"Master." Lan Qi bowed, took the hat that Locke Edward took off, and after Locke Edward sat on the sofa, he quickly brought a cup of hot coffee and put it on the tea table in front of the sofa.

Locke Edward tore off his white gloves and put them on the side of the coffee table, then reached out to pick up the coffee cup, his slender white fingers were even more smooth than the porcelain white coffee cup, and moved the coffee cup to his lips, lightly He took a shallow sip, then placed it on the coffee table.Locke Edward closed his eyes slightly, recalling the supernatural beings he had fought against today, and tapped the edge of the coffee table with his fingers. Those supernatural beings have different abilities. If they are well trained, they will definitely become a powerful weapon against zombies. Great help.

"What the prince said is indeed true. We really should cooperate with humans." If those supernatural beings are taught well, their abilities in the future will not be much lower than those of the blood race.In this situation, the vampires are no longer allowed to have any idea of ​​superiority. Even though human beings are still their food, they have to stand on the same front when it comes to dealing with zombies.

The ultimate goal of the zombies is the vampire. If the vampire is fighting alone, it will probably not be long before they will be wiped out by the gradually and rapidly evolving monsters.

"Lankey, you will also go to the training ground with me tomorrow, and Martina and the others will help me train those supernatural beings together." Locke Edward raised his eyes to Lankey who was standing aside, and said in an undeniable tone .

There was a flash of surprise in Lan Qi's eyes, but it was quickly covered under the emerald green pupils. He returned to his usual calm appearance, and bent down towards Locke Edward, "Yes, master."

The three third-degree evolution zombies have big mouths with yellow mucus flowing from their mouths. They raised their huge heads, their blood-red vertical pupils looked straight ahead, and their huge four feet stepped on the ground, raising a small gray cloud. dust.In front of them, a large group of ragged zombies were driven towards the same direction.

A third-degree evolutionary zombie scratched its feet, and looked greedily at a large piece of iron net that gradually began to appear in the distance. It was almost there, and it felt that tempting smell was not far away!The blood-red vertical pupils narrowed, the longing in the eyes almost overflowed, the yellow mucus dripping on the lips became more and more, even the long tongue protruded from the lips with sharp teeth, He licked a circle on his huge mouth, as if preparing for the big meal he was about to eat.

At this time, the sun in the east had already risen to mid-air, and the dazzling sunlight hit the ground, and there was a trace of hot air emerging from the ground, and the grass beside the road all hung their heads in a daze.

The zombies were completely unaware of this annoying heat, and they still tirelessly walked in the direction driven by the third-degree evolution zombies, step by step, and the yellow-brown liquid film in their eyes covered their eyeballs, Some faces had been rotted in places, exposing the pale bones beneath.

The scorching sun scorched the training field mercilessly, and all the supernatural beings on the field were sweating profusely. Standing under the scorching sun without any cover, their faces and bodies were already covered with sweat.

Locke Edward was not affected by the scorching sun at all, and his whole body was still extremely dry.There was still no change on Yubai's face, because of the vampire's physique, it was impossible for them to sweat, but he still hated such a fierce sun, and the vampire's habit made them always like the night very much.But at this time, he also had to abide by the living habits of human beings.But fortunately, the vampires he brought were all relatively high-level, like ordinary low-level vampires, who were basically invisible.

Lan Qi and Martina are scattered among the supernatural beings on the field, and one person can train several supernatural beings at the same time.Originally saw Locke Edward standing motionless in front, but asked women like Martina to train them.Some supernatural beings were a little unconvinced and wanted to knock down the five maids including Martina, but they were restrained before they could make a full shot. After being severely taught, the supernatural beings I no longer dared to look down on them, and all obediently obeyed their instructions, and began to train seriously.

Locke Edward straightened his collar, his azure eyes scanned the audience, and then a dark red light flashed in his eyes, his figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared in front of a tall and thin man. When the man looked at him who appeared out of nowhere in surprise, his long legs quickly swept towards the man's lower body. Originally, the man wanted to be lazy and didn't take it seriously. Now that he was swept away by Locke Edward, he just "thumped." "Sit down on the ground with a sound, and the two buckets of water in your hands also splashed all over the ground.

Locke Edward looked condescendingly at the man sitting on the ground with his body propped up on his hands. His long golden hair swayed slightly, and his pair of clear blue eyes stared at the man's brown eyes in a daze. Under pressure, the pale red lips parted slightly, "Even women with weaker physical strength obey the training so hard. But you, as a man, want to be lazy so shamelessly, are you not as good as a woman?" The black military boots took a small step towards the man, but the man sitting on the ground felt as if a mountain was pressing him down. The arm supporting the body also began to tremble slightly.

Locke Edward took another small step forward, the black military boots were about to touch the man's legs arched on the ground, glanced at the trembling man, Locke Edward raised his head, and glanced at it with his shining blue eyes In the audience, some people who wanted to be lazy immediately straightened their bodies, and their arms that were slightly hanging down immediately straightened.

"I asked you to do this not just to train your physical strength, but to let you feel that the part where you store your energy is just a little lower in your belly, this is where you store the energy of your supernatural powers. Every time you activate a power now, you need a period of recovery time. And during this period of time, when you are fighting zombies, it may be the absolute moment that determines your life and death." Locke Edward's deep and soothing voice is as beautiful as a cello concerto The voice sounded in the field, reaching the ears of every supernatural person, "If you can use supernatural powers in succession, your chances of survival will be greatly improved. We all know that zombies can evolve continuously, and now there are Evolving zombies four times, I don’t know if more advanced zombies will evolve in the future. Only by constantly improving one’s ability can one be able to fight against the unpredictable future.”

All the supernatural beings who listened to Locke Edward's words trembled slightly, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became more serious.Now they are not exercising themselves for others, but for themselves!Be lazy for a moment now, and you may pay your precious life in the future!If you regret it at that time, it will be too late, and it is nothing at all to suffer a little now.

No matter how much suffering you have, you have to grit your teeth and persevere, just to be able to live better in this dangerous end-time!

The lazy atmosphere on the court, which was sunburned by the scorching sun, suddenly changed. Even though they were suffering from the sun and sweating, no one showed any signs of complaint. Instead, they all followed Locke Edward's instructions to train with serious expressions. Own.

At this moment, the base's siren sounded suddenly, circling non-stop above the empty training ground.Immediately afterwards, a female voice sounded again. Although she was not as flustered as she was when she encountered so many advanced zombies for the first time, her tone was still a little hurried, "I hope everyone will prepare for the battle quickly. A group of zombies are attacking the base. According to visual inspection, there are at least [-] zombies preparing to attack the base!" The female voice paused, and then said, "In addition to more than [-] zombies, there are three third-evolution zombies behind, please prepare for the war, everyone, prepare for the war Now the base is recruiting all personnel in the base. Those who are willing and have no missions are requested to gather under the outer wall of the base. As long as they are willing to fight, the base will distribute rewards afterwards. Please actively cooperate, thank you!!!”

As the female voice fell, there was a burst of orderly footsteps in the training ground, and all the soldiers who had been training in the compartments of the training ground ran out in an orderly manner. No matter what, fighting against zombies and defending the base are all for the soldiers. duty.No matter what the situation, they always have to be at the forefront.

"Colonel Edward." Sherrill, the soldier who brought Locke Edward to the training ground a few days ago, walked in with vigorous steps. On his resolute face, a pair of shining light gray eyes looked at Locke Edward. "Because there are three third-level zombies in the zombie group, the military department means to trouble you." In the last battle, the base lost several supernatural beings, which made the military department very heartbroken. Well, supernatural beings are more precious than anything else. In order to fight against those powerful monsters, a few were lost at once.Those high-level zombies that appeared suddenly were a disaster that caught the military by surprise.

Now another wave of zombies is besieging, and there are three third-degree mutated zombies among them. Now these supernatural beings have only trained for less than a day. If they can not lose, they must take the best this choice.

Locke Edward nodded, "Then, let's call it a day."

Some people couldn't help but collapsed to the ground. Lan Qi and Martina walked out of the supernatural beings and stood beside Locke Edward.

If the master wants to fight, they will naturally go out with the master.

The author has something to say: Sheryl: After getting chapter N by Floating Cloud, I finally have a name...

White coat: I have appeared so many times, but I am still a background face, without even a name...

Lazy author: Uh, isn’t it so troublesome to look through the complete list of names ╮(╯_╰)╭, so...

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