Devil is born from the heart

Chapter 12 Retraining Level 2

Re-cultivation No. 12 Re-encounter on a narrow road, narrow road to enemies, Ning Yuangui began to seriously think about how to take revenge.

"Second Generation of Immortals" is a special and common social phenomenon in the Immortal World. It is Immortal2G in Fanbang. propose.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. As the God Realm becomes a theoretical existence, there are a lot of idlers in the Immortal Realm, and they transfer their excess energy that has nowhere to vent to some activities that are more and more like mortals, such as entertainment. Education is also like basic necessities of life, better than political struggle.The term social class, which is both an economic and a historical category, reappeared, and a privileged class came into being.

And the Second Generation of Immortals is a group of privileged class who can get everything at their fingertips without any hard work.

"Not long ago, I saw on TV that some social demography experts believe that 'the so-called second generation of immortals is actually the result of the imbalance of social resource structure and the worship of power. To curb this situation, Shangxian, Jinxian They should give back to the fairy world after they become famous and donate some of their resources instead of leaving them to their children, otherwise it is very easy to intensify the polarization between the rich and the poor in the fairy world, which is not conducive to the stable development of the fairy world.

But what I'm going to ask that expert is, do you have kids?

To put it bluntly, it really hurts to be idle.You gave me a child, and then try to use such a piece of nonsense as a reason for refusing your wife to provide you with spirit stones, spirit herbs, elixir, fairy artifacts, and even artifacts. She won't bite you to death. "As one of the few female golden immortals, Wen Weisheng, known as the number one female immortal in the fairy world, said this not long after she gave birth to a fat son.

The hostess was obviously shocked by Fairy Wen Weisheng's rascally, sycophantic and domineering words, and after a long pause, she answered tremblingly: "I heard that you recently had a happy birthday with Lin'er." , I haven't congratulated you yet."

"Thank you, my husband and I have still been unable to decide on the name of our son. You know, he is like a miracle, so beautiful, and I am in a dilemma."

——So the final result of your dilemma is that you gave such a sinister name as "Lu Wen Xiaobao"?

Wen Weisheng's face was filled with a pure and clean smile, and the video also released a photo of her son in a timely manner. It was a baby who was not yet a month old, carved in powder and jade, with a little hair on his forehead. It looks soft and heartbreaking.

"Wow, Xiaobao, look at your lower body!" Qiyue Xiaozheng pointed excitedly at the white wall that had been temporarily changed to a screen. Even though this was the third time he had watched the interview video, he still Still excited, "Why don't you have a little dick?"

"..." Every time, July always makes some amazing new discoveries.

Ning Yuangui's Palm View Gui was discovered by July, but he didn't really like what he threatened, if he found out that Ning Yuangui dared to hide something, he would kill him, he was just competing with Ning Yuangui indiscriminately After a while, he puffed his bun face very dissatisfied and said: "The recent newcomers are too good, will they let us old people live?!"

In order to quell possible troubles, Ning Yuangui took the initiative to hand over his palm camera, and promised to unconditionally share an hour and a half every day with all the demon cultivators in Infernal Hell.

Mrs. July is very satisfied with Ning Yuangui's going on the road, so she took care of how to allocate the ownership of the palm view within this hour and a half. Finally, the result of the discussion with other demon cultivators in July was to collectively watch the palm view. The videos saved in Guyana can be seen by everyone, and they are fair, just, and open.

As we all know, Ning Yuangui's palm Shigui once belonged to his third uncle Li Bishui, and Li Bishui is a standard senior sister control plus Xiaobao control. The video she saved and slowly enjoyed, except for her senior sister's interview, is Lu Wen Xiaobao growth record.

So, Ning Yuangui accompanied a group of boring and boring magicians to watch Lu Wenxiaobao grow up over and over again.

This is the third time they watched, starting from Wen Wei's first interview on the show after giving birth.Ning Yuangui has lost interest in continuing to watch, but the demon cultivators around him are still very interested, even the demon Venerable Wancheng, who seems to have no interest in everything around him, sits leisurely. On the side, I admired it with great interest, without any disgust at all.

"It can be seen that you are very happy." Wan Qi commented in a low voice in Ning Yuangui's ear. In front of this kind of collective activity, even if his force value was unprecedented, he did not dare to make loud noises to disrupt the atmosphere. Outraged.

"Thank you." Ning Yuangui could only answer in this way, he really didn't know how to frankly admit some happiness that didn't belong to him at all, and accept the envy and hatred that came from it.All the demon cultivators present have greatly improved Ning Yuangui because of these videos, although... the direction of the change is very problematic.

In July's words, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Xiaobao, you can still come here in such a family environment. You are really a genius who is rarely seen in the criminal world for thousands of years. You can be called a model for my generation. role model!"

"I'm a little jealous of you." Wan Cheng said it generously and naturally.

Me too.Ning Yuangui's words can only be kept in his heart, Lu Wenxiaobao is really a very lucky person to be loved so straightforwardly and warmly.

"Do you know the human world? There is really a place like hell. It's hard for me to determine whether the endless hell is more terrifying, or the human world is more terrifying. Note, I'm not talking about the world of self-cultivation in the human world, but the human world." I have no parents since I was born, and my aunt sold me into a sect as a rough envoy, and I was bullied all the time by my peers. Even a small character can show me face. You probably won’t Know that feeling."

I don't know why, but Wan Teng wants to say something today, about himself, about the past that has been sealed in his memory. When a person can casually tell others about his past suffering as a joke, it means That person really doesn't care anymore, he has grown strong enough and is fearless.

Ning Yuangui didn't answer, but he can understand the life Wan Teng said, because he has experienced it before, being looked down upon and humiliated by others is really an unbearable past.

"But in the end, those who insulted me, hurt me, and ridiculed me have all disappeared in the long river of history, and only I stand still, forever. I never said to anyone , but standing in the present and looking at the past, I will be full of pleasure, just like a small townsman, elated because of this rare elation. I can't sit still and watch the clouds rise. I like this feeling. I have hatred. Revenge, laughing and cursing, that's the feeling of being alive."

Ning Yuangui still didn't say anything, and played the role of a listener silently, letting the Demon Lord Wan Teng vent that he was actually lonely and elated, because in the end, only he was alive.

Afterwards, Ning Yuangui thought for a long time that this was probably what he hated about Wan Teng. He spoke his heart and expressed what he had never expressed.He has been restraining and suppressing himself, trying to develop himself in the direction of a standard banished fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world, trying to make himself appear invincible and not be shaken by anything.

But Wan Teng told him with practical actions, don't pretend, don't hold it up, no matter how hard you try now, in the end, he will become like Wan Teng, relying on memories in his heart to prove that he is still live.

Of course, maybe he was so angry that it was only because he checked the information of the demon king afterwards that he found out that Wan Tutanima is also a second generation of immortals, and his parents are both powerful demon cultivators in Huangquanzhou, and they even lie on the ground of the gods. The tomb is available for people to mourn and visit at any time.Stupid hard work in the world... Forgive him, this is the first time he swears.

Of course, Ning Yuangui didn't know this at the time, he just listened silently to Wan Teng's ramblings all night, as if Wan Teng had never been a silent person.

"Thank you for listening to me. You don't need to keep it a secret." These were Wan Teng's last words.

Another morning, they went together as usual to the flower field where Wantong needed to work hard. The flowers were in full bloom and swaying.

Ning Yuangui was lying on the clean green grass, feeling the fragrance of the soil after the rain, and the wind blowing across his cheeks, feeling at ease like never before.To be honest, if you don't come in, you can't get out. Hell is really a good place for vacation.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, feeling the refreshment.

Then, the situation changed suddenly, the sky was opened from the outside with a small gap, and a purple shadow descended from the sky. Qiu Shi, he stood on the grass and looked at the sky that had been closed again. Pay it back.

"Has the Buddha changed his style? Recently, it's popular to throw people down quietly." Qiyue, who happened to pass by, said so.

Ning Yuangui put away the handheld video camera he took out to play games, and stared at Qiu Shi who was standing not far away and watching him warily: "Really, long time no see, have you come down to accompany me too?"

"I don't know what you said to Li Jing. Since you dared to let my brother treat me like this today, I will pay you back a hundredfold in the future!"

Before Qiushi could finish his words, Ning Yuangui had already made his move. The wind from his palm whizzed past his ears, and his strong robe rose with momentum, leaving smooth and bright lines in the wind, fast, accurate, and ruthless. Hit must hit.Qiu Shi was naturally not prepared for such a sudden attack, but unfortunately, when he wanted to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, he found that the spiritual power was missing, and he panicked.

In this place without spiritual power, it is Ning Yuangui's home field!One move is more powerful than the other, not fatal, but enough to hurt people for a period of time. This will be a foreseeable and long torture.If he didn't take revenge for being pushed down, he wouldn't be Ning Yuangui.

People don't offend others, I don't offend others, if people offend me, we will cut the grass and root out!

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