Originally, it only took half a month to reach the north, but it was held back by zombies and monsters that kept appearing on the road, and it took a little over a month to reach the north.

The vast wilderness in the north is full of zombies, and the densely packed black zombie group looks very oppressive.

The convoy stopped a few hundred meters away from the field full of zombies. The people sitting in the car looked at the zombies that started screaming at them not far away. Looking at the terrifying number, they couldn't help feeling a little bit Scalp tingling.

The wilderness, which looked very empty, seemed a little crowded because of the zombies crowded here.

But already here, there is no room for backing down.

Moreover, the abnormal gathering of zombies also shows that the news they have received is true. If the zombie king they are waiting for is born smoothly, then the world will no longer be able to eliminate zombies, and it is very likely that the entire earth It will all be overrun by zombies and become a zombie kingdom.

Edward jumped off the army card, took the lead to pass the crowd, and rushed towards the swarming zombies.With the dazzling thunder light in his hand, wherever he passed, the zombies didn't even react, they were turned into a piece of coke by the electricity, and shattered into black powder.

When Ye Yuchen saw Edward rushing into the pile of zombies, he immediately followed suit. He raised his hand slightly upwards, and a large piece of broken stone immediately condensed in the sky. With a wave of his hand, it fell like raindrops, and the broken stone was terrifying. The acceleration directly pierced the zombie's head, and then passed through the body, punching small holes in the ground.

Ye Yuchen's figure was as fast as a flash of lightning, and he arrived at Edward's side in no time, and split open the bodies of several zombies beside Edward.

Edward and Ye Yuchen split a big hole in the zombie's defense line, but due to the large number of zombies, the gap opened by force was quickly filled by other zombies.

Other supernatural beings don't have the abilities of Edward and Ye Yuchen, and rushing into the pile of zombies will only lead to death. Besides, it is enough for them to deal with these endless zombies here with everyone, but as time goes on, With the passage of time, they have also advanced a lot of road sections.

Ye Yuchen and Edward seemed to be in no man's land, their figures quickly moved forward among the pile of zombies, and they traveled more than 1000 meters in a short time.At this moment, three huge figures jumped out, blocking their way.These are three second-evolution zombies. As soon as they landed, they trampled a few zombies into a pulp. Their eyes like copper bells stared blankly at Edward and Ye Yuchen, and rushed over after pawing the ground.

At the same time, everyone found that among the zombies in front of them were a few more second-evolution zombies, and the supernatural beings began to focus on dealing with the second-level zombies.The earth-type supernatural beings stood in a group, emitting a khaki-yellow light all over their bodies. The light sneaked into the ground along their feet. Then, the land where the second-level zombies were located began to collapse, and a circular shape appeared on the originally solid ground. Countless zombies fell into the big pit, and then were pierced through by the soil thorns that suddenly emerged from the bottom of the pit.Even if the connection between the spinal cord and the brain has not been severed, they are trapped at the bottom of the deep pit and cannot get out.

The second-evolution zombie had already reacted when the ground under his feet mutated, and his huge feet kicked on the rapidly soft and collapsed ground, trying to jump up.But soon their huge bodies were entangled by emerald green vines. They roared and wanted to break free from the shackles on their bodies, but the vines on their bodies struggled and became tighter and tighter. The tighter the ties, the second-evolution zombies began to ooze blood, and the foul-smelling blood dripped down the vines. They roared and were dragged into the pit, and a few huge sticks of soil sprang out from the bottom of the pit instantly. stabbed through their heads.

Ye Yuchen stepped on the corpse of a second-evolution zombie that he had killed in one blow, and jumped to Edward's side.Edward also swiftly killed a monster, and then the light flashed in his hand, hitting the monster with a big hole in its abdomen, which was still rushing fiercely.

But soon there were several second-evolution zombies and three-evolution zombies rushing over, and a few dark shadows appeared in the distance in the sky, which gradually became clear.The black wings are more than two meters long, and the whole body is covered with black hard scales. Their blood-red eyes are staring at the humans among the zombies, and their mouths are wide open, revealing a mouthful of cold sharp teeth. In the sky, it circled and flew a few times, then fluttered its wings, and dropped black feathers gleaming with cold light, like a piece of black rain.

Unprepared people had half a foot of steel-like hard feathers inserted into their foreheads, and died on the spot; some people's skin was accidentally cut by feathers, and the surroundings of the wounds immediately turned blue and black. The precursor to being infected by the zombie virus, in just three hours, these infected people will turn into zombies.

The wood-type supernatural beings immediately gathered plant shields, made several thick layers, and then put them on top of everyone's heads to prevent anyone from being injured by the feathers of the fourth-evolution zombies, but their abilities are limited, and they cannot Shields gathered above everyone, and Lan Qi, Martina and the others, who were ordered to stay in place to assist everyone, saw this, and spread out the barrier from their bodies, although it was not as wide as the barriers of Edward and Ye Yuchen. It has a large range, but twenty or thirty people can still be included in the barrier for protection.

Alberta originally wanted to jump into the battle circle of Edward and Ye Yuchen to help them, but when she saw this situation, she immediately spread out a barrier the size of more than ten square meters, and protected them before the hard black feathers fell. left the rest.

And the injured person's eyes were red, regardless of whether he would be bitten by the zombies and touched him, he rushed directly into the pile of zombies, voluntarily acted as a striker, and wiped out the zombies desperately.Even though there were a large number of wounds on his body, he still moved forward fearlessly until he finally fell down. He didn't forget to let his companion shoot his forehead through to prevent himself from becoming that kind of monster.The people following watched the companions in front fall down one by one, and their eye sockets couldn't help turning red at the tragic scene.

Even Alberta couldn't help but be moved by this scene. Although human beings are cunning and sometimes do everything for their own benefit, they will become so united when the disaster really comes.The light on her body became brighter again, and the transparent barrier flickered under the attack of the feathers, but there was no damage.

The gold-type power user opened his hand, and a silver arrow automatically appeared in his hand, while the fire-type power user threw a cloud of blue-purple flames on the tip of the arrow, and dozens of such arrows flew towards The fourth-degree evolutionary zombies flying in the sky and constantly projecting feather rain flew over.

The fourth-degree evolutionary zombies quickly dodged the flying arrow feathers, and one of them accidentally touched an arrow. The silver arrow broke off automatically when it touched its hard feathers, but the fire above it ignited it A small piece of skin on its body, it screamed, flapped its wings and extinguished the fire on its body, and looked more fiercely at the people on the ground who dared to hurt it.

The barbs on the claws tightened, and it flapped its wings and rushed to the ground.

Edward glanced at the circling sky and yelled a few times, then glanced at the fourth-degree evolution zombie rushing towards him.The third-degree evolutionary zombie rushed towards him, but felt that something was suddenly caught around his neck, and then his huge body was thrown out, flipped into mid-air, and the fourth-degree evolutionary zombie swooped down. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Its slightly slender body compared to the third-degree evolutionary zombie was hit hard, and it let out a wail, and was crushed to the ground. It spread its wings and wanted to turn up the body of the third-degree evolutionary zombie, but it was crushed underneath. Not coming.

Edward's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the two monsters that fell to the ground. A section of ice arrow formed by the accumulation of water vapor appeared in his hand. With a sudden throw, the ice arrow flew from the third-evolution zombie that was about to climb up. The huge head pierced through and shot through the heads of the fourth-degree evolved zombies.

Ye Yuchen quickly eliminated the zombies surrounding Edward and the third-evolution zombies who had been preparing to sneak attack, and jumped to Edward's side.

One of the fourth-degree evolutionary zombies surrounded by the crowd was also eliminated, and the front line of the crowd moved forward.

At this moment, a piercing sound suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, which made people's eardrums start to buzz, and then began to ache, and their movements also slowed down. Bored and uncomfortable.

The zombies, on the other hand, moved more than twice as fast. The four-degree evolutionary zombies who had been injured seemed to be healed all at once, with fierce red lights flashing in their eyes, flapping wings, and rain of black feathers fell all over the sky.The plant shield covering everyone's heads loosened a little, and several people around were immediately hit by feathers and fell down.

Edward was also agitated by this sound, but he looked around several times, and he never saw a fifth-degree evolutionary zombie that could affect the mind.The movements of the zombies affected by this sound became violent. One zombie is now worth two, but the strength of the crowd seems to be suppressed. The original defense line was quickly suppressed by the zombies. Someone was even caught by the zombies and screamed terribly.

Lan Qi, Martina, and Alberta were also somewhat affected, and they had to support the barrier, so they could only pull out their hands from time to time to help those who were about to be caught by the zombies, and the situation suddenly became very passive .

The ear-piercing voice suddenly screamed sharply, and then stopped abruptly. Everyone's blood was surging, but they finally suppressed it. After exhaling, they continued to eliminate the zombies that surrounded them again.

Ellen clapped her hands and stepped on the navy blue head next to her legs, and her blood-red eyes instantly returned to dark.He stood on a small hill, looking at the wilderness not far away, his eyes fixed on the slender figure jumping among the zombies, even at such a distance, he could recognize that person as Edward at a glance.

Ellen looked at the figure who had been following Edward again, shook hands, and a faint blood flashed in his eyes.Although he knew that Edward hated himself, he always thought that he still had a chance.

Recalling the way Edward was lying in Ye Yuchen's arms that day, Ellen's fingertips couldn't help but a sharp part popped out, piercing the skin of his palm, and bright red blood dripped down the fingertips and onto the ground .

His eyes also slowly turned red, and eventually they were so red that they seemed about to shed tears of blood.After so many days, he also understood that he really wanted to pick off this white rose, and take care of it carefully in his palm.Not wanting to be like my previous bed partner, just for sex.

But since that sneak kiss to Edward, he has been very resistant to him, and the relationship that he was not very familiar with has become even worse now.For so many years, he thought about forcing Edward down more than once, but Edward hated him even more.

From what he saw that time, he already fully understood what Edward meant, even if he wanted to be with Ye Yuchen, he would not accept himself.

But even so, knowing the danger of this trip, he couldn't help but come back after rushing out that day.

Even looking at that slender figure from such a distance, there was some faint commotion in his silent heart.

Ellen stared at Edward's figure for a long time before jumping off the hill. The figure quickly passed the surrounding scenery, turned into an afterimage, and ran towards the wilderness.

The hinterland of the cave halfway up the mountain in the distance.

The meat ball protected by two huge meat balls trembled a few times quickly.

The meat mass that was lying quietly beside it began to squirm, like two huge meat worms, twisting their bodies constantly, their surfaces began to flash silver light, and the blue meridian veins intertwined on the flesh mass also appeared. It began to agitate up and down, and as the silver light became brighter and brighter, it could be seen that the black shadow curled up in the meat ball began to move slowly, stretching its body.

The meat balls began to swell, and then burst open suddenly. The two monsters sitting in the meat balls with their hands folded on their chests slowly opened their eyes. A faint golden color emerged from their clear eyes. Their ears were pointed and long. Yes, the face is more human-like than the previous monsters, and even the head has long light blue hair.

Their bodies are covered with a layer of light blue scales, their fingers are long and slender, and the nails protruding from the fingertips are half a foot long, and the pointed ones are very sharp.

The legs are strong, a bit like a horse's hind hoof, slightly convex backwards, but can be seen to be very flexible and jumping.The monster closed its upper and lower eyelids a few times, and its eyes that had been somewhat cloudy suddenly lit up. Together, they walked out of the half-exploded meatball, knelt down on one knee respectfully towards the last remaining meatball, and put their hands together. Put it on the chest, until a silver light flashed on the meat ball, then stood up, and walked out of the cave with fierce eyes.

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