Lu Yu and the others waited for a long time outside the Flame Mountain.

During this half day, the erupting volcano and magma raged everywhere, forcing them to retreat a bit, but gradually, the rolling heat wave became weaker and weaker.

Ramsay and the others didn't move, and the Magician's Guild didn't move at all, but some mercenaries and magicians who were attracted by the vision here began to approach the volcano group with the idea of ​​gambling.

The majesty of heaven and earth is really very, very spectacular!Lu Yu had seen volcanic eruptions on TV before, but he had never seen so many volcanoes erupting at the same time, and he had seen it with his own eyes!

They all had protective shields on their bodies, and they still felt extremely hot. Some people who approached without authorization had black hair and burnt bodies, but even so, more and more people gathered.

When those volcanoes seemed to have stopped erupting, and the tumbling heat wave had weakened a lot, finally, there was another loud and clear cry, and then, the sky was suddenly full of light, and a huge phoenix appeared out of thin air. up in the air.

"what is that?"

"It's Phoenix! It's Phoenix!"

"It turned out to be a phoenix, why is there a phoenix here?"

The phoenix is ​​the holy beast of the orc clan, and Kerr City is adjacent to the orc empire. Of course, most people have seen the totem of the phoenix and can recognize the phoenix.

It was discovered that the vision that appeared here was actually caused by a phoenix. Some people retreated immediately when they saw this scene, but some people were even more excited—they got a piece of phoenix feather, and they would spend their entire life. up!

Even a saint-level expert like Bizani Ramos here is extremely excited after seeing the phoenix.

Finally, after the phoenix flew around in the air, it landed in the volcano again.

"Let's go!" Bizzani said.Then he took them and followed the members of the Magician's Guild towards the volcanoes.

The more powerful the monster, the more difficult it is to reproduce. God-level monsters like Phoenix may only be born once or twice in their lifetime, and each time they give birth, they have to consume a lot of energy. The Phoenix that has just been born now , maybe only the strength of the holy level!

Bizzani and Ramsay did not speak during the march, and the pressure in the air has weakened a lot, but they still have to be careful, but the senior magicians sent by the city lord's mansion are not It's the same, now, they are telling Lindsay Allen and others the precautions, of course, Lu Yu can hear it when he is exposed.

When countless people were rushing towards the place where the phoenix was, a phoenix was lying on the ground in a huge crater with boiling hot lava in the distance, and looked at the two eggs under it with soft eyes.

"Caroline, is Lindsay coming this way?" A weak voice sounded, and it was the phoenix that had just given birth that made the sound.

"Yes." The woman with a golden body all over said, looking in the direction of Kerr City, a trace of nostalgia appeared in her eyes.

She is a descendant of the Beast God, and she has been living in the Beast God Temple. It is reasonable to say that she will never leave the Beast Empire for the rest of her life. However, more than 20 years ago, the Phoenix that signed a contract with her was pregnant. In order to find a place with abundant fire energy, she decided to She left the orc empire with her phoenix.

The number of holy beast phoenixes in the Beastman Empire is only a few in total, and no phoenix has given birth for thousands of years. She took her phoenix to many places before choosing this place to lay her eggs.

Phoenix fell into a deep sleep, so she walked around and entered Kerr City in disguise, but she didn't expect that she would meet Ke Dele there, marry him, and give birth to a child.

In fact, when she was with Ke Dele, she couldn't say how much she loved each other, she just liked him very much, but this was the first time she had such a liking for a man—compared to those who treated her respectfully and respectfully. The orc he admired as a god, Ke Dele, a man who put her in his hands and doted on him, was really loved by her. Humans don't last long, so she planned to stay with him until his death Yes, but what she didn't expect was that she would be pregnant again.

Their Naga clan had always had few offspring and it was difficult to conceive. Her mother gave birth to her after her first two husbands died and she had a third husband.And people of their Naga clan, no matter which race they give birth to, the child will always inherit everything from the Naga clan, so she not only attaches great importance to her own children, but also looks forward to them very much.

As a descendant of the Beast God, she is naturally powerful and has a long lifespan. However, when the Naga clan had the largest population, there were less than ten people. They pursue longevity and strength but don't care about power. Therefore, the Beast God Temple will never intervene In the government affairs of the Beastman Empire, even if the Beast Emperor changed people and races, even if the Beastman Empire and the Human Empire fought repeatedly, they would not intervene.

She is not hostile to humans, and can hide her identity very well with her strength, but her son is different...

That day, when her son suddenly transformed when he fell out of bed, and then lay on the ground happily wagging his beautiful tail covered with scales and spikes, Codler just came back!

Ke Dele helped her keep it a secret, but not long after, she discovered another problem—her son, perhaps because she was born with a human being, his body developed slowly, but his power awakened very early. , His body can no longer bear the energy in his body.That's all, at this moment, Ke Dele's father and elder brother also discovered Lindsay's strange behavior!

The war between humans and orcs has never stopped, and Kerr City is the front line against the orcs. As the son of the lord of Kerr City, Ke Dele certainly cannot marry an orc as his wife. They even think that she should be A spy of the snake tribe sent by the orc tribe.

It's not a good feeling to be persecuted and wronged, but those two are Ke Dele's relatives, and she can't do anything to them... But at this time, Phoenix's production also encountered some problems - no one expected , her phoenix actually conceived two eggs at once!Because of this, Phoenix needs more energy, and she also has to assist from the side, and can no longer stay in Kerr City.

In the end, she simply beat Ke Dele to vent her anger, and then sealed her son, and then came to the volcano, planning to wait for the phoenix to lay eggs before making any plans.

"So, Caroline, do you want to bring Lindsay back to the Beast Temple?" the phoenix asked again.

"Not for the time being. When his body becomes stronger and can withstand the inheritance energy, I will unseal his seal and take him back." Caroline said, she thought it would be good for Lindsay to learn more in human society, such as She has learned a lot during the few years she lived in Kerr City.

Moreover, in the past 20 years, although she was able to go back occasionally, she couldn't get along with her son at all because of Phoenix. Now, she must get along well so that the other party can recognize her as a mother, right?The Naga clan doesn't mind their offspring suffering a little bit of hardship, but they definitely attach great importance to their offspring!

"In this case, will Lindsay be in danger?"

"No, if his life is in danger, the seal will be released naturally, and I can sense it. After today, he gets the phoenix egg, and no one else can hurt him." Caroline, who was dressed in gold, smiled. Smile, Lindsay... Not to mention it's very interesting, the chubby one is even more cute, and the little wit he showed when dealing with the crisis he encountered made her amazed - she grew up in the Beast Temple, and in Lindsay At this age, I'm just a child who doesn't know anything!

Thinking of her chubby son, Caroline was even happier. Well, for orcs, most human beings are really thin. Let’s just talk about Ke Dele, which always gives people an unhealthy feeling.However, she obviously prefers the burly figure of elephant, tiger, lion, and man. Why did she fall in love with Ke Dele, who can crush the opponent's bones with every effort?

Speaking of Ke Dele... Thinking of Ke Dele's current wife and a pair of children, Caroline couldn't help but frown. After Ke Dele's brother passed away and his father left, she once wanted to go back and secretly look for Ke Dele. What happened?Ke Dele actually already has a pregnant wife!

The life span of the Naga family is too long, so for example, her mother had three husbands in her life, but for these three husbands, her mother accompanied them to death, and then looked for the second husband many years later. Her After her father and mother's third husband passed away, her mother did not continue to look for her.

She still likes Ke Dele very much, and Ke Dele is also her first husband. She doesn't mind staying with Ke Dele until he grows old, and she already has offspring. Maybe she will never have another husband in her life. Definitely, but now... maybe she should wait for what happened here, and then go to Kerr City to beat Ke Dele?This time, she must use a little more force!

Phoenix lay quietly next to his two eggs, allowing the energy contained in the magma to enter himself and the two eggs. After resting for a while, he pulled out the larger one and let it go. In front of his symbiotic partner: "Caroline, give this egg to Lindsay."

Even if a phoenix produces only one phoenix egg, the energy required will make the phoenix itself weak, not to mention that it is pregnant with two eggs at a time!It is precisely because of this that it was produced earlier, and it is also because of this that the two phoenix eggs are now a bit small.

However, a monster like Phoenix, even if it is congenitally deficient, as long as it absorbs enough energy later, it can still become extremely strong!

"Thank you, Ace." Caroline said, and put her palm on Phoenix's body, and began to help him recover his strength.

The Naga clan is blessed by nature, and they are naturally loved by the Phoenix, but it is only logical that the Phoenix will not sign a symbiotic contract with the Naga clan until it is an adult.

But now in the Beast God Temple, there are only two Naga tribes left, not counting Lindsay, and there are only three phoenixes, and one of them, the phoenix, still doesn't want to sign a contract with anyone.So Lindsay's contract partner must be one of these two eggs.At the same time, whether it is the two newborn phoenix eggs or Lindsay, they are all treasures of the Beast Temple!

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