Extra episode [-]: Back to Earth

Feith is emotional, and Lindsay is his descendant, so of course he will not casually leave Lindsay and Lu Yu behind, so in the end, as he said, he brought Lu Yu and Lu Yu together. The two of Lindsay went to the world of self-cultivation.

In the world of comprehension, dragons have always looked down on human beings, and humans inevitably regard dragons as treasures and covet each other's dragon scales, dragon blood, dragon skin, etc., so Lu Yu and Lin Sai, a pair of dual cultivation partners, really surprised a lot of people Jaw dropped.

Lu Yu and Lindsay's own strengths were not bad, and with Feith as their backing, they did well in the cultivation world. After a few years, they finally found the earth.

Cultivators are generally cold-hearted, and what they care most about is their own longevity. Therefore, they will be tempted by some geniuses and treasures that can help their cultivation, but there is no place for even a trace of spiritual energy like the earth. , but it will not attract their attention at all. Because of this, the earth has become very safe.

After Lu Yu and Lin Sai came to the earth quietly, they found that Jiang Tao had become a rich man, and Hughes was the envy of everyone, and Lu Yu's parents and family were also doing well.

Lu Yu went to see Jiang Tao quietly, and while giving him a lot of good things, he also told him to take good care of his parents, and then he left quietly.

When leaving, Lu Yu's mood was a bit complicated. He looked very reassuring in front of Jiang Tao, but in fact he quietly put a restraint on Jiang Tao. With this restraint, what Jiang Tao will do in the future, they It's in the palm of your hand.

Lu Yu believed in Jiang Tao, but he was not afraid of [-], just in case, so in the end he used a little trick. Of course, of course, similarly, he also gave Jiang Tao a lot of good things as compensation.

"Lu Yu, let's double cultivate!" Lu Yu was still sad about parting, but Lindsay's mind had completely changed.

In the beginning, Lu Yu wouldn't let him touch him, but now that the two of them have finally reached the final step, of course, "more" is better for him.

"Can't you think about something else? Do you want to go to retreat?" Lu Yu gritted his teeth and asked. After Lindsay became an adult with the help of Fei Si, he finally let him see the good physical strength of the Dragon Clan. Then, he I felt a little overwhelmed.

"The aura outside is so thin that 100 years of retreat can't catch up with the past year. I don't want to retreat at all." Lindsay was very helpless: "However, the two of us practice the same skills, and the speed of dual cultivation is very fast. It can make us stronger, let's do more exercise!"

"Go away!" Lu Yu stretched out his hand and pushed, but Lindsay turned into a dragon shape, entangled him tightly, and suddenly became interested: "Lu Yu Lu Yu, I'm getting smaller, let's try it like this good?"

The thing of the dragon is wrapped in tiny scales!Lu Yu suddenly wanted to bite the opponent, but before he could put it into practice, he was "bitten" by the opponent instead.

Extra Story [-]: The Beast God Appears

"Moni!" A loud shout sounded in the Beast God Temple, and then a person suddenly soared into the sky, then bumped into the guardian formation of the Beast God Mountain, and fell down again.

"Doug, what do you want to do?" Mo Ni looked up at her husband who had just fallen to the ground and damaged a lot of flowers and plants while holding her son.

"Monny, why do you teach your child about the Beast Temple all day long, but don't let me teach him the glorious history of the Dragon God Clan?" Doug said dissatisfiedly. Of course, this is actually the reason for his seizures, and the more important thing is , now is the pilgrimage month of the orcs, so Mo Ni was busy appeasing the people and hadn't spoken to him for 20 days, and slept with him!

"You can teach if you like, have I stopped you?" Mo Ni curled her lips.

Doug was speechless, and Mo Ni did not stop him, but they are staying in the beast god's territory now!Even if he wanted to teach something else, his son would not listen.

"Monny, look, the Beast God hasn't appeared for many years, you don't need to be so concerned about this pilgrimage month, right? There are only a few days left now, you leave the matter to Caroline, how about we go around? Like? You can also try in the water... Hee hee!"

It was Monny who climbed Doug's window first, so she didn't know how to be shy. When she heard this proposal, she even liked it very much, but even if she liked it, she would not leave at this time: "When the pilgrimage month is over, I'll go for a walk with you."

"That will take another ten days!" Doug was depressed. Even if Mo Ni was pregnant, he might have to abstain from sexual intercourse, but he wouldn't be able to touch his wife for a whole month!So, for Doug, what he hates the most is the pilgrimage month: "I think the beast god is long gone, you..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Be careful that Lord Beast God will punish you!" Mo Ni said, and she didn't know if it was a coincidence. As soon as she finished speaking, there was a loud roar in the air, and when the two looked up, they saw the A huge figure hovering in the sky.

"Beast God! It's Beast God!" Mo Ni shouted all of a sudden, and all the other orcs who came to participate in the pilgrimage month also shouted like her.

Doug was dumbfounded, the giant beast in the air was obviously much stronger than him, the beast god... wouldn't really appear, right?Is it just to punish yourself?

A little bit of golden light fell from the giant beast in the sky, exactly the same as when the miracles appeared in the past, and once these golden lights touched people, they could refresh people from head to toe.

Among the orcs who came to participate in the pilgrimage month, not all of them believed in the Beast God, but after today's incident, the Beast God would definitely have many more believers.

The giant golden beast in the sky could cover the sky and the sun, but after a while, she finally fell down and entered the Beast Temple.

Mo Ni and the elders of the Beast God Temple rushed out quickly, and only Doug walked cautiously behind, but before Doug got close, he heard his wife yell: "Stinky boy! I haven't been back for several years, Playing cool as soon as you come back, you are so majestic, you?"

"Hey! Grandma, it's rare for me to show off my prestige!" Lindsay ran around with his head in his arms. He and Lu Yu finally worked out a way to completely hide their strength with Feith, and then came back to see the situation. Can the welcome ceremony be okay? Don't be so enthusiastic?

"The child now is so energetic!" Fei Si looked at Mo Ni lovingly, and said to Lu Yu beside him.

Extra Story [-]: Ramsay and Bizzani

Ramsay was very careful about Bizzani, and Gila knew it clearly, but her apprentice was too "useless", which made her jump in anxiety.

"You don't want to give drugs, you can't kidnap, you can't seduce...you plan to have a crush until death?" Ji La couldn't help asking after a bunch of ideas were rejected by the apprentice.

"He doesn't like me..." Ramsay frowned. What Bizzani likes is that guy who looks like Lindsay, and he has liked him for hundreds of years. As long as he thinks of this, Ramsay can't wait I grew up like that too.

"If you don't ask, how do you know that he doesn't like you? And his old lover... no, that guy has never been with him, and he has been dead for so many years!" Ji La shook her apprentice's clothes She stood up: "You idiot, if you continue to have such a secret love, what if one day he dies before you?" Her eyes were red when she said this.

Then I'll die together... Ramsay really wanted to say that, but knowing that Gila would be even angrier if he said that, he stopped talking.

"Forget it, just by looking at you, I know you can't be counted on." Gila said, but she couldn't help but think about Bizzani. After much deliberation, she thought of asking Bizzani first. Ni.

Bizzani hadn't thought about feelings for hundreds of years, so when Gila broke into his room in the middle of the night, grabbed his clothes and asked him if he was interested in finding a partner, he immediately The child is horrified.

"Senior Jila?" Jila is a senior in his eyes, and he absolutely has no other thoughts about the other party!

"There is a person who likes you very much, and who is strong enough to be worthy of you..." Gila didn't know how to praise his apprentice for a while, so he could only express vaguely.

It was even more frightening than Zani. It suddenly occurred to him that Gila seemed to have always paid attention to himself. However, even if he didn't care about other people's appearance, he was really not interested in women: "Senior Gila...I..." Even if he wanted to If you like others, you should also like men!Suddenly, a person appeared in Bizzani's mind.

"Don't call me so respectfully in the future!" Gila patted Bizzani on the shoulder. She had heard too many respectful titles from seniors, and she still hoped that the other party could call herself "teacher".

She picked up that guy Bizzani, and she didn't know how to teach the child, so she taught him weirdly in the end... Now she can only worry about it.

What is it called to be taken in by a Dharma God who is much stronger than oneself?Bizzani was speechless for a while, he is not outstanding, and he has always been gloomy... Even if Gila wanted to like someone else, he should choose someone like Ramsay, right? "Senior Jira, I have no plans to find a companion."

"Why don't you want to find a companion? Don't you feel lonely in the dead of night? It would be great if you have someone to talk to with you?"

Is there someone to talk with?Hearing Jila talk about this, Bizzani immediately thought of someone: "Someone has already talked with me." If he really stayed alone all these years, he would definitely not be able to bear it. Ramsay, although sometimes he can't understand certain behaviors of the other party, but I have to say that the two of them have guarded the city of Kerr for so many years, and they have developed a deep friendship.

"Who is it?" Gila's eyes widened.

"It's Ramsay." Bizzani said, although he valued Lindsay very much, but he was at a different level. At the same time, he also regarded Lindsay as a junior, but Ramsay was different. He has always treated each other as equals, and the other party has become his most important friend.

Hearing this answer, Gila smiled happily: "Then what do you think of Ramsay?"

Bizzani always felt that something was wrong with the situation: "Although Ramsay has a bad temper, he is a nice guy."

"That's that! My apprentice is not bad." Jila said, and flew away from the window quickly.

Jila didn't keep pestering him, but let Bizzani breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't know it at all. After returning, Jila twisted the other party's words before telling Ramsay: "Bizani said , he doesn't want a partner, you are enough!"

"Really?" Ramsay was ecstatic all of a sudden.

"Well, the teacher has a solution, right? Let me tell you, you go to him later and give him this medicine, so he can tell you the truth." Gila took out a bottle Medicine, if you want to solve some things, the fastest way should be to get straight to the point!

"What kind of medicine is this?" Ramsay studied the bottle of medicine, but couldn't see why.

"The medicine that makes people tell the truth, you can give him the medicine!" Gila said, this medicine was formulated by her in the Maya continent, it would be strange if Ramsay recognized it!And bizzani once eaten...

Gila had a good idea, but it cannot be denied that she miscalculated her disciple.

Ramsay didn't dare to give Bizzani an unknown potion, and to be honest...in fact, he was the one who was even more speechless when facing Bizzani.

Holding the bottle of medicine in his hand, and then came to Bizzani's mage's tower, Ramsay didn't dare to move.

"Ramus?" Just as Bizzani sent Jira away, another Ramsay came, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"You, you..." Thinking of what Gila had told him before, Ramsay blushed more and more, but couldn't say a word.

Confession, confession... Didn't Jira say to confess?After thinking about it, Ramsay felt that he might need something that could tell the truth more, so he pulled out the bottle of the potion in his hand, and swallowed the potion in one gulp.

Ramsay ran to him suddenly, took a bottle of medicine, and then... Ramsay took an aphrodisiac?

For the first time, Bizzani discovered that Ramsay was so good-looking, and after thinking about it, he finally figured out what Gila really meant at that time.

It turned out that Ramsay liked him?Bizzani suddenly felt a little moved.

If it had been 100 years earlier, Bizzani would probably have turned his head and left when he saw the lively scene in front of him, but now that he has become a god of law, those things back then have long been let go...

Bizzani also knows a little about Ramsay's character, and for so many years, he has always been by his side, and now he is throwing himself into his arms...

Silent all night.

The next day, when Ramsay woke up and saw his situation, he was scared and shy, and had no time to think about it, so he used space magic reflexively, but he forgot that Bizzani was actually with him. Hugged together.

So, Jila, who was waiting for his apprentice to come back to report the results, saw two naked men suddenly appearing, so he feasted his eyes and regretted it, so he quickly packed up his things and ran away that afternoon.

+++++End of the full text++++++

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