and teeth of the upper class, and the details and outlines that fascinated him in the past, now stung his heart. ears, burning his beautiful eyes.

Nietzsche's hands trembled slightly, and he took out a snow-white cigarette from his pocket, bit it in his mouth, and took a deep breath, letting the nicotine paralyze his lungs and heart.

Nietzsche suddenly remembered that year, when his father was assassinated and shot dead by the assassin in the garden of the Ludland family. The strong scent of flowers blended with his father's blood, and the pungent smell made people want to nausea.

The young Lutheran, whose hands were stained with the blood of his enemies, stood in front of the door of the Lutheran family, staring at the dark street with cold eyes, and quietly smoked a cigarette. Lutheran was still red at that time. With short broken hair, the boy's white cheeks were still dripping with blood, and his expression was unusually cold.

Nietzsche vaguely remembered how he felt at the time, standing alone in the dark and dirty streets of Rome, separated by the wall of his father's body.

Nietzsche knew in his heart that from that moment on, he was the only one left to bear the surname of Ludland.

Being indifferent and tough has become a habit.

The loneliness and anxiety that seemed like a haze in my youth suddenly burst out at this moment.

Nietzsche stretched out his hand, showing helplessness at last, then spread out his long and slender fingers, and tightly grasped the stem of the rose in front of him. The sharp thorns on the stem quickly pierced into Nietzsche's soft palm, strands of Bloodshot eyes slipped down from Nietzsche's palm.

Lutheran, who hadn't killed anyone for a long time, smelled the smell of blood. He raised his injured palm, smelled the palm of his hand, stuck out his tongue and licked it, and suddenly pulled his lips and smiled silently, with a slightly Unspeakably weird.

Surrounded by the rich sweet smell of roses, the cloying sweetness,


Nietzsche looked at the garden expressionlessly, and called softly, as if his dead father was really still alive.

Losing the blessing of his parents, Nietzsche hated being alone, spending his adolescence alone, and indulging in those beauties prematurely. Nietzsche felt that everything was indescribably boring...but It's just to pass the time.

Nietzsche stared straight at the sea of ​​flowers in front of him. Those quiet red colors seemed to be like a sea of ​​fire silently burning the world in the middle of the night, almost drowning Nietzsche's chaotic thoughts at the moment.

Nietzsche felt as if he was going crazy, something split from his mind and took him to the unknown world.

All the scenery in front of me began to distort.

After Han Sen announced a decision, he walked from the courtyard to the back garden to look for Nietzsche.

As soon as he reached the corner of the garden, Han Sen saw Lutheran walking towards the depths of the rose field from a distance.

Those long rose stems reached Nietzsche's waist, and Nietzsche's long red hair swayed gently with the evening wind.


Han Sen called Nietzsche.

Nietzsche didn't seem to hear it, and continued to walk towards the inside of the flower field, looking straight ahead, as if he was heading towards some destination.

Han Sen suddenly felt that at this moment, the noble Lutheran was slowly moving away from him, and would soon disappear.

Those roses are Han Sen's companions planted in the garden when Lutheran left. They are coquettish and have sharp thorns. When Han Sen held Nietzsche in the palm of his hand, the palm of his hand and his heart were throbbing. .

Lutheran, who was standing in the sea of ​​flowers at this moment, almost blended with those flowers.

Han Sen walked over quickly, separated the roses, walked behind Nietzsche, reached out and patted Nietzsche on the shoulder, "Uncle?"

Nietzsche turned his head slowly and looked straight at Han Sen, with no expression on his face. The two looked at each other for a while, and Nietzsche said softly, "Father..."

Han Sen suddenly felt hot on his face, blushed and patted Nietzsche on the head,

"Uncle, why did you come to the garden all of a sudden, come back with me quickly, I have something to tell you."

Nietzsche stretched out his arms to hug Han Sen, and murmured:

"Father, mother..."

Feeling Nietzsche's hair rubbing against his cheek with nostalgia, Han Sen froze for a moment, feeling the frightening heat of Nietzsche's body against his body, as if he was emitting heat outside.

Raising his hand to try Nietzsche's forehead, Han Sen said in surprise:

"Lutheran, you still have a fever!"

Annoyed, Han Sen broke Nietzsche's arm holding him, held Nietzsche's palm tightly, and said displeasedly: "Lutheran, don't you know that you are sick? Do you want to burn your brain out? Are you happy? The garden is so humid, what are you doing here alone?"

Nietzsche snorted softly when Han Sen exerted force on his hand. Han Sen suddenly felt his fingertips sticky, and the wet feeling was both familiar and strange.

The light in the garden was weak, Han Sen raised his finger and put it close to his eyes, and suddenly saw scarlet blood stains on his finger.

"Lutheran, is your brain burned out?"

Han Sen suppressed his anger, and dragged Nietzsche towards the light outside the garden to see how his palm was hurt, but Nietzsche stood still, unwilling to follow Han Sen.


Han Sen squeezed Nietzsche's chin hard, Han Sen looked straight into Nietzsche's eyes, and said word by word: "Lutheran, don't go crazy, open your eyes and see who I am? I am Han Sen, I am your husband !"

Nietzsche blinked at Han Sen, waved his hand and gave Han Sen a slap.

Han Sen simply bent down and hugged Nietzsche, walked quickly towards the outside of the garden, and then put it down on the edge of the garden.

"Lutheran, you bastard, let me see your hands."

After all, Han Sen raised Nietzsche carefully for several years. In addition, Nietzsche had been living a pampered life in those years before meeting Han Sen. His palms are naturally very soft now, and he accidentally saw those who were uprooted. Han Sen knew how Nietzsche's soft palm could not be touched by the thorns.

Han Sen carefully picked up Nietzsche's palm and looked down. Nietzsche's palm was already blood-stained, and his fingers and palm were scratched by scars, all of which were bleeding.

Han Sen almost wanted to hang Nietzsche up for a smoke. This elder, this man, his wife, Han Sen, and every skin on his body, he has always taken good care of, and everyone in the family is obedient to him. , but at this moment he can do such a thing to himself.

Has he ever thought about how much other people have spent on him?

But now Lutheran looked dumbfounded. Although he still looked the same as usual, Han Sen estimated that his head might really be burned out.

"Okay, Lutheran, just this time, don't take this as an example, I know you don't like the flowers in the garden, I can pull them all out tomorrow, but you are not allowed to do this again, understand? "

Han Sen asked Nietzsche.

Nietzsche was silent.

Han Sen yelled at Nietzsche sternly:

"Got it?!"

Nietzsche gave Han Sen a cold look, then suddenly fell backwards limply.

Han Sen hurriedly hugged Nietzsche by the waist, feeling Nietzsche's scorching body temperature in his palms, Han Sen pursed his lips and hugged Nietzsche and quickly walked towards the bedroom.

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