It was getting dark, and the convoy arrived at a village in the evening. After eliminating the wandering zombies in the village, the convoy stopped in the village and prepared to rest for a night before setting off.

Because it has been driving almost non-stop, the convoy can reach the city not far away in about one day.

As the convoy got closer and closer to the city, everyone could clearly feel that there were more zombies wandering on the road, and there were more high-grade zombies among the zombies.

A small building in a village.

Locke Edward was sitting in the bathtub in the bathroom that Lanci had cleaned up and removed the musty smell.His long golden hair was moistened by the misty mist, and it hung wetly on his shoulders. After cleaning his whole body meticulously, Locke Edward still didn't leave the bathtub, and used spells to turn the somewhat cold water into water again. It was heated, and he soaked in it for more than half an hour before standing up and stepping out of the bath.The fair skin was soaked in water and became more hydrated, and the surface layer of the skin, which was blood-colored all year round, seemed to be stained with a touch of pink after soaking for so long.Drying the water droplets on his body with a towel, Locke Edward put on a bathrobe, tied the belt of the bathrobe around his waist, and walked out of the bathroom wiping his hair.

Sitting on the edge of the bed covered with a soft mattress, Locke Edward wiped his hair, his azure eyes were covered with a layer of light red, and a little bit of teeth protruded from his light red lips. tip.

It's been almost a week since he last ate, and he's getting a little hungry.But when he thought of the blood he drank in the past few days, his slender eyebrows could not help but wrinkle.Every time he drank the blood that was far inferior to Ye Yuchen's blood, he couldn't help but recall the taste of the top-quality blood he had tasted in the past ten years, and the blood in his mouth suddenly became hard to swallow.In addition to this period of time, Ye Yuchen was always wandering in front of him, and the tempting smell lingered on the tip of his nose. If he hadn't tasted it, he might be able to bear it, but the tip of his tongue has been soaked in this delicious taste for more than ten years. He was like the kind of person who took drugs, the more he resisted, the stronger the desire in his heart.

Locke Edward stopped wiping his hair, and remembered that Ye Yuchen would always find an opportunity to appear by his side these days, and he could see him almost anytime and anywhere. , I have been kissed several times.Every time the anger of being attacked has not arisen in my heart, once it touches his eyes, I can no longer raise the anger, and almost every time I give him a cold look, and then let it go hastily.This kind of self has become a little strange, but in the face of other people, he can still maintain the same calmness as before... Locke Edward's blue eyes closed, and he unconsciously raised his right hand and let go. In my own eyes, I looked carefully for a long time.Then, some misty eyes suddenly widened, and he took away his right hand all of a sudden, damn it, why did he stare at this hand that Ye Yuchen lightly kissed for so long for no reason?

A trace of anger suddenly appeared in Locke Edward's eyes. He raised his head, raised his jaw slightly, and even put a slight accent on his voice, "Lan Qi, bring Ye Yuchen here!"

"Yes, Master." As soon as his voice fell, Lan Qi's voice echoed from outside the door.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, "Your Highness, it's me."

"Come in." Locke Edward's pupils flickered, and finally turned into a usual indifferent look, but in the depths of his pupils, a surging undercurrent could be faintly seen.

Ye Yuchen walked into the room, turned around and closed the door, seeing Locke Edward sitting on the edge of the bed wearing only a bathrobe, his eyes suddenly sank a little.

"Come here," Locke Edward ordered.

Ye Yuchen was like a large obedient dog. His master ordered him to move, took a few steps with his long legs, and walked in front of Locke Edward.

"Bend down." Locke Edward raised his head and looked into Ye Yuchen's eyes. The blood-red pupils were covered with a hint of seductiveness. The light red lips were moistened by the steam, and the hair was not dry. A few drops of water fell from the tail of her hair, and the rolling transparent water droplets left a trace on the snow-white skin, and then disappeared into the concealed bathrobe. Ye Yuchen's Adam's apple moved, and his eyes became darker. He couldn't help being moved by the old Locke Edward, not to mention Locke Edward who was only wearing a thin bathrobe, showing two slender white, smooth long legs.

After becoming a blood race, he obviously felt that his desire was stronger than when he was a human being, and he had already tasted the wonderful taste of the person in front of him. When it touches the person in front of it, it will spew out like a dark spring.

"What's the matter, hurry up and bend down." After waiting for a while, Ye Yuchen did not follow his instructions, Locke Edward's slender eyebrows were raised, and his pupils covered with blood were also raised, as if he was a little displeased Said.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." Ye Yuchen hastily bent down.

Locke Edward stretched out his hand to hook his neck, and buried his moist golden head between Ye Yuchen's neck. The canine teeth protruded from his lips, and he bit Ye Yuchen's main artery fiercely, venting the unexplainable embarrassment in his heart just now. A trace of shame.

After the tip of his tongue touched the hot liquid with a familiar fragrance, the expression on Locke Edward's face suddenly relaxed, and the arms that were tightly wrapped around Ye Yuchen's neck as if they were about to strangle him also relaxed.

Because Locke Edward leaned slightly, his shoulder blades were also slightly arched. From the wide collar of the bathrobe, you can see the valley between the two shoulder blades like white jade, extending to the shadows, and then down, All she could see was her upturned buttocks wrapped in bathrobes.

Ye Yuchen couldn't help rolling his Adam's apple a few more times, staring darkly at the beautifully curved buttocks, and shook hands on both sides of his body, the giant beast lurking under him also began to wake up, but he was still in a stalemate The body didn't move.

Locke Edward took two sips, but couldn't take any more. Ye Yuchen's level was several levels higher than him, and only such a small amount of blood was needed, which was enough for him to last for more than a week without eating any blood.After sucking the blood, he still wanted to help Ye Yuchen lick/fix the two round teeth holes left by him as before, but just as the tip of his tongue protruded from his lips, he stopped his movements and let go. Ye Yuchen, with the tip of his tongue sticking out his lips, he licked the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth naturally, "Okay, you can go down...well." The next second, the tip of his tongue that licked/touched his lips was sucked by the hot lips Hold on, the slender waist is also surrounded by strong arms.

Ye Yuchen's originally suppressed desire, seeing Locke Edward's pink tongue temptingly licking/touching his light red lips, could no longer help leaning over and kissing him.The hand around Locke Edward's waist slowly rubbed his waist a few times, and then one hand slid down the waistline, covering the upturned buttocks that he had longed for just now, Feeling the elastic touch under his hands, the giant beast under him became even more manic, blood red slowly seeped out of his originally dark pupils, and in just a moment, his pupils turned dark golden red.A foot was also squeezed between Locke Edward's legs forcefully.The hands that kneaded the buttocks a few times followed the curve of the thighs until they touched the hem of the bathrobe, then lifted the bathrobe and poked inside.

After lingering on the smooth thigh for a while, the fiery big palm continued to touch upwards. The desire in Ye Yuchen's eyes became deeper and deeper. After touching the buttocks that could not be seen, his hand paused and kissed Locke. Edward's strength suddenly became much more fierce. He hugged Locke Edward and led him into the bed, knelt on one foot on the edge of the bed, and slowly pressed him down.

"Hmm..." Locke Edward was shaken by the kiss, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had been pushed down on the bed, and the bathrobe he was wearing was also untied, and it was loosely wrapped around his body. body.And Ye Yuchen, who was lying on him, unknowingly took off his clothes at some point, his raised back was like a cheetah ready to go, and his buttocks were constantly being kneaded by fiery palms. Feeling, his face suddenly turned black, and after he felt the hot and humid touch on his naked chest, a storm gathered in his eyes.The last time Ye Yuchen was taken over when he was unconscious, there was nothing he could do about it.This time he was still awake, he didn't believe that he could violate his own will like this.

"Ye Yuchen!" Sensing that his hot fingers wanted to touch the narrow opening between his buttocks, Locke Edward raised a leg with a black face, and stepped on the belly of the person who kept kissing him, "Stop, don't Do it again!"

The plowed figure paused, and raised his face, his lustful pupils looked extraordinarily deep, "Your Highness, I want you, can you please give it to me?"

Locke Edward's eyes flickered from being stared at, but his face was still dark, "Go down." When he spoke, there was already a tinge of color in his eyes.

The eyes of the person on the body looked a little pitiful, but he moved away from the hand that was kneading Locke Edward's buttocks, stepped back and sat cross-legged.

Locke Edward glanced at the high desire between Ye Yuchen's legs, his face immediately became more ugly, and the narrow entrance between his buttocks began to hurt faintly. He was violated so many times last time, and he fully understood the power of this weapon degree.Thinking back to how he was violated and repeatedly begging for mercy, Ye Yuchen, who lost his mind, still hugged his waist tightly, violating himself with that huge murder weapon without intermittent.His heart, which was a little lax about Ye Yuchen's pitiful eyes just now, suddenly hardened again.

Locke Edward shrank his feet, sat up with his hands propped up, pulled the untied bathrobe to cover his naked body, watched Ye Yuchen sitting on the bed with such a big thorn, while looking at himself while relieving his high tension Desire, he couldn't help but tilt his head.

Ye Yuchen looked at Locke Edward who was not far away with fiery eyes, and saw long golden hair messily draped over his body, paired with the crumpled and wrinkled bathrobe he had hastily draped over his body, and the The light red traces that could be seen faintly in the half-covered robe, had a kind of seductive charm.

Even if he tilted his head, he could still feel the scorching sight from the opposite side that was about to pierce the skin, and Locke Edward felt a little numbness in his heart, and then he frowned, turned his head with a cold face, and his blue eyes Staring at Ye Yuchen and looking into his obsessed eyes, "Go back to your room and do it again, don't stay here again..." Then he looked at Ye Yuchen facing his face in astonishment, and he had an orgasm.

Ye Yuchen took a breath, and the dark golden red in his eyes gradually receded. He wiped his hands with the sheet under his hand, then propped himself up and crawled to Locke Edward's side, bowed his head and kissed his forehead, "Your Highness , I’m sorry, I couldn’t control it today.” Although he wanted to kiss those moist lips more, he still had a trace of astonishment when he saw Locke Edward’s face, and he shifted his target abruptly, and landed on his face. on the forehead.His voice was still hoarse after an orgasm, "If there is nothing else, I'll go first." He looked deeply into Locke Edward's eyes, and couldn't help but kissed his cheek again.

Locke Edward snorted coldly as an answer.

Ye Yuchen quickly got dressed, and then glanced at the corner of the bed sheet that was soiled by himself, "Your Highness, do you need to change the bed sheet?"

Locke Edward didn't speak, but got out of bed quickly, walked to the side, and then looked at Ye Yuchen with his blue eyes, his eyes clearly carrying orders.

Ye Yuchen quickly tore off the sheet and replaced it with a new one, then put the sheet into his space ring, and left Locke Edward's room.

Locke Edward stared at the closed door for a long time before returning to bed and lying down.He closed his eyes, but couldn't fall asleep anyway. He rarely rolled over on the bed a few times, then sat up and stared at the position where Ye Yuchen sat for a long time. There was a flash of embarrassment.He reached under the quilt and touched his belly, feeling a little hard there.He pursed the corners of his lips, lifted the quilt, walked to the window with bare feet, and looked at the silver full moon rising into the air. After a long time, he didn't return to the bed until the commotion in his abdomen subsided. Lie down and force myself to stop thinking about Ye Yuchen before falling asleep.

The author has something to say: Well, after eating vegetables and tomato noodles for two days, and occasionally drinking porridge, there is not even a bit of meat, and I also have some green eyes...

Seeing that there are relative requests below, we cooked wonton soup for you to drink...

And... Rubbing your fingers, the stars are looking at you, can you satisfy my little request?

I've been staring at the 49 in my column for almost a week... When will there be a 69?I am looking forward to taking screenshots of that day in Sensen... (The author, what a virtue!)

Ask for the collection column, ouch, don't ask for a step to 69 styles, just ask for a little closer...

If I can achieve my wish before the end of this book, I will open a small stove to cook wontons for you to eat. It’s the kind of training~ (Sinister smile... <However, there is a gap of 20 collections, it should be quite difficult orz, running silently against the wall >)

Spoiler alert, those who want to eat wontons, look forward to the arrival of Duke Ellen, when he comes, wontons will not be far away...

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